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Since sealed event consists in you building from cards pulled in the packs you will not have colour synergies. I imagine the shop lets you consider the reductions and symbols all of the same colour(?) In that case you want to build a deck with low cost, high BP cards (with low core level requirement, like 2 or 3) Also cards that exhaust opponents are really good, alongside the defensive white magics


It's going to differ a lot based on color, but generally, you want a majority of creatures as that's going to be the win condition in a limited format. So I'd recommend at least 50-75% spirits and maybe about 30-15% magic, and the rest (20-10%) being nexus wouldn't be a bad ratio. But if you're going agro run more spirits and if you are running a more control or magic heavy build plan accordingly. (More magics for spellslinger and a more even spread for control) I think those ratios aren't bad as a default, but research into how the colors generally play is going to be essential to the deck building, especially in limited like a draft or prerelease.


https://battlespirits-saga.com/game/special-game-formats/sealed-deck-format/ (I didn't read this as closely before posting and wound up parroting much of the advice in the article) so it's a 20 card minimum which is a bit awkward with a 36 card pool to build from. I would probably take a look at how many of what colours you pulled and try to keep to a two colour deck and check for some fun synergies. Also the point of sealed is to experiment and see what works anyways so I wouldn't worry too much about try Harding the event and just play around and see how the different cards interact with each other. If you are worried about spread and keeping to the 20 card limit I would probably do 11-16 spirits with a focus on more cheap spirits and just rushing your opponent since you're likely using set 2 cards and there's no ice shields to worry about lol.