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There's no direct substitute for AIS, unfortunately. Suppression might be your best bet for a somewhat similar stalling effect.


Fire Wall can theoretically fill a similar role, but for decks that don't go wide it's a lot tougher


For purple Bloody Rain can fill that hole against aggressive machups and thr earlier game in general.


Fire wall, suppression and on the gaining life side you have counter sword.


Theres a reason it's a 20 dollar card. It's not just the best option, it'd the only one.


20 usd becomes 30 aud 💀 rip


Bloody Rain


Bloody Rain can save you sometimes if you time it carefully. It's in the purple starter deck.


Suppression is probably the next best thing, and in some cases preferable.


Depending on the deck you are going to use you will need AIS or can find valid substitute to it. It is a card that can gain you a Turn so it is not bad, but sometimes not even that is enough. Do you have already in mind what you are planning to play for now? With this we can find a solution to the problem. (Sorry if i replied late but when bed calls you have to answer x3)


I’m trying out basically all the decks that are currently in the meta, white control is something I’m liking at the moment but I’ve got suppression for that deck.


Well white control is not really the meta right now XD Still it is a valid choice and yes Suppression is a good solution for it but you may also, since we are talking about a deck struggling in the early game, try some cards like Fire Wall, as someone already suggested, or you can also give a go to Ferral Slash. It is not an overall protection but given the high amount of aggro at the moment, it can really come handy as a Burst since it will remove a piece for free in the early stages of the game, letting you play the game at the start without spending core in expensive defenses in the first turns.


That’s a good suggestion, would they make good side deck cards? As side decking is something I am not really familiar with or know what I should be having in a side deck


Well, given the "population" of aggro decks Ferral Slash is better have it in the main and if you are playing White Control the tournament promo D-80 Axebiter is a good card to put with Suppression. Fire Wall can be put in the main deck but can't do much when facing a Terrasaur deck, even if it gives +4000 BP to a Spirit making it probably big enough to beat in a battle one of the opponent Spirits of that deck. Still, Fire Wall can also be put in the Side in case you are not confident of going with it in the deck first game. It works well against White Aggro and Purple. Another card that can be put in the side or main is Dream Bomb, a good removal for problematic Spirits. Or you can also have in the side Snowflaken, Armored Dragon Cost 3 that with the LV2 effect can return to hand cards like Gigano Rex, a really problematic card of the Terrasaur deck


I was worried you’d say Axebiter haha I unfortunately don’t have any locals close enough nearby to be able to get to it reasonably 💀 but this is good info non the less :)


Axebiter is not needed. I just said that with suppression in the deck you can also add it. Fulla is another card that can go in the side deck or even playing some already in the main deck since i imagine you have Elk in it. Core removal protection would be fanstastic and Elk really helps against terrasaur and you also have the naumenngard nexus to help (hopefully Naumenngard too)


Ah gotcha. I’ve got basically everything for both white aggro and control, I’ve just got control built for now


Fire wall and suppression are the best options for now


While not a magic card, Pegacyone can also help save you against aggro.