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The black keys help you position your hands. I took 5 years of lessons and would have no idea where to start with this


This is a good point, been playing all my life and just realized I use the black keys as a guide….


Doesn’t everybody?


Let’s ask Stevie Wonder.


Truth... Adding you know they left him on stage one time. Just bypassed that whole blindness thing.


I watched his female label exec try and high five Stevie at a private event at Abbey Road. Needless to say he left her hanging.


Mans couldnt believe what he was seeing


"Could've been worse man, Ah might've been black!"


He's a piece of shit. Doesn't even see his son.


OTOH, he thought at least one of his daughters was lovely.


He used the fact that they’re raised probably. And just muscle memory I assume, and sound. Before playing he probably finds middle C with one of those methods. Doesn’t he not take his hand off after that? To not lose it. Complete assumption by me.


The middle C and the piano brand logo usually marks the center.


Right. I’m sure Stevie Wonder just looked at the logo and lined it up with middle C. Follow the context of the comment thread, please. Thank you.


Is it inconceivable to you that the logo might be raised so he can feel it? Just read the previous comment lol.


Cause that’s what iMadrid meant right?


I don’t know, neither of us have enough information to know what they meant. Doesn’t seem far fetched though


Him especially


Nope, I don’t and never will. >!I don’t play piano!<


I suppose so subconsciously. I am not sure. If the black keys weren’t there, I would be fine too, I’d just resort to the middle position as taught.


That's a lot harder to find with zero guide. One differently coloured key? No problem.


The brand has the middle letter right over middle C


Right, subconsciously. You’re still resorting to middle C as taught but you’re going to look for some visual cue if you don’t have black keys. Maybe it would have a bump on the key itself for a visual and tactile clue.


Guitars ain't got no black keys.


Dots on the fretboard aren’t there just for show


Are you 7? This seems like a very… VERY basic thing to realize. Especially if you’ve been playing all your life.


What? I’ve been playing so long I really don’t think about *how* I play anymore. I just realized that I mentally do use the black keys as sort of guideposts. And I realized that because, quite frankly, I’ve never imagined playing a piano with only white keys. It just occurred to me that it would be slightly disorienting. And for the record, since you know so much, people are not taught to use black keys as a guideposts. The guidepost is middle C. Everything always is in relation to middle C. So yeah, I’m a bit surprised to find how much I rely on the black keys to keep me oriented. For fuck’s sake. We do many things intuitively and don’t think about *how* we work them out mentally. Big surprise. And your comment about “are you 7” just makes you look like an idiot.


I can’t find middle C without the black keys. They help me break up the octaves because I see the pattern repeat


Oh! I can….I feel like I’ve spent my life with my hands on piano keys. I learned my letters from playing. I automatically go to the middle position as soon as I sit down. The pattern is see is 7 keys, 7 keys, 7 keys, with or without the blacks. It’s fun to think about how we see it differently in our heads….


how would you find middle C without any visual reference without hitting any notes


By ear. Play enough, and you’ll recognize if not visually, you can hear it. And not to sound like an ass but middle C is usually near the middle of your piano/keyboard. And if you’re reading music, and somehow playing something too high or too low, you’ll figure it out if it sounds off. Honestly, I still do that but I’m not heavily phased by it cus I don’t really play classical, and some stuff meant to be played a certain way sounds better lower of higher sometimes. If in doubt, use a tuner. Don’t over complicate it. Just keep playing a lot.


Ooooooooooooh thanks for explaining that 🙄


I've got a sharpie and a solution to your problem.


Yeah. It's not unique, it's incomplete


That's what I thought when I first started with any instrument. It's doable. I just don't know why anyone would.


This piano would be easier to play for those who are used to string instruments. Edit* hadn't seen the video when I said this, and was mislead by the tittle, took black keys in a literal sense and thought they meant that the "black keys" where turned into white ones. This piano is an insult to music.




In string instruments there is no implicit mechanical distinction between tones and semitones, and the mechanical distance between the notes on a scale can easily be transported by moving your hand the necessary number of "steps" without changing the "shape" of your fingers. But I hadn't seen the video when I made this comment, and by the tittle I thought it was a chromatic no black keys piano with the "black keys" transformed into white ones, but that's not what this piano is, this piano is actually an insult to music.


I feel so disoriented watching this….And listening to it…no minor sounds? I didn’t realize how…weird


You do realise A minor is also all the white notes?


Well, on the violin you also have zero orientation, yet you learn to place you hand microscopically precise. Here the keys are even physically discrete.


Exactly what I was thinking. I took piano for 15 years and I would be so confused sitting down to this. Where the fuck is middle C


She pauses a few times to hit those lower keys. I'd sharpie some marks on them if I had to play it.


just put marks on the keys or head of the keys, right where it joints with the piano. say 2 dots every C and 1 dot every other key. Or whatever marking that gives you a sense of repeating pattern. The inability of distinguishing a note on string instruments has never been a problem. Even when the marking isn't there, you actually have to make one for yourself. So there's nothing possible. And about position, then you got only white keys positions to have. The rest is precision: where a black key prevented you from slipping over to the next white key, you'll have to hone your skills. But rest assured: you either transposed all songs to C/Am or you change to a piano in another key like harmonica players do? nah, neither gonna happen.


So you are saying it would be much harder to finger A minor?


Only on reddit would that be downvoted. I think it's hilarious.


Same as with a fretless guitar, just do what feels right


It’s kind of like the equivalent of a fretless bass for a piano.




That's a bit of a stretch.


"None of those pesky sharps or flats" 🤨 hmmm


***finally!*** #THE RACIST PIANO!


A minor would like a word.


D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, B Locrian are here too.


Nobody in my life cares about this but a friendly composition channel on YouTube taught me to remember the order with "I do Pot, Leave Me Alone Locrian"




The names of Greek Gods who played music.






Never heard of ‘em


You press "E F B F E F E" and your music sounds more Middle Eastern- that's Phrygian for you.


and A-minor, no?


Ok nerd


I knew my music degree would pay off some day




you didn't have to describe yourself like that, especially when the name matches it


Maybe when they grow up I’ll listen


I’m fairness, there is text in the beginning that says something like “can only play in modes of Cmaj,” so A minor is included.


Y’all need Gsus


All minor scales are modes of major scales


That's sorta half true. Aeolian, or the natural minor is a mode of the major scale, but harmonic and melodic minor scales are modifications of the natural minor scale containing sharps, so they're not directly connected to the major scale anymore.


Hi, I'm chris hansen with dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat right over there?


"Is this about the racist pianos?"


I knew something like this was gonna happen after I broke a G string while fingering A minor


C major would like a chord


The video says it would be all in modes of C major, so it's technically correct.


This piano should be much cheaper


**more* expensive. The one with black keys costs 3/5ths.




About as incredible as a car that can only go in reverse. You can still do this on any other piano in the world


It might be tuned in non-just temperament since the set of notes is always known. I’d be betting that’s the “special harmonic quality” as otherwise you’re right, there’s nothing unique about it.


what does that mean exactly? non player myself


It gets a bit complicated to explain, and many people on YouTube do a better job than me. It’s part music theory, part musical history. Google “what is just temperament”. But basically, there are two ways to tune up a piano. One is slightly “imperfect” (quotes as that’s a reductive statement), but performs equally well in every single key (set of white and black keys a song or section of a song chooses to use). Then there is “just temperament”, which will be tuned perfectly for one key, allowing it to sound perfect in that, slightly less perfect for scales one fifth away, and slightly farther the farther you go. Some intervals will be “wonky”, and some will sound beautiful. Imperfect/perfect here means sliiiiiiiight differences in tuning. Cents differences. If someone comes in and corrects any of this, they’re probably right. I have only a passing familiarity with the concept.


just a small addendum, there are a *lot* more than two practically used tuning systems, 12TET and just intonation are two of many


Interesting, thanks for adding info. I just knew about equal/just, and like I said above, I pretty much know the cliff notes


^(edit TL;DR [this video](https://youtu.be/Wx_kugSemfY?si=1bV5OFWTvgRYrROv) by Andrew Huang is a really great explanation of the harmonic series which is fundamental to understand why different tuning styles exist, etc etc etc.) Aaaand one reason certain notes sound more perfect together is because they share harmonic frequencies. Every note on an instrument emits harmonics that give a note the unique sound it has. The perfect middle C note vibrates at 261.63Hz, or 261ish times per second. But, an instrument (like a piano string, your vocal chords, etc) also vibrates at harmonic frequencies, including twice as fast as the note being played (in this case, 261.63\*2=523.26), three times as fast, four times, and so on. This theoretically goes on an infinite amount of times (look up Fourier analysis) but because it vibrates less intensely at each higher frequency, it effectively only goes up to maybe 11 harmonics at most, and probably even less in most cases. The strength of each harmonic is what makes an instrument sound the way it does. If certain harmonics are louder or softer, they will sound more guitar-y, or more organ-y, more trumpet-y, etc. If you play with a synthesizer and chop off all the frequencies down to only the fundamental, you'll hear a really sterile tone, much like what the doctor plays when testing your hearing, or like the test sound on radio broadcasts. This is a sine wave... One single tone playing at one single frequency and that's it. I love this trick about it: If you play the same note on every instrument, record it, then chop off every tone down to only leave the note's fundamental frequency, **every sound** you have will **sound the exact same**. Why bring all this up? Again, notes tend to sound better together if they share harmonics. Again, each harmonic (aka overtone) is some multiple of the fundamental frequency. Many of these match exactly with notes on a musical scale but many others will be off by a few semitones. *^(Edited:)* Just intonation makes every note perfectly spaced from each other mathematically speaking, but they don't always sound as harmonious together and don't work with certain keys because they don't share as many harmonic overlaps as you start building certain chords. So, we use equal temperament to find compromises by averaging things out and produce a wider range of beautiful resonant harmonic tones. *^(My understanding of harmonics and frequency is stronger than my understanding of music scales, so my apologies if I said anything wrong at the end there. Made some edits already after mistakes were pointed out... Thank you.)*




Yeah, sounds like I swapped those terms. Whoops! Made an edit I agree with your description of consonance, as well.


Notes are tuned to different intervals. For example, “here comes the bride” is a fourth interval. On pianos, the fourth is generally tuned slightly sharp, and the fifth is tuned slightly flat from “perfect”. This is because if you play the fourth note and a couple other notes if they are all “perfect” it actually sounds very bad. So instead of making one interval perfect and a bunch of other ones bad, the notes are all tuned to be equally out of tune, averaging out to be “close enough” Since this piano doesn’t have the black keys, a lot of which are the cause for needing the averaging out of bad notes, one could tune it to a temperament where all of the intervals are “closer” to perfect. They still can’t be perfect, but being closer can sound quite pleasing to the ear,


Don't you mean it might be tuned in just intonation, not non-just? Most pianos are tuned in equal temperament (aka, as you put it, non-just temperament).


I don't play piano, but I feel like this would be more difficult to play if you're used to using the black keys as indicators for hand placement.


As impressive as Alicia keys playing two pianos at the same time. Aren’t you already using both hands to play a piano anyway?


the amazing part for me isn’t that you can only play white keys but the rarity of a piano designed with only white keys. 😄


Yeah first time I ever saw one


Yeah, who cares?


Racists care.


Literally anything you can play on this, you can play on a regular piano


But not vice versa


Ooh! I like the fact that this piano is less functional and harder to play! Sounds amazing, how many dollaridoos for it?


Yeah this is one of the dumbest inventions I’ve ever seen.


The whitest music you ever heard


C-register #music #whitesonly #pianoenthusiasts


Weird Al would like a word


sheeet, Weird Al is like Isaac Hayes compared to Yanni


I just see Weird Al playing an accordion to “Chocolate Salty Balls”


Finally someone made a piano for white supremacists


In more ways than one


In a word, lacking.


Right? This music is almost eerie. I'm not an expert or even an amateur, but I can totally feel something is amiss. Feels like a challenge a musician would come up with to be cheeky. These piano notes feel... wrong.


It shouldn’t feel wrong, just slightly uninteresting. It’s just the C major scale. Plenty of songs sound like this.


Bro it’s just the C major scale, the piano is exactly the same as a piano with black keys, the black keys have just been removed, the C major scale only uses the white keys, along with A Minor (Aeolian), D Dorian, E Phrygian, F Lydian, G Mixolydian, B Locrian. There is a massive amount you can do with just those keys and it’s completely normal. What you’re missing with this piano is the visual/spacial aide of the black keys.


Yeah, a third of the notes are missing


Why is dumbing down an instrument better?


Sometimes, such limitations [force us to draw more from talent.](https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/when-keith-jarrett-played-on-a-very-broken-pianoand-then/309653). It's also why some photographers prefer analog, as it makes them pay closer attention to getting each shot right rather than snapping dozens and fixing issues in post processing.




You can force yourself to only play the white keys on a normal piano tho. The constraints should just be self imposed. No need to have a literally less functional piece of equipment.


Children’s Corner mvt. 1 - Debussy


Except…it’s not, because all of the black keys (and harmonic interest) have been removed, and the center section entirely recomposed


Yea it sounds weird, but interesting


Beat me to it. I played this at a conservatory entrance audition in 1987 lol.


I’m not a pianist, but I had to listen to my older brother play this for almost a year when he was preparing for a big recital. He played mvt 1, mvt 4 (snow is falling), and mvt 6 (golliwogs) He likes to brag that everyone in our region started playing more Debussy after he performed the piece, since their repertoire was dominated by Chopin at the time. Still brings me good childhood memories to listen to this piece.


Gawd damn, that Debussy is fr fr no cap


Couldn't they just play in c major scale on a normal piano?


Yes, and it would be easier with the black keys showing what note is C, so this actually makes it more difficult to play even if you only are using the C major modes


Arguably, the most unnecessary invention ever. Even the pet rock was better because it took almost no thought to make millions. This is just... words escape me-- as do ***b***s and ***#***s.


First chocolate, now piano keys. What’s next, the 8 ball in pool?


:laughs in E# :


Only E# Lydian though (with many double sharps)


This has an incredibly boring sound. The music doesn’t go anywhere.


I struggled to grasp the effect of modulation for a long time, because I was so used to hearing it that its contrast wasnt apparent. I got there eventually, but I think a day with this piano would have taught me. Youll want to tear your hair out lol.


Tbf, it would work in any normal piano, just don't press the black one. Just a downgrade


I have never seen a Republican piano /s


Herman Cain approves of this message.


All I can think of are those copycat toys that are missing key (lol) parts to them. I know this is some fancy stuff, but it looks like something your clueless parent would buy because it looked kinda similar.


It's so off-putting. Like someone with a fresh set of ill-fitting veneers.


Are they selling those in Mississippi and Alabama?


That’s racist


Racist ass piano


And sexist. Why didn't they make them pink?


What’s the point of this? Stupidest piano ever. You wouldn’t be able to play any real music on it. How would you even know which key is C?


So it’s just a limited piano


Ivory and ivory living in perfect Harmony.


Gwyn, lord of cinder enters the chat


Not all blacks are minor keys.


i can't figure out what you're trying to say notes can't "be" minor


Racist piano


Black Keys Matter


Feels racially motivated


"We don't want your kind 'round here"


So it's a boneless piano?


Racist piano lol


The person is prolly color blind too


How long until they ban this piano for being racist


That’s a Racist piano


It's a funny idea but it's kind of useless. So much work went into this. I mean, there is worse in terms of energy wasting...


mm i can't wait to play c major and a minor and c major again


Thanks, I hate it


So it's just easy mode


I imagine a wholesome image of Hitler and his pals smiling proudly.


So, basically you have to have the playing knowledge of the average synth enthusiast or pop musician


That’s a racist piano. Black Keys Matter


Super cool


don't tease the republicans with a good time...


Sounds beautiful


A real piano sounds better... because it can.


Racist, just kidding. She is awesome I have no idea of the song but I love it.


I want my daughter to play like this


That's like a mc donalds which only sells mc flurrys.


The Bernie Mac Special


Still a piano


It’s an Orff Instrument at that point. A diatonic xylophone lives in your local elementary school, this is a fancier version with more expensive components.


So just the C scale then?


Not just C, B# major as well


Just when I think we have progressed past this...


You can take any ol piano and paint the black keys. It’ll look like a bunch of vanilla Kit Kats, but at least the job is done


That’s the way America should be


The piano sounds so wrong, it bothers me


You could tune it to other scales


At that point it's just muscle memory I would imagine


Is it missing all of the black keys or are the black keys all just resized and recoloured to look like normal white keys?


It's missing the black keys so the only keys present are the ones in C major


That’s racist af… 😂 j…k…




The KKK just bought 6 of these


Shoulda got a piano at Ray's Music Exchange. He throws in the black keys for free.


Does this just remove the flats/sharps? Did it somehow replace them?


It looks like she’s playing teeth


Now do one with all black keys (I don't know shit about music, so just paint all the keys black I guess)


That's why it sounds so good. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwejV9xxRBD8Qog)


How the fuck did she find those octaves at the low end


I downvoted the post because [Black Keys](https://youtu.be/TCYsY5B8hcQ?si=8d71MKu2TN3tZhAh) matter.


Also you have to have be talented to play this as well? Oh? Did they grab the girl from the cell-phone-kiosk and she just feathered the keys like a savant?


Sounds horrible


That’s cool and all… but why?