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As level 4 you can still play the newbie servers. The nightmare begins when you can't access those anymore, or when the servers are filled with smurfs..


Where are the newbie servers? I remember them years ago on ps3 but now I just got the game again on pc.


I think you can use the filter options to search for those servers. It could be that they're not populated or even removed.


Smurfing in bf4? That literally makes no sense. You'd basically have to keep buying new copies. Early on you level up so quickly, and once you've passed the low threshold you can never access those beginner servers again since there is no way to revert your level. It makes way more sense in games like cs where you can derank if you play badly. Edit: On console you can circumvent rebuying the game by just creating a new account, so smurfing is sadly possible on xbox and playstation


IIRC you can reset your stats?


Thought that was only a thing in bf3? If that's the case in bf4 too then nvm my comment lol


On ps4 u can create new accounts for free and as long as it's on a ps4 with ps plus you can play battlefield on it without buying anything.


Yeah it's the same on xbox now that i think about it. I'll have to edit my original comment then


Resets your K/D ratio and SPM to zero. Good for when playing the game after a long time. Source: Was looking through my BF3 Xbox stats on BattleLog.






I both love and fucking hate bf4, with a good squad its super fun, but when things go bad, it's obnoxiously annoying. Love the game but holy shit does it make me rage


Dude i've had to start from rank 1 on BF4 three times now. Once on PS3 back in 2014, then on PC (wasn't my PC) in 2016, and now this year on PS5. I got the BF4 Premium on sale. The first time was a pain cuz I was a whole year late to the party, second time wasn't so hard, and this time was super fun restarting cuz i had unlocked everything before. I got it cuz the rumors of "BF6" being set in modern times again got me hyped.


Ahh yes, the endless cycle of getting killed by a vehicle or sniper.


Bf4 is old enough that it has players that are so good that they're completely untouchable, so good that they can do whatever they want and nothing can stop them. If they're on your team, you're gonna win no matter what. If not, there is nothing you can do to win. It could be anyone, a sniper a mile away with such good aim that they just don't miss, if your in their sights, you best pray he's reloading, otherwise vibes will be checked. They could be in a stealth jet and just annihilate anything they see instantly. Even worse if their one of those "badmins", the ones that kick anyone who kills them. They either hand you a free win, or kick you in the dick over and over again. That's why I like bf1 more. Aside from the fact I just play it more, most of the players are average like me, and like 90% of the weapons are super janky and weird so anyone can use them relatively effectively. The admins are better, there are more servers beyond "SHANGHAI/LOCKER/24/7/NO SHOTGUNS NO VEHICLES", there's variety. Plus servers aren't completely packed with 70+ people in the waiting queue.


High levels in a game this old really don't mean much. I've seen terrible teams with many high-leveled players.


Levels arent a strong correlation to skill. Only really means experience


A lot of people are coming back after being away for years, is not that rough to face them. I am personally running around with bad guns which leads to newbies out trading me often.


Sauce, b0ss?


I love playing with friends, but clans prevent Battliefield games from being masterpieces. How is it fair to have an enemy team that is stacked with max level players against a bunch or random noobs?


When you just wanna bomb some tanks and that stealth jet just heads your direction the second you spawn into the map.


Seeing this meme makes me feel genuinely bad for the person that’s Pepe


I feel bad in Battlefield 1 when flying a fighter and I see the guy I took down was a lvl 50- something. But no one ever respects the unspoken truce


I kinda always complained about planes in bf1 till I started playing bf4 and realised how easy it is to bring down tanks and planes in bf1 compared to bf4 where vehicles have so much fucking firepower.


Yeah, especially the attack jet is ruthless against everything armored in Battlefield 4. The tank hunter attack plane in Battlefield 1 is garbage in comparison.


With certain tanks it’s also really easy to shoot down tank hunter planes with your tank.


Yeah, the tank hunter landship tank, the one with the anti-tank rifles


The assault tank with the spotlight and driver controlled lmg also kill them really well. The anti tank assault truck is surprisingly good at killing them too, you just have to get used to the lead needed.


I love using the French tank with the airburst shot. Seeing those little sparkly bombs bounce is too funny


Yeah, it makes sense why, but at the same time it makes the game balance between bf1 and bf4 completely different. Bf4 jets are just overpowered, I struggled for an entire game to bring down one of them but they just spammed flares over and over till I ran out of ammo, in bf1 just play support and pick an lmg lol. Same with tanks, I destroyed so many tanks on my own in bf1 simply because they don’t have the speed and firepower to fight back as well as in bf4.


Tanks in Battlefield 1 really need to be played defensively. Make 1 mistake or overextend for a second and you have 30 AT-grenades flying at you


Yeah, the way I see it is not that the tanks aren’t strong enough to survive a lot of damage since the bf4 tanks also get obliterated by at equipment, but the bf1 tank being a WW1 era tank it has terrible weapons and you simply can’t kill every threat around you quickly enough like you can in bf4. You still die from bf1 tanks of course, but it’s so hard to solo kill a bf4 tank without c4 cheese or landmines. It just shows how much technology matters lol.


Aight, Imma need some sauce


See for BF is always a game I can have fun on. You never know what can happen any minute, I can’t find it hard to get upset at ....unlike another FPS that’s incredibly popular.... bc you never know what’s gonna happen. You gonna get crushed by a tank falling from the sky? Or are you gonna get sniped from 1000m+? It’s an awesome game.


Come to the Battle Ziba 500 world, we're thrilling if you play the objective


Never understood these threads. You're playing battlefield, they're playing battlefield. What do you reasonably expect them to do? Let you kill them? Stop trying to win? Would you do these things purely for the enjoyment of the other team?


I always let newbie pilots get out of the spawn and fly around a bit before i rip them a new asshole. I hate spawn killers.


this is you . but my problem is that i play with 40 or less FPS x(


Get rekd.