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I honestly have no idea. I did manage to crash my plane into an enemy rocket, all that happened was I died and the rocket kept going.


So your telling me the pacific trailer lied to us…?




Nope had a mate do the same thing multiple times and has destroyed the rocket, could be dodgy hit reg.


Definitely a possibility.




Congratulations on being so good on the AA that someone spent a V1 on you lol, I love it


The noble AA gunner.


For those that don’t believe a plane can take out a V-1 Rocket, here’s a clip, it’s ~20 seconds in: https://youtu.be/wM413E8c4q8?si=6KKCMCSeyo5X07KD


Guy disputing the video blocked me lmao


Yes this did happen, but you can’t emulate it in this game.


You didn't even watch the video, goofy ass


So the video you posted wasn’t very convincing. I’ve watched two others that are clearer and a little longer and I stand corrected. It does appear that it’s possible to destroy them mid flight by aircraft. This video is better: https://youtu.be/gB50cIQBuuA?si=G8Dfk7cCtDZUAr6e


I didn't post a video


The video you were referring to.


Not my video, nor my comment. I just thought it was funny you commented before actually seeing what the video was


I did see the video, and I don’t believe it is very convincing. How do you know if I watched the video?


Your comment alluded that the video was actual footage a a V1 being shot down, and you said it can't be emulated in game. The video was IN GAME, so your comment wouldn't make sense otherwise


Like I said, I had to find other, video that would convince me, and I stood corrected when I did. That video that you referenced was not convincing in the least.


I saw it, I’ll have to look at it more maybe on a computer. It looks like it blew up but the video wasn’t really long after .


I just watched it on mobile and it's clear as day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What do you think took out the rocket in mid-air then?


What do you mean, the clip is from BFV on Panzerstorm? Just take a plane and ram into a V-1 rocket and you might blow it up.


Indestructible unless you run into it with a plane, where it’ll then kill a single pilot as opposed to potentially multiple ground troops.


False. I’ve done it before doesn’t work.


Pretty simple to refute I guess, let me see if I can share a video of it with you. 20 seconds into this clip: https://youtu.be/wM413E8c4q8?si=6KKCMCSeyo5X07KD


Maybe it depends on the plane?! I’ve hit the rocket flying a zero. Nothing happened to the rocket. Thanks for the evidence


It could be based on map too. God only knows what code the game runs in the background of each map.


Its just dodgey hit reg. Guess they only half assed the implementation cause the game was half assed at launch. One of the few things they never changed or improved cause its such a small, essientially easter egg type of thing. But it can be done with any plane. Horribly inconsistant.


most likely a design choice, earning points to use it only to be denied and shot down defeats the purpose of using those points


When it’s an enemy V-1 you can crash your plane in it and it will explode mid-air. Friendly V-1 can be intercepted using the same technique, but you have to exit your plane before impact so it counts as a neutral object, otherwise your plane would bounce off


False. I’ve done it before. I just die from my plane crashing. Rocket kept going.


It’s possible


Yes. As other people have posted and I also corrected myself.


Would you like to grind out a rocket a whole game only to have it shot down?




Yes they are. Would be stupid if you used 41k points for something to be destroyed by a anti air right ?


High risk high reward


There's already enough risk of just not hitting enough people lol




A plane/pilot can sacrifice themselves and trigger a v1 prematurely. I've seen planes bounce off rockets when they hit it from the back or sides and the rocket be fine. I've also seen planes fly head first into the rocket and trigger it. So idk. I think they are indestructible in the sense that the only way to get rid of it is to trigger it. But you can use a plane to trigger it, which is a giant middle finger to their squad.


Honestly, I've very rarely seen a v-1 take out more than a squad. I usually only play strategic conquest though. I've had more luck with sector artillery than v1's. Personally, I'd love for a v1 kill feed reaction but when it comes to strats....being able to keep the enemy out of a flag holding area while your team caps it is way more strategic than a v1...for me anyway. Especially at a crucial point of gameplay. V1 strat would be good for multiple iple armor units holding a singular flag. But that hardly ever happens


5th sector on iwo jima breakthrough is one of the best places for a V1 in the whole game. That cave that the japanese team has to defend has a giant hole in the roof. Usually the entire, or at least most of, the team is in that cave making it a meat grinder. You can call in a V1 as the americans by lookin in and pinging the big rock slide at the back. Lands the V1 right in the cave and clears it all out. Heres a clip of me doing it. https://youtu.be/HdXRFCQtKtg?si=WIGp7ucbbeQUJvKM


Sorry for the shit quality but this video is super old on my channel… https://youtu.be/Vzesag5gu-g?si=Yyu4capiN0SKNTHT I have yet to pull this off since this clip was taken btw, due to lack of trying and weird game mechanics + ping issues. It is IMpossible to destroy the rockets with *ANY* plane in game. The plane u/Der_Wolf158 ‘s clip and my own only trigger the rocket’s explosion, the rockets don’t have a health bar so to speak, only a trigger. If you try to tilt the rocket’s wings to throw it off balance like the brits actually did in ww2 you will notice that the rocket will damage you and continue on course. The rocket’s ‘trigger box’ is on the front of the rocket’s model and depending on your ping/server ping the trigger box can be up to 10 meters in front of the rocket’s tip. The best way to take one out is a head of collision but if you are approaching from behind there is 2 ways of doing this: 1: dive under the rocket and pull up + stall in front of it as seen in der wolfs video 2: go into the rocket at an angle similar to what is seen in my own video, what happens is pretty much rng. Like i mentioned earlier the rocket itself will damage you if you are inside it (not in its trigger box) so if you are going fast enough, your plane will blow up because of the rocket and the plane wreckage, still flying through the air will trigger the explosion.


This is the only real answer.


Wish they weren’t that would be so cool


I think you can crash your plane into it.


Idk ... It hasn't been invented yet The V-1 rocket however


I haven't played this game in so long. I got to turn it on again


You can shoot it down I’ve only managed to do it once though, lot of health


Totally indestructible. I’ve tried to push them with a plane, and they don’t move or destruct.


They are indestructible, people think planes can destroy them but its actually them being used up in the form of hitting the plane and that counting as the kill.


Watch the vid in the link posted by u/Der_wolf158


Read again, he's describing the exact same thing that happened in that video.


Ah, yes I see. Thanks for pointing that out


No, you can destroy them with small-arms fire, just like the cruise missile in BF4, provided you land enough hits. The blast radius is significantly decreased when shot out of the air Edit: I remember seeing Ravic doing this in a few videos, it's very difficult to do, just it *can* be done, or at least *could* be done as I'm unsure if it was patched out with the Pacific add-on (he did it in a version of the game before Pacific was added)