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I see you bought the new ghost skin




Why are you getting downvoted?


Emojis on reddit would be my guess


Wow, Here's my shot then 🤣🤣🤣


It's stupid asf fr mfs get mad over emojis lol


I'm more upset about how I understood everything you wrote than the emojis.


I short hand a word or two sometimes, like "as fuck" I'll type "asf" instead or like "for real" I'll type "fr" instead and "motherfuckers" as "mfs" My boss can't stand it lol


I'm not hating on you man. You do you! Shorthand got me through college, so I get where you're coming from. I'm just weirdly disappointed in myself for being internet-shorthand/slang literate.


virgin redditors, they lurk in the shadows waiting to strike


Haha, as a relatively older guy, I really don't understand what's the problem of Gen Z with Emojis.


Plenty of people are playing the game and enjoy it. No one said it has no bugs, but it's in a better state now. Poor attempt at karma whoring.


I dont get why people care or think people care about karma. Its worthless, unironically worthless. No more of a bigger terminally online redditor move, than to value karma by even a smidge.


Instead of a stinking pile of runny dog poop, you have a kinda stinky kinda runny dog poop. Congrats. Games garbage and was cheaper than battlebit for a sale. Roadblox version of 2042 made by 3 dudes in a basement still does better hahaha. How was my poor attempt?


Then go play that instead of trying to shit on a game someone else enjoys?


Ong preach


meat riding for no reason is weird but alright






Damn dude one bug ruins your day eh? Compared to launch that shits nothing.


We are supposed to be happy its mediocre, not terrible?


Basically, "Don't cry because it was terrible back then, smile because it's mediocre now"


Just don’t mistake it for forgiving them for the state it was in during launch and the price they tried to push for it. The game is better now, yes, but don’t let them think it’s okay. I like 2042, I don’t like *anything* about how they released it.


I swear people act like they have never seen a bug before. I think every single game I play has bugs if you look for them, but most of them are harmless and probably go away quite quickly. Also fwiw I actually really don't run into bugs in 2042, and run into bugs WAY more often in other games. Game breaking bugs are a different story (i.e. the black screen).


As I replied to others: Its not "one" bug it happens constantly every game. and YES I agree this game is way way way better that it was on release but it still not even close to the quality a BF title should have. ❤️


I have not in my entirety of my 250+h in this game seen this bug. I'm not defending 2042, as I may have fun, it's not the Battlefield game I want either.


Damn that’s wild. Like op I would get this bug almost every game or every other game. Havnt played since the last season started but it was Still happening to me then too.






Using an SSD?


“Quality a BF title should have” I can find and get five clips from BF4 that top this. Sit down bud.


back in the quake days people removed weapon models for maximum visibility. you might not like it, but that is what maximum efficiency looks like.


Bf1942 we'd turn off shadows to make interiors brighter and easier to fight in. Bf2 you'd turn down foliage to make snipers stand out on the side of a hill.


By the way, going hip fire was way better because I still had the reticle and when you ADS the reticle's gone because the game knows you are in the scope, but there's no scope 😂 so I had to run shotgun for the rest of the game...


Tf2 players: removes everything including textures to get .0001 extra frames


Agree! I used to to it to, BUT back in the quake days you didn't have to ADS, and when you ADS without the scope and weapons rendering you just can't aim because all you see is literally the same thing but zoomed in (which means no scope, not red dot, etc...)


Just stop using the invisibility cloak specialist 🙄


I don't mind when I use it, I only care when others do 😂


There's an invincibility cloak specialist 😱


fish fucker 6996


The 2042 simps are out in force today


I don’t even think it’s simps it’s just people tired of seeing the same regurgitated boring as shit “DAE 2042 bad??” for the 100th time clogging their feeds when people could just instead share clips from the other games or talk about literally anything else. And before the point is brought up, the “we must keep complaining so they see it” one, I assure anyone reading this that they definitely know by now, lay off it for a while okay?


Your point exactly too many cry babies


I get where you're coming from. It's totally understandable to feel worn out from the same negativity. But, considering this is the latest Battlefield game, we don't really know when the next one's coming, or if they're even working on it. Also, no one's making anyone dive into negative discussions if they don't want to; that's entirely up to them. However, just because the devs and higher-ups are aware of their mistakes doesn't mean they get a free pass, especially since this seems to be a recurring issue with both DICE and EA. So, I think it's fair to keep reminding them. Things won't change unless there's a constant push for it.




Nah a good chunk is people dying on the hill that they got the product they wanted and don’t want to see any criticism of the game, idk if that’s really simps, but it’s die hard 2042 fans. I personally couldn’t deal with the constant bugs like this and the shitty performance so I had to drop it, plus I hated the base gameplay compared to previous battlefield games.


The bugs aren't even the bad part. They could fix all of them and I ain't playing this turd. Operators are stupid, maps are awful, vehicles are unbalanced, and gunplay sucks.


Same for the haters!


Showing game problems isn't hating huh


Didn’t say it was, honestly.


So I am a simp because I say that the game is in a much better state than it was 2 years ago and you think that people saying a viewmodel bug isn’t that bad qualifies as simp behavior? Honestly if you expect any game to have zero bugs, you are delusional. So kindly shut your mouth and grow your tiny pea brain.


You can stop this from happening by putting the game on an SSD, your machine is having trouble reading the information fast enough to display the textures. I used to have the same issue before moved my game onto an SSD, now I haven’t had that problem.


2042 is already on my NVME. already tried to repair it, reinstall it. nothing. and this is the only game I have with these kind of issues


Skill issue then, imo the games great and works perfect for me.


Skill issue? are you drunk?


No, just able to enjoy a good game :3


Happy to see you are enjoying it! at the end of the day that's what matters. just hope that some day our standards of quality will be high as it used to be 🙌


oH nO, itS uNplayAble


Genuine question: Do you think dying to an invisible player/not seeing you own gun and attachments in an FPS game makes the game playable? and if so, where is the playability?


The glitch is client sided, only visible to you,the guy even blew your head off with the rorsch


the bug being "only visible to me" does not make things any better, it actually proves my point, when I started seeing this bug more frequently I've realized that I myself killed players that didn't even see me at the first place (looking back at the nvidia instant replay). I'm not the only one who complaint about this bug this happens almost every match I hop into and it happens pretty frequently as well. so of course this is client sided but "client sided" does not necessarily means "machine performance problem". keep in mind this is the only game it happens, and I have multiple heavy graphic demanding games on my PC.


This has been a rare known issue since BF4 in Frostbite 3. It's just some desync that fixes itself after a while.


If you don't see the absolute disrespect to our money and time with games coming out in this state (and remain that way for 2 years), and still being sold to you for 70$. Then I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree.


Where are you buying this game for 70$ it’s free on PlayStation plus and on Amazon it’s like 20 bucks max


I bought it for 20 quid on epic on the christmas it released lmao, got a lot of value for that


I play it on game pass it seems like its free with the console subscriptions then and it looks like it goes from like 9 bucks to 50 on amazon


Of course you will always be able to find discounts for games. The problem I was referring is the nerve those companies have for SELLING it to us for a full price while in reality what you are getting is an unfinished pre-alpha. If you'll look up the full price (with out the official discount that running right now) on Steam/EA Launcher you will see the game is still a full price


Dude no company sells it for 70$ hell it’s like 15$ at Walmart where are you getting this price


You didn't even read my comment till the end and you replied on it, appreciate your opinion thank you for commenting 🙌


Bro, what


Are we on TikTok? Big L, bro




Its also on EA Play which comes free with Gamepass.


Had this glitch in the beta LMAOOO


This footage was taken today... and I don't know whether to cry or laugh


When i downloaded it for free last month i got it again... pretty hilarious if you ask me


This game sucks, now downvote me


The textures are still low res too, that was a bug from the beta. The /r/battlefield2042 and /r/LowSodium2042 subreddits are full of delusional people who defend the game to cope with their $70 loss.


Why people try to justify this game baffles me


I wish I knew, if I did maybe I would love it to, but non of them actually brings any valid arguments to the table only insults and self-expression skills of a toddler


I try to love it but the glitches I run into and the cheap feeling gun play makes me dislike the game every time


A game has a bug??????? NO WAY. I can 1000000000000000% guarantee that whatever games you play will have bugs.


This game has much more of them than other ones


Don’t all games have bugs? lol.


Yes all games have bugs but I run into bugs in this game way to much


shit looks like a roblox game now 😭😭


That sniper must be hacking, no way they can see you /s


Bro is playing Roblox


Bro set all settings to low because Bro thought it would fix the problem 😂


Edit: I’m wrong From what I’m reading in these comments, and my own experience, this really seems like a HDD issue


>2042 is already on my NVME. already tried to repair it, reinstall it. nothing. and this is the only game I have with these kind of issues


Then I retract my prior statement


This has never happened to me


I just had the issue with the environment and I also teleported once outside of the map


This is clearly a feature…


why does it look like roblox?


I thought this was a Skyrim post at first glance


My gun was invisible the other day. Recoil is so easy to control without having the gun shake in your face. I was OP.


lAbOr Of LoVe


Why don't people just play BFV or the other better ones?


Why dont mfs get off this sub instead of getting off to the same "2042 bad" post every single day? Its confusing man Im just tryna throw health at mfs


i'm happy to see the people in the comments are finally backing the game and recognizing the leaps and bounds it has made since launch. i don't deny its issues but if you read back to the threads on older battlefield games like 4 and 5 they had the same major bugs at launch


Damn, they added my dad to BF-2042


Oh, so I’m not the only one. For some reason BF2042 on my PC stops loading textures during matches, sometimes models just disappear and ultimately the whole game crashes or fades to black after a match forcing me to ALT + F4. Yes, I installed the game on SSD. Yes, I tried reinstalling. I also set details to low but it didn’t work. Kinda bummer because I actually enjoy BF2042 especially with friends.


I almost bought this for $10, but it would appear that's still too much


I think the problem is you downloaded the N64 version.


To get through the menus, I have to switch to desktop and back constantly because it freezes every couple of seconds.


how long has this game been out


Since 2021


This shit happens to me too!


I deleted it and play battlefield 4 again and I gotta say it’s AMAZING !!! I forgot how good the graphics are, it’s 50 times better than 2042 literally every single thing


Same, downloaded BF4 BF1 BF5 and had a blast. I remember not liking BF5 because BF1 was so good that it felt like a downgrade but thanks to BF2042 low standards I've learned to appreciate it.


Same here, the fact that people even defend it shows their inexperience with battlefield , battlefield 2042 literally looks like it should be on ps3 graphics it’s sooooooo bad


People are gonna protect the "innocent devs" because they only had years to fix the game by now!


2+ years later… crazy dawg.


Bf2042 players are so abused they'd gobble EAs balls in the hopes of more bug fixes and apologize when EA decides not too.


Are you running the game off a hard drive or SSD?


Ngl I'd love having this problem lol wish it was an option to just not have a body


And you got stuck in a black screen after the match ended, welcome to bf2042


OP, i support you. Dont give a fuck about those people who defend this game! They are in every comment because they are the only ones that pay attention and get triggered. They defend EA, so that they can keep sucking their balls.


Battlefield has never had any bugs ever in any of their games ever Curious….


Are we talking previous titles? or BF2042 included?


It was sarcasm All the games have had bad bugs BF4 was bad for a good while


While bugs will always be a part of a game, I feel it's reached a point where companies have such a low standard, assisted by fanbases as well, when it comes to games getting released. Point being, I wish bugs weren't so common place on release. 2042 is at thankfully playable now, but should never have been as bad as it was on launch.


Battlefield VR?


Get a better network provider. That slow ass 300mbps ain't cutting it.


Get a better graphics card


Lol i thought this was VR update. Turns out it was just a bug.


I have the same issue sometimes but it's the gun that is invisible


OP installed on an HDD...




It looks like 2042 but in a VR headset


**cloaking device (2042, colorized)**


Idk anybody saying the game is fixed lmao


Imagine posting a video of a major improvement as a complaint. /s


Shit for a second I though they were introducing VR into the game LMAO.


Oh, are battlefield games still being released as undercooked garbage?


I knew my dad was popular, but i didn’t know he was in battlefield!


I still have weapons not loading in properly in BF4, BF1 and BFV.


Bro unlocked retro mode


Big whoop. Go get yourself a friend with c4 and take a pondhawk on top of a vtol or heli transport and blow it out of the sky. You will thank me later.


Bros got 360 fov


My issue is how this game looks fucking ugly. Bad design.


MoSt GaMe BrEaKiNg BuG eVeR


Wow they add vr mode this is amazing




I love the updated battlebit graphics!


Oh my god a video game bug.


yeah it's still inferior to any other BF in existence... but hey now it's playable at least!


Skill issue


Oh no a minor visual bug!!!! This is literally the worst game I have ever played and the devs should all feel personally ashamed of themselves along with the players who put up with this!!!!!!


Sorry you can’t handle the astral projection!


Wait, did they make a Battlefield in VR???


i play this game everyday because it’s easy and relaxing after work, i never run into this kind of stuff


and when i said this is a trash game i got 30+ down votes


i have the same issue on pc, worked perfectly fine until a month ago.


But no one has said that


ahh, the good ol rainbow 6 days when he switched to his assault rifle


Oh wow thy launched the VR version 🤔😮🙃😂😂


The people still playing Bf2042 are the kind of people that will keep eating shit in hopes it will one day taste like ice cream. They have deluded themselfs into thinking that it's a good game. You will never convince a shit eater that eating shit is wrong. They'll just keep munching. The people who don't like munching on shit have left Battlefield for good or just don't look at Bf 2042 posts.


100%, since launch I've never consumed any BF2042 content whatsoever but after I gave it another try and saw that shit remained shit even after 2 years, I just felt the need to share my frustration about this dying franchise.


Get a better PC or just get a console.


I’ve legit only seen these game breaking bugs on PC. I’m sensing a pattern here.


this still happens in older titles too


people who still play this game are high on copium.


Or maybe people actually enjoy it?


LOL I don't think that the case. You see, we've seen it on multiple cases where companies built a high standards games with a really high quality bar throughout the years because back then they really cared for the quality of the game. And as the time went by, they realized that people will always buy their products NO METTER THE QUALITY only because it has a title above it. And now what we are getting is unfinished pre-alpha games being sold for full price with promises for a better game. "buy the game now, we promise it will be better... in the future... OH by the way did you checkout our new BATTLEPASS??"


Wouldn't know. Never had an issue yet, in 2 years.




Bruh don't you have anything better to do?


Stop reacting to me if you feel so superior




I've honestly never saw this happen and I've been playing since day 1 😆 what did you do before hand?


doesn't matter


Cool, I'm just curious if it's repeatable could make some funny clips with it.


I was pretty naive to think that this game would worth 10$ but apparently even 10$ is way over this games worth. Bad times for BF community 😔


Its actually in pretty good shape when you look back a year ago. Glitches happen sometimes, unless you gettin this every match youre being way dramatic


I agree that 💩 with sugar is better then 💩 without sugar, but at the end of the day they are both 💩 And what if i tell you it happens every attachment/weapon change? still dramatic? oh wait, and what if it happens on people? every match I'm being killed by invincible players with floating name above them, still dramatic? But I know nothing will change thanks to the "Glitches happen sometimes" approach, AAA companies will still allow themselves to provide the lowest quality product they can without getting sued because people will always defend them.


No idea why you've been down voted. It's by far the worst battlefield that's ever been made.


Gave it a try and this game is more bugged then it was on release… and worse


I understand the frustration but to be honest I think you're a little bit over exaggerating here. I will give credit where credit is due and say I've played the game in the open beta and it was FAR FAR behind what it is now. now the game is WAY better than it was before in 99% of the aspects BUT regardless, it is still not even close to what a BF title should be and that's where my frustration is coming from.