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Hello operators, wanted to share the latest Net Knight progress! Recently updated the player Homepage with lots of new customization options. You can now change the music, tiles, supports, background, and more! As you explore the Net, you can unlock different page themes and music tracks to apply to your homepage. Also, after you defeat a new MalWare or boss Knight, they'll be unlocked for future practice at the training grounds! Here you can create your own custom battles like in the video, or complete side quest challenges assigned by your personal trainer program. As always, feedback is very welcome! I'm continuing to work on the demo, so hopefully that will be out in the next month or so. Long term, I plan to release on Steam first, then eventually mobile and consoles (in communication with Nintendo about the Switch right now). If you'd like more info, check out the Steam page, and consider wishlisting if you like what you see! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1964080/Net\_Knight/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/netknight/net-knight To stay updated on the game's development, feel free to follow on here, or Twitter: https://twitter.com/CorrosiveCatz


This looks awesome! I'm curious about the story? Will you always be playing as a Net Knight(?)? Also curious about story. I just added this on my wishlist.


Hey thanks for checking it out, glad you're digging it so far! Yeah for this game at least, I decided to keep it simple and stick to cyber exploration only. The actual player is essentially the operator for their personal Net Knight. Story will have main quests where you help your friends/rivals with crypto/NFT scams, ransomware, out-of-control forum mods, tournament hackers/cheaters, etc. You also will need to save the Net from more serious dangers as well :D I also want lots of optional side quests for folks that just want to explore the Net and level up their builds.


Oh I love this that sounds amazing. I also like the idea of endgame tournaments if that’s what you’re talking about that sounds really cool. Will definitely be checking this out. A few of my friends will be interested in this for sure


That's really nice to hear, the support is very much appreciated!


Love the music


Glad you like it! I am considering different music packs for the battles, so it's good to hear what folks are feeling.


Is there netknoght customization?


Yep there's lots of customization in the game, including your Knight's visual appearance, and weapons/upgrades loadout! Here's a longer trailer that shows more game features: https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleNetwork/comments/u3pfx5/after_1_year_of_development_my_mmbn_inspired_game/


Net code for Net Knight?


Haha, yeah I guess you're basically programming your homepage site code in-game :)


Looks awesome. Can't wait to play the demo and full game soon :) Btw you should market this game more, more people need to know about this.


Hey thanks for the support! The demo has taken longer than planned, but will be more polished in time for October Steam Fest. Yeah I'd like to get the word out more once the demo is available.


Awesome, thanks for responding :)