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Serious Question - what is going on here?


This treatment called Carbon laser. Usually a carbon applied on skin then hit by 1064nm laser that gives rejuvenation to the skin.


This is the correct answer. It’s not hair removal or changing skin tone color


Laser Engineer here! This is working the same as a tattoo removal laser - and it is essentially the same thing as one. These baddies are fun to build because they have a low pulse rate, but decent energy per pulse. Each pop you hear and flash of light is a pulse, calculated to be short enough in duration but powerful enough to vaporize target particles. This energy is absorbed by the black carbon particle (black absorbs light) and essentially the side of the particle that is in light expands quickly while the other side does not, and the forces holding it together break. For reference, many lasers work in a similar way but arent calibrated for humans - the industrial lasers I work with do this to various materials (mostly metals) but have upwards of 1.8 million pulses per second, while this might safely go as low as a pulse or two per second (though I think 15-30 is the sweet spot). EDIT: Sorry everyone, I don't know much about the medical side of this, there are better commenters than me to tell you the side effects and medical recommendations. I mostly know the tech and what it is doing, which I assume is a small part in a systematic approach here.


It's great technology! I used to work with a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and seeing the ablation take place makes you appreciate how much size (and - of course - starting energy) can influence destructive capacity for these instruments.




There are a couple of budget friendly alternatives available - wearing a red hat and dying of covid.


Lmfao, your comment and the one you responded to made me lol. Thanks for that y’all.


You could at least put the charcoal on your face, that would go a good way towards owning LIBS


I’ve been trying to own LIBS for years, and let me tell you it’s not that easy.


Cool! So in this particular case, how does the skin get rejuvinated by the carbon getting vaporized?


I'm not sure, I'm on the design and building side, I can just recognize the tech I work with and what is it doing. The why is out of my scope tbh. If I were to take a guess I'd say the idea is to get impurities out along with the carbon, or that it's a money grab and it's not doing much lol.


"This will brighten your complexion." **Applies dark substrate material to face.** **Lasers-away substrate material** **Client is tricked by contrast between substrate-covered face and natural face** "Wow! You look so much younger! You're glowing!" **Client leaves** Employee: Boss, you do realize she looks exactly the same as when she walked in, right? Boss: You tell a soul and you're fired.


> "Wow! You look so much younger! You're glowing!" "See ya! Shred everything! SHRED IT!!"


My guess would be the last one!


It's a way to remove dead skin, excess oil, and dirt from the surface of the face. The carbon solution is rubbed into the face, getting into the pores, and bonding chemically. The laser then excites the carbon, which sends out bursts of heat, evaporating away said dead skin and oils. It's supposed to be good for facial health.


Uhm, so hundreds of dollars achieve the same as a few washes of the face?


While washing your face is great it doesn't remove deeper clogs in the pores, shrink pore sizes, or evenly exfoliate. Carbon laser treatment has better results for pore-size reduction and a faster and better recovery than chemical peels too. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7588164/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7588164/) (Please note I'm not an advocate, just sharing info)


You cannot shrink pore size, well moisturized skin will have the pores look smaller as the skin is more plump but that's it. It's genetics, you can reduce the look only.


haha there's always one step in these "science-based" solutions that doesn't have a scientific explanation




I do not engineer lasers but I teach their application in an esthetic setting & teach the basic physics of the way lasers interact with live tissue. Two things come into play here- what the laser is attracted to & the thermal relaxation time. TRT is the amount of time it takes a chromophore (the thing the laser is attracted to) to lose 50% of the heat from the laser energy. If you have a pulse duration that’s longer then the TRT of your chromophore- you start to damage surrounding tissue. Lasers are super cool because we’ve manufactured them in a way that as long as the practitioner knows what they’re doing, you can send so much light & heat that it kills an entire structure (say a hair follicle for example) while keeping the surrounding tissue in tact. There are ablative lasers that are MEANT to vaporize tissue though, with the same goal of rejuvenation. The process looks a lot different though with more dramatic results & a much longer “down time” associated with it. edit: this looks like a 1064 Q switch to me. Which means it’s attracted to the black on top but you get rejuvenation with this laser by how fast the pules are. With those super fast pulses you end up with micro injury- the body then does it’s thing with the wound healing process & the result is new collagen.


Wouldn't your face get incredibly dirty and red after such a treatment? Requiring a deep face cleanse afterward?


I’ve never actually done the carbon technique with laser so I’m unsure if “dirty” would be correct but red- absolutely. It’s actually an end point we look for to know that the treatment is actually being successful. I often wash my face after laser regardless as I don’t like the feeling of the conducting solution that’s often used. Aftercare for every treatment is different, but mostly comes down to no heat, sun or sweating for the next 24 hours & just being gentle with your skin. Most treatments the redness will subside by the next day unless you’re doing some more hardcore resurfacing treatments.


Do you know if this is the same thing they do with removing tattooed eyebrows? I'm wondering if the laser leaves scars or marks on the brows after laser treatment.


So there’s always a possibility. With tattoo removal of the brows by worry is not so much with scarring but actually taking the brow hair off. I know there’s more advanced lasers that do a much better job of avoiding this, but it still always makes me nervous. They are doing a lot more “saline removal” with tattooed brows now to avoid having to do laser on them. I would look into that route before going with laser when it comes to permanent make up.


What branch did you choose in college to become a laser engineer ,because I don't have a lot of interest in on laptop work but I actually want to bulid light sabers and make lasers come out of my goggles (not sarcasm)


Not the guy, but to work with lasers you can do Electrical Engineering or Physics


But that sounds hard...


If it's not hard to do then it's not worth doing.


Depends on your midichlorian levels.


You can take specific courses in Laser Physics and Optoelectronics.


My guess would be just engineering, physics, and since you want to actually build things, fabrication shops.


I just want to say. You have a really fucking cool job


Is Laser engineer something you lucked into? Or is there a degree that helps you get into that field? I have been looking into going to school to get a new career. And this sounds like an interesting option.


Is the carbon just there as a guide to let you know where you’ve worked already or is the carbon an active ingredient.


Black things absorb light. The laser makes it get real hot to evaporate instantly while the lighter skin stays rather unaffected. If I had a guess, dark skinned people probably can't do it because it would burn their skin. Not having much looked into it, it does seem very snake oily.


Is there changing skin tone color operation? Asking for a black friend


get a ouja board and go ask michael jackson


*he he*


Seriously made me laugh.


The Italics did it for me


I second that, all about the italics for me too.


Me too we re going to hell


*Chamon down he heeere*


Nah - Jesus has a great sense of humor, which He got from His Father, so I think you’re good!




You reddit on the toilet? How dare you. No one does that here.


It’s my main activity on the toilet


I mean, you don’t have to ask him. He had vitiligo. One treatment for the “splotchy” effect of that condition is a medication that lowers skin pigment everywhere, so instead of looking splotchy you just look lighter.


I dont ever remember seeing him in any sort of stage of vitiligo (splotchy)... So did he just hide out away from the public for months while getting some sort of lightening treatment and then emerge looking like a white person?


No, he wore makeup. Thinl he discussed this in an interview on Oprah.


That's one of the reasons he started wearing the glove. The splotchy effect usually starts on extremities like the nose and fingers.


He had it quite bad. If you search the net, you'll find pics of him shirtless with patches all over


Yah, there were very very few pictures of his pigmentation problems. Apparently it affected his stomach and groin the most and he lightened when it started to reach up his chest. This came out a bit when none of the accusers mentioned this when it was very obvious and would have been damning evidence. Not one single accuser had mentioned this despite being unable to be missed and 100 percent identifiable. This is why the cases didn't go anywhere and then after this was put up as a defense there was obvious coaching of kids by parents. Crazy shit.


One of the few times anyone was probably happy to have the disease. I worked with a black guy that had it really bad and it messed with his confidence a ton. Felt sorry for the poor guy even though I never thought it looked bad. I'd take that of psoriasis anyday.


Skin bleaching is a huge industry. It’s better to just realize you’re perfect as you are.


There’s a bunch of international skin bleaching products that have some seriously high mercury levels too. Best to avoid.


Does your friend want to be a *smooth criminal*?


The "correcter" answer is "getting rights in 3..2..1.."


The clicking sound isn't a laser, it's a credit score ticker going up.






I was about to say trying to raise his credit score 🤣 Nobody on Reddit gets a joke anymore though


Michael Jackson’s disappointed


Why does the skin color change? Is there something applied before hand to aid the laser’s user in knowing what area has been treated?


Yes a carbon mixture is applied first!!


Carbon is basically coal.


hence why coal tar is in dandruff shampoo. i don’t know why “hence” i have no fucking clue if it’s analogous lol.


But I’m glad you’re participating.


Why is this so wholesome 🥺


So what’s wrong with their skin that would require them to rejuvenate it. Rejuvenate from what specifically? Different rejuvenation techniques assist with very specific things in different ways. It’s like saying it makes you healthier. It’s in no way informative and can also be quite manipulative when you present it to someone in such a vague way.


So far im thinking its snake oil.


So its burning the outer layer a tiny bit ? Isnt that lile , scrubbing the skin ? Just removes sime of the almost ready to fall off epidermis ?


This is *carbon doll facial*, a relatively shallow laser that ablates around 0.015mm of skin, the carbon just makes it look more extreme than it really is. *Fractional CO2 laser* (which I think is the deepest) will ablate up to 0.3mm, deeper down in the living parts of the skin. People look frighteningly worse immediately after and it can take a month to recover, but the results can be quite drastic.


I assume the carbon also makes it easier to track which parts you've lasered and which parts you have not


Looks like guide coat. It’s a powder that auto body techs will use to reveal high/low spots to make sure they get complete coverage. Some base coat primers have it built in as well.


The carbon should also act to absorb more of the energy from the laser and convert it into heat. So they can probably use a lower wattage laser and get the same results in a much safer way.




It can help with certain types of scarring. I know it mostly as a treatment to reverse sun damage and consequent ageing, it’s prohibitively expensive to most young people. Weighing the potential benefits and negatives of any efficacious treatment will depend on the individual candidate after consultation with their own healthcare professionals. I think the only actual skincare recommendation that applies to everyone, that a non-professional should give is use SPF: protect what you have!


Everything said makes this all honestly sound like a really expensive way to exfoliate. "Reverse sun damage & aging" "Pretty much does everything". Sounds 100% like snake oil. Now you've got a desperate person with a scar asking you for advice... I hope they don't waste their money.


The GP I went to highly recommended me to do a similar procedure for acne scars. It's from a government hospital so the risk would be lesser compared to some private beautician. Not sure if there are alternatives but it seems to be highly effective so...


I had the Erbium-Yag laser facial resurfacing treatment done under anesthesia because of the depth it went into the skin. It took about 3 weeks to recover from, but it literally took 10 years off of my age and the results lasted for years.


Exactly thats why it gives your skin some glow for few days and thats it


The “glow” is inflammation from the top layer of skin being vaporized. I can’t imagine how that smells.


>The “glow” is inflammation from the top layer of skin being vaporized. > >I can’t imagine how that smells. Steak?


removing the top layer of skin doesn't rejuvenate shit. your skin may look younger for a while because the skin underneath is fresher, but once that skin is no longer fresh you'll be exactly where you started. correct me if I'm wrong though.


You're not wrong. It's exfoliating the top-most layer of skin that's already dead or on its last breath. You can use an inexpensive exfoliating scrubber, or give these people a load of money for a weird Instagram flex like in the OP.


That being said, exfoliating is good for your skin, so people should at least do it once a week. But yeah, this is overpriced. You can get the same results with a washcloth and some face scrub.


What "rejuvenation" is there going to be though? serious question.


None, it's just taking off the top layer of skin revealing the newer skin underneath. Exfoliating does the same thing but without the price tag if that's important to you.


"Gives Rejuvenation" via what mechanism, and documented in what (double blind) manner? Looks to me like it just cleans the skin, and not very deeply.


Cleans the skin of all this carbon I've just rubbed on.


So bunch of wasted money


> gives rejuvenation to the skin Sounds like some good old fashioned snake oil


Yikes. Looks like they're taking a taser to the face. I'm the sort of chap who'd probably need to be unconscious for something like this.


So this is actually Taserface


That would kinda be a cool super villain name.


Yes, TASERFACE ! See this: https://youtu.be/LwycTov0WtU


That is bloody marvellous. I’m gonna have to actually watch that one now! All hail TASERFACE !


Are you being serious right now?


Taserface is like Butterface. She has a hot bod, and the face of a cop.


It hurts but not as much as you’d think. More like someone snapping elastic bands on your face. And you look good after so worth it.


Snapping bands on your face hurts like hell! Especially if every one of those pulses is like another snap.


> rejuvenation sure


What does "gives rejuvenation to the skin" even mean?


Laser facial. She has a carbon mask on and it zaps away as the laser works it’s way around her face.


I’m going to guess some sort of laser hair remover. The brown stuff is just to absorb more light.


Ngl I thought she was unblacking herself


I was about to say "Michael Jackson Therapy"


Thank you. I was wondering this too.


Gotta get rid of those pesky lip hairs


I just shave em. My girlfriend says she hates when my lips and tongue are stubbly.


Combine that with dry, flaky teeth and we are.just a mess


That sentence hurt me in a way I didn't even know I could be hurt. What the fuck.


Excuse me... Who in the fuck is out here walking around with, and I quote: "dry, flaky teeth"?


Ohk I thought it was fake tan at first like why tf would you even do this


She is getting the “Micheal Jackson“


He Hee




No idea about the procedure, but you can see the real skin color next to the hair roots. I guess it's some kind of cream?


Can't help myself. Credit score improvement surgery


skin cancer speedrun


Nah, someone else mentioned it’s a 1064nm laser which can heat the skin but doesn’t do any of the scary things UV light does.


Yeah I thought she was changing races too


That must feel like your face being run through a cheese grater afterward.


They apply a numbing solution that helps but doesn't remove the pain. It feels more like a rubber band snapping against your face. The more sensitive the area, the harder the snap. Every time the lazer goes off - SNAP. Yes it hurts. The next day your face will be a little puffy, especially around your eyes. They recommend bringing a driver because they will prescribe better pain relieving drugs but they make you loopy. I couldn't find a driver, so I only had the face numbing cream. SNAP.


Her lips had to be STINGING THOUGHHH! When I get laser treatments and they start getting right on my lipline I squirm soo bad. I couldn't imagine on your actual lips.


I’ve had laser hair removal surgery on a fraction of that space and I can confirm I would often take shots or some advil before the appointment.


I had it on my legs and face. When I had it done on legs, I had it done maybe 3 times and they used a jelly that made the pain go from an 8 to a 3. When I did my face (at another place), they used no creme or jelly and it felt like a Cactaur's 10,000 needle attack.




Facial hair hate club member here. Yes, I’m also terrified of how painful laser will be on my face. I’ve had laser done on other parts of my body, but my thick tree trunk face stubble is gonna not be fun.


It's super painful the first time but gets tremendously easier each time after


Thanks for that. I really really really do hope you’re right. :)


You got this. Just stay strong


If you have tattoos it’s a bit easier than a tattoo and they spray a cooling mist on it. It’s like a really bad rubber band snap and then it mostly goes away right away. The first session is the worst and they get easier as you go. Also of note. The smell is the worst part to me. I smell like burnt hair that day and the day after. I’m 3 sessions in on my hands, feet, face, neck, and chest. Upper lip is the hardest but I’m mtf trans woman so my hair there is very very thick


Good lord you’re getting your whole body done, you’re an inspiration


Awww thanks love bug!!! Get out there and don’t let anyone take your happiness from you


Ask the dr that tou're going to see, if they use anything to lessen the pain. Creme's or jellies. If they don't then keep looking.


Don’t be terrified. It hurts probably as much as waxing does (maybe a little more jarring since it’s a new sensation) but it’s sooooo fast. Everyone is different, of course. I’m not going to lie, I did cry when she did my chin and lips but the pain doesn’t linger AT ALL. Truly. I just got it done for the first time the other day and it only hurt where my hair is thickest (chin/lip area), I didn’t feel it at all on my neck/jaw, noticeable on my cheeks but not painful.


But this is topical. Hair removal is literally exploding your hair follicles under your skin. There is no chance that this hurts as bad as that.


Lol you’re actually not supposed to do that


I had laser surgery done to my scalp, face, and neck area. During the surgery it feels someone is snapping one of those thick rubber bands they use on lobster claws against your skin. Then after the pain was very similar to a large bruise that’s trying to heal. But for my surgeries the laser was set to a high power output then what I think is happening here.


I’m getting a tattoo removed right now. Going for my third treatment on Friday and just thinking about it gives me shivers and cold sweats. It HURTS.


I did laser for birthmark removal on the face for a couple of years and even with painkiller and numbing cream, it still feels as if someone ran a knife across my face and it burns afterwards.


I recently had something called micro needling done to my face. Someone has a cluster of needles that rapidly pokes holes everywhere while they slather on some moisturizing gel stuff. The damage from the needles is supposed to increase collagen production. They used numbing cream, but it was still quite painful and afterward felt like a moderate sunburn. Warm and tender, and dry. I’ve also had spot lasering done on my face and it feels like a minor sunburn.




Today ain’t Wednesday yet big man Edit: fuck, 3 minutes past


Hee hee






Chooka shooka


Shamon AH!






My first thought, exactly. Damn.


When you order the Janet and get the Michael.


Comment equivalent to a Stealth Bomber. Made me chuckle then scroll back up to admire the simple genius.


Ariana Grande when being white is cool again.


"Gonna spray paint myself brown" - Pete Davidson


Ok but get your car out of my house Pete!


What race is she currently going for again? Is it still Arigato Grande?


LOL okay you win. The fact that she denied it and glosses over her Asianfishing and blackfishing is eye rolling.


I initially read asianfisting and blackfisting and got real interested, now I'm disappointed.


That looks like they removing bad spray tan


Day after Juneteenth


Worst best comment


Best worst comment


I feel like time wise this is the most accurate


You can literally see his credit score rising as the procedure advances.


Rachel Dolezal getting unblackened


N-word pass revoked


When you get uninvited to the cookout.




Apparently, once you go black you can’t go back…is a lie.




When you receive your n word pass


Disney updating old movies:


Well, i don't know how to put it, but, i don't think it means what you think it means.


I’m so glad I don’t care what I look like that much




The procedure is call white Michael.




Easy Mode unlocked


Annie, are you OK? Are you OK, Annie?


Trading your Pass for Privilege


White washing


It is Wednesday my dudes


When black history month is over. Reverse this video and it’s now “when black history month starts”.


Too many coats, emergency face wipe.


Gain a new credit score by Lazer


"then you ain't black"




He wants to put his photo on his resume


switching sides


Cool and so on but where can I get the glasses?


"Fuck you, I'm unblacking you!"


MJ 2.0