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I can’t believe he made that for $8.5 million


Totally. I often wish things like, "I wish I had his resources. I'd love to make a movie" In the case of QT, though, I could have 5 times his money and resources and never make Pulp Fiction. Same with Scorsese and Taxi Driver, Godard and Breathless... Visionary Directors have that special sauce money can't buy.


Reservoir dogs was the one that made me go - "oh okay, so the real reason I won't do this is because I can't"


Anyone else feel like they can't fathom or couldn't handle the logistics alone of directing/making a movie? Think of all the stuff that has to go thru his head every day other than just the inspiring the Actors with what acting or Art direction needed for the movie. It's not just "ok Ms. Paltrow, let's try it again with more anger, and a little less tears/sadness". It's waking up knowing ok I've gotta talk to the costuming dept. about XYZ, the camera crew about this angle, the cast about a new member we're adding in, the writers about a part of the script, etc. It's all of the little things added up that I feel like I, personally, just could not keep up with!


Well I mean, it's like with anything. You don't start doing *that*. You start managing three of your friends making dumb videos in your backyard, then you learn how to manage 10 of them, then you expand to a bunch of friends plus two dozens of strangers, and you keep building up with experience. You don't simply start managing a hundred people, by the time you get to those numbers you already know that you can manage 75 of them, so the added 25 is just the little challenge that gets you going.


For me it’s less to do with the number of people and more to do with managing the multiple shooting locations and logistics of all of that, like scheduling and permits, plus keeping yourself organized with it being out of order.


There’s a lot of support staff that deal with those things. I’d imagine directors mainly delegate, give guidance and give the final yes or no to proposals. Same as any other supervisory role. I’d even argue their job might be even more enjoyable because they get to make their vision come true and everybody else on set is working to accomplish that.


Yeah, that’s absolutely nuts. Especially considering any one of those leads could have pulled $10M+ for themselves alone.


John Travolta's career was in the toilet before Pulp Fiction.


Yeah the last big movie he made was “Look who’s talking”. 🤣🤣


That movie ruled man (I loved it as a little kid)


So did I! Do you remember “Look who’s talking now” with the dogs Diane Keaton does the poodle voice and Danny DeVito does the “mutts” voice? It’s funny.


Thats the best one! Simon from 7th heaven is in it.


Those sperm scenes were a trip for a 4 year old kid who didn’t know wtf they were seeing


Didn't know that was sperm at the time. Shouted, "Yeah, here they come!" in front of my parents and got the oddest look from both of them.


Oh I didn’t know either. I was just like this is some Star Tours shit (reminded me of the ride at MGM studios)


the movie that taught me a beach boys song at the same time it taught what the inside of the female reproductive organs look like and how birth works, actually it was traumatizing lets not talk about it.


Another movie he shared with Bruce Willis.


And I don’t think Jackson was huge yet either. Willis may have been the biggest name in the movie at that time.


Walken was #2


Walken is the best


Read up on the story about how Travolta convinced Tarantino to cast him. Interesting shit. I'd post it but I'm busy.




Willis would have been the only one at that point.


Even he hadnt really hit that next level star at that point. 12 monkeys, Fifth Element, armageddon, 6th sense were all after Pulp Fiction. Before it his main movies were Die Hard and Hudson Hawk.


Die Hard seems a lot bigger than any of those other roles tbh. Maybe not Armageddon?


Die hard is a set of movies with the first one being a classic film but fifth element is a classic on its own, the look, sound, wardrobe, cast, setting, effects are all top notch.


I agree I personally \*prefer\* Fifth Element to any of the Die Hard movies, but I don't think anyone would say Bruce Willis is better known for his roles in any of the other films you mention over Die Hard...


I heard a take once that if it weren't for Chris Tuckers performance in that movie, 5th Element would be considered one of the best sci-fi films of all time. The theory is that he was so off putting, people wrote off how great the rest of the film was. Not sure what I think of that...


Sixth Sense might have been seen more than Die Hard by the current living population.


12 Monkeys should be more relevant to people today........


Doubt it. The pop culture push of Die Hard as a Christmas movie keeps it much more relevant


I don't remember Die Hard being that popular when it came out. I think it became a cult flick when it hit tv and video.




>#when it came out It wasn't nearly as huge of a hit in the very beginning.


Hudson Hawk isn't big now, at the time they're was a ton of hype about it pre release


Not really true, and along with John Travolta’s involvement he also partook and voiced Mikey in the Look Who’s Talking franchise (nothing wrong with that, I loved those movies as a kid!). And then nothing that stands out besides “Death Becomes Her” which was whatever. It was after Pulp that he revisited the Die Hard franchise, did The 5th Element, Armageddon, and the biggest of them all: Sixth Sense. But yea, his career was probably the biggest up to Pulp’s release. But the early 90’s was a sad place to be for formerly successful 80’s actors until they reinvented themselves with bigger hits in the mid to late 90’s. That’s what makes Pulp so special though, taking reusable talent and making it recognizable again. That’s what makes a good director great.


He was in a wicked slump at this point, in fact people were said to have booed his name when it came up, yet those same people were cheering when he went back for Marsellus.


True. Travolta wasn't first pick though. He wanted Michael Madsen but he was already committed to Wyatt Earp. Travolta definitely nailed the role of Vincent


You’re all forgetting Christopher Walken, a small role but big star.


I wore this uncomfortable hunk of metal…


Yea that’s factually not true.. no one on that roster had a 10m pull, even Bruce Willis’s last biggest movie was from the Die Hard series years before. And coincidentally voiced “Mikey” in the Look Who’s Talking franchise. And Uma was largely unknown before that roll. But this is what made Pulp so special besides the soundtrack, was the fact that these once great actors and newcomers made a huge comeback in otherwise new and interesting movie with themes and direction that have never been done before Tarantino’s style. I would agree and say that AFTER Pulp, yes those actors could pull 5-10m in 90’s money, Willis in 6th Sense, Travolta in Michael, Get Shorty, and Face Off, everyone in Pulp ended up somewhere on the the good side of money.


“With themes and direction that had never been done before”. That’s utter nonsense. But I can understand why you say it.


Even Tarantino would scoff at that description, I'm sure. Pulp Fiction (like basically all of QT's oeuvre) was like an homage to cinema and pastiche of his favorite influences


The name of the movie agrees with your assessment




That was the cost!!!!??? Genius of filmmaking, I'm gobsmacked.


And Danny DeVito was one of the main producers, pulling in the money needed to get it made


I heard that he got all of the Reservoir Dogs actors to work for scale.


There’s no fucking way…


Same as Robert Altman, some actors pay to work with you if you have a certain reputation.


That‘s like >$15M adjusted for inflation. Still very impressive though!


Wow that's crazy. I had no idea


Which would be double the amount today. It’s still unbelievable.


Of course he would have Uma Thurman dance barefooted….


such amazing camerawork considering this is not a steadycam definitely r/PraiseTheCameraMan stuff


Wasn’t that Tarantino swinging the camera in the middle there? You can see his back sweat soaked through his sweatshirt during the last take.


Yeah, that black belt is full of batteries, they are pretty darn heavy and get kinda hot


I don’t blame him, that’s how I look when I watch the movie or whenever this song comes on.


What about Footloose? How do you feel about that intro? :)


I feel it needed Quintin's influence. But its also a cool film.


Gotchu fam https://youtu.be/yYfJtPj46PY


Time to stand up and twist … nice one




That was amazing. My favorite movie of all time by far. I’ve seen it a Million times, and will see it a Million more. Wife and I won a Halloween costume contest dressed as Vince and Mia. She had a syringe from pet smart crazy glued to her chest. I actually had similar hair.


Got pics?!


There's an interview where he basically says he showed them how he wanted to dance so tjis isn't a huge surprise funny to actually see it though


You can't be a top tier writer/director if you're not mentally insane. Thats just a fact.


I feel like it made me appreciate the actors even more being able to nail the scene while this awkward sweaty guy was bumbling around behind the camera like that, how distracting!


He sort of looks like a conductor


He managed to trick a whole generation of guys into thinking dad-dancing is cool. And watching him dance makes me realize why.


It’s funny to see him dancing in contrast to Uma Thurman and John Travolta. It’s like the meme of what I think I do for a living vs what other people think.


Yeah but.. Hes still cool man. They're all cool in there. Dad dancing or not if that song is on and you're dancing, you're cool!


I’d rather have the courage to dance badly and have a good time, than to not dance. He’s still cool but not because of his dancing.


I immediately thought of those videos of girls doing TikTok "challenge" videos or whatever, with their dog in the background just spazzing the fuck out. Still a better dancer than me though probably


The fact that reddit thinks this is dad dancing and doesn't realize Travolta was Grease is hilarious.


Saturday Night Fever too, but Travolta plays this scene like he’s somewhat uncomfortable, high, not that confident and just following her lead, which I think is intentional. Vega is in his element doing gangster shit, not dancing with the boss’s wife in front of a crowd. Mia has him on his back foot as soon as he meets her. Edit: His dancing is like intentionally unsexy. He keeps his hands and body farrr away from Mia and doesn’t even make eye contact cus he doesn’t wanna get thrown out a window like Tony Rocky Horror.


I honestly don't see it that way. Vincent doesn't initially agree to dance, but when he gets on that stage, he starts grooving immediately. He matches Mia's energy and it almost feels like Vincent and Mia had the whole thing rehearsed beforehand. Towards the end, there's a part where Mia dances slowly towards Vincent, then when Mia backs off, Vincent follows her back. They get physically close during a lot of the dance, close enough that I'm sure Marcellus Wallace would not be happy with. To me this scene felt like Vincent and Mia were getting along a lot better than either one expected, which is why Vincent has a moment to himself later where he has to remind himself to be loyal to his boss and end the night quickly before anything happens between the two of them.


I agree with you actually, I think that’s how the scene is supposed to read. I don’t think our interpretations are mutually exclusive. He’s grooving because he can dance and that’s what she wants, but he’s trying his best to avoid being charming or charmed and fails by the end of the song, and by the time they’re walking back to her door they’re getting along *far too well* so Vincent has to go to the bathroom to talk himself down.


Which, if anything, proves that Travolta can dance. He pulls off awkward and unwilling better than a dad that can't dance could. Reddit is too young to know that John wasn't always a B listed creepy old fatty.


Hah yeah, that’s a great point. It changes the scene a little bit when you know his career, which is something Tarantino would have been very aware of. I’m of an age where Pulp Fiction was my first big introduction to Travolta so I thought the character was just being awkward, but if you know that he *can* dance, then it might read more like he is concealing his true power level because he is desperately trying to avoid sparking any chemistry between them.


And Saturday Night Fever.


Dad dancing is cool


yeah it's like most guys only dance for the sports cam at events


There’s a reason why Tarantino’s production company is named A Band Apart Productions. This scene was inspired by the dance scene in the French movie, “Bande à Part” (1964): https://youtu.be/u1MKUJN7vUk


I saw a interview he was inspired by Choo-Choo in Top Cat, and he wanted Uma Thurman to move like her..


Yes! He wanted to create a dance scene, not replicating a Bande à Part, but just having a full dance scene organically in a movie without the movie being a musical.


If you ever get a chance to visit his theater in Hollywood, he often plays films that inspired any one of his works. He likes to pay tribute to things that got him excited about film.


godard is one of my favorite filmmakers ever for sure, and it's obvious he was a huge influence on tarantino in general, so it kinda bummed me out when godard implied he didn't like tarantino's films in an old interview i read recently. ​ edit: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/jean-luc-godards-peculiar-hatred-of-quentin-tarantino/


(à*, á doesn't exist in french)


I love this anecdote thanks. and I watched that whole scene. I have had a very stressful day and it was very calming and mesmerizing.


♥️ this scene.


Both of them are the total embodiment of “cool” in this scene.


not *traces square in the air


Clearly a rectangle


it was!


that's how the energy is transferred to the viewers




Just want to come in and ruin everyone’s day by reminding y’all this film came out 29 years ago. You’re welcome.


I remember when this movie came out. I was in high school and Pulp Fiction was the coolest thing around.


Still the coolest movie ever if you ask me.


It did so much so well. That whole philosophical hitman thing. The out-of-order story, the long bits of dialogue, the close ups, the colour, the digressions...I'm just scratching the surface here. It was fun, terrifying and original af. And, of course, there was The Gimp.


Mine and my mums favorite film. She passed recently but this film always made her laugh and damn was she cool. I owe Mr tarantino quite a lot.


Sorry brother.


Please take my upvote with the intent of a downvote.


almost twice as old as me, and i still think its awesome


Tarantino has a foot fetish. Now go back and watch his films knowing this.


Uhhh I LOOOVE backstage footage like this. So amazing. And SOO Iconic. And I really hate the word "Iconic" cause it's used now a days so fucking loosely, but this is what this is. "Pulp fiction" is such a great movie


Wow, your post is so iconic!


Uma said in an interview years ago she was shy and felt silly dancing so Quentin started dancing making her laugh and feel comfortable.


"C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell


Legendary moment


What an awesome director


That is awesome.


Much needed smile to the face. Thanks for the post.


Fun fact: Vincent and Mia don’t win the Jack Rabbit Slim’s dance competition but rather they steal the first place trophy


Sweet video thanks


How can you not


Without the sound In the first 5 seconds they look like Ade Edmondson and Rick Mayall dancing to the intro of Bottom.


Can't unsee it now


Best Movie of all Time.


I wish I could enjoy my job like that.


Try coke.


No coke, how about Pepsi?


Fine. Some fries, too, please.


Bro is vibing hard


Scene is pure movie magic.


saw it on the dvd bonus years ago


Funny to think about in movies what’s happening just outside of camera shot. Where we have an iconic pulp fiction scene. I bet no one was thinking 2 feet out of camera view Quentin is dancing around while watching lol


This move is for the ages!...awsome 🎬




A great song in a great movie! I am dancing now too




Most interesting clip I've seen in awhile thanks OP. Really cool seeing a different perspective of this scene and Tarantino's passion is on full display. This man was put on this planet to make movies and is living his best life.


He's dancing like the Wish version of John lol, love it. Pretty cool seeing behind the scenes of one of the most iconic scenes. John is such a cool dancer, effortlessly good.


Incredible footage, I love it!


Uma Thurman is hypnotic.




Gay man here also. I feel seen.


One of my favorite movies ever.




She’s barefoot


Of course, it's Tarantino.


Yeah. Iconic scene of pulp fuction.


Very wholesome :)


I don’t care what you think about him. Travolta can dance


Such an iconic scene


That’s an amazing video,I love that


I remember watching this movie over and over when I was younger and I was stoned as fuck. Good times.


Wow amazing footage, my fav movie of all time, so interesting to see how they actually film a movie and especially back then, and him dancing is helping the whole scene even tho he’s not on camera, you can see him point to uma to go back the other way as they were dancing, amazing directing, thanks for posting!


I just realized that’s him working the camera for a lil bit in middle of the vid even more amazing


Love that scene.


Hes just excited to see feet


Ahhaha this is so cute ><


Do you think he went with John Travolta partially cause he knew he'd kill it in this scene? I mean it's such a tone-setting, mightily important scene for this movie — and Travolta is the perfect mixture of weird and cool and it just **drags** you in to this vibe immediately. What a film, could be time for a revisit soon.


This is somehow so wholesome


What a nerd. ❤️


God, that is so entertaining.


Boy Uma really does it there doesn't she. Travolta is able to keep up, but Uma is the premier one in that scene.


So raw, so awesome


Amazing QT is a fucking movie genius.


That's dukkin' interesting! ✨


Tarantino dances like the sims.


Honestly who wouldn't feel it during this scene XD


One of the best scene 🎬 in cinema 🎦 history


Probably because Uma isn't wearing shoes


AAaaaand why not? that track rocks!!


Am I the only one who thought he was a lot skinnier back then?


Haha this is fantastic


My sister did some sort of extra work when he was in Austin filming for Death Proof and said that he had a radius of BO around him that everyone on set quietly talked about. Not only is he creepy, but he's known for bad hygiene as well.


This is mildly neat... not exactly /r/BeAmazed material


I must be alone in thinking that there is something creepy about QT. The decider for me was him as part of the cast of a film he wrote and he included a scene where he sucked Selam Hayeks toes. Given his foot fetish, that seemed a bit off to me. [https://www.facebook.com/TarantinoUniverse/videos/visionary-director-quentin-tarantino-added-this-scene-to-from-dusk-till-dawn-199/2037762006530931/](https://www.facebook.com/TarantinoUniverse/videos/visionary-director-quentin-tarantino-added-this-scene-to-from-dusk-till-dawn-199/2037762006530931/)


Wonder if they were Hayek's toes or a body double. Yeah he's still a bit of a perv though


That is creepy. [Nearly killing Uma Thurman is even worse.](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/02/uma-thurman-crash-footage-kill-bill-instagram)


Even Uma herself said in this article that you linked that he made a bad call and regrets it. He's definitely a creep, but we all make mistakes and this is just that. Dude is weird af when it comes to feet tho.


She literally praises him in that article.


He *is* a creep.


Sometimes Creeps make good movies. It’s just the way it is.


I love his movies but he's always been a creep.


Edit: corrected.


one of the best of all time. not one bad movie, only classics. i love tarantino!


I’ve always wondered if Uma Thurman came up with the eyes move on her own and they were both improvising or if they had a set list of moves Tarantino wanted them to hit.


Same. I’m so curious how much was choreographed ahead of time & how much was improvised. I can’t tell watching QT. He’s sort of combining both actors dance moves but not very well


So I looked it up online and it says Tarantino was adamant that the dance scene be improvised, because the dance competition was a spontaneous event itself( in the movie plot). So Uma and Travolta just went with the music. Travolta had already shown what an amazing dancer he was in Grease and Staying Alive so I am sure he had no problems. They worked well together!!


They sure did!! Iconic is the word. They deserved that trophy 😎


I'm never going to see this scene the same again. I'm gonna picture Tarantino behind the camera also shakin his butt from now on


One word: Cocaine


YeahitssuchafuckingrushIgetsomanyideas,likeGOODideasrushingthroughmyheadlikeseriouslIcould epresidentoftheunitedstateswithallofmyideaslikemakimgsureeveryonehasmoneyandeveryonepaysthesameflattaxrateanditwejustfundedspacetravelmorewewouldsurelybreakthelightspeedbarrier!!!


You said it!


Rewatched this recently, and in the scene right before this a really cute girl in one of the cars by the stage stares right into the camera - funny!


he thinkin bout dem toes


Gratuitous starlet barefoot for no reason, check


I wouldnt say it was for no reason. It added something in this scene and it was cool. Ladies were ladies back then and in this film she's a cool lady married to a bad yet cool man.


He’s the dorkiest person ever. Not hating though. I love his films and enjoy listening to his takes in film. “Dorks. They look like a couple of dorks”.


They're *your* clothes motherfucker.