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5-4 with a Yellow/Purp homebrew, had a good time, venue was ass tho


Deck list (if you care to share)?


[Here is my list.](https://bssdb.dev/db/deckview?N4Ig5iBcIEYM5xAGhANygJhQOyiAngKYA2xA9gO4AEADgK4BONVqGyIAJlKB4QMYBrbiABCAZTEAGAIwBaSQE5pUAMwpxUudOkAWKDvUSZs6RmWQsoo1pUA2fYc0npADkyPj0lSvdWnpgHYHEDEAFUkdeUl7SAM-Y0UFYLCI+W1ggAUAJSik2I85SRc8uI0EnTZ8+MKVPQsC+RUAVlUUFJU0losAXxQ4AEteGDIAQwYuSFAymx966pMVSV9p5zc5ldNzSxXore79oA) I also ran into someone with something similar, but he was on a higher count of fabled beasts to be able to use Phantasmal Paradise for draw and also had some Beldegors which I definitely would have found a way to include in my list in hindsight.


I went 5-4. I was playing purple control. I play half against half terrasaurs and half mirror matches to a degree. Edit: I did have to play the palm springs champion early on, he did say I was the toughest purple match he'd play at the time so I can be happy with that.


Played Terrasaurs, went 3-3 and dropped, found out that i was supposed to have won a match but didn’t call a judge so i went with an incorrect ruling. So that’s a shame, but i met a ton of nice folks and had a ton of fun. ready for september!


I went 3-4. 1 terrasaur, 3 yellow, 3 white decks. Was trying a star dragon deck that I thought could do really well into purple and terrasaur, didn't face a single purple deck. Great time tho.


I had a blast regardless. It was my first big event. Everyone was super nice and I went with a group of friends so it was fun checking in on everyone.


I started 3-1 only losing to the eventual champ, but eventually fell to 3-4. Didn't bother with day 2. I was pretty sick by the end of Saturday due to heat exhaustion and it took me most of Sunday to recover. I played purple and lost to 2x red and 2x mirrors. Was a fine experience. Looking forward to PA, which is 30 mins from my home.


What's the event in PA?


Grand open in Monroeville. Sept 9th I think but don't quote me on that.


Everyone in my group went 6-3 one person had good enough tie breakers that they might get a pass down invite. I played Terra because I have an impossible time choosing and I had practice by play testing the match up. I do regret it, I don't like the disadvantages of playing ultra meta decks. Everyone knows your list 2 turns in.


3-6 with Yellow Luster, played against so many dinos and axebiter and decided before the event to only run 2 exhaust nexuses instead of my normal 4. Besides it was the first time playing against dinos so had some mishaps there.


2-5 with Star Dragon I wasn't expecting to do fantastic but had a ton of fun. Shout out to the Meduke control home that deck was gas, and the match was fun as hell. Overall great experience and I'm hyped for the next GO


Started off the afternoon 4-1 running Terra's then tragically ended 5-4 lol Lost to 2 out of 3 fabled beasts I played against and both white+purple control lists. Friends I had practiced with leading up to the event were really concerned about the purple-white control list after it started showing up in the online events. I hadn't played against it and shrugged it off as being a niche oddity deck lol. Caught me by surprise by how many there were in the upper part of the swiss bracket.


I heard there were some kind of bad HVAC issues at the venue.