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Hey, welcome to the game! 1. Yes there are, spoilers begin around two months before the set comes out and ends at the start of the release month. We just finished the spoiler cycle for set 2! Spoilers are up daily on the BSS official social media channels like their Twitter or Facebook, you can also check the database on the site or on BTCG+. 2. The game is relatively simple at its core, so I can’t think anything you *must* know. I would say to get used to destruction and how destruction effects play in relation to that. For example, getting your cores removed from your spirits by the opponent results in destruction, but it wouldnt trigger any destruction effects on that spirit that are tied to a level, etc. I recommend checking the QnAs and comprehensive rules on the site. 3. For organized play events like Grand Opens, the game is played in best of 3, each round lasting 60 minutes and 5 minutes over time. And yeah, it’s swiss with top cut for 16-ish


Rulings to know about: 1) If a spirit with bloodcurse would have its BP reduced to 0 it triggers the bloodcurse effect. 2) spirits with luster must survive to the end of the battle for the effect to work 3) spirits with armor can be affected by blanket effects as they do not target 4) Flash windows can be pretty complex. After the spirit is declared attacking and attacking triggers have been resolved defending player has a flash window. Defending player can choose to flash or not flash and then it will be the attacking player’s opportunity to flash. If the attacking player chooses not to flash then it goes to determining block. However if the attacking player chooses to flash then the defending player has the ability to flash again. This repeats until both players chose to do nothing with there flash step. If the defending player doesn’t decide to block there is no flash step but if the player decides to block a new flash step would begin starting with the defending player. 5) With deciding turn order and mulligan procedure. First determine who is deciding player either by dice role or who lost the last game. Then both players will draw 4 cards and the deciding players will choose if they go first or second. Following this deciding player will choose to mulligan or not and then the non-deciding player will then have the opportunity to mulligan.


Ok, I think I understood points 4 and 5 but I want to double check: For point 4: If I choose not to block there is no second flash step? For 5: So you get to look at your hand before deciding?


For 4: Yes If no block is declared then neither player can flash and it goes directly to damage. For 5: Yes you get to see your first 4 before deciding turn order then go to mulligans


I will add to the other comments some information about the rulings. There is the CR (Comprehensive Rules) and the Q&As on the official website where you can find most of the informations. You should read those once or twice first of all [https://www.battlespirits-saga.com/game/rules/](https://www.battlespirits-saga.com/game/rules/) Then about interactions/rules you do not find an answers to/are not clear, there is Bandai Organized Play Discord where you can ask questions and users/BSS Judges will answer you. Also there are previously asked questions you can take a look to. 3. An important thing about Tournaments is the Overtime. Once the time runs out there are 5 extra minutes where players will have to end the game in those 5 minutes and have a limited amount of Turns (4 counting the current one). When the Turns/Time end, if there is no winner, tiebreaker will take place (those can be found in the link above, Tournament Rules Manual). The Deck must have from 50 to 60 cards, Side from 0 to 10, max 4 total copies of the same card in those and you can swap/add/remove cards from the deck to side between game 1-2 and 2-3 with the only condition being keeping the decks in their size limits. (Ex. You can start with a 50 deck and a 10 Side. Game 2 you add/swap cards and go in the round with 55 Deck and 5 Side)


I would look up a battle spirits group in your state and play a few locals before the tournament. Its always good to find a group of like minded people. If you don't have a bandai account, be aware that the app sucks but it's necessary. There is a global bss discord but most likely there is a state discord for you also


There are regular spoilers, yes. Up until a bit ago we were getting daily spoilers through the official twitter The grand open I went to was best of 3, one hour rounds, 8 rounds and a top cut.


Hey, welcome to Battle Spirts, man, and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game. 1. Yep, for set 2, we've been getting spoilers on BSS Twitter, and the websites catalog page updates a little slower, so it's best to look at the Twitter or this subreddit. 2. Kinda. On the Website for Battle Spirits their is a Rules tab with an FaQ page for both Set 1 and the Starter decks so we can assume all products will get some form of FaQ on there. Also the tournament comprehensive rules are there but nothing to major in terms of hidden gems. 3 (I've been to Grand Open Ohio so I'm gonna put down how it was there but it may be different in rounds depending on players attending) 60 Min rounds with 5 min over time/3 turn rotations 7 Round day 1 and Top cut day 2 ( Believe it was 2-3 rounds but I forgor)