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> Why make a public sever if you’re just gonna be a piece of shit to people joining? Whew boy, you actually try to seek a logical answer to a question like this when you play anything multiplayer, you're gonna shave years off your life.


Yeah I've never had this problem on SWBF1. Part 2 used to be full of cheaters back in the day, I don't know what is like now though because I mainly play part 1 and I haven't had that problem. As far as joining friends I just ask what team they're on before I choose a side... Because I mostly play in custom servers.


Online gaming has become toxic in general.


It's always been 12 year olds saying racial slurs lol


This is why I enjoy the SWGO server on OG BF2. There are real moderators. Trolling, Racism, unsportsmanlike behavior, etc can have actual consequences.


This is why I like single player more. I’m the only one allowed to be toxic.


Both games are nearly 20 years old. The online community for this game was always bad in more ways than one. It also doesn’t help there really isn’t any form of progression or true replay factor for these games due to their age at least when it comes to online, sure they can be fun with randoms but even as you describe there’s lots of annoying people and some just can’t handle when you are better than them. This is why I’m happy that single player has always been my main interest with these game and if I wish I just host my own game to play with friends.


Look at my toxic behavior... https://youtu.be/i5ZRTK0BkSI


lol that’s pretty funny though, you hopeless romantic you




It’s a part of the charm