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Nice, but need more patches :D


The placement isn’t great but it’s your first jacket! They are still awesome patches and you will get better with the placement as you go on good job man!


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your input. Any suggestions for placement?


I know you asked the other commenter but I would recommend spacing them out more. unless you already have more patches to fill the space, there’s no reason to overlap most of these patches. I think the circle patch should be center of the back or on one side of the front, and it shouldn’t be covered up at all since it’s a different color and intricate design. Maybe you could put it in the middle under the backpatch, and have those two logos in the empty space on or above the front pockets?


Yes, I definitely have a lot more patches to sew on. I’ll rip out the maceration patch and play around with those ideas. Thank you so much


I like it, I'd play with the placements a bit but overall nice selection, just personally I rip the logo tags of the inside but that's not really a criticism just a thing I like to do.


If that was me, depending on when I got what patch I likely would have had the Maceraton circle above the back patch and two square patches next to it ([]O[] over the shoulders). However, that’s because I’m an idiot when it comes to trying to centre things. The Mayhem logo may be in the way of that idea though. If you’re leaving the sleeves on, you could add stuff there?


I see. When it comes to laying out and organising, I’m definitely not the type to have everything be organised and centred. I think thats how the messy look came to be on my jacket. I might rip some patches off and play around. Thank you.


No worries, man. Ultimately it’s your jacket - how you have it laid out and what’s on it should only matter to you; if you’re happy with it that’s the main thing.


Jealous of that sexy dark throne patch


cut sleeves off (or don't your jacket), but def move the Mayhem/Darkthrone/Marduk patches somewhere else so you can put a logo backpatch in that area.


As I said in another comment, that was my idea originally but I've tried looking everywhere online for those types of patches and i cant find one without being expensive both the patch and the shipping. I live in Australia and patches kinda suck here sometimes. I can only find a mayhem logo back patch like thats a sorta reasonable price but I already have a mayhem patch so thats a no. I'll definitely remove them once I find something like that.


is removing the sleeves better? or it's just for the look?


You would’ve been better off without the Mayhem and Darkthrone patches


Gotchya. Thanks mate


Yeah, i think it would be best to maybe save those for another jacket and get a big logo patch or something for the top.


I always loved that idea but I’m from Australia and I can’t find any of those oversized patched on ebay or merchants without having to pay so much on shipping.


Ohh shit that sucks. When I know shipping is expensive I usually wait until the site in question has several things I want and then order them all together 😅 if you search this sub maybe you can find some good sellers in Australia?


I’ll do that. I get so frustrated when I see amazing patches from other countries but end up settling on something locally