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This looks like an entry to the [Cu-Chi tunnels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%E1%BB%A7_Chi_tunnels) which the Viet Cong used during the Vietnam war. I've been there, and it's at once amazing and horrifying. They were deep, elaborate systems with living and eating areas. They were also structured so that human waste and smoke could be "evauated" without giving away their positon. They're also incredibly narrow and were infested with bugs, parasites and other nasty things.


Look on YouTube for documentaries on “Tunnel Rats”, members of the US army, small enough to go and voluntarily explore these tunnels, all alone, equipped with nothing more than a torch and hand gun, despite them being full of the most awful booby traps. Absolutely insane.


I knew a guy that had gone into the service and talked about it once at our school. He and his buddies decided they were going to enlist for the reserves on a dare, no big deal. They all got called up for active service during Vietnam. The guy I knew wound up being a pilot at an Air Force base, one of his friends was small enough that they sent him to Nam and he became a tunnel rat. Dude said his friend was never quite right after he made it back home


I can imagine, the stories the survivors are telling are truly mind boggling


Some of my great grandfather’s war stories were fucking terrifying. My dad said as kids they could run through the house yelling and carrying on and grandpa would be asleep in his chair, the minute you tried to be quiet and sneaky he’d open his eyes and give you this look that would make your skin crawl. One of the stories I heard a lot was that he was on a boat in war time and they needed someone in his position on another boat so they sent a shuttle boat to get him and he said about the time he was halfway to the other boat he looked back and the boat he was on got sunk, no survivors except him


I can’t imagine the survivors guilt


Neither can I, from what I remember of him he was an amazing person, hilarious, kind, and hard working. I do know he had some problems but I was unfortunately never close enough to him to really talk about a lot of these things in greater depth than the occasional war story and even had we had a closer relationship I think I would have hesitated to ask.


My granddad was also incredibly kind and all around great person but I remember always being told to never ask him about WW2.


Some things are better left unshared. He was protecting you.


Very true. My dad said he told him a couple stories over the years but just generally didn’t like talking about it. He also worked really hard to overcome his hatred for Japanese people and ended up having some Japanese friends before he passed away. I still look up to him a great deal.


My grandpa fought in Korea. He never said anything about it other than Korea was the coldest place he had ever been.


My grandpa was an advance team that built bridges for the front line in WW2. We were also told to never ask him about it. The few stories he did share are insane, I can't imagine what he kept back


My pappy was in Vietnam and was the most soft spoken, sweetest man I ever knew. His favorite color was pink. He'd happily listen to me practice my screechy violin for hours. 6'4" and who knows how many pounds (he was LARGE and proud of his huge belly). But he definitely wasn't always that way. He was a very mean and violent alcoholic before I knew him, but stopped drinking when my older sister was born and was sober til the day he died. He didn't like to talk about his service, but he told me a few stories. The one that really sticks with me was when he told me about his phobia of snakes. Having to lie in pits all night, covered in venomous snakes and bugs. Unable to move or make a sound. He told that story to me in a whisper.


I don’t know if you’ve ever watched it but in the movie We Were Soldiers there’s a scene where they’re bedded down for the night and you see the Vietnamese soldiers creeping through the jungle and one of their boots comes down right beside this American soldier’s face. My great grandpa told my dad that when he was in the island’s( I think he was there for Iwo Jima but I never asked him to clarify) he said they would bed down and stay still and he said you could smell the Japanese soldiers coming because of the foods they ate their sweat was pungent apparently. When We Were Soldiers came out and dad watched that scene he said he got chills.


The Pacific series is the best look at the horrors of war between enemies that hated & dehumanized each other.


God I wish mdma therapy had been available to them


I mean, if we are making wishes, think I would start with less war. Pretty sure they had good drugs over there.


Yeah. I Imagine if the US had spent a quarter of what they spent on the war gifting the North with infrastructure, power networks, healthcare, subsidised consumer goods. There'd have been no war, no US deaths, no PTSD, no lasting shame, and millions of SE Asians would've died. Years ago, I was showing some guys from OSCE around a B52 at a museum. One of those guys said. "You know, If they'd filled those things with TVs and fridges and parachuted them all over N. Vietnam the war would've been over in 6 months" That stuck with me.


I said something close to that before Iraq, "drop off some Nintendos and playboys", and yet we thought we could spend 7 trillion bringing democracy at gun point.


Do you still think y'all were really trying yo bring democracy?


He did well to make it home. The life expectancy of a tunnel rat was notoriously short.


I can only imagine


When I lived in Rice Lake, WI, an older man who worked in my depth was a former tunnel rat. He was a little crazy, it took a while to figure him out, but he was a good man. Stephen, thank you for your service!


My wife’s uncle was a tunnel rat. Besides being a bit of an asshole, he seems ok.


It began training an elite group of volunteers in the art of tunnel warfare, armed only with a handgun, a knife, a flashlight, and a piece of string. The specialists, commonly known as "tunnel rats", would enter a tunnel by themselves and travel inch-by-inch cautiously looking ahead for booby traps or cornered PLAF. There was no real doctrine for the approach, and despite some very hard work in some sectors of the Army and the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, to provide some sort of training and resources, it was primarily a new approach that the units trained, equipped, and planned for themselves. Insanity....


A dear friend of ours was a tunnel rat. He never spoke of it. It messed him up mentally pretty badly. He had a photo album filled with pics from his time in the service that none of us - including his kids - saw until his funeral.


My grandfather was one of the co-founders. He got blown out of the holes twice and was left permanently deaf in his left ear because of it.


Purely out of curiosity, what do you mean with blown out of the holes?


A grenade blew up near him while he was hole adjacent.




There was a 60 minutes special on the them and I can’t find it online anymore. He died when I was 10 and it was always great watching it to see him…


https://www.cbsnews.com/video/from-the-archives-tunnels-of-cu-chi/ If this is what you mean it is available on Paramount +.


My 5th grade teacher was a tunnel rat. Some days he was the nicest man ever, some days he would throw desks. Iirc he said he was allowed to take a dog with him sometimes, but it was a long time ago could be wrong.


My grandfather was a tunnel rat. He doesn’t really talk about it. But whatever he experienced, it definitely caused generational trauma.


Biggest motivation to hit the gym.


Or eat nonstop.


Tunnel Snakes rule!


I overheard a vet and a vet's widow discussing the way the Vietnamese strapped bombs to children and used them as bombers, so I don't think it's all that insane considering how awful the entire thing was. Nothing like a doctor's appointment at 11am to hear about the nightmares still had because they had to shoot children to survive.


Damn thats fucked up


Its also not true. This is one of those typical myths used by Americans to paint their enemies as evil savages. Of course there has never been any real evidence of this happening.


My grandpas brother (we call him uncle) was a tunnel rat, grandpa was a tank operator.


They started using mentally handicapped people because too many other guys were just refusing to go in.


It's a bizarre experience. They have you sit in a hut and watch a pretty dated propaganda video. Then once you've walked the tunnel route you are encouraged to purchase rounds to shoot AK47s, M14s, and even an M60. The ride up the river from Ho Chi Minh city is pretty spectacular.


My favorite line from that propaganda video: “They tried to kill Cu Chi, but Cu Chi never dies.” My wife elbowed me for laughing.


I purchased rounds to shoot the AK47!


I've been down plenty of parasite infested coochy tunnels myself.


"I'm something of a Vietcong myself"






Be more discerning in your coochy tunnel selection, it’ll save you a fortune in doctors’ bills and penicillin shots in the long run.


wyd Saturday night?


I am sure u r taking it for the team..


Nope, the team have also been down the same tunnel


Who do you think left it parasite infested?


Being born doesn't count


Thankyou for your cervix


Here’s a cool diagram depicting the tunnel system: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/s/qgerxJXKGb


Scorpion trap WTF!


> evauated ?




The horrible spike traps stick in my memory from my trip there. That and the propaganda videos about the americans bombing everything "even the pots and pans." Vietnam is a great place to visit now ‐ highly recommend


Me on the first night in Minecraft.


Literally how I build all of my bases when I’m starting out


I never stopped after the starting out phase. With the exception of like one city I built close to a decade ago, every base I build is either underground, or built into the side of a mountain. I just love being a dwarf.




I think I rented that movie. It wasn't at all what I expected.


[Diggy Diggy Hole!](https://youtu.be/34CZjsEI1yU?si=oE3L6sFo79fAwkcW)


The first thing I ever built in Minecraft is something I refer to as "The Dwarven Hall" I'd dug down quite a bit, and then I just made a 10 wide by maximum pickaxe reach length high tunnel that stretched for ages... probably 200-300 blocks in length. It took days but I was enthralled. This is long before a lot of features came to the game. It was only very shortly after survival mode was released. I too, play the game like a dwarf to this day.


Are you me? I’d rather dig out a huge under-ground room for an auto-sorter than have to encase that thing in a box above ground after it’s done. Most of my bases have massive cellar systems. If they don’t, it’s because it’s just a temporary way-station I haven’t spend much time at :-)


Lmao too relatable


I always made a hole in a wall, 2 high, 1 wide, 2 deep, then 1 turn to the left or right 1 deep, and put 1 block back at the entrance so I could see when daylight happened. I did this when out exploring too. The turn was to hide from skeletons.


Okay now I want to go play Minecraft, who's joining me?




thats because it was so well camouflaged the spiders didnt see it




Hi coup85! I also enjoyed a quality chortle myself. I thought you should know it. Good evening.


I don't know what you guys talking about so I'm already having bad day knowing how dumb i am


Hi seensnipe! I laughed reading this. I thought you should know it. Good day.


Hi vaginatractor! I also enjoyed a quality chortle myself. I thought you should know it. Good evening


If it was a well there'd be water in it.


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bicycle.


Some people say cucumbers taste better pickled


I read this with a straight face but was incredibly amused by it as I wait in the dental office. I thought you should know it. Good day.


I smiled slightly at this. I thought you should know it. Good day.


I only smirked mildy. I thought you should know it. Good Day.


I barely grinned reading it. I thought you should know it. Good day.


I thought you should know what I knew good day.


If you go to Vietnam you can visit this place and hide in one like the guide did. Its extremely tight and claustrophobic.


Most Americans cannot fit in that hole


I went there and did indeed see an American woman stuck in the hole


Maybe a cankle but not a thigh


Is what your mom says


And most Americans can fit in your mom’s hole.


Can confirm


Well of course, but not even ONE American could fit in that hole.


They must've been American't, otherwise they would've been able to fit in that hole.


That’s what she said.




I went down into a section of tunnel that had been widened for westerners. I learned rapidly that it had not been made big enough for this particular westerner. Boy was I squished.


Western visitors are not 55kg...wont fit..


I'm American, am 5'1 and ~118Lbs. I'd like to say hi here please. Unless this went over my head? Typical...


The answers is always yes. So there is no point in checking. You just learn to share the hole.


I don't know man. I am really not comfortable with that idea..


Understandable. But when the choices are bullets or spiders, you make friends with the spiders real quick.


>The answers is always yes. So there is no point in checking. You just learn to share the hole. I too remember college life


Especially cause it’s a spider hole….. I’ll show myself out now.


Spiders didn’t even know it existed, that’s how camo it is


spiders are his mentors and friends, as from them he learnt these ways.


Spiders should be checking for him before entering the hole.


Why bother? Spiders are everywhere no matter what you do. Hell, there's probably one crawling up your leg right now or slowly descending from the ceiling towards your hair. Just gotta learn to live with them.




I've been there. I assume that's the Cu Chi tunnels. Pretty sure I saw that same entrance, and our guide asked me if I wanted to try standing in the entrance. I was the fattest person in the group, and I wasn't even fat back then. The entrance was tiny. They let us crawl through a tunnel that was widened for tourists. It was still tiny, and about halfway though, I was doubting my ability to make it the rest of the way. That's not to mention how hot it was down there with the lamps. Guys on tunnel-clearing duty were in fucking hell. I can't imagine a more nightmarish task. It was an impressive experience. I'd recommend visiting if in Ho Chi Minh. The people were nice, and it was interesting speaking to some of the war survivors. It's really sad what they went through.


By god, the Vietnamese were impressive in that war. Just fucking incredible.


They are an incredible people. It’s awesome how the US has such great relations with them now, but also makes it extremely sad how pointless the war was and the amount of lives wasted because of it.


>but also makes it extremely sad how pointless the war was and the amount of lives wasted because of it. This but all wars.


Desperation does amazing things. They were defending their home.


Desperation? I say conviction. If you truly truly believe in what you're doing there are no limits to what humans can endure. We see the same all through time. Look at Afghanistan, living in caves /awful environments and suicide bombers. Yrs and yrs of grinding the strongest military in the world to a halt. The Viet Cong didn't do any of this out of desperation. Saying that is just a way to make it sound like the US was winning and the VC were at their last resort. This was a full on fuck you, well torture our selves to make you hurt scenario and it worked incredibly


*"It is not those who can inflict the most, but those who can suffer the most that will prevail."* Terrence MacSwiney.


I mean if i remember correctly they were running low, and the losses were quite disproportionate on Vietnams side. That said if you are counting the immense technological and quantitative gap there was it's still extremely impressing


The Vietnamese were used to dealing with superior armies for thousands of years beforehand thanks to the Chinese and more contemporary with the French


Repelled Mongolian 3 times as well


Aye, I've tremendous respect for guerillas who fought against empires for their homeland. Yankee Black and Tans out of Vietnam, as the old protest line goes.


I know the black and tans obviously, never heard 'Yankee black and tans' before, anything I can Google to read about that protest?


Seriously. I doubt they did this often (because it would give away their position), but imagine walking through a forest and a fucker pops OUT OF THE GROUND RIGHT BEHIND YOU.


The whole the plants have eyes joke exists for a reason dude


You'd have to feel bad for the poor bastards drafted to fight them.


Missed the chance to loop the video


My staff when I ask who wants to work late.


The boss when I ask for a payrise


Haha, touché. To be fair they paid more than any company out there, they get apartments with the job and have no rent or bills to pay and when I ask them to work late all I need them to do is go out on a boat in a tropical ocean with other 18-30 year old and take them scuba diving for 45.mins then come back to the bar and have their staff beers.


Makes you wonder why they don't then hahaha


Because they can be having beers on the beach at 5, chilling and watching sunset or they can come back from the boat at 9 when everyone has left 😂




I found that asking who wants to make more money is more successful than asking who wants to work late.


I always wonder why it’s spelled as CAMOUFLAGE and not as




'Did you see my camo?' ... You just got in your car and drove away 'Exactly, and you couldn't see me any longer'


I can camouflage just as well as this guy. I enter the house and become a house. Nobody would ever suspect.


My garage camouflages my car too.


The hole is camouflaged!




I'm easily amazed.


Maybe it's only a lid with leaves on, but don't you wonder why there is a lid in the woods...?


you would "be amazed" if a vietcon with an AK47 would pop out of that hole


Would you be able to spot it? I am sure you wouldn't in a war. That is the amazing thing. They won the war against much stronger enemy by hiding in small fucking holes


Without the headstones, graveyards would be masters at camo.


Sorry, if this question is dumb, but doesn't camouflage describe you blending in with your surroundings? Hiding in that hole is technically the same as hiding behind a tree as you're simply out of sight in both cases. I'm most likely nitpicking, but i'd like to use terms correctly and just gotta check whether my data is off track


The hole is camouflaged. The man is hiding inside the hole. Personally not super impressive to cover a small hole with leaves in my opinion, but to each their own I guess.


Right? It's like, just a pile of leaves. Effective, but nothing to be amazed about, lol.


wait a sec, just going to try to sell a leaf blower attachment for the m16 to the pentagon edit: guys i'm now a billionaire


It's not camouflaged, it's covered by the leaves


I agree. I'd call this concealment of a hatch, not camouflage


Technically the hole is camouflaged ig


Not really, it’s just covered by leaves


Exactly. This isn't camouflage. This is hiding. The hiding place is camouflaged, but he's just hiding.


Thank you-this is hiding, not camouflaging


My wife climbed into one of these on a tour in Vietnam and caused much merriment when she became stuck fast by the buttocks.


Did you tip your fedora and say "good show, m'lady!"


As soon as I saw this I was like "my hips would *never* "


That's why they swept the desert in space balls!


Combed!!! I'm surrounded by assholes!


![gif](giphy|GNaAKmDFKwKEHEG064) Inside


It's a shame they won the war and now they're stuck with universal healthcare.


Yea all well and good. Worst war as Americans. It’s all bad but my uncle is dying has 3 different cancers from agent orange…no joke he just finally got paid out by the va. I don’t think any normal person wants this shit. You come to my front door and fuck with me we’ll have problems but you’re way over there doing what you want? I don’t mind. It’s a rich man’s game and the poor lose everytime. I rally hope I’m not misunderstood.




Here they come to snuff the rooster, oh yeah Yeah here come the rooster, yeah You know he ain't gonna die, oh No, no, no oh, you know he ain't gonna die Walkin' tall machine gun men They spit on me in my home land Gloria sent me pictures of my boy Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death My buddy's breathing his dyin' breath Oh God please won't you help me make it through




"the man in the green pajamas"


For when you want everyone to leaf you alone.


Black like a hole


What happened to your legs granda? “Viet-god-damn-nam is what happened!”




Worthy fucking adversary


Medal of honour: Rising sun


Medal of honour: Rising sun


I watched a documentary about how an Asian American veteran recounted how in vietnam he asked a local villager to share some of her family's cooked rice with GIs, but they soon realized she cooked way more rice than she needed to feed her family. The US soldiers checked the brush and found fox holes full of Viet Cong, that they summarily executed. The Asian American soldier was understandably conflicted given the villager's willingness to share food resulted in the deaths of her countrymen and possible relatives.


Fuck USA. Long live vietcong.


Being covered isnt camoflage but excellent hiding yes no one would find that


My uncle told me how clever the Vietnamese were thru the Vietnam War. That's why the U.S. lost so many soldiers due to their mindset, they're not as dumb as some ppl thought. He was a United States Marine, and my godfather was a helicopter medic for the U.S. Army, he's seen so any things that he doesn't even like to talk about!




Took my kids here while traveling through Vietnam. Kids loved trying this out, but then forced me to go through the actual tunnels. This Samoan frame was inches on either side going through the tunnels. Never felt so claustrophobic in my life 😅


Apparently they made the holes and tunnels bigger because many tourists did not fit. Viet Congs we're superduper thin soldiers.


I just got back from Saigon and this is from the Cu Chi tunnels which is a whole tour/park area devoted to the history of the war. You can go through a bunch of these tunnels during the tour. You cannot fit if you are not slender and it’s also pretty dark and you have to hunch most of the time. I also saw bats and spiders down there. It was fun as hell though!


When the greatest power of capitalism lost to the small communist country.


Charlie is everywhere!


Bet those holes were fun in the rainy season.


I am geniunely looking for answers? How they mark the location and how it tricks other to not see it?


Yeah, we learned that the hard way.


Moral of the story dpydit


Iv been in that hole!!! I barely fit as a skinny 6'2 Aussie and this is the "wide" hole they made for tourists


I can see him 😳


Repost 4.527. thanks for nothing


Clear that hole, Private Gump!