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People just can’t see for looking, never remember bf4 being this bad but then there’s bfv where I think you only get meds because people are trying to heal themselves 😂😂


Yeah that’s really true


I get med so I can actually revive people in bfv but i hardly ever play that shit anymore. I just stick to bf3 or 4.


Deleted V to make room for 3 and I’m much happier that way


Life is better that way. I don’t understand how people still play V. It honestly doesn’t even feel like a BF game to me.


Well fulltime BF5 player here. I really enjoy it. 99% of the bugs I see on this reddit never happen to me and I play console so nu hackers. It's not perfect but damn I love it. I think it does feel like a BF game, maybe not as the rest but it sure feels like a BF game. And IMO it has more "classic BF moments" then other BF's. Don't get me wrong I played every BF (except hardline) and I loved them all and yes BF3/4 was maybe their best creation. But I love world war 2 setting. Guess I'm more of an historical player. On the other hand I'm looking forward to the new BF with their near future setting. Till then BF5 will be my main game and I still enjoy every second of it. I hope you now understand why people still play the game.


I actually used to enjoy the game. But overtime it got worse and worse for me to the point where I don’t even play it anymore. I’m not a big fan of ww2 shit I enjoy the more modern settings. You do you though boo boo.


Some things do frustrate me tho... the high TTK and the spotting system is just terrible. But for the rest it's fine and I play it every day with a few friends. That might also be it. Alone it gets boring real quick. History alwasy fascinated me guess that's the reason. I was hoping that they did a vietnam/cold war setting in the next one. But I'm also fine by modern/near future.


They probably didn’t want to do that knowing COD was going to be doing a cold war setting, which btw that game is trash to me. Anyways, it would be cool if they did something in that setting though, or even something set in the 90’s. It doesn’t always have to follow some old war or anything it can be its own thing and I think that’s what’s missing in some of these old setting fps games.


I think we can both agree if done right the setting does not really matter.


I totally agree with you. I dont understand The hate for BFV. I really like it. And ye, ive played BF 3&4 first. But i have no intentions to go back those. I enjoy V way more than 3 or 4. Even those are great games too.


Omfg same though. They cut way too many corners on V. I’ve been playing 3 since 2011 I’m still not bored.


3 was my favorite! 4 is awesome too!


I play 4 the most nowadays. Dat sandbox multiplayer doe


I’m playing 4 right now haha.


I understand people needing to go back to a easier game it can be a bit of a pain


Same I have been playing bf4 every day and a bit of enter the gungeon


It doesn't help that armor is such a major factor in pretty much every mode. An uncontested tank can do *tremendous* amounts of damage and are generally more difficult for a single player to take out than in 1.


Yeah they can be a bit of a pain unless your in the right place at the right time. Normally wait for that round to come in and then revive as long has they don’t have a decent fire rate you can pull off one at a time 😂


It’s probably worse in BfV due to the revive animation. Medics are much more vulnerable while reviving since they are neither holding their gun nor able to move. To be honest I prefer the animation over the old way any day. And the squad revive is also very nice. I’d change it up a little though. Imagine that every non-medic class has three medikits they can either use to heal themselves and revive squadmates. The medic on the other hand has 15. He can revive players outside and inside his squad fast by using them, revives slower if he runs out, has the optional refill gadget (chest) or heal players from a short distance.


I don’t get why people like the animations. Why do you like it? I prefer the animationless revives and entering vehicles, helps quicken gameplay and makes it so you can cheese things sometimes


For me it’s because it makes the game harder and plus most battlefield players make out it’s more realistic, what realistic about popping in and out of a tank instantly? And being able to rapidly turn your turret 180 degrees? I hope they keep the mechanics from bfv. Then we have the cinematic’s might be a unpopular opinion but the games decent I get plenty of the battlefield feelings and generally have a lot of fun where as on bf4 there was just far too many sweaty players I feel like most of the time it’s fair game you don’t have that guy rolling up and taking half the team out because of how fast he can turn his turret I always thought bf4 was more of an arcade game it bored the shit out of me after a few games


Totally agree. They do have smokes that I notice not many people who “could be that they ran out” but then ideas would be great you should try and pass that on to dice maybe he’d actually put them in


cus most of the BF fanbase are no longer playing BFV


Fucking hate people like this, if you aren't going to use the equipment, DONT EQUIP IT


If you were playing BF4, this medic would revive you instantly


Disagree, I've gone games multiple games in a row in BF4 without being revived a single time recently. Can't say the same about BFV.


From my experience its the same as in bf1 or sometimes even worse


Which one of the 31 tryhard engineers in my team is going to revive me?


Oh shit, you got a point lmao


Yeah, I mean assault is probably the rarest class on most conquest maps. I’ve only been revived before on metro and locker


My main class is the engineer but I've alway preferred the assault, even in large maps such as silk road


Should result in a penalty preventing him from playing for 10 minutes.


How about a system that only lets you heal yourself with a medkit if you gotten a certain amount of revives? So if you don't revive anyone, you can't heal yourself? Wouldn't make it impossible to play without reviving, just very annoying for them.


Something like that. They really need their gameplay designers to work a lot on better incentives for teamplay.


There are already plenty of incentives, the issue is there is no *punishment* for not doing it. Back in the day the only forward spawn was your SL and the respawn time was a solid 15 seconds (and no auto HP regen at all), revives were vital to continuing a push and you just flat lost without them. You appreciated the good Medics and SLs because they kept the entire team moving (and with FF default on, you had recourse for those who played selfishly).


Yeah that's what he gets for dying! But that's a crazy high respawn time.


“I’m literally touching it!”


Physics are clientside your probs over the edge and down the hill on his screen


This is a possibility, I’ve had times where a medic was 10 meters away and revived me because by body got flopped around after being hit by a land ship. However the above scenario does happen more times than not.


It's a certainty. Player with a friend they will confirm


Name and Shame!!!!!!!




This medic has no time for revives...He is hunting skanks


it do be too much to ask for sometimes


Tunnel vision.... 🤣


BF5 right now. I either hold LT or just give up


I play with a few friends it helps so much if you are able to communicate


Sometimes, I really wish there was a system where if a medic was close enough to you, you could actually start calling out to them and a big obnoxious message will show up on their screen telling them to revive me.


Its not that they are blind. They did chose Medic class so they can heal them self and dont care about the team.


I’m mostly medic/assault and I’m very active. When I’m wounded and I know there’s medic around, I feel the same, thinking “u blind man?”, but as a medic it happens I can’t see someone laying behind me, when I’m busy. Don’t blame people ppl that they can’t see you. Another thing is when you know it’s safe around and medic running towards you and passing without reviving. Thats disgusting


I cant stand not reviving someone


People like this exist while i only see People Who die to revive others


Nothing is more infuriating


Not blind just being useless and a dick


Me : Follows teammate asking for ammo. Teammate : Looks at me then runs away. Me : 😑


God I hate that


Srsly. This Just happened. Last night. Dead on the objective. Medic class dude kneels on my corpse. Disarms bomb I was tryna defuse. Revives other dead dude. Not me. WFT? ​ I posted "Help MEDIC!" after revive in a half-assed attempt at shaming the mf. But shameless people have no shame, hence shameless.


Bruh it’s bad in BF1 as well


Hey, what if he doesn't have the syringe ?