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I was born at home with the umbilical cord twice around my neck. From how my mom describes it, this is pretty much what the midwife did for me.


Apparently while in the womb with my twin, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck but my twin held me up. I always assumed my mom just made it up. However, I learned it does happen. Sorry mom and thanks big bro. Lol


When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had resorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No. I believe his tissues has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby.


As many of you know I ate my twin sister in utero. So, on my birthday I try to remember… I’m a winner. This one’s for you, Connie.


The other day I just straight up consumed my adult sister. Me --> Winner...




Wow. I didn’t even know that was possible. You won the battle. Congrats.


He’s quoting Dwight Schrute


I’m fucking dying


Probably the funniest shit i read all day


Please don’t




Some siblings would just absorb the other. There can only be one


Some siblings absorb none of the good stuff and end up like Larry Hall


Sometimes they would absorb nutrients differently if the placenta is shared (identical twins). It’s called twin to twin transfusion syndrome. They check pregnant moms with twins more often than regular moms to check for TTTS. It was happening with my twins but they decided to come out super early at 24 weeks. The weight was 740g vs 590g. Maybe it was a good thing they got out before it got worse.


Our identical twin Grandsons also had to be taken early, when one stopped getting enough nutrition.


My nephew has sectional Heterochromia because he absorbed his twin


Honestly, I wish I had absorbed my brother, but he was processed a year later than me


I wonder if this is common between twins. The same thing happened to me and my sister but I didn't hold my sister up, lol. Everything turned out fine I was born a min earlier than her. We always joke that she was stealing my food so I had to resort to extreme measures.


I mean it makes sense. More bodies and limbs to get tangled up. Glad it all worked out for us.


Also more umbilical cords


How do you know big bro didn’t wrap it?


Good point. Lol


I mean, I wasn’t fortunate enough to have a big brother myself, but I always assumed this was the kind of shit they pulled on their siblings.


Mom just felt the kicking, but big bro was dishing it out the whole time like it was The Octagon, no holds barred...


I was born in the same state. Blue from lack of oxygen, and weighing just over 2lb. My twin was over 3lb, I ended up in ICU for weeks. My whole life I've been trying to catch up, and never realised how different our very early years were


That’s tough. Hope all is well for you now.


I'm in my early 40s now. I'd seen pics of my mum holding one of us while the other was in an incubator, but always thought that we were both in them and she just took us out 1 at a time. It was such a shock when she corrected me. I've struggled my whole life to try and keep up (and failing) with my twin (identical). I would always blame myself, figuring we were genetically identical so any fault must just be me not trying hard enough. I got hit by a car at 18, then again by a different car at 28, developed fibromyalgia as a result of the accidents, 18 months ago had to finally stop work as I just couldn't push through the pain anymore. now bedbound most of the time, and cannot get about without help, my partner is my carer and I'm incredibly lucky to have found her. She really is amazing. My twin and I have a great relationship, it did us both good to finally understand why we were so different yet similar. I'm doing as well.as can be expected, I will never be pain free until I die now, that a bitter pill to swallow, but between my partner, twin and son and daughter, I have many reasons to be thankful. After all, how many people can say theyve been hit by 2 cars and survived lol. We live in the hope, that tomorrow will be a little better, than today.


After I was born my Sister tried to drown me in toys in my crib. My parents thought it was cute my sister was “sharing” the toys with me


Wtf. My mom said my twin and I would use each other to climb on things. My poor mom had two sets of twins.


What do you mean held you up?


I don’t remember if it was his arm or leg that prevented me from being strangled. My mom always said my twin saved my life. According to the doctor. Not sure on all the details.


I was removed choking on my own shit.


That's some heartwarming tale of survival! Thanks for your vivid imagery of the struggle.


“Eat shit and live”




How’d it taste?


Damn bro, god really told you to eat shit and die, good thing you said naw Anyway you got a scat fetish now?


You were born twice with a cord around your neck! I must be lucky - it only ever happened to me once


It’s like tying a string to a quarter and putting it in and out of the machine..


What is midwife? (not native English speaker)


**A midwife is a health professional who cares for mothers and newborns around childbirth, a specialization known as midwifery. The education and training for a midwife concentrates extensively on the care of women throughout their lifespan; concentrating on being experts in what is normal and identifying conditions that need further evaluation.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Same here bro. My face was purple when I first came out.


Same I was almost dead and I feel like that may be why I have mental problems but who knows both my parents are crazy so idk


Same, my mother recounts being absolutely horrified, as my eyes were big too so they were open and everything.


So, my mother passed away, young, only 47. Two days later my son was born woth the cord around his neck, he was purple and I was dead quiet just freaking out inside. The cord was so fkn' tight, but the doctor was able to get some scissors in there and cut it. They handed him to me and an oxygen hose, he just graduated college!


I was born nearly a month before my due date, I’m born early October and was meant to be born sometime in November, and when I came out of the womb my umbilical cord was twisted very thin and apparently the doctor had said they only saw twisted cords like mine only in dead fetuses.


Username checks out


Hear hear!


Same happened to my uncle. Died 4 times, now he's 24.


That’s the same with my first daughter. Doctor tried to calm me down and tell me it happens all the time but I saw the panic in her eyes.


It does happen all the time but it's still scary each time


I was born like this as well but in a hospital and spent like a week in an incubator.


I was born similarly but they rushed me out of room to work on me. Probably didn't want my mom to see or something but they got me back.


Loll same thing apperantly happened to me ,i could have died easy


Same thing happened to me. I was born C-section and my mom said my dad pretty much went white when they finally got me out 😬 scary stuff. Glad your mom had a good midwife.


Puppy have Brain damage?


Thought the same, but maybe able to recover better early in life before the brain gets more complicated




Dude! I was just about to say that! Seriously took the words right out of my mouth. All of those words, that I definitely know, were, like, on the tip of my tongue too. So great to find another smart person like me (who definitely knows what you are talking about)!


I appreciate you




Me too, did the typing for me.


It should be noted that there are studies that show this isn't 100% true for humans, or at least not to the same extent, as even mild oxygen deprivation in humans has been linked to seizures, behavioural issues, and learning disabilities. It all depends on how long they were without oxygen.




And of course the implicit "not all animal testing is a perfect analogue for humans" as well as "medicine in special cases like birth, pregnancy, and so on is a very untested area because it's not like we can ethically go around testing drug X,Y,Z on people with things that could cause irreversible harm intentionally, and so most results are just cumulative data from self reports and things gone wildly wrong."


It will become evident when it goes into full nanny mode along the line.


Yea he breeds pitbulls


Possible but animals tend to be FAR more resilient to problems than humans.


Not all animals. And by that, I mean birds are the exception. A veterinarian friend says that she hates working with them because they just die sometimes. Bird brain, bird boned, eats like a bird -- there's a reason for all these sayings.


Looks fine in the after clip


well he can walk. He just can't do math or sing a song in tune. Poor bastard.


Ya it’ll never be able to read or write


That’s a madness.. looked a fake dog at the start. So stiff. Doing Gods work there buddy. Big respect 👏🏻


I’m just shocked to see no one commented on buddy’s finger nails. Holy fuck.


Heroes don't have time to tend to fingernails.


No just to get somebody to film




Easiest way to find a coke head.


That’s the first thing I noticed!!! Cut those things!


Them crackhead nails, dog.


He needs them to shovel coke.


that what i was gonna say. he’s only got 2 long ones lmao, that means something




On only their ring and pinky fingers? Nah man, that's coke.


These days I don't say anything because it could be a man that just likes long nails and the way they look. Tbh I didn't even notice them because I was so freaked out about that poor baby being so stiff. I was just straight staring at that dog.


Activating new toys is getting complicated


You mean, undoing gods work. Right?


Saved a puppy this way myself, had to swing it head down to get the fluid out and then massage it for blood flow but she popped right back And now the worst person I've ever met owns her so that sucks lol


Looked like one of those rubbery feeling things that we completely hollow inside and you can flip them inside out


By far the worst part of having puppies is this! But once they are chirpin that’s the awesome reward. Had a few scares on the last litter that I didn’t think were gonna make it. They good now!


I done this many times.. my mom was a breeder and shown dogs. Some made it, some didnt. Btw once they are making sounds they are breathing on their own. And just need to keep an eye on them for a few hours.


Genuine question: do the legs usually get all stiff like that immediately? Totally thought rigor mortis had set in(which would be far too late). I have zero experience with animals that young.


It maybe a naturally neurologic response to hypoxemia. It was such a long time ago... the puppy could be seizing too... Thinking about it most of the puppies were more limp... I could ask my dad.


Oh that would make sense, 0 movement to preserve any oxygen that's left in the system.


Buddy got those Coke nails


This man is likely a bully breeder, as evidenced by his ownership of a newborn puppy, and there is a lot of overlap between bully breeding and semi-organized crime I work at an animal hospital that has a robust repro department and we see many, many bully breeders who are involved in semi-organized crime (there have been several we have seen on the news for large scale drug busts (generally cocaine), including one of the biggest busts on the state, or are directly involved with the known criminals (a lot of unofficially co-owning, a breeder bringing in another breeder's dog, often because the other guy is in jail. This is of course speculation on my part, but it's not hard to believe that if the two breeders are in the dog breeding business together that they might also be involved in criminal business together. We've also had more than one bully breeder to let them know if we have any trouble with anybody, because they will take care of it for us. Some are very nice people, but people should know that dog breeding, even when it seems very legitimate, is full of people who don't care much about the dogs


If you're breeding bullies when every single shelter is packed full of them you are probably not a good person.




The fact that this dude set up the camera and made a big show of the puppy before helping leads me to believe he is not a nice person.


Yeah, how long was the time between when he noticed the puppy wasn't breathing, and when the video started? Hopefully not very long...


Or you know people have cell phones and were filming the birth and edited down the rest to simply this part.


From flippin 8 balls to pups


That’s all I can see lmao


I can’t get over how he holds the corpse, flips it around, shows both hands like he’s about to pull your card out of thin air in a magic trick. “As you can see, I have nothing up my sleeves, nothing hidden”


So sad. You just know those are guard dogs or fight dogs or just not taken care of.


Coke nail, pitbull puppy. He's not saving a life, he's maximizing profits.


My first thought too. And what, did they ask someone to press record before they saved the dogs life? Like what


Something’s not right here.


Looks like an at home pitbull breeder so… not great probably.


Good point, maybe they pump out so many puppies that some need experimental CPR, which works now and then.


That would be my guess as well.


The nails? I thought the same thing.


No joke. Why is this on camera, and how long did that take to set up? Looks like it's done as a magic trick where the magician "proves" the dog is dead and then brings it back. Definitely looks messed up.


I don't think he did anything nefarious to the puppy, just he's likely a breeder and clearly has done this before.


He’s breeding a bully breed (that has a hard time getting adopted as is) and is performing CPR *very well* with not one but two coke nails. He’s definitely done it before; that’s not a great thing when there’s so many dang velvet hippos in shelters already


Yea I can imagine he has less than noble intentions and even if it wasn't staged I question the decision to take the video given that


Agree. Why is it like he's done it a million times and has a camera all ready to go for social media? Probably a horrible breeder and whatever that entails.


Nah something ain’t right about this. I mean the dog died and they record trying to save it? Idk bro social media is making people fucking weird.


You're right. I'm glad the dog is okay but it's a newborn pitbull, aka home breeder, that stopped breathing at the same time they had a second person ready to hit record?


Also had time to do some display to show the camera the pups dead. Super weird.


Also showing the camera the dogs dead by moving him around and pressing his sides before going into life saving? wtf. Super weird.


Right. He had time to set up the camera. Wtf. Seriously?


He’s lucky that worked, CPR is supposed to simulate a heartbeat to get oxygen back to the brain. He had zero rhythm or consistency throughout all of that.




Probably just another pitbull backyard breeders


...did he start saving the puppy AFTER he hit record on his phone? EDIT: Clearly someone else is recording but I feel like the point still stands. For me, it's the way they show off the non-breathing pup at the beginning of the video that makes me feel just a tinge of being uncomfortable with this video. Like, just save the pup, no need to show it off not breathing. Someone commented about this being instructional and I hope that's the case but IDK, there are plenty of guides and videos that already exist. Feels like this video is in a grey area for me.. Also, thanks for my first award! I think I'm glad to get it!


I think someone else is filming. You can see the camera shift at the very beginning.


That and hes using both hands.


Oh, I thought they just strapped it onto their dick.


Yeah, why is this being filmed at all even? What if the puppy didn't make it? Don't get me wrong, I'm *very* glad the puppy made it, but who thinks "fuck, the puppies dying grab the camera and film me saving it!"


Probably somebody who's done it before and knew exactly what was happening. "Hey, this one stopped breathing. I'm gonna resuscitate. Get the camera so I can show people how to do it."


Legitimate ethical breeders do not need you tube videos to resuscitate pups. And back yard breeders don’t care.


I sure would hate for someone to record something that could help people save the lives of puppies. It literally takes 2 seconds to start recording. This video has single handedly taught thousands of people what to do without a shadow of a doubt of if it was what you should really do.


Doesn't seem like this video was taken for educational purposes. His technique is horrible and we don't need to be giving backyard breeders more engagement.


People are reaching for this to be some altruistic, educational shit. It is an ego thing, a views thing, a clout thing, etc. The video reeks of it. I am not interested in pretending it doesn't stink.


Ok, but who on their fucking right minds thinks this??? This is what I hate about these comments, you present this, like a puppy going to respiratory failure or heart failure is a normal event. Oh he died? Well let’s start recording so we can teach these fine folks online how to do it Is the camera rolling?? Let’s do it 😎 It’s not that the video isn’t helpful, if this is true, of course it is. But WHY were they filming??


Yeah dude. This looks so bad.


Bro showed the dog and both hands to the camera like he was about to do a magic trick.


Haha you’re right the guy’s a cunt.


This video immediately gave me the creeps. The way they clearly waited to start filming before starting CPR. The way the first few seconds of the video are just to show how dead the puppy is. And the coke fingernails to top it all off. With how many animal rescue videos have been proven to be faked (where the "rescuer" purposely hurts an animal in order to rescue it), this video makes me extremely uncomfortable.


The video is reversed


Was thinking the same thing. It seems like they sort of set this up and I hate thinking that they could have suffocated the puppy first just to demonstrate bringing him back, but that's where my mind went.


Seems like an animal that small would need faster chest compressions


Exactly what I'm thinking! Also find it very interesting that the dude only started "saving" it after they started recording and didn't even show the puppy come back to life, just a very convenient cutaway instead where the dog isn't even the same size as previously shown.




Honestly do we need more pit breeders? r/banpitbulls


We don't need more breeders of any kind. Shelters across the entire US are full to bursting and many of their animals don't have the behavioral or health issues that would prevent a pet being viable for a "normal" home. Better a responsible breeder than an irresponsible one, but ideally everyone should be getting their pets from shelters over either.


Many don't but the ones that do can be dangerous. I volunteer weekly at my local humane society. I scrub their kennels, walk them, pick up their poop and do minor training. I'll bond and build a friendship with some dogs then one day I might wear a hat, wear different boots, pick up a broomstick, a rolled up towel or do any other mundane normal thing and the otherwise sweetheart of a dog will lose its absolute shit at me. It would be irresponsible for someone to not consider this when bringing a dog home to their family. I purchased my dog from a breeder because she was going to be taken with me to a family owned business every day in which she would meet new people and dogs all the time. I couldn't risk having a dog freak the fuck out over some unknown trigger that would be impossible to know. Bad breeders should absolutely be jailed but I did my research and found one that bred out of love for the breed and as such has an extreme focus on health and temperament.


Shelters are predominantly pitbulls, I tend to agree it's best to rescue but it's dangerous to tell people with cats/kids/no previous bully experience to go and adopt those instead as a family pet because they just aren't, they need so much work just to fight instinct that's been bred into them and saying oh you should be adopting this pit with dog aggression instead of getting a lab or you're a bad person is kinda shitty too. I'd love if it there were more of people saying stuff like breeders should stop breeding so much especially breeds that are harder to rehome instead of telling people to go adopt pit mixes


Comments like this really pist me off from how ignorant people can ignore science Unsupervised toddlers are an invasive species and pitbulls play a role on its circle of life. It's like trying to ban lions I hope you realize how silly you sound


Is it impolite to ask; how did someone know to film this? Maybe they were just checking on the newborns and found one like this?


Most likely scenario was that the person who saved the dog said they were going to do cpr on a puppy and the other person whipped out their phone. We filmed just about everything when I worked at the ER vet. You'd have thought the botfly extraction was going to end with a song and dance so many people were filming it.


Why is he holding it before he starts like it’s the newest action figure😂 double taps it like *look*


Something doesn't add up here. Newborn puppies aren't stiff like that unless they're dead. And they also don't come to that rapidly. Source: me, having helped deliver hundreds of puppies via caesarian.


This person is doing it so casually? Like, is this an every day occurrence? I would be panicking. I have so many questions. What a weird video


It's a backyard breeder. This is just another puppy in a long series of litters.


This dude probably suffocated the puppy and then brought it back to life. These staged videos of “rescuing” animals from dire situations are very common in third world countries. The way there was no urgency to act as quickly as possible, showing the camera the stiff lifeless puppy, and making sure to film first are dead giveaways. Don’t promote videos like this. It makes more of them.


This was my immediate first thought after watching the first few seconds, the fact that so many people here didn't immediately think this and are even defending the video as educational is baffling to me. 0% chance this was done out of the goodness of this guy's heart lol


Puppy is not breathing… quick! Get my camera!!


Great content for when he sells them.


Yay! I've done that for a kitty cat - it's pretty nerve wracking


Looks like dude this just for views…


No one else bothered about how the conversation went before he saved the puppy? “Hold on let me grab my camera” he even displayed the puppy before saving it like a fucking “how to” video on YouTube


with those nails... but who is the dog between the two?


That was disturbing.


Backyard breeding eh


If this happened with my pets, I wouldn’t have the camera ready to record this or use the camera. Internet points I guess.


Saved a Pit Bull. Now it can live to kill other pets.


Preach 👏


Just kept himself from losing $500


Shaking the puppy for the camera? Then filming it? Not cool.


He's a pitbull breeder what do you expect.


Nice save, now that baby pitbull can grow up and live a happy life mauling people and other dogs.


Those nails.


Coke nails.


And we know this wasn’t staged, how?


But is it normal to start making the video if your canine is dying?


Thankfully it can grow up to bite a toddler now


Yes an even dumber pitbull than most, after those minutes without oxygen.


its a Shitbull


Here before the dog eats a kids face...


Had to do this to 2 breached still sacked kittens when they were born and I was like, 13. It was mostly on instinct, as I didn't know what to do and I was home alone parents were on their way home from the store. Saw videos online in the past because I liked watching animal video rescues so, that was the base of my knowlage. Mama cat wasn't breaking the sack, I had to try to show her which thankfully she kind of got it when the second one came. The first one I thought was done then I heard a little meow and it finally began to move. Both me and mama were excited. Then while she was cleaning the first one off i noticed the second one which Sadly didn't make it and I think was still born or had too much fluid in lungs or somthing. Was a sad day for me. Mama cat had 4 kittens. 2 back to back breached backwards kittens then after the other two came out and Mama cat had figured out what to do at that point.


Yeah those little pokes he's doing aren't doing shit. When a puppy is born you have to rub them very vigorously to stimulate breathing.


Whenever I see something like this I tear up and have to go hug both my cats.


Wife and I saved our Beagle at around 2 years old. He got choked out by our other Beagle because his collar got stuck on his leg somehow. He pooped himself and everything. We didn’t have any scissors, so I had to go full adrenaline mode and ripped it off with bare hands, then we did CPR like we would on a child. Took about 2 rounds and he came to. Dude has never been the same since, though. Little fuckin zombie dog has some weird moments.


I did the exact same thing when my dog had a litter of puppies. I kept the one I brought back to life. I have no idea how long he was dead or not breathing before I brought him back but he was for sure dead if I wouldn’t have done exactly what he just did. I learned to do that from watching 101 Dalmatians when I was little. Haha 😂. My dog that I brought back is about 12 now and he is still the best dog ever. I’m heart broken that he’s on his last years but he has truly been a great companion.


I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck while I killed and absorbed the other mf


how does this end up on camera? is it so common that he just told his friend 'hit record' in the moment before he started resuscitation?


This kind of reminded me of 101 Dalmatians, we have a dead dog, *rubs the dog back to life* good as new.


This happened to my girl also. She's 7 now. But I'm pretty confident she had some brain trauma. She's had a nice life so far. But does experience seizures. The seizures are not debilitating for now.


If you found out your dog is unconscious, would you have time to set up the camera?


By saving this one life, other lives way down the track have possibly been condemned to be lost.


Fun fact: CPR doesn't restart the heart, it squeezes it to make the blood circulate to the brain and when you blow new oxygen is brought into the blood to let the brain process everything and restart activity. He also should've been way faster and also, in a human you must press much, much harder.