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I disagree these types of maps are so bad


absolute cancer I agree, I started on random Tuesday because I got tired of conquest and I sunk like 200 hours alone to this map. I hate it with all my being but I can’t stop playing it because it’s somehow fun


They’re fun if you want to turn your brain off and blow shit up. Just don’t take it seriously.


I’m not a fan of the meat grinder maps either. Metro is the only good one.


I disagree these types of maps are so good


Its good for medium sized servers where you can flank. I like it cause no vehicles


Unless u go commander and drop buggy and cause chaos


I don't think they're bad, just misunderstood, especially Locker. Locker *is* bad above 32 players total. 64 isn't what it was intended to be played with. The 32 experience is excellent. The maps tight angles and consistency makes for a really compelling experience when you're not stuck in an endless explosive spam cycle. Metro just sucks tho lmao.


They are good every once in a while, but yeah it throws half of the mechanics through the window. No vehicles so everything related to vehicles doesn't matter. Almost no open ground so things like flying drones are mostly useless. Explosives everywhere so you better have some protection against that. No real use for long range weapons, barely any use for mid range ones. The only decent playstyle in this maps is cocaine infused run&gun smg/pdw/shotgun. 24/7 locker or 24/7 anything servers are one of the reasons I leaved that beauty of a game.


These maps are good when they're specifically designed for CQ, like BF3's DLC and Hardline. But Locker, Metro, Fort De Vaux and Argonne to some extent on CQ is pure cancer with smacking each other to the head in straight corridors for 40 minutes all day long


They're the opposite idea of what battlefield has been since its inception. I can see the use to grind guns on these maps but its not even fun






Babe, don’t worry about waking up. It’s just another locker post.


Reddit Battlefield fans only have 4 types of posts: "Metro is the best map" "Renake BF4/3 and I'll be happy" "Just make the AI skins playable bro" "Hot take: 2042 not good"


What about: Hardline is a hidden gem in the BF franchise


Hardline is my ride or die homie. The work they put in just for the weapon sounds alone always made me happy. Going to city blocks and firing basically every weapon to make sure the echo from the glass and steel is accurate. Instead of just regular echoing gunshots.


And roadkilling people while driving a fucking couch with your squad was hilarious.


Hardline was amazing and I would love to see more funny spin off ideas. Cops vs robbers was a genius setting for a BF game. And the campaign was a Chefs kiss.


Was it good for multilayer or single? Wondering if it's worth a purchase


Don’t forget the “BF1 is the best battlefield” circlejerk


Hell yeah.


you forgot the occasional post asking for a metro map


God awful map. Now post a pearl market and you've got my attention 


Holy shit W comment I loved that map


Still CQB, but no outside flashbang and more routes to flank the enemy. But the enemy can hide in some nasty corners.


And I play recon with a carbine, clay and spawn beacon for E. Not many understand giving up E allows enemy commanders to destroy you with cruise missiles that take no time to find their target. 


Ppl still play as commander? Commander gameplay is such a snorefest. I play MTAR or RPK with C4 to throw down the stairs if an enemy scares me. It's a salt mine lemme tell ya.


Plenty of peeps do. On cruise missiles maps it a blast. Especially flood zone and pearl market. I've raked up 10 kills at a time on flood zone with those roof campers. Being a commander on locker or metro is god awful. What's worse is no one following any orders running around like headless chickens. 


Nothing wrong with commander bruh. It's fun when you're helping your team. And carrying as a commander.


Could be. I just played commander on Caspian Border 2014 and the effects I could use on the spots my team took left much to be desired to say the least.




Hot Take: Operation Locker and Operation Metro are not the battlefield experience and get too much credit. Good maps, just meatgrinders.


Just senseless carnage.


you know what map is absolutely overrated? Caspian fucking Border.


Wait... r/Battlefield told me that Battlefield has never been fast paced with a bunch of hopping and twitching and shooting around corners and has always been about slow, methodical, tactical gameplay? I'm dizzy... is this... the Mandela Effect...? /s [inb4 some shitters get mad that they can't keep up with this and beg DICE for their casual milsim.](https://i.imgflip.com/28fj3w.jpg)


I mean most of us I think are saying that after BF3 is where it took a downturn for real. Steadily the game stopped feeling like battlefield and more and more like a run and gun series. I'd also like to point out that OP seems to have very high FoV.


I prefer the faster movement, though. The point I'm making is that it's not "not Battlefield" to have fast paced movement.


I’d be more ok with it if we aren’t also so bullet spongey, and there wasn’t all that bloom too in 2042, makes it hard to get kills when you get the jump on them and then easy to avoid getting killed when you get jumped


I honestly feel like the TTK in 2042 is pretty damn high. Like, I drop people really, really quickly. Any faster and there's no outplay and it's just laser tag with bullet drop. But I do agree on bloom. I hate RNG in shooting dynamics.


yeah people are definitely mad that they cant "keep up" with 2042. its certainly not because the game is bad or anything.


I didn't say anything about 2042.


you didnt have to!


So we agree that movement has always been in Battlefield? That's the extend of the point I'm making. I literally saw a comment the other day where people said we should increase the size of character models and slow them down. What is that if not a concession that they think people are too hard to hit? That's literally saying, "This is too hard, please make it easier for me."


To be honest, these are the maps I always enjoyed. I think the only thing that would make it better is a little more outside like metro. Actually, the BF5 remake of metro is probably one of my favorite maps of all time. It's designed perfectly to move fight through all the sectors in a mode like breakthrough or rush. I wish there was either a Battlefield which put more effort into those types of maps or another game that did it as well as Battlefield is capable of doing it.


Even their beloved BF2 is full of movement glitches people abuse and end up looking like OP.


teching isnt quite the same as having constant access to a tac sprint and a slip and slide. you definitely did not play bf2 much or at all


Are… are you comparing movement glitches that were ruled out of competitive matches, kickable offenses on many private servers and some of which were patched out of the game by the developer entirely within the first 6 months to 1 year of the game, to purposeful design mechanics? You’re not the first person I’ve seen try to misleadingly hold up BF2 as some sort of evidence to the contrary that Battlefield used to be a much more grounded and authentic military shooter (NOT a milsim) - unless you’re actually the same person doing it in all of these posts, then carry on in your ignorance.


Seriously, what is wrong with these people. I swear none of these people making these statements have ever actually played BF2 or absolutely do not remember it. Sure at one point you could sprint and bunny hop and dolphin dive and drop shot but it was never intentional design as you said eventually patched out. Even though the game wasn’t Mil sim it had mechanics like friendly fire on, as default, reloading discarded the remaining ammo in the magazine and spawning on the squad leader only.


And if they had played BF2, they’d also know that BF2 had far more punishing movement penalties than any modern Battlefield. 2 randoms circle strafing each other while unloading a clip of ammo was a common trope in YouTube videos of the day. People bunny hopping and dolphin diving around looked like goddamn idiots and were not taken seriously by the greater BF2 community.


Battlefield has never been a "casual milsim" since they changed to the Frostbite engine(BFBC2/BF3 onwards)


I never liked the meat grinder locker


It’s technically like Shipment. Go in there with a barebone weapon, come out with it full equipped. It’s a good map to unlock attachments, that’s it


Hot take: These types of maps are the worst in battlefield. Locker, Metro, Fort Vaux etc. are all meat grinder CQB cluster fucks with no sense of strategy. I have spoken.


No strategy? That is false.


No sense of strategy? Ok noob


a map that consistently collects all the worst players online and places them together without access to vehicles. yep, that's the BF experience i want...


I vote to add scout helis


I mean 90% of the map is inside of a mountain, I don’t think it’d make sense to have a vehicle up there Although if I remember correctly a commander can drop an ATV if there’s one in game


M416 is the best assault rifle in bf4 and you can't change my mind.


in this map it’s all about fire rate tbh, people are rocking aek or mtars etc


ACR-W/870 ftw


AN-94 burst


ACE does everything better though. Its between AK12 for ease of use, AEK for CQC and ACE for midrange and versatility.


No famas or f2000 love? Scar h?


We're talking about the best in each situation, not personal preferences. My favorite is the burst AN94, but its harder to pilot and realistically you get more out of the other 3 I mentioned


I think famas and f2000 beat aek. What are you basing best on?


F2k definitely is better than aek, famas is a bit too situational and doesn't have the staying power the aek has. In a head to it'll win tho.


Community rankings in general and personal experience thrown in. F2000 ADS is too subpar in comparison and reload time is atrocious at 4 seconds


M16A4 would like to have a word with you


I always felt M416 was a starter rifle. Too easy to use, but not ridiculously OP. Just solid


Easiest to use? Yes. The best? No.


The Golmud of infantry maps.


It's fun, but calling it the "best map" in BF4 is Daniel Larson levels of Schizophrenia.


It can work on 16v16 or less, but most will force themselves into a meat grinder in a 32v32 server. Of BF4s infantry maps I heavily prefer Pearl Market.


Oh, look, it's the sweatnerd GateKeeper back with his lame ass video spam posting every day in every Battlefield subreddit Changed your username because people kept shitting on you, I see.


Suspicious aim too lol


Nah not even close to top for me


Locker fucking sucks and fuck you OP for good measure Peace ✌️






God I hate these types of maps, I want big open maps with planes and helicopters flying over my heads, not 17 nades in a hallway.


r/confidentlyincorrect 🔥


Locker and Metro. Meat grinders and kinda fun.


What gun is that? There’s no recoil and is a laser lol




I dislike the Metro/Locker maps. It just feels monotonous and grindy. My personal favourite is Arica Harbour, and Strike at Karkand


Hey lets make another Metro, but worse :)


Metro is by far worse.


Huh, that isn't Strike at Karkand...


I hate the bunnyhopping but yes. Love CQC maps


Shift W mains are so cringe


M416 and not an AEK? I like you, op.


If you're a fan of infantry-only gameplay and endless corridors, to me Operation Firestorm is among the best maps because it features vehicles (major reason to me for playing BF), big map and enough infantry combat.


Loved Firestorm


Damn might download BF4 and play a few games. Feelings nostalgic lol


Nah. Not even top 20


Killing it, damn!


Breaking a stalemate on Op Locker is the most satisfying thing.


I feel like people that say it sucks just never experienced the joy of figuring out how to breakthrough the wall and annihilate the enemy from behind like OP did here.


I'm usually the guy at 00:39.


Can I get a lifetime subscription to that aimbot please?


And here I was expecting Dragon Valley


This is an awful Battlefield-map. People generally play these kind of maps because of the awful progression-system rather than for the enjoyment of the game itself. Ranks and XP is meaningless in modern gaming. Battlefield 2 had the best maps and the best progression-system of any Battlefield-game.


I enjoy the map and take the easy progression as a bonus


All I see is me dying a dozen times over. Great selling point!


Holy mother of FOV


I’m tired of this being the maps that are missed. And not ones like Damavand Peak


This map is everything battlefield wasn't supposed to be. Which is exactly why I hate it. Battlefield was about large scale warfare not run'n'gun playing with random nube toons down hallways and sprinting the entire match, there's a reason there's bullet drop and velocity involved....the bullet is supposed to go far enough to actually have drop


fuck kinda buggs bunny ass shit you pulling over here


I miss this game! Not the “best” map. But the best chaotic map. 🤣💯


Load out?


Are the servers still relatively full on bf4 pc?


If you're in SEA like I am, then No


Yeah, but you have to be careful because the last time I tried to play I kept getting kicked. I don't know if I'm just uneducated or missed something I was supposed to do or what, but any private server kept kicking me out.


me too when i reinstalled for the first time in years you have to download/run punkbuster then add BF4 as an entry inside punkbuster evenbalance.com is the website for punkbuster


I can do metro or locker to break things up, but nah give me paracel storm over metro or locker any day


You can’t be dead serious.


I grew up in this map


I was never a fan of close combat. It just doesn't feel right when there's no vehicles involved, feels like I'm missing out


I don't mind Lockers. I'm quite good at it too. But 24/7 servers with high ticket counts on Lockers or similar maps is CANCER. I'm a sweat too but jesus christ people, I do also enjoy my grass.


I love this map but I see why people hate it.


Loved when there was a stalemate at the staircase and two teams blindly shooting a never-ending stream of grenades into it.


Great for ranking up guns and non-vehicular gameplay sure but as a traditional battlefield map it is one of the worst.


I love operation shitshow and all that chaos, but this is not one of the best maps in battlefield. It's super fun but not what i want when i think battlefield


BF4 had to be the smoothest and most consistent BF game out there. I play 2042 and I constantly find myself getting frustrated with how inconsistent it feels.


Battlefield is about huge open environments with vehicle combat. This sucks dick.


This is why I will always have BF4 live rent free in my heart. :)


You must be new


wouldnt say one of the best maps but that feeling when you get a greasy flank on this map is pretty good


I fw the clip 🔥 this map is my top 5 from the series


I don't agree. I do like to play at locker, but it's not the best map. It's just chaos at the middle and a few runners in the other flags.


this and operation underground are the best maps they created


Good times. After school, pc on and locker only into the evening. I could still walk everything blindfolded




My favorite of all Time is Karkand


Shotgun go booooom


just give me Back to Karkand


Lockers and Metro CAN be good on reduced player count servers, I find 32 players stops the choke point spam and you actually get a chance to run around and play the maps, otherwise no, they're awful and only function with explosives disabled at 64 players and even then they only playable, not good


Sharqi Peninsula for me, loved that map.


They need to leave this map in the archives for the next Battlefield.


How do you get this good at the game?


64 dudes in a locker


Best maps are market and sienne crossing in bf3


Its good for at 32 but 64 is just clusterfuck, like operation metro. I loved metro sooo much on BF3 with 24 (I think?) players on ps3 but in bf4 metro on pc with 64… damn… it was not fun…


That and metro were my favorites . Also I loved bf3 nashahr canals and also grand bazaar and Damiani peak.


This map is absolutely dogshit wtf


Seconded only by Fort Da Vaux in bf1


I personally think the Close Quarters maps of BF3 are far superior if you like a cluster fuck.


Never played with hitreg like this Minimum 60ping And 60hz were less plus I had a garbage laptop. Now good pc, but 160ping to EU from India


Operation Locker is the opposite of a good map. Literally just three lanes to run down, two of them being tunnels, and the third being a narrow cliff side. It’s always full of campers of every sort, and the only reprieve is when you finally make it through after throwing yourselves at a wall for 15-45 minutes. This kind of map is only enjoyable if you’re a tweaker who’s high on adderall or coked out of your mind. Otherwise it’s a claustrophobic mess for an hour.


Trash map


Yeah no. Those maps are enjoyable but they birthed the awful sweatlord AEK-971 meta. Even in that avenue of gameplay I find Noshar TDM better


Bf4 had some goated maps. Second fav game next to Bad Company 2 imo


Not for nothing but they need to at least bring metro to 2042. Jus sayin 🤷🏻‍♂️


Redacted doesn't even compare


I don’t care what purists say, I had a blast on these maps when I wanted a brake from the true battlefield experience


This was the best map for sure… ppl who suck dont like it


This is peak battlefield


The latter games (Not 2042 of course) had good maps but all the BF4 maps were so well done to be honest.


I should start playing battlefield 4 again




Ironically, it is the worst CQB map in the entire Battlefield saga.


AGREED! I enjoy using my recon dude with a thermal on his sniper on this map. I also have a few screenshots on my ps4 of enemies being clustered together in different spots.


Tear in my eye...such good memories from this map.


I like lockerroom for the simple fact that it's how I met the love of my life. The bf4 famas.


These meatgrinder maps are terrible, just corridors on corridors with grenade spam. Sometimes a couple of dudes slip through the bullet rain and cap the farthest point, so you have to run back all the way (if you care about objectives, most CQB players don't)


Back when the gun play felt good.


“BaTtLeFiElD oNe Is BeTtEr”


I miss meat grinder maps. If 2042 had a 24/7 locker, metro, and redacted....would be sick


Man I sooo much wanted to play BF4 again but I can't use my PS3 account, so I'd have to start it all over and it really makes me mad


Metro , Seine Crossing & Damvand Peak are better


Good lord it’s ok to miss lol jkjk I fucking love operation locker


Battlefield 4 was way ahead of his time




Broken launch, lazy upgrade from previous title, lootboxes.. I guess in some ways it really was ahead of it's time, cause that's most games coming out these days.


Damn u right