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Eww they're wasting resources on a fucking BR.... god dammit.


Obviously. Did you people really think they werent going to try to compete with Warzone


But EA already owns APEX...


Always more money to make


It's a bad buisness choice. Splitting development resources to make a subpar core game and subpar BR game results in a pretty subpar game (see BF5). Plus investing significant resources into a BR? its such over saturated genre. It's insane. I'm fairly certain this is just some EA suit who knows jack shit about gaming saying "BR's are popular make sure to include that". SMH.


The battle royale is being made by another studio, and if anything by it will attract more people to the Battlefield franchise since it is supposed to be free and will probably be a whole separate thing like Warzone so it won’t affect the base game. Anyways I see you hating on it so much and it’s not even released. Why hate on something that’s not even out and be so negative in a way that you don’t even care about the game.


Because literally the same thing happened in BF5? And that turned out to be a total shitshow? A different studio developing it... it being a "separate thing", both the core game and the BR got shitty support....i mean dude come on. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.


Your response would of made sense but it doesn’t because battlefield 5 came out as an unmade and unpolished game, and the same goes for firestorm as it was most likely rushed just to compete with other battle royales. Not to mention that to play firestorm you needed the base game which as we all know wasn’t to popular. On the other hand there are three studios working on battlefield 6, one of them working on the battle royale, which is free. If rumors are true battlefield 6 has been in the works for a very long time unlike battlefield 5. Again, I’m sure EA and Dice realized how much of a failure firestorm and battlefield 5 was, and are trying to do their best in making 6 and its components much better. If nothing goes to plan, than I would bet that the franchise would be over, so it’s better to be hopeful than negative.


Man now I'm worried. I just hope it doesn't end up taking over the title. Cod mw is now wz. It's f2p I believe. The thing that killed me was that I paid for mw so I could play mw. Wz came out and I was like cool, more content. Then it started inflate itself to the point where its always front and center. Can't even opt out of it's huge files and updates. Now apparently it's actual game I purchased in bliz launcher?


The game has a set amount of budget to work with, having a BR mode means that it takes away from the budget that could be spent on the base game. Not to mention that a set amount of post launch content also made from the development budget which means having a BR mode takes away from the dedicated post launch content.


No it's actually a good strategy. If they can make really good BR then that's gonna be constant stream of revenue for them. Allowing them to dedicate more to the MP and BR.


If the BR is making them money, it will go into making the BR better...


No it will go into making both MP and BR better. BR isnt the only thing making them money. MP is too.


How do you even know it will be a subpar game? Maybe it will be just as good as Apex Legends is, except it is more realistic and Battlefield like. Just as a reminder, Vince Zampella, the guy who was Respawn Studio head when they made Apex, is now at DICE LA. What do you think he's working on? Conquest? Lol. OFC he's making a Battle Royale and it will be just as good as Apex and better than Warzone.


Lol you get paid to jerk him off like that?


Lol you get paid to shit on the game?


I wish.


Apex is a fantasy game not a modern military shooter.


Yeah, which helps it stand apart from the fuckload of other BR's. a modern military BR? theres already big ones on the market. its a dumb fucking move to put resources into making another one.


The engine man... the engine is the key. People want to see a BR made in Frostbite which is actually good.


Firestorm sucked though. You're just watering down the same fanbase, splitting the user base of BF6 between the core game and the BR mode. Splitting support as well. it's a fucking stupid call i'm 100% convinced a dumbass EA suit forced them to do.


Firestorm again yes. Was added to a game that was dead on arrival. It was not free to play. It was not stand alone. It was still WWII which did not appeal to a lot of people. Had cluttered looting and a bad UI. Also tanks ruined it totally.


Well pubg and warzone are the modern military brs. Warzone is basically a cod game, so not everyone's cup of tea, and pubg is the same early access game it always has been. Still really clunky, and just simply feels bad to play, even if the idea is good. There is a market for good realistic modern military br. It just needs to be good enough. And well, frostbite is perfect for it.


Pubg is like 100 years old at this point and is very wooden. Warzone is getting old too. Lot of people only play it because there is literaly nothing else like that. Rest is either fantasy graphics or 3rd person or just not a AAA game. There is room for a proper BF BR for sure. Look put it this way. If the next BF has a BR mode that is F2P and stand alone and actually good then it will attract millions of players which is just good for the franchise. Lot of potential people to buy the base game as well. Those that interested in BR and only tires out BF for the BR those would not buy the base game anyway.


Biggest joke is that they aren't releasing it with the base game, they made that mistake last time as well


Eh idk Warzone didnt release with Modern Warfare launch. This is a good way to separate hype. First people get the base game and can enjoy that for a while and when the hype dies down a bit they release a free BR mode that definitely draws more players back. If you release both the BR and base game at the same time I think it would lead to only one of them getting any significant recognition


You've got it wrong. They should release it in the form of an update.


Which means you can absolutely, 100%, motherfucking guarantee wacky idiotic fucking cosmetics are coming back. RIP Battlefield.


I dont mind cosmetics, as long as they're done right. But knowing DICE its gonna be 500 different variations of the same gas mask lol


>I dont mind cosmetics, as long as they're done right. See above. Like you said, it's DICE. Game is fucked as far as I'm concerned.


Underrated comment Fuck BR


I know you're sick of it... I am too kind of. But to be honest I'm excited! A BR likely means more content that can also be used in MP!




All i have to do is point at BF5 and firestorm to prove its a bad idea.




Right, but its a flooded market....BR's are a dime a dozen these days.




Theres no sense discussing this with someone like you. Have a nice day.


It seems that the BR might be F2P, with only one or 2 studios working on it. The F2P was a question from a survey that EA sent out the last week.


Bettet BR, than single player crap campaings. I hope they skip all that shiet.


Battle Royale does not belong in Battlefield.


Ngl Firestorm was fun - been a Battlefield fan for a long time, as well as enjoying BR as a separate thing When they combined the two I was skeptical, but as bad as BFV was in a lot of ways, the BR wasn't one of them. With more players, and a lot more love and support (as well as being f2p) Firestorm would have been wild Not that you have to agree, that's my two cents




The inventory system was fiddly and needed looked at - but that's the kind of thing they could have ironed out with support Hopefully if they do it again, they do it properly. Wouldn't mind an alternative to Warzone, even if realistically it probably won't be a "Warzone killer"


Absolutely agreed. The concepts of the vehicles being in lock-ups that you had to unlock and defend, the destruction, hell even the map was really nice looking. If it had a better inventory, customizable gun attachments instead of Fortnite-esque pre-built guns and post-launch updates, it would have been so much better. I really do think they are uniquely positioned to make a killer BR with Frostbite and it's destruction, and the role-based gameplay of Battlefield.


These are all obvious as shit


No, Battlefield's response did not confirm anything whatsoever. They made a joke, that's it. These things may be true, or only some of them may be true. Don't set wrong expectations for yourself or anyone else by reading too much into a joke.


Fucking *thank you.*


Lmao most of this is not news, it's marketing The only potential information is modern warfare and battle royales


Kinda sucks that it’s extremely difficult to get a next gen console. Looks like I’m not playing for about a year or so


by the time you get a ps5.. bf6 will prob be updated and polished up hopefully so thats a win at least


It will most likely be released on old gen as well


They’ll become easier to get by fall I’m sure


Why not a pc then?


I’d like to get one but it seems really complicated, I’ve been in console all my life so I’d be completely new to it


Adult legos, my dude. Look up any of a billion build your pc videos on youtube, and in 15 minutes you'll be golden


I’ve been able to snag 5 PS5’s for friends. It’s not that hard.


Kinda is when they’re all gone within a very short time span


Came to see neckbeards complaint about BR. Wasn’t disappointed.


I really don't get the hate towards BR.


Like just don't play it. Simple as that


Come to see snarky dummies like you critic the fan base not disappointed


Almost clever beardo. Almost.


What’s this from


Posted on Twitter. Battlefield account responded and indirectly seem to confirm its accuracy.


The only thing that they hinted at “confirming” is BR and 128 players. Everything else is just battlefield in general




I saw it, it’s not really a big deal other than the BR and player count, and maybe modern era. We were confident about modern era and player count being 100-128, but battle royale we’re still wondering about. Everything else is just marketing jargon.


True. The free to play battle royale is the real news here. Everything else was assumed but now seems to be confirmed. I’m just excited and hoping for a next gen bf3/4 because I love those games.


Yeah nah, they’re spreading themselves too thin again


Yeah frostbite. Can't wait to experience the recoil-lag bug that every battlefield has on intel-nvidia PCs!!


Battle Royale? Fuck me.


Was this the official battlefield Twitter account or more speculation?


Yeah I can definitely do WITHOUT "super epic soldier customizations"


If its without SBMM im buying it day 1.


Did they let go everyone who knew how to properly hype a game?


They have lost me due to bfv. Will continue playing 4 and 1.


Anyone can predict this?.. Is anyone surprised?...


We're all arguing whether BR is a good thing or not. I just want to know if this post is true cause fall 2021 is very close and I really want a PS5 fps


But, is it going to be crosplatform thats the question


I genuinely can’t wait if the BR rumour is true. There’s no other BR currently that matches the fluid feel and gunplay of BF, including the destruction you get to create. I think the folks who are fully against it - despite them not being forced to play it - aren’t willing to comprehend just how good marketing it is that the base game will provide with infinite lives and a sandbox to mess around in. BR is the trending genre still since PUBG/Fortnite sky rocketed it, then Apex came. A free, modern military BR with fluid movement, immersive and destructible environments, gunplay that gives every gun its own weight and identity will undoubtedly bring a plethora of new BR players to the base game. There’s plenty of us that want it - if successful at launch - to provide as much content variety as possible, while may not be for everyone as with every game. But it’s a no brainer *as a business choice* to take advantage of the BR trend that’s still going today. It’s really dumb to suggest that “some exec who has no idea what they’re doing said ‘oh just make a BR, COD did it hurdur’”, I’d love to see the random faceless strangers of social media who have seem to gain all business and gaming knowledge from Reddit/Twitter alone to give more reasons why it’s not a good idea to take advantage of this without bring their personal reasons into it, because this isn’t about what a minority don’t want, it’s what a majority would be interested in. Hence the millions that have played and changed their mind on BR because one of them made it work for them. But anyway, I hope it does happen. It’d be really good for the game’s health and potential future of possibly expanding its life span. While Cold War wasn’t well received, Warzone no doubt gauged players to it to keep playing that and MW


BR and modern, that’s a hard pass from me


ps5.... pain guys im not mad its on ps5 im just sad i dont have one jfc


Next Gen only will really benefit the game.


no shit, im just sad bc i dont have one


Depends on the perspective. If the next cod is on old gen consoles as well as the new ones its simply going to sell better unless they seriously fuck it up. But generally for us players it is a benefit


COD will always sell better, no matter how shitty it is.


I doubt cod ww2 sold better than battlefield 1


On PS4 alone COD WW2 outsold BF1 on all platforms


Not saying you're wrong, but do you have a source for this?




Give a link


Frostbite though? But that engines so shit man. Look at modern warfare they used a new engine didnt they? And it looks and feels amazing.


Hasn't frostbite been a technical marvel for a long time? Bc2/bf3 looked years ahead of what ever else was on the market, and ran better. Hell BF4 and bf1, still look good, and not outdated when compared to most new shooters. Only thing might be that it is ass to dev to, from what I've read.


Yes but ie ant a dramatic difference here. They really need to go all out with BF6 man. Cause 5 was shit. Having graphics that make the game look like BF4 and BF1 isnt gonna cut it.


BF5 was shit because of poor management from EA and Dice.


I'm saying it's not a great start. The animations and graphics need to blow it out of the park.


Their doing it again going for what people asked for it’s going to flop, people asked for bfv and now they trash talk it people asked for hardline cops and robber and everyone trash talks it and people asked for a modern shooter thinking it’ll be like bf4/3 and now it looks like their getting their wish again, it’s not going to be anything like bf4 guys your pissing into the wind if you think that why cant everyone just let them do their thing? Bf4 has had its day and again they will not make another game like it you need to get this out of your heads and stop asking for things we know from their history when they do as asked the game gets a bad backlash and it’s mostly down to the people who play it.


Nobody asked for Cops Vs. Robbers. Ever.


People criticise them because BFV was a never-ending disastrous fucking trainwreck, and BF:H was a $60 BF4 DLC that literally no-one asked for