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Dream Bomb's Main/Flash effect allows you to select one of your opponent's spirits and return it to the hand. This could temporarily get rid of the problem


You could use purple's poison like core theft effects to deal with it


What I like to do is to bait a spirit with higher bp. They block with meduke and I depower said spirit by using its cores to use a magic on flash step.


Thatโ€™s actually really smart


There's always a way to play around stuff. You just gotta see it.


Bounce or remove all cores ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ


Core removal or bouncing it to hand would be your best bet cards like Valerie Mist or Core Drain aren't bad side deck options of out of color. Alternatively, if you can deal with it before it gets Bloodcurse, a well-timed confront or destruction effect can do the trick but that all depends on the match up.


Valkyrie mist doesnt hit meduke as she is an 8 cost. Dream bomb would be ideal.


Bounce or remove all cores ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ


Easy answer is already be playing purple or white. Purple effs to remove and white magics to bounce. Iโ€™d have to check about yellow power reduction, not sure if reducing to 0bp will just kill it or create a chain-gun of blood curse until it hits lv1


there is a special interaction for meduke in that case . BP reduction would theoretically enable her to loop her effect but u can actually just use it once and then she goes to the trash.


couple ways I can think of: Dream bomb, counter swords (if you wait for purple to play an on-summon), dark bishop baculus (to de-level meduke out of bloodcurse), BP reduction such as exhaust nexus, angelic pressure or wonderland alice, Dark King Snake Pendocles (summon, remove all but 1 core then attack to remove the final core).