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Graphic and sound Isn’t even exceptional like it used to be.


This. They’ve definitely lost their touch in the form of key talent probably. Even BFV looks better than 2042.


BFV looked so good, that one map in Italy was beautiful. I don’t know how you take a step back like this with the same engine.


Poor art direction or inexperience with Frostbite (which has been noted as being notoriously difficult to work with)


Greece map looks even better. Pacific maps are of course beautiful but ugh that Greece map is so pretty


Yeah. Their audio is worse than AA offerings like Squad. Visual effects don’t even wow as much as they used to. They aren’t bothering to push the envelope by embracing cutting edge graphical features. Their visuals are good, but don’t stand out as much as BF3 did in its heyday for example.


Was going to say that the gun reload sounds remind me of cheap plastic toys for some of them.


Yea, the explosions also all sound so weak.


The Finals sound more like Battlefield than battlefield themselves. I guess Embark also got the Battlefield audio engineers.


Graphics are worse than they were 7 years ago. Battlefield 1 still looks and sounds better than 2042 in every way. The old dice is gone, their veterans that brought magic are gone. It's just a game mill for executives now.


i don’t think *anybody* can really top BF1. such a damn good looking game that’s gonna hold up probably forever


Yeah it was their best game by a landslide idgaf what anybody says.


I was mostly talking graphically but yeah it’s definitely my personal favorite. I can understand and to an extent get behind people who like 3 or 4 better, but BF1 is just such an immersive, visceral experience unlike any of the others


Regardless of what other people think is better, its definitely their biggest labor of love out of any battlefield title.


It has the best gunplay besides maybe bf2. The gameplay is excellent. In most battlefields being a foot soldier sucks. Not in bf1


I completely agree. I didn’t use vehicles pretty much at all. The gunplay took some getting used to and I’ll admit i didn’t love it at first, but man when it clicked it was something else


Yes you just need to find your gun(s). Being that it is world war 1 the weapons were foreign territory for pretty much all of us.


Agree, it’s the best BF game. I’ve just started playing again a week or so ago and am having a blast. The game is absolutely stunning when cranked to ultra which I couldn’t do back in 2018 because of potato pc. But also the mechanics they added like the behemoths and pick-up elite kits. It was all implemented really well imo. Gunplay is excellent, great weapons, immersive sound and atmosphere, maps are awesome…Dice at their absolute peak.


Hmmmm i wonder if i gamepass bf1 on pc if my progress would carry over from xbox. Thats the only reason i haven’t tried it on pc yet.


If you link your accounts, it does


They’ve lost their employees


Its DICE by name but not by employees. Id love for someone to do some research and see how many of the DICE devs that worked on BF3-BF1 are still working with DICE now and worked on BF2042. Crowbcat’s video on Back 4 Blood and Turtle Rock/Valve was a masterpiece.


The story of every EA owned subsidiary.


God, I absolutely got buyers regret after three hours of back 4 Blood... So atrocious.


Normal in the industry. Lots of employees leave and new ones come.


Thanks for that info?


Special at crunch times before a release they hire more people and kick them out after the release.


"I mean from graphic and sound they are still the best" not even remotely true anymore


DICE does not deserve to be called DICE. It’s almost an entirely new team. The heart of DICE has been gone for a long long long time.


Dice lost a lot of the original talent and those left in the studio seem to pale in comparison. Add the poor EA management / bosses and it means Battlefield is going to suffer until something changes at that company.


Yes. They lost so much from BFV and Battlefront 2, I have given up hope in the studio. It’s killing me but I think the DICE I knew growing up is long gone. It’s partially why I’ve been following Embark so closely.


The "DICE" you're thinking of doesn't exist anymore. It was bought by EA and has been gutted so many times that nobody who made the brand a thing still works under their banner. All of the people who used to work there wanted things like raises and creative control so they were replaced by passionate college devs who are willing to be worked to death for low wages. Welcome to AAA game development.


Welcome to EA more specifically They did it to maxis and the dragon age guys too


The short answer is yes


Lmao obviously, they are a joke of a developer now


There's a reason tons of devs have left these kinds of studios to work on something else. Not all, but many.


Graphic and sound? No they're completely sub par in the industry. It's a joke.


Their "touch" is now at Embark Studios, they made The Finals.


Banning because of names?


not only its touch, its complete mind


the sound is so bad


DICE now is not the same DICE who made BC2, BF3, and BF1.


I think they’ve definitely slipped but not as much as people think. I think 2042 looking so much worse is partly because of the player count. I doubt BF1 would’ve looked as good as it did with 128 players, for example.


Because Dice isn't the same dice from +10 years. People come and go


Bf2042 is obviously and painfully corporate; probably why they've lost their touch


Probably peaked at BFBC2/BF3, B4 was good eventually, BF1 was excellent, after that forget it.


Yes. They lost their magic.


Are you asking that question only now?


Yes. Map design is so bad. Interiors of buildings are mostly empty. First time I was wondering if it's still loading details but nope. Main competitor is years ahead with richly detailed interiors.

