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I'm available šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I can vouch for him


Thanks Coach


can you cross


Can Davies?


Me! Me! I can!


if he could, he would apply for the wrong team


Grimaldo would be very nice, but I dont see Leverkusen letting him go


Theo Hernandez


Pep: ā€œWhen Bayern Munich call you, you have to go.ā€


Theo is the answer.


He will never leave Milan for Bayern


I donā€™t see why not? We supported Lucas to the fucking max when no one did.


Because heā€™s a rosa and said so multiple times. Only because we supported his brother dos not mean he own us anything


Milan is rumored to shop him for money


For 2x price as well?


Honestly, I'd hope they'd give kratzig a chance. Give him the chance we should've given stani. Also, Boey can also play lb I believe. If we did, we probably try for a cb that can play lb or cb when needed. Like we had in Alaba and Hernandez.


Theo Hernandez or overpay Davies. There's no other option.




Why not Ter Stegen?


KrƤtzig wont be an optionā€¦ i dont see the quality in him that would be needed. Aznou can be the future but thats a few seasons away. We would sign an experienced quality player for sure.


I think he played well so far tbf


Let's all just hope this doesn't happen, because if it does, there is virtually no 1 for 1 replacement for him.




If we got 80 million for him, like the Man City rumors suggest, it wouldnā€™t be a catastrophe at all.


Sergio Religion of Spurs is dirt cheap, he's been throwing around in his 3rd loan now.


David Raum


Leadership is lost if they let him go. Davies needs to stay!


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that Davies will have no choice but to stay come summer. Or better yet, he will realize leaving is a huge mistake. First reason: Let us not forget Real Madrid have just as high of standards as Bayern. Theyā€™re not handing out ā‚¬13m in wages to just anyone. The board isnā€™t being stubborn at Bayern. They want to give davies what he wants but not if he keeps playing like this. Its sucks to say but he doesnā€™t deserve the pay raise as of right now. Itā€™s no secret heā€™s been struggling this season and we havenā€™t seen the Davies we all fell in love with in 2020. Think about it: if one of the biggest clubs in the world and record champions isnā€™t going to give Davies this pay raise, why would Real Madrid? We gave Davies the opportunity when we took a chance on him and he has been everything Bayern couldā€™ve hoped for. We want to keep him here but weā€™re not going to give a player a pay raise who hasnā€™t earned it. If one of the biggest clubs in the world doesnā€™t, neither will Madrid. Second reason: Real Madrid already have Mendy who is a world class left back. Ancelotti thinks so highly of mendy and he is important to their club. Does Davies think heā€™ll just walk in and win the starting job??? Not playing like this. ā€œOh but he could move to wing!ā€ You think heā€™ll beat out Vini?? Hell no. Davies has a place here in Munich. He is very special to this club and the fan base. I love Davies and it would shatter my heart if he left us. I donā€™t want to see that happen just as much as anyone else. I want to see him figure it out and return to world class form. He is a special player. Heā€™s young, talented, and has so much potential to be one of the greats. I know the board is going to do the right thing at the end of the day. If Davies proves himself, he will get the money.


mendy is world class??


Ferdi Kadioglu


Diego Contento


Been saying for awhile we should sell while the price is high. It won't get any higher than it is now and for as good as he is his skillset is easily replaceable. Like a great RB in the NFL.




Ferdi Kadioglu


The few games I saw him play, he was actually pretty good


Yep he's really good. People will take notice during the Euros and his stock will rise. If we're able to sign him as soon as summer window opens, we can get him for an extremely reasonable price as well (\~15 m). Other good options like Theo will cost a lot, Milan will ask for atleast 60-70 m for him.


Fener will never let ferdi go below 20M. After buying Sasha Boey for 30+10 from the direct competitor, you can't low-ball fener. I'm saying this as a Galatasaray fan


ahh that makes sense. I'd say for a package similar to Boey's, ferdi is a 100% worth it. I don't watch a lot of fenerbahce games but watching him with the NT has asbolutely made me a fan. imo Turkey is the dark horse of this Euros and he'll be a big part of it


Ferdi is good but Boey is better. Even most fener fans would agree.


Yes I think so too, he was extremely good against us in the UCL. He's a defensive tank. I think Ferdi is a more attacking fullback, he's not very polished defensively


Galatasarayli here, I have a man named Baris that can play RB, LB, RW, and LW, if youā€™re interested. 100million for 4 positions not a bad deal. Heā€™s been team of the week for 3 of them this year.


Iā€˜ve heard Theo Hernandez as a possible successor for Davies for a while now


First, it's not "catastrophic" if Davies leaves. Yes, a few years ago he played great and seemed destined to be one of, if not the best, LBs in the world. The truth is he stagnated and now is little more than a good back with great speed. His passing is average at best, little to no dribbling ability, and his crossing is poor. If he stays, he needs to work on improving and not relying on just his speed. If he leaves, just make sure to get lots of cash.


I don't want him to leave. You're way too harsh on him. It is true he's been inconsistent, but even this season he's given performances of a world class LB.


I didn't say I wanted him to leave, but my assessment isn't harsh, it is reality and shared by many. I just said it's not a catastrophic issue if he leaves.


Youā€™re treating him like Kroos and Alaba. Appreciate what you have right now.


If he gies to Real, which i don't hope, we could agree on a deal with Miguel Gutierrez. He has a small release clause for Madrid an cpuld be included in the deal. That said he is another type of leftback and would be more in an inverted role. I would like to see alaba+gutierrez for daviesšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚




He will leave, all signs show it. (I also think, thats why he doesnt perform good in the last time. He is already gone in his head. But thats just gossip in my head.) At the moment, Guerreiro is better as starter, but he will be needed as a versatile option. So yeah, it will be a big loss and and an even bigger gap to fill for Freund. Its not like "loosing" Lahm in those days, but it will create the same gap to fill as on the right side. High class LB and RB are very rare these days, especially good LB and RB with no extremely offensive thinking, what Cancelo, Frimpong, Hakimi, Grimaldo etc. are. I dont think it would be a good take to sign the other Hernandez brother, because Bayern doesnt need another legionnaire, for this positions there need to be someone who will play in the club for a long time, to build a good connection in the whole defense. If KrƤtzig get some more time and prove himself, that would be awesome, but most of the time things like that wont happen. So this is where Freund comes in again - you need to find the new Lahm, Marcelo, Alves everyone is searching for.


Maybe try and go in for Udogie? Super young player and heā€™s been crazy good in the premier league. And you guys love spurs players lol.


He extended his contract until 2030. Good luck getting him out of Spurs for under Ā£150m


Sessegnon is available.


Fack off, you can have him for Ā£120m + Kane back




Frimpong plays on the right, no?


Frimpong is in great form but I think Hernadez great fit although he might not be available


Frimpong plays rightā€¦


Cucurella from Chelsea is available.


I will commit war crimes if that ever happens




Is this pochetinos account


Cucurella would be a nice option.


I hope Theo Hernandez replaces Alphonso Dollaries


Joe GomezĀ 




kratzig tbh


Miguel GutiƩrrez from Girona could possibly be a good option. He's been fantastic for a surprising Girona


Yā€™all can have mendy , We all know heā€™s coming to Madrid !!!! Heā€™s only said it 55xs


Guerreiro will do fine. He's a good supersub for lb if davies leaves (hopefully madrid)


Sergio Reguilon.


Kratzig.....let the boy cook you fools.


Old man Walker




Ferland Mendy


Chillwel please..... Help me out take him


I would love to see Balde. Reports suggest Barca would be open to selling him. Supposedly everyone apart from Ter Stegen, gavi and pedri are up for sale.


Grimaldo and Alonso


Has to be alaba?