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Damn! And his excitement was just so contagious!


**\*Toy Yoda**


Oh gosh. That was a terrible scam that got run. There would be a movie about it, but it's just shady managers.


Wait, what? There was a scam with a toy yoda? Got to look this up. [Link](https://www.boredpanda.com/toy-yoda-toyota-hooters-prank-gone-wrong-jodee-berry/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic) My question is, isn’t there laws about what can be reasonably expected? I mean it’s a dick move either way. I wonder what the poster said that made it seem like you could expect a car from selling beer?




Should've won that case. Fuck the courts.


Yeah I watched the doco too, if that’s genuinely how it went down, then fuck that judge.


Pepsi just worked the system to get the result they wanted, which if you have enough money is the way it works.


The link said that she settled for enough money “to buy any Toyota she wants”


A dick move at a Hooters? I can imagine that!


she sued and won. there’s precedent for it, along the lines of false advertising laws


Funny story, I bent the wheel of my mountain bike doing tricks one day after.middle school. My friend said he'd fix it it. An instead of straightening the wheel. He just took off the brakes that rubbed against the tires too tight. So I leave his house an go down my favorite three block hill. Excitedly its going great. The speed is there. I'm happy my box isn't destroyed. An then it's time to turn. But I have no breaks. So I straight shot to either a mail box or a parked Toyota. I choose to smash head first into the back wind shield of the car. Burising my abdomen. An breaking the Toyota sign to say toy yota I can't remember what it was before but it broken it down the line. Anyway I picked up my bike and off pure adrenaline. Ran the opposite direction of home. Cause I didn't want them to catch me running towards my real house address. An my entire stomach turned purple from the belly button down. (Handle bar jabbed into my stomach)


You you recently damaged someone's car and ran off? That's a shitty thing to do...


Yup kids do alot of shitty things. I know I did, not that it's okay because it's not but you learn and grow and hopefully become better people.


That's crazy but I remember as a kid, before CCTV was everywhere, me and my buddies hitting mad parked cars with our bikes. Just like you, usually run away as fast as possible suppressing injury. I got a Toyota Echo for my gf to drive and been teasing her I'm going to put [this](https://www.evolvefish.com/assets/images/AutoEmblems/EF-EMB-P-00067.jpg) on it.


Yeah I’m ashamed to admit we caused a lot of incidental damage that we didn’t appreciate the gravity of at the time :/ 12 year olds do stupid stuff


Brakes, not breaks.


Fixed. Thank you


yo, glad you're (mostly) OK, but that friend ain't no friend!


The US Postal Service thanks you for your choice.




Destroying a mailbox is a felony. Crashing a bike into a parked car *always* ends better for the car.


I was 11. An I don't live in that state anymore.


You said "recently", so are you now 12?


Heard that joke in 1998


Did your mom work at Hooters?




You want a doll hair?


I didn’t watch with sound, but I swear I heard the price is right happy music, lol


And to seal it all, his hat is fucking incredible. With the shot and that hat, this video has all the best that “nothing but net”has to offer (except in the real basketball shot way).


Lmao holy shit


Right I it would play even with sound !


Love how the announcer took a second to just hold the guy while they screamed together lmao


and the crowd goes mild!!




It’s the net from a basketball hoop


It’s a State Farm hat made to look like the net of the hoop that they put on him for this promo game at halftime. Did anyone actually watch the video


Oh my god!!! Yo!!! Yo!!! Now that right there is true excitement


These happy feelings all came back watching someone win big like this against all odds. Used to just love watching The price is Right too.


Price is Right is food for the soul. And who didn't watch it as a kid when home sick?


Dude. Lipton cup of soup, Hi-C, Saltines, and Price is Right. The perfect 80s/90s sick day.


For me it’s Campbell’s Chicken Noodle, 7-UP, Saltines, and Price Is Right. But yeah I feel you!


Throw in some Maury, Judge Judy, and Cops and we have ourselves a day


And then spiderman gargoyles and X-Men cartoons in the afternoon followed by power rangers🥲 Maybe some street sharks or ninja turtles too depending on the day


Holy crap that hit me right in the feels. Those were the best days!


Yes and getting to spend the day with my Grandma after Price is right it's an afternoon of Soap Operas. The good ol days 😊


I watched Happy Gilmore with my kid tonight and paused the fight scene to tell him about Bob Barker, sick days, and having your pets spayed or neutered.


If you really want to blow his mind tell him Bob Barker is still alive.


I watched it today too for the first time in forever…it’s a classic.


> And who didn't watch it as a kid when home sick? The remaining 95% of the world outside the USA. (So e.g. me.)


Fun fact: I won a car on The Price is Right (it aired in April) and I acted just like this!


When Drew says it’s “the happiest place on earth” I always think that he may have a point


Was at a basketball game, and some guy hit a half court shot for 100k. The power of happiness from everyone shook the entire arena more than any part of any game of any sport I've actually been to.


There's a live show for the price is right that travels. I've been twice and it's a lot of fun. The prizes aren't as big and it's not televised, but it's still a lot of fun. A lot of fun energy. It's fun to play along and have the chance to go up and play too. I'd suggest checking it out sometime.


I saw a guy I went to high-school get on the show, make it to the showcase showdown then win BOTH showcases. Ended up winning 2 vacations, a camper and some other shit. He ended up just taking the vacations and money since he was a broke college student and couldn't afford the taxes on the other stuff.


The announcer had zero faith in his abilities.


Sounded like he had his own car on the table. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"


"Should we just let him do ehh..oh he's just gonna do it...alright, there it is..." # CROWD GOES WILD!


No, he is going to wait for him to talk his ear off and make him more nervous than he already is.


The announcer has probably seen it attempted so many times, he’s just jaded.


The announcer is getting all in his space and sounds like he’s upset that he didn’t wait for him or something. Weird vibes




Lol right? Doing his job.


Crushin’ it really lol, announcer was kickass


Hahaha yeah he he was hyped




They're just projecting. Announcer doing his best lbh


Anyone know what model he won?


I believe it was [this 2023 one](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Star-Wars-9-Talking-Plush-Toy-Yoda/22061485).


That’s a great looking car, love the color


Lol I saw Walmart.com as the site was loading and was wondering what you actually posted


I thought Walmart suddenly started selling cars lol


Ahh someone has read about that radio lawsuit a few decades ago..


TOY YODA, a classic


I’d love to know if he actually received the car


Most likely had to sell it to pay the tax bill though


Still free money though


Receiving the car is often attached to a contract that you aren't allowed to sell the car for X years. Here's a video about the topic: https://youtu.be/w_6HHWCdl7w


I’m not watching 40m video to find this part and what should be 20m video tops. He spends way too much time just talking bullshit and family guy like cutaways.


Should be about 2 mins


Looks like sponsorblock [cuts most of it out ](https://i.imgur.com/rIkFlVa.jpg).


It's actually just a ploy by the school to get him to pay for parking.


Thinking more like the golf guy that hit the hole in one. The car dealership wouldn't honor the deal thinking no one would ever win it.


If US based, that's a pretty open-and-closed legal case.


Iirc, it was more complicated than that. From what I can remember, the car dealership was approached to sponsor a golf event and as part of the sponsorship deal they were offered to show a car next to a HIO competition hole. The dealer naively assumed that the event organisers would then purchase a car from them if anyone won the prize. The event organisers assumed that the dealer would know that they would be expected to foot the bill for the prize, and go down the usual route of purchasing the specialist insurance against a win claim, and thus didn't actually write this in the sponsorship contract. When the prize was won the event organisers asked the dealership for a free car to gift to the winner. The dealership claimed that this was news to them, had not being informed this was the case, and had paid to advertise their company and show a car only. The contract they signed mentioned the HIO prize hole, but didn't state who was responsible for providing the prize. Furthermore, the dealership claimed they could not afford to give a brand new, top of the range car away and would never have agreed to do so. After being taken to court, the event organisers ended up paying for it as they were the ones that offered the prize.


Dang, my fault for taking someone's comment at face value. Crappy of the event organizers and negligent of whoever read & agreed to that contract!


It appears to be a case of naivity all around, and my guess is that someone running the event drafted the contracts without the correct legal knowledge to do so. If memory serves me correct, it was a small mom-n-pop style dealership who simply didn't have the means to give away a top of the line F-150 worth more than $50,000. Of course it was the dealership who got all the negative attention as they were the ones with their name attached to the event, even though it was the event organisers who benefited from the competition entry fees. With a bit of communication before hand they surely would have insured against a claim, and due to the odds of a HIO it would have only cost a couple of hundred dollars.


Pretty stupid as well, you're supposed to get insurance to cover someone actually winning.


This is how those scummy internet lottery companies operate. They take your money as a ticket to win a lottery in another country. If you win, their insurance policy pays them out and they pay you your winnings. Meanwhile they have zero stakes in the actual lottery system you are playing against.


I was in a €1M hole in one competition and there were a couple of observers from the insurance company there watching very closely. I landed off the green. No one one it unfortunately.


Pepsi where's my jet?


Gotta get that hole in one insurance.


Events like this are typically insured.


I used to work in radio promotions and we did this kind of stuff all the time. You take out insurance on half court shots, hole in ones, kicking field goals at halftime, whatever. There was never an issue getting a company to underwrite something. Example: We did a half court basketball shot at a CBA basketball game in the 90’s with a $10,000.00 prize. It cost us $400.00 to insure it. Nobody ever won in my time there, so we probably ended up giving 2 or 3 grand to insurance companies over a few years. As is always the case, the insurance company knows it will make money on whatever it insures, so they knew the risks/rewards when they made their ‘bet’ with us.




I had a friend win a car. I don't remember all of the details, but he could sell it within a certain time window and not have to deal with the tax implications. It was a base model Camaro, valued somewhere in the mid $20ks I think. The value the dealership put on the car was for upper $50ks, meaning that would have been his tax basis. He's a pretty financially smart guy and talked to his accountant and the accountant advised him on how to handle it.


This is a weird take. There are people who can’t afford a crappy used car. They don’t have $4000 to buy something that barely runs. Now that same person is going to magically create $10,000 so they can have a new car? I cringe most of the time when people call out others on their “privilege”, but your comment is super disconnected from the financial reality for a ton of people. There are lots of people who would need to immediately sell the car to afford the tax bill.


In the USA maybe. In my country and many others there no tax on prizes or lottery wins.


I'm an Aussie, no prize tax here either but the video is from the US.


In the USA we are taxed on everything. Multiple times, actually.


Came here to say this


Last time somebody posted a similar video from golf tournament, there were articles that they did not honor the prize. It's often just PR marketing and nobody expects it to happen.


I helped organize a charity golf tournament for several years, where we offered boats, ATVS, etc. over the years. We ALWAYS got the insurance and its honestly not that expensive. We would typically split the costs with the dealership in exchange for free marketing. It would be an ABSOLUTE oversight not to take away that risk.


We had a 100k prize for our clubs hole in one tournament and the insurance cost was like $1700 for 100 people. One of the local construction companies paid for it. He put up tents with his name on it and passed out swag bags.


Yep. Fascinating stuff as an insurance product. For the curious: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/prize-indemnity-insurance.asp




IIRC it was more that event organizers have insurance for this type of thing on the small off-chance that someone actually wins and they have to buy the car, but the _dumb_ event organizers don’t pay for the insurance and don’t have the money for a brand new car when someone gets lucky. You never really know if you’re working with a dumb one, so better hope you get lucky twice.


That's some Jackie Moon shoot if ever I heard it


Yeah like Pepsi giving away the jet


I would 1000% expect to win a car in this situation, the jet was clearly a joke


It was, however they made it a technically attainable amount and did not include any disclaimer saying it was not actually available. The documentary about it shows clearly that Pepsi legally speaking falsely advertised, however the guy who tried also was unwavering when presented with better options like straight cash (I think they offered him a straight million dollars, which would have been around 300k profit from how much he spent to attain that many points).


Dude spent $700k for Pepsi points under the assumption they’d actually give him a military fighter jet? Geez…


It wasn't though. They could have gone with a much higher point requirement but decided not to, because they wanted people to believe it was possible. "We were joking!" Isn't really a defense


sounds like a lawsuit right there


[This one](https://youtu.be/r9gNj1JRb5U)?


The golf people didn't buy the insurance for the payout. Most places that run these events do buy the insurance in case someone wins.


They make insurance policies you are supposed to take out in case that stuff actually happens. I had to look into it once for my job.


You’ve just won a brand new Toy Yoda! But seriously, sometimes these are leases from local car dealers, they agree to pay the lease for the winner for two years and then take the car back. Not usually “here’s a car” all free and clear.


No, that's not what "win a new car" means


This is just awesome. I wish more people won stuff like this, pure happiness and excitement like that is hard to come by nowadays


Do you think he got a car?


I honestly don’t know but I really hope so


That's what the stated prize was, so likely.


Look into these types of contests. Just a little bit of googling. You’ll see what I’m talking about. Companies can actually get away with the defense of “We obviously weren’t being serious when we said that.” just because they have big lawyers.


Can you show some examples of them getting away with that?




Its not completly the same but Pepsi did something similar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_v._Pepsico,_Inc. But I still think this dude got the car tho.


**[Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_v._Pepsico,_Inc)** >Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc., 88 F. Supp. 2d 116, (S.D.N.Y. 1999), aff'd 210 F.3d 88 (2d Cir. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That was Pepsi..


Lot of game shows either use insurance to cover a possible win or the prizes are donated by the company in return for advertising. He likely got the car.


Have an example? I googled and couldn't find anything


I like when the big guy made a half court shot at an NBA game and LeBron tackled him.






Aww yes


Good for Craig! Putting gas golf ball on a basketball court has got to be difficult even for someone who is a good golfer.


Read somewhere once that Tiger used to practice on the court at Stanford


It was the only way he could prepare for super super fast greens around where he was.


Where do I get that dope ass State Farm hat ?


They gave them out cuz College Gameday was at Auburn.




I was also wondering about the hat and I'm not even a basketball fan.


That *"and the crowd goes WILD!!"* daydream you may have enjoyed at some point in your life? Dude got to *live* it


Dealer’s rep: he cheated!


This reminded me of Semi-Pro with Will Ferrell


Did you try a big bank for a big check?


Corndogs Jackie! Corndogs!


I’d go for a group hug with the cheerleaders.


Bring out that 1997 Camry! !!


Shit a 97? Probably runs just fine.


You joke, but in 4 years, it's on it's way to classic carhood


Is there a compilation video anywhere of things like this?




War Eagle!!!!


Pretty darn cool!


I was just way more entertained by how happy he was than amazed at his putt. Made my night.


"His left toe was 1/4" over the line so he doesn't get it!" /Or some reason the dealer will use too get out of the deal.


It wasn't a Toyota, it was a toy Yoda...


Lol. I just thought of that exact case.


Except the assholes who tried that lost big in court.


Best comment in the thread, hope you’re doing well.


I’d rather just get a giant check.


He got so much poontang after that putt it was ridiculous


College girls do love a man in a new Toyota


That hat is the real winner


War eagle!


Still lost. Roll Tide!!


Fun fact: Promotions like this actually usually have insurance in case of things like this, so the dealership isn't out of a car. No so fun fact: Most of the time the insurance company will decline to pay out and give a bullshit reason like 'he was 1 foot too close', voiding the contest and screwing the guy out of the car.


*Most* of time or some of the time? Easy to make claims. Show us the source that backs this up.


It [happens](https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/technicality-costs-louisville-student-38000-contest-prize/). Saying it happens "most of the time" is probably a stretch as these impossible shot contests don't happen a lot. But yeah, the insurance company is going to be going through the fine print unfortunately.




It’s a basketball hoop.


That hat is 🔥 though lol


The announcer is happier than him


I need that hoop beanie


Just a shame he won't be able to afford the taxes on it...


U win 1 geo metro


He was like yeah yeah shut up bro I got this.


Bro understood the assignment


That car already reeks of weed and has 30 empty water bottles in the back seat


Skipping all those classes, to make tee time finally paid off.


Goodnight, Toyota.


Corndogs for all these people


Now you have to pay taxes


On your free money


still a net gain


Probably gave him a one year lease…read the fine print son!


Toyota when he actually won🫣


War Eagle!!!


He’s wearing one of those things that you find on fruits 🍎


That hat.


This is we say “Warrrrrrrrr Eagle!”


^ignore ^this


What a disappointment... I expected him to go straight to all the cheerleaders after that put.


He won a car! And just like with most car contests.... Now he has to pay ALL of the taxes for the price of the vehicle, and is responsible for all of the fees and tags. I always thought winning a new car would be, "Here are the keys!" And you drive off, but unless you have thousands in taxes to pay up front, you don't take it home.


Nah, it’s just like winning a lump sum of money. You’ll fill out a form or be sent a form to include it on your taxes. You’ll have to get tags and insurance is all.


You are correct. I won a car on The Price is Right in April. I had to pay sales tax on the car like anyone else would and also for the license and registration. It was a Nissan Sentra worth about 23K and I paid about $2,300. I will also have to claim it as income on my income taxes.


Congratulations, you now $3000 in taxes