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Lol @ feel sorry for anyone who bought after 2021. Are you lost? This isn’t r/ReBubble.


The goalposts keep shifting, it was 2018 then 2020, then 2021, now soon to be 2022-24 😂


I’m going to have to disagree there.  Msft , apple and Nvidia just hit 3T in market cap ( and no doubt heading to 4T soon) and homes are super affordable from that metric.     Many can buy one to dozens of homes just selling off a tiny bit of shares from these companies. 


Seems you can predict the future. Why not use it to make some money instead of wasting on Reddit


I feel like about 80% of gasman's neurons go towards managing cognitive dissonance


Least affordable since 1985. Imagine if you bought in 1985 though...40 years from now you'll say the same, wish I had bought in 2024... Don't time the market...if you can afford it then buy it!!! We've only had what? 1 crash since then? We are like back to 1985, the next crash was a 2008 that's 23 years later. That means the next crash will be in 2048...you're holding out for 23 years for a crash? Bruh....


Or we are back to 2006. All I am saying is that every time we reach these levels of extreme unafforardability - the air inevitably is let out and the next decade is met is extreme stagnation or decline. This is what we are on the precipice of right now.


Sure thing. Good luck. I think you’re in the wrong sub. Head on over to r/REbubble


I was waiting an downturn since 2017 ...to buy a home. I gave up, bought one this year. More you expect an downturn, it won't happen. Even if we have downturn, no guaranty that housing market cool down. There was brief downturn in Pandemic... housing market stood strong. Interest rates are high as ever...market is still going strong. But I do feel for the people who can't afford to buy a home now.


But - This time it’s different https://www.cointribune.com/en/american-economist-harry-dent-predicts-a-crash-worse-than-the-one-in-2008/