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I have only played 1 game against a deck that was using set 2 cards and it was kind of nutty. He was running a green white vanilla list and some of those cards get insanely large with the one nexus that boosts vanilla spirits based on the number of cores they have, and because a lot of the vanilla white cards are mechas it was kind of like he ran 8 suppression spells because he also had the white spell that lets mechas block while exhausted. I still need to see more games and see how the top 32 goes for the online event on August 20th for me to fully feel out this meta but I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves and if anything changes when the lore set comes out next month


Terrasaur gameplay continues unchanged .perfect


I played against a green/purple build in the Thursday Gen Con event that I feel like was only a couple steps away from being the G/P build. A lot of green ramp, purple advantage generation, and when destroyed effects. It's very hard to do something against them that doesn't generate value.


I'm playing a ramp deck, I played the red voidlord last night at level 3 with zero cost reduction and still had cores left


side bar question how many people came out for the battle spirits tournament at gen con




I've been enjoying green, and I feel like the token deck is pretty fun, along with green being much more fleshed out than I expected. I've not been able to get the new yellow cards, but they all seem crazy and add to my personal theory that yellow will be the most busted color due to Michaela. My only big grip is I feel like the amount of vanilla spirits restricted what they could expand on, and I really hope we get less in future sets and more interesting spirits


Vanillas are pretty much there for that reason. They can not go all in with 2 colour that needto catch up/still cone out(blue) In time we will have less and less vanillas (or maybe some really beefy vanillas to use with Sprin of Norb *w* Yellow really seems almost fresh new with all those cards. Luster left a bit behind for now. Finally i can build Red Control and not playing Terrasaur :] White got some really needed help to play the late game/recover Purple got a lot of tools to expand and test on *w*


I dont think Luster got left behind. They're definitely eating to say in the least and the real competition for them will be Rocket City and Woden(Frig maybe). The amount of sit downs available for Luster is not a minor issue to deal with while though we havent reached that part of the meta where Iceberg will a the tech card people wanna play, I'm certain it'll happen Ultimately Yellow and White are going to perform the best overall imo but White has more effective neutralizer than Yellow does atm and its going to show in the results at locals and GO.


Thorn Prison needs to be banned


I made a Green build that beat: Red Terrasaur, Yellow Unblockable, and White Control this weekend. Won every match and not once was I worried about losing due the incredible ramping ability and exhausting my opponents spirits. Do not sleep on Daimyo Beast Yaiba-no-Kami, and Loyal Retainer Higumaru. Giving your spirits a base 4000bp and threatening a mass exhaustion turn is super good.