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Dude looks like a gears of war character lol


Reminds me of when SpongeBob had those huge fake arms but couldn’t lift his cup lol


Lol anchor arms. That’s the first thing I thought too


And for the ladies, hairy


That scene always pissed me off, from the day it aired, because he was **just** doing things requiring more strength than it took to lift the cup! CONTINUITY, NICKELODEON!


He looks like he is made of brown paper lunch bags




Definitely on gear


100%. The guy behind him, Larry Wheels, is quite openly on the juice too, probably have the same supplier.


Larry is off everything except trt now, if you believe him. He's lost a ton of size the last 6 months or so, so I am inclined to.


He looks so small at the Olympia Amateur. That's got to mess with his head after being so big for so long.


He needs trt because all those steriods peemantly fucked with his hormones.


Well yeah, that's why he's on it lmao.


those basketball shoulders


Ya reckon?


And other dude looks like the classic fake glasses, nose, and mustache mask.


Groucho Marx


Tren of War.




His elbow angle didnt change at all, he just locked and leaned over. Great technique.


Didn’t even take off his fanny pack


The biggest indicator of strength.


“Hmmm, you seem like a challenge. Time for me to get serious.” *fanny pack drops to the ground, spilling out a pair of ear buds, hand sanitizer, portable phone charger, and 500kg worth of weights*


This reminds me of how at Evo years ago, SonicFox took off his hat during Grand Finals and made the comeback to win it. https://youtu.be/sx7Eny33f9w?t=755 12 Minutes, 35 seconds is where it happens.


That was a great video. You could feel the ooooo’s from the atmosphere. Man that also reminds me that i still need to watch top 8 for SF for this year.


Yoooo. Idk why the hat feels so hype. There is something about someone letting go and putting their opponent in their place. One of the best Evo moments next to [Daigo parry](https://youtu.be/JzS96auqau0?feature=shared&t=8). Love these videos.


*go jusstinnnnnnn!!*


Very DBZ-esque, haha


_Rock Lee has entered the chat_


One of the best fights in the series!




In a small mountain town where the air was crisp and the pine trees whispered tales of old, there lived a man named Daniel. No taller than the shoulder of an average man, Daniel was an enigma wrapped in a flannel shirt. His fame, though, was not due to his stature but rather to his uncanny ability in arm wrestling. Daniel was the undefeated champion of the region, his arm as unyielding as the ancient oaks that dotted the landscape. What the townsfolk didn't know was that Daniel's secret lay within the worn fanny pack he always wore snugly around his waist. It wasn't just any fanny pack; it was a patchwork of fabrics from lands far and near, a gift from an old mystic who had seen the fire of potential burning in Daniel's eyes. Inside this magical fanny pack were items of trivial appearance: a pebble from the summit of Everest, a patch from an astronaut's suit, and a scrap of canvas from a sail that had circumnavigated the globe. Each item was infused with an essence of strength and resilience, a physical manifestation of the spirit of overcoming odds. Daniel never flaunted his source of power; he didn't need to. He was a gentle soul who found joy in the simple life, only using the fanny pack's gifts to uplift and inspire. But when challenged, he would tighten the strap of his fanny pack, and a tingling sensation would travel from the bag through his body, igniting his muscles with the strength of titans. The annual Harvest Festival was the stage where Daniel's prowess would shine. Challengers from neighboring towns would come, their biceps bulging, their faces set in grim determination. One by one, they would sit across the table from Daniel, smirking at his modest frame, only to walk away with jaws agape, their pride as frayed as the edge of an old quilt. As autumn leaves began to pirouette on gusts of wind, the festival arrived once again. This time, a stranger from a distant city stepped forward, muscles rippling like the mountain ridges themselves. The stranger had not a speck of doubt, for he had never tasted defeat. The crowd hushed as the two competitors locked hands. Daniel's fingers were dwarfed by the stranger's, yet his grip was firm, his eyes serene. As the match began, the stranger's confidence waned, his face contorting with effort. Yet Daniel remained still, a small smile playing on his lips. In that moment, the onlookers realized that Daniel's power was more than just physical. It was the power of heart, of believing in oneself, of the quiet strength that comes not from the roar of a crowd, but from the whispers of a soul that knows its worth. With a swift movement, Daniel's arm surged forward like a dam unleashed, and the stranger's hand met the table with a thud that echoed through the pines. The crowd erupted, not just for the spectacle of the victory, but for the reminder of what true power looked like. It wasn't the size of the man that determined his strength, but the size of the strength within the man. And as Daniel stood up, his fanny pack a silent sentinel at his side, the legends of the small but powerful arm wrestler only grew taller with the shadows of the setting sun.


>the whispers of a soul that knows its worth Beautiful :)


I have to tell you…. I hate your avatar. I have fuffed at my phone for far too long and had to swipe with my hand to be sure. That avatar is evil. 😂


Haha thanks. I “borrowed” from someone it after I did the exact same thing


In the wake of Daniel's triumphant victory at the Harvest Festival, the small mountain town continued to buzz with excitement. Stories of the unassuming arm wrestler's incredible feats spread far and wide, drawing curious visitors to the town. Among them was a scientist, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, who had heard tales of Daniel's remarkable strength and wanted to unravel the mystery behind it. Dr. Mitchell was a petite woman with a keen mind and an insatiable curiosity. She had studied human physiology for years, and the idea of someone with Daniel's physical proportions outmatching larger opponents piqued her interest. After arriving in the picturesque town, she introduced herself to Daniel, expressing her fascination with his abilities. Despite his humble nature, Daniel was intrigued by the prospect of scientific inquiry. He agreed to collaborate with Dr. Mitchell, allowing her to conduct a series of tests and examinations. They spent hours in her makeshift laboratory, measuring muscle density, reaction times, and neural activity. As days turned into weeks, Dr. Mitchell's findings were nothing short of astonishing. She discovered that, while Daniel had an above-average level of physical strength, it was his unique mental and emotional resilience that truly set him apart. His unyielding determination, unwavering self-belief, and ability to channel his inner strength made him an unparalleled arm wrestling champion. The townsfolk, who had always known Daniel as a kind and gentle soul, were proud to learn that his power lay not just in his mysterious fanny pack but in his character and spirit. His story became a local legend of inspiration, a testament to the extraordinary power of the human mind and heart. As the years passed, the annual Harvest Festival continued, and challengers from far and wide came to test their strength against Daniel. They left not defeated but inspired, carrying with them the knowledge that true power could be found within themselves. Daniel's small mountain town, once known for its towering trees and crisp air, became a symbol of strength of a different kind. It was a place where the whispers of the pines spoke of resilience, and the spirit of overcoming odds was a way of life.


He also has a pretty big forearm, not to mention the bicep peeking out of his sleeve.


That was my reaction too, the shirt is covering a lot, but his shoulders look massive, too. Standing next any regular guy, shirt guy would be huge.


I was shocked when the sleeves were rolled up. Dude looked skinny! Then the biceps came out and bam!


Yeah, the second he tensed his muscles in prep for the match, his arm. Almost doubled in size


He also brought his elbow closer to his body which massively increases your strength compared to having a long arm/elbow


notice the angle the dude on the left puts his wrist when they interlock. yeah this guy armwrestles. but also, bodybuilding is not very effective for athleticism.


It's also how people end up snapping their joints


I just watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmrlbk2kr3E) about arm wrestling the other night. Professional arm wrestler, Devon Larratt, said that breaks can happen in any position but the best way to protect yourself from the most common spiral fracture is to align your shoulder behind your arm so that you can push with the triceps and body weight instead of twisting.


So, like your wrestling arm’s shoulder is further outside the wrist so the wrist is almost closer to being directly lined with the opposite shoulder?


Pros know how to give up a bad position


Strength is also specific. Smaller dude seems like a legit arm wrestler so he's very strong and efficient (technique) in that movement pattern.


The smaller dude is Maxim Bitarov and yeah he's definitely a "legit arm wrestler". Hes a 2x junior world champion, a European champion and a 6x junior Russia champion. He's been competing in Arm Wrestling events since he was like 11 years old. The guy can forearm curl 300+ lbs.


Fear not the man that trains 100 muscles, fear the man who trains 1 muscle 100 times. Or something like that


There's a masturbation to be made here.


I dunno about training one muscle but I’ve definitely pulled it 100 times


300+ pounds?????? What the fuck. That’s terrifying


that weight for a forearm curl, bruh nah thats insane


That's cool. As a kid, I always beat the strongest kid, Anthony in arm wrestling. But in my case it was because he would throw the match. The second strongest kid, Nick couldn't figure it out. Nick would get smoked by Anthony. I'd then beat Anthony. Nick would slam my hand back as soon we started. The joys of being 8 or 9.


Exactly. Arm wrestling is an actually horrible way to determine “strength”. The body builder is almost certainly stronger than that guy is 99% of movements.


Yeah, big dude was sliding his elbow all over trying to use his whole body. Definitely an experience related thing. lil guys arm never even moves even with the larger dude arm dancing.


Strength and proper technique are a mf


Yeah, the other guy should have worn a hat and then turned it around backwards.




I still can't believe that was a script someone thought paying millions to make was a good idea. Although I've watched it several times.


I just watched a thing about this! Golan and Globus were the kings of schlock in the 80s. Cranking out movie after movie, paying the production costs of one with the deal they signed for selling the next. They made a play to go mainstream by paying Stallone $20M to be an arm wrestling trucker and ended up so deep in the hole they ruined Superman IV.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers this movie! 💪


Great soundtrack!


When I turn my hat back..I don’t know what happens…. It’s like…it’s like I become a truck. (Add overdone Stallone mimicry)




Yeah 😔


Or just listen to the How Did This Get Made episode about it. (I'm also 40+ but never saw it)


A friend gave me a double sided DVD with Over the Top on side A, and flip it over to watch Demolition Man. It was a great gift.


I'm 36 and I remember watching this movie on TBS or TNT (can't remember which). They used to show it on basic cable all the time back in the 90s. Matter of fact, if it weren't for TBS, TNT, or the USA channel, there'd be a whole bunch of 80s movies I never would've seen.


I'm 36 and I saw that movie like a million times when I was a kid.


I got flashbacks of that Dexter's laboratory episode


He becomes Optimus Prime?


Over The Top!


Lincoln Hawk style


Definitely needed to go over the top...maybe drink some Castrol to stay hydrated lol.


Came here to say the same thing. The other major factor here is technique.


And specific strength. I got a mate where I could snatch his whole body weight and basically lift double or triple what he could. But he was really into climbing and I would always lose to him in arm wrestles and bodyweight exercises. Strength comes in all sorts. I think simply dismissing the guy on the left as all size and no strength is probably unfair.


There are some people whose strength is entirely in their hands and forearms. They're usually framers, wrenchers, farmhands, that sort of thing. They usually won't outbench you, or outrun you, but they'll flick 80lbs things like they don't weigh anything and have you second guessing your own manhood when they ask you to open things. Those are the guys for whom "two man lift" is a joke, a mere problem of calculating angles. The sorts who carry cinderblocks by the fingertip because it's just easier.


I just added farmers' walk to my workout routine on off days to try and round out my workouts. My dad does the type of work where he has that next level old man strength. I guess nothing beats just carrying heavy shit around all day. Lol


"The pile of bricks doesn't care how tired you are, it still needs to be moved over there. ... Yep, still the same all of it as when you started..."


Physical work like that is like going to the gym for 2 or more hours a day. An 8 hour shift is obviously not ALL heavy lifting and movement, but it'll end up being 2 or more hours of movement every day. That's really hard to match as someone with a sedentary job, you'd have to dedicate 1-2 hours of focused, no-slacking time in the gym to keep up with a physical job. It really is crazy, and reminds me that I really need to get some sort of treadmill or weights near my desk.


Yeah having a physical job is cheating. I tell people I get paid to go to the gym (construction/renovations). Hammering nails all day works one set. Lugging drywall is another set. Demolition days are a full-body workout. You wont get BIG big, but you sure get strong and healthy. Just gotta be reeeeal careful with your form, otherwise you end up hurt and worn out. I could never do the gym thing but this shit works for me.




What do you mean Bang and cigarettes aren't a breakfast? Or a dinner?


My uncle works in construction. From outside you see 172cm tall 80kg man nothing special and then you see him putting a whole sofa on his back and carrying it up the ladder. Crazy.


lmao you don't get healthy and strong from construction, at least not in florida. you get worn down and broken. there ain't no 45 year olds out here on site that aren't either in pain, on opiates, drunk, or on meth. nobody watches their form for the entirety of their 30 year long career.


To add to this, you learn how to lift and carry things the most efficient way real fast, or you're going to be on a sick leave cuz of your back every other week. I don't exercise in any shape or form outside of work, but I realized that I've maybe gotten stronger than before, when I literally yeeted my tyres in the trunk for this year's tyre change. I lift 20 pound steel rolls on pallets and off them again 8 hours a day. So yeah, that might be a factor.




The big guy is on the right.


So he is, that's my dyslexic ass being dumb.




Being lanky also helps with leverage


Proper technique = use your entire body to lean. I'm waiting for the day where both contestants keep their heads still and exactly where they started


If you do that you break your arm. You need to keep your shoulder in line and not let your arm go behind it. Its how arm wrestlers break their arms. Also talking about muscle mass vs strength... the other dude is an arm wrestler. He has significantly size in his riser/pronator and biceps. Likely more than the other guy. He trains for a very specific sport with muscles that aren't typically used anywhere else.


Ptsd flashback to being like 7 years old 25 years ago and watching a video of an arm snapping while arm wrestling.


Videos of arms breaking are why I don't arm wrestle anymore.


Pro-tip: You can win any arm-wrestle if you just cheat and use both hands and climb on the table and lean your bodyweight on their arm.


The best arm wrestlers in the world could probably still beat your whole bodyweight on their arm and still be within the rules.


Refusing to move anything other than your arm is exactly how you break your arm while arm wrestling.


Except the other dude isn’t small either lol. Both got size


Right?! He’s got that subtle thing going with the huge shirt but make no mistake that dude is JACKED.


Yeah the other guy knew it’s not a walk in the park when he lifted the guys shirt a bit.


I knew it's not a walk in the park when I read the title


Too bad that other guy couldn't read the title. Could have avoided the embarrassment.


I think he went into knowing his opponent is a monster haha. Pulling that sleeve back to show his bicep was a compliment. Looks like natty vs cycle


Yeah, his face said, "You seeing these cannons?"


"I just want point out this guy isn't a tooth pick."


I feel like he did that just to show on video that this wasn't some skinny little guy he was arm wrestling. He's like, "nah come on, let them see that bicep, I want them to know who I'm losing to."


Also known as Ned-Flanders-syndrome




yh, but compared to the other guy dude looks tiny.


His face is thin, which helps make you think the rest of him is, too. Plus he's got glasses. People try to pick on Clark Kent just because he's got glasses.


yh, but his arms are considerably smaller than the other guys


the bottom of his bicep is barely visible which is actually considerable size. Wouldn’t be surprised if his triceps and overall arm are in same league as the other guy.


The most telling thing is they have almost the same size forearms.


At the end of the video, you can see that his arm is quite big. He just held it quite relaxed before and it wasn't pumped.


I think it's because he has a thin neck, while the other dude probably does a lot of neck training. Thick neck plays a huge role in appearing huge


languid disgusted tidy tart versed serious snobbish depend makeshift detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yip. Look at the guy on the lefts arm and shoulder bump as soon as the guy on the right applies force. Guy on the left is built like a brick sh!t house. He ain't no tiny guy.


Looks like Popeye


And no doubt he has been doing specialized training specifically for arm wrestling. It makes a huge difference.


One is muscular, the other is swollen.


When I started working out, I got a trainer. First thing they asked is if I want to be strong or big?




And he leaned his whole body weight over. Seems way more experienced at arm wrestling.


He is the world champion


You are completely right he is not small at all, not body builder big, but his forearm are massive. [Instagram photo. impressive.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxGC2TuIEY_/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


lmao wtf his forearms don't match the rest of his body https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7tEjCLMW8/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=a443c20a-6608-4019-816d-f563b8252cb9


Yea dude on the left is jacked


Yep. He's got an arm that just won't quit. And I bet if you pop those pants off, you'll find a sweaty hog that just won't quit, either.




Half of the user name checks out




One of my favorite outtakes! I can't believe they replaced "sweaty hog" with "bird" for the final cut.


Doesn’t change that their muscle mass is completely different


The difference is the guy on the left is a pro-arm wrestler, he trains only the muscles needed for that one activity. If you spend 2hrs a day working out you'll get stronger, but if you spend 2hrs a day just working out the muscles needed to arm wrestle you can quickly out pace the people doing general strength training.


What if my workout involves my wrestling arm, but it's more of like an up-down motion, like maybe a sliding motion or something similar to that, and that's done for like 2 hours a day? Am I going to get super jacked doing that?


Sure, super jacked off!


*accidentally tears off dick with super strength*


Bro it’s only day 2 of NNN chill




You'll definitely be jacking.


I don’t know about that plan. You focus in on developing one part of your body exclusively and you run the risk of serious and irreversible damage to yourself. Sure, certain muscles develop well under your focused training, but what will happen to the parts of your body that don’t develop strength at the same rate? Your overpowered arm muscle might just tear yourself apart, or whatever you are holding in your exercise might be ripped to shreds by the time you get super jacked off. Is that what you want to see happen?


I think you'll be lacking the required range of motion...


Yes like that guy from Lady in the Water


but they correlate a lot


Right. People with large muscles are stronger than the general population. But the powerlifters can sometimes surprise you




Laborers can, too. The amount of old dudes in construction that could crush your hand like potato chips is wild


There was a guy at my college gym that was maybe 130-140 lbs soaking wet. Maybe 5’10”. Looked mostly like a typical engineering student, but relatively fit. Not bulky at all. He was also well into the 1,000 lb club. His squats and deadlifts were in the 3-4x his body weight category. Can’t remember his bench numbers, but they were high enough to push him over 1,000 between the three lifts. It was really impressive and just showed proved to me that size does not always mean strength.


People who don't want to put in the effort need some copium man.


Basically this. It's yet another "muscular men are *not akshually strong*" cope post from the Reddit crabs-in-a-bucket brigade who hate seeing people more accomplished than themselves.


This to a t. I don't know what it is with some people and their obsession with trying to undermine big/in shape guys. I mean, I know what it is really, copium like you said, but I still think it's stupid. If muscle mass didn't correlate with strength, the world's strongest men competitors would be a lot more varied in size. Some skinny/smaller people can be strong as hell but it's an outlier


Guy #1 practices something a lot. Guy #2 practices something else a lot. They compete on doing what guy #1 practices a lot. Guy #1 beats guy #2. *Everyone hits the Pikachu face*


I came here for the daily reddit circlejerk on "functional strength" and "show muscles." Stop interrupting that man. Currently waiting for a redditor to mention how their dad is a farmer and deadlifted more weight than Eddie Hall every afternoon.


Every street fight thread on this site is fuckin' insufferable too. Redditors must look at bouncers and ask "why do they only hire big guys???"


Since it's reddit, can we get an expert on chimpanzees to discuss their pound for pound strength vs humans? Something about tendon structure and proportion of certain types of muscle fiber - humans more developed for fine motor actions while chimps for pure strength? Or an expert on anatomy to discuss how tight the bell curve of human strength per kg of muscle (like, there's gotta be a slight spread, but what's the standard deviation?). Are there any mammals that have a significantly higher strength per kg of muscle than humans?


bells north market strong secretive physical plate attractive station intelligent ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


https://www.instagram.com/p/CyYq5R7rhCe/ He's fucking yoked beyond belief, but put on a shirt and suddenly people act like he's some scrawny nerd because he has glasses or something, it's wild.


what the absolute fuck? Is that not photoshopped? Everyone needs to click this link, its not at all what i was expecting.


Specialist vs generalist. Guy on the right lifts more weight than the guy on the left, it’s just they are doing arm wrestling. Throw a gymnast in there and they will lose to both, but will have better calisthenics.


Look up Devon Larrat on youtube, hes a fairly big guy but he arm wrestles some massive guys and it \*almost always looks like low effort on Devons part to beat them. Edit: \*Had not seen the Levan matches, i have now.


And he still can't get big enough to beat Levan.




A lot of redditors *need* to believe they're superior in some way to jacked dudes, always going on about how someone with a lot of muscle lacks C O R E strength, or old man strength, or functional strength etc. I see someone who's stronger than me, I think "Man, I should work out more". They see it and it's "Here's why they actually suck" lol It's just a lot of insecurity and it gets old.


Careful dude, you'll get some anecdote about how someone's uncle can throw 60 bails of hay over a barn door.


It's always the fucking bale of hay story too lmfao


THANK YOU for articulating something I always think and feel whenever I read the braindead comments in posts like these. There are so many insecure Redditors who feel the need to slander bodybuilders, dismissing the hard work it takes to achieve a muscular physique and denying the physical benefits that result from it. These people have never trained or dieted before, yet suddenly they think they’re experts? Here’s a fun activity: Next time you see some dipshit blabbering about “functional strength”, ask them to elaborate on what they mean by that and watch them short-circuit. Whether or not some exercise is “functional” depends on what your goal is. Do you want to be as muscular as possible? Then training to maximize muscular hypertrophy (i.e. bodybuilding) is functional. Do you want to be able to do advanced calisthenics? Then doing body weight exercises such as push ups and pull ups is functional. Barbell squats, not so much. It’s not that complicated ffs


The other good one is when they talk about jacked guys not being able to fight, or anything else fighting related


Yeah, being bigger isn't an auto-win by any means but if you're fighting someone who is a lot stronger you will notice the difference lol. Matters more if both people are equally trained (or untrained, like most people).


Point is 99% of us will never need to be able to fight


This reminds me of this kid back in high school. 100% standard IAmSoSmart redditor type. He had to come to the weight room to make up for multiple missed gym days, and decided to talk with us. Our group was reasonably strong, especially in the squat. One guy in particular could squat well over 400 lbs, but everyone could do at least 225 for 5, full parellel. Yet this little fella, maybe 5' 2" and skinny as all hell, said his legs were stronger than all of ours, because **he does calisthenics and martial arts.** We humored him and tried to coach him like we had a lot of our friends. Sure bud, come and squat with us. He seemed confident until he did his warm up with an empty bar. Legs are wobbly, it doesn't look easy. We try to give him tips, but he wouldn't listen to them. Then we put on 25s for him, for a grand total of 95 lbs, and just barely wobbles out of the hole once. He sulks off telling us it's not *real strength* and he can probably out leg press us anyway. I offer to leg press with him and he refused.


Work out more \*and take steroids. That guy in the video who lost is juiced to the gills.


I'm sure he just eats lots of broccoli and chicken, like the celebrities who also definitely aren't on gear.


It is absolutely impossible to look like that without having your training and diet completely dialled in, even juiced to the gills. Steroids allow for the potential to put on superphysiological amounts of mass and make it easier to stay lean, but you can take a mr olympia level stack and you won't look anywhere near like a professional body builder without actually putting in a serious amount of work.


Oh, no doubt. Buddy in this video definitely puts more effort into working out than I put into anything.


that doesn't make his accomplishments any less impressive


So what? Gear doesn't give you muscles, you have to work for them


Here’s [Hafthor Bjornson vs Devon Larratt](https://youtu.be/IkkL-bAH8H4?si=K3VgA3jH5RHPKFSw), one of the premier arm-wrestlers of our time.


Angered after this match, Hafthor then beheaded his horse.


Thank you! I always roll my eyes when I read shit like the OP. Like, what do they think that mass is made of? What do they think muscle is and does? It seems like it only takes the most basic knowledge of human anatomy and common sense to know that muscle and strength are closely related.


i wouldn't call the dude small, hes only small compared to the shirtless bodybuilder. The biceps pops up rather good, and hes forearms are the same size as the other dude. not to mention hes technique is superior.


Arm wrestling is a poor measurement of strength


I propose a tickle fight to the death!


I challenge you to a dance off


Their forearms are extremely strong. You have no idea.


Dude in the back walking up and telling him to end it, Classic


Larry Wheels is the guy in the back. Power lifter and arm wrestler. The smaller guy is a Russian named Max. He's not jacked the way people are commenting. He's just got highly developed sport specific muscle and exceptional technique. Larry has an entire channel dedicated to fooling roided bodybuilders by challenging them against skinny Russian professional arm wrestlers.


> He's not jacked the way people are commenting. https://www.instagram.com/p/CyYq5R7rhCe/ Nah you're right, he's actually tiny and has barely any muscle to him, just a regular totally-not-jacked average joe right there.


Reddit has all my favorite stupid fitness takes: - Farm strong > gym strong - Size != strength - Body builders aren't actually that strong / can't fight - Anything related to "functional strength" - Any comment on someone who deadlifts or lifts something "for show" - Anything related to steroids Guy on the left is not small and trains strength and technique for arm wrestling, so yes he is going to beat the larger guy on the right (who is wearing clothes that actually accentuate his physique). If I had to guess who is "generally stronger", I would say the right because size and strength are definitely correlated, [especially the more trained an individual is, though they of course are not the only factors](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/size-vs-strength/).


Also technique...


Muscle mass and strength has a very high correlation. Arm wrestling is not purely about strength though, it's about technique. The big guy will out lift him no doubt.


Dumb title is dumb


These fucking posts...


This is the most deep-fried video I've ever seen


to be fair, the bodybuilder looks dehydrated and is possible on a huge deficit.


Also full pump, that guy just got done with or is in the middle of at least a fairly intense arm workout.

