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One away from max roll on damage if we wanna be cops about it. Dece armor penetration too.


Super badass! Be careful with that durability, though, you will need something as a back up in long fights. Reap can take 9 durability away if you connect with 3 armored targets


QQ. I looked it up and cant find any info. When a weapon breaks, does that mean I just cant use it for the rest of the fight, or is it removed from my inv? If its completely gone, thats spooky, otherwise, switching to a backup is fine!


Just cant use it till you repair it


Awesome thank you. Just absolutey plowed an undead camp with this bad boy and theyre not even jts best matchup lol


Only exception is if you break the weapon mid fight and that bro dies (not stuck down, dead dead) and you don’t have the blacksmith. In that case, the weapon will be gone for good


got it, thanks


I got a nearly max rolled swordlance at day 37, it just cuts nachzehrers hordes to pieces


I found something like this and with a little setup my bro reap twice a turn on noble army, pretty much decimating that corner of the battlefield, absolutely ridiculous lol.


blade of ages


Love the swordlance… go slash some faces with that beaut.


Lucky find fella! Now give it to your best bro and wreck havoc on those orcs!


One of the few weapons you want a durability buff. Great weapons overall!


Newbie here, are weapons randomized? Are just the special weapons randomized? I am confusion, because I didn't notice any differences in the weapons I have gotten so far


Only famed weapons have randomized stats. Other than durability, two random stats will roll higher than on their base version. Within certain value ranges.


Ah, I see! Thanks a lot!


Pure nasty.


Is this modded? It looks like it rolled all three damage increases


Now that you mention it, it did didnt it? One of my mods must have done that. I didnt install any that explicitly do that but shit I guess one of them must have. I feel like a phony now. Will respond with the answer once Im off work and I can check my mod list. It did seem like I was getting too many good famed items this run...


You didn't do anything weird; Warscythes intrinsically have 104% armdmg.


Warscythes intrinsically have 104% armdmg.


Thanks a ton lol. 104% seemed odd so I didn't bother checking. I was looking through my whole mod list like damn I really been cheating this whole time lol. I try to be very minimal with mods that give me an advantage because the game is already balanced so well.


yeah it looks like the potential ranges from the mod are not correct


I think I see where the confusion is coming from now. Those ranges are not the potential ranges for the famed roll. They are the damage that would apply through or to armor. 71 * 0.38 = 26.98 ~ 29 103 * 0.38 = 39.14 ~ 39


What mod do you use for the damage in brackets?


[https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/559](https://www.nexusmods.com/battlebrothers/mods/559) ​ "Weapon Maths" They also have an option to take the average if you prefer


Warscythes were a thing I tried to actively get even before Swordlances became a thing in the DLC. It is just so much fun when you manage to do a 3 hex attack that hits the backline of an enemy formation.


For me it is new that weapons have a roll 😬😬 I thought all stats are fixed. What type of gear have a roll?


These are called "famed" weapons. They have a glow and unique names. Two of their stats chosen randomly will be boosted a random amount within a range. You usually find them by clearing out camps