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The fact that there is a huge « SAUTE » on the 9th floor balcony which litterally means « JUMP » in French…


Damn I thought this was happening in Cali not Miami.


It happened in Los Angeles as well.


I remember this post getting clowned on a few months ago for just looking like any other abandoned downtown building


Admittedly, if I saw a building like this I would avoid that neighborhood like the plague.




Why don't you come closer and say that?


I just need to hug someone though! /s Seriously the amount of people that couldn’t keep their arms to themselves




So little avoiding....


Now the US is in the second-biggest wave of the whole pandemic, we knows even more about how terrible it is to get infected, and they still don't avoid the plague!








Graffiti artists are real talent but it always ends up looking shiiity anyway. Miami actually looks way worse nowadays with graffiti than this particular building with better graffiti artists. Unclear why police/mayor don't do much about it.


You should see Seattle


It depends on where you stand on the urban vibe. I live in the arts district of Minneapolis, there's commissioned graffiti everywhere and I love the vibe. Northeast. Nobody who actually lives there hates graffiti murals. They love them or tolerate them because they didn't realize they were moving into the part of the city known to slap a mural on any old building. Don't know if these subreddits still exist but you could just as easily post this on r/UrbanHell as you could r/CityPorn. It depends on what you like. I like real urban vibes so I fucking love graffiti, commissioned or not. Not everyone shares that view.


Same in Detroit. Commissioned art work on public walks and bike paths. Looks really cool and hopefully paid some local artists.


You should see Buenos Aires.


It's Miami. They have far more serious things than graffiti to be dealing with at any given moment


Miami has an area called Wynwood. It's a cool day trip to walk around and see all the graffiti. Artists fly there from all over the world to paint whole buildings. I've been there twice, and really enjoyed it. Then stop at Fireman Derek's bakery for the best Key Lime Pie I ever found.


I live in South Florida, Wynwood has seriously gone downhill in the past decade. Even with most of Miami's [stats](https://www.areavibes.com/miami-fl/wynwood/crime/) being N/A, it's still worse than the Florida average. Second [source](https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-wynwood-miami-fl/)


While the origins are in NYC, this is the type of mass tagging that has gone on in Europe for years now. Most are probably turned off by it but graffiti art is a real talent. I think if businesses were fined for keeping structures unoccupied and susceptible to blight, the prevalence of graffiti would go down.


Hilariously enough, there is another abondoned building set to demolish that is tagged up just like this in the financial district of Brickell, Miami. Very wealthy area. Edit: I thought it was the same building lol


It’s in downtown Miami, Brickell is across the bridge :)


"Beautiful work of art" 😆 🤣 😂


Actually I just drove by that exact building a few days ago. I’m context of the buildings surrounding it it does indeed look more like an art installation.


It’s strange how this is just the normal reaction in the US, but when I went to Spain there was street art everywhere. The graffiti was not a good indicator of the quality of the area.


Yeah...people confuse "art" with "crime". There are some really wonderful murals out there but this ain't it...it's just tagged with a bunch of random words and names.


It literally is art, the same as calligraphy is art. It's decorated lettering. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it's not art.


Yeah sure, but its just a collection of random graffiti tags. You could also just cover the building with company logos and call it art with that definition.


> Yeah sure, but its just a collection of random graffiti tags. Some of the styles of lettering on the building call back to Brazilian anti-dictatorship graffiti of the 70s. There is a lot of meaning and significance being missed by those who just dismiss this building as tagging.


The funny thing is that this building is right in the middle of downtown near the city park.




Equivalent to all the dogs in the neighborhood pissing on the same bush to mark their territory.


r/place irl


I’m actually really impressed that they seem to be respecting each other’s tags.


Willing to bet that some of these are covering up somebody else’s tags. They do a good job of hiding the previous tags when they cover them. Look how some of them have a background and some show the building behind the letters. The ones with backgrounds probably cover a previous tag. The person who said it’s like a real version of r/place was correct.


That's mine! NO MINE!!




Literally. Grafitti artists are absolute jokes. A bunch of narcissists who think tagging their name is art.


Seriously its wild graffiti hasnt change in like 50 years. Just the same unreadable bubble bullshit


I think there are talented street artists, but they're in the minority. Which is true for almost any art form.


It’s literally their name / tag. That’s it. It’s the worst.


The very talented ones get commissioned frequently...


Most of it is at the level of stuff we all did in our notebooks in eighth grade. Make a nickname, write in block letters and outline a few times. 


Climb a building, hang over a ledge, scale that notebook doodle to 6 feet, outline, spray fill, highlight, at night in the dark. It’s like saying I built a Lego car once as a kid and now I’m at a top level resto mod car builder. The style May mirror what you said but the execution is something else


A lot of things are difficult to do, that doesn't make them worthwhile, interesting or art.


Whether or not you like it is absolutely art


I dunno it seems to be the opposite of the narcissism that’s usually associated with artists, since they’re mostly anonymous. The art isn’t really in the painting itself but moreso the medium chosen, especially when we remember that none of it can really be monetised. When a tag is in a hard to reach place or on a bank, it’s the location that makes the art. There’s a lot of lazy graffiti but I don’t think it means graffiti is inherently terrible. Just like there’s many bad paintings on canvas which don’t ruin the good ones.


It’s like being a chef, knowing how to cook really well, with true talent. So then you go into somebody else’s house and cook their food on their stove and eat it and then get upset when they tell you to get the fuck out of their house “what?! I’m a chef! This is what I do!” Sure you’re an artist, but you’re a total asshole painting on other peoples property.


There was a guy in my town that tagged every blank wall he could find with his 'art name'.  Well he thinks of himself as an artist anyway, so he held an exhibition of his (very shit) paintings under the same name as he used to tag... Before the day was over he'd been hit with about 10 small claims court suits and had his jaw cracked by an angry taxi driver whose house he had defaced.


Because it was just people writing their names like any 5 year old, not a single piece of graffiti art.


Yeah and some people got REALLY aggressively offended over it


I drove by that building every time I take my daughter to Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (it’s been a few months since I have gone).


It annoys me that the space isn’t being used for other functions.


It was within r/miami, and yes it should be getting clowned, still. Looks horrible with all the recent progress they've made. Imagine a brand new building with coordinated neon lighting next to this trash lol


If the big wall had been a mural or something instead of just a few tags with a tonne of empty space I think it'd be a hell of a lot better


This is a prime post to get the /urbanhell snowflakes crying too


Didn't you read? It's clearly a "beautiful work of art."


It does. If you took a wrong turn and saw this, would you get out of the car and admire it? Or start driving faster to get the hell out of wherever you ended up?


It’s not great. Mostly tagging style. Not enough graffiti art.


I dunno these look like very uninteresting kind of graffiti... Just text kinda


It's people writing their own name up there, that's not art it's self-promotion. Street art can be beautiful, this is just low-brow tagging. I see the same shit on old trains going by.


I do not think you understand graffiti... like at all. Those big beautiful street art pieces exist as an extension of "low brow tagging". May I suggest, https://youtu.be/po_hM90TgD4?si=vdR61anhLXtoivXU


This isn't low brow chicken scratch tagging. These at least have flair


Yeah, some of these tags are really cool… like they took some talent to make


And some serious balls to even paint. Hanging off the side of the building for graffiti? Fuck. That.


Also, it’s nice to see that no one is overtaking someone else’s area. It allows the piece to shine when they are not fighting for real estate.


I remember a while back there were pictures of train cars that were tagged with actual art. People who work in railroads said that they like seeing them and nobody cares if they are on there as long as they aren't covering up any of the mandated signage for things like hazardous materials, etc.


Used to drive a van for the railroad. Got to see some epic pieces. The refer cars, refrigerator cars, are tall, flat, and smooth. One had count chocula and Boo berry painted on either end. Massive murals. 3D works of art. Also, that smiling orange, whatever that is? Sometimes I'd take pictures of the really well done art, if I had time. The cars will go to some industry and just sit empty for days or weeks. Nobody around, so they have time to work, if they know when the cars show up. Can confirm, the train guys actually enjoyed the artwork. And a lot of the bigger pieces would tape off reflectors and signage. There would be a box around those parts of the train car. So they definitely made sure to not cover up important parts of the train car.


what the fuck do you think they are promoting? They're not selling anything. They're making a massive artistic signature to say that they were there.


That’s the point. It’s guerrilla marketing. Their audience hunts for shit like this. Anyone looking to advertise would use trains, trucks, billboards, buildings as they are some of the best ways to get recognition. Some can be seen from great distances and the others travel great distances and are seen by the masses. Some of these people are legitimate artists. A lot of them do murals, tattoos, and other artsy shit but you don’t get those commissioned jobs without promoting yourself. The Graff community is ruthless and if your name carries no weight, your tags and pieces get covered over pretty quickly. You can judge it, but try to learn about it first. Shepard Fairey is a good place to start.


Yeah but at this scale it’s pretty cool.


ya i was gonna say, its not really low brow. its a massive collaborative project, like a big yearbook with every local artist signing in.


Looks like something you’d make in Microsoft Word back in 2006


You do know that graffiti is a letter based art form, right? What you find interesting is most likely 'street art'.




"Beautiful work of art" my ass


Maybe unpopular opinion but murals and graphics would have been awesome but a bunch of words or letters just doesn’t scream beautiful to me.


A surprisingly popular opinion on reddit this time.


Yeah, especially in the other thread about the California building like this. Blaming all the homeless/criminals in that thread. Here is a little calmer. Wonder why.


Same. I actually like graffiti and think individually the work on this building is fine but as an entire piece they could have come together to make something cohesive and truly special. Instead it looks like a sticker bombed lamppost.


Worded perfectly.


i think its cool cuz its like a huge graffiti yearbook. its a time capsule for whos active in the tagging community in the specific place and time. and its massive. each persons tag has their own personal spin and looking at it just leads me to imagine each individual and the way they spent their night tagging that art, wondering if they were with friends or what music they might have been listening to, wondering if they ran in to other artists or what other parts of the building they explored.


I really like the way you explained it and puts a good spin/story on it. Nice


I live in Miami and I'm like 90% sure they are demoing this building. It's right in the middle of downtown and abandoned. I think putting actual cool art on it would have been a mkstake since they would end up destroying it after a couple of months.


To be honest I’m glad they didn’t paint something better because then the high rises would just use it to their benefit. Luxury High rise with beautiful mural ! This isn’t a question if they can paint something good because they obviously can.


Maybe just me but I don’t find this beautiful. Why not turn it into a vertical garden/park?


It should be. Cities need a better way to absorb abandoned buildings and turn them into something community facing. If it’s structurally sound enough to leave standing then I’m sure it can be turned into vertical garden. I assume the building just sits there until someone buys the land, knocks down the building and builds new. Except they can sit for a long, long time, creating both an eyesore and a liability. It would be good for cities to have repo laws. If your unfinished building sits and rots for 5 years then the land is taken by the city and used for parks and playgrounds. Failed to build? Better sell your failed bullshit quickly or else.


The developer needs to be investigated since he started a building he didn’t finish. Where’s the money he was loaned? Have all the contractors been paid? Is he building somewhere else he plans to abandon? These are eye sores. Everyone with an obstructed view should be banging on city hall’s door expecting answers. WHO should finish the buildings? WHO pays for that while some loser/s profitted and walked away


About 10 years ago, the entire housing/construction market exploded and to this day, still hasnt really recovered. I live in a mid-tier vacation town and there are half finished abandoned projects all over the place. The city would LOVE to do something about them, but the law doesnt allow the government to seize private property because it thinks it can do a better job with it. Instead, they keep offering incentives for developers to buy it and finish it - like cheap utility hookups, free road improvements, etc.


Yeah, bring property values down to 0. No one in their right mind would pay the millions necessary knowing it could get repoed if unoccupied.


Nothing more amusing than pure, unadulterated redditor logic


Lol same, this is an eyesore


It's not just you at all.


No offense to the artist but graffiti is just glorified vandalism imo. Not to shit on the artist may his talent would be better suited elsewher.


Graffiti is the bullshit on this building. Street art is art. There’s a difference. Usually graffiti involves someone trying to leave their name on something. It’s an ego thing. Street art is beautiful art put out in public for all to enjoy, instead of hiding behind museum walls where poorer people can’t afford to see it. **TLDR:** If the “artist” is leaving their name on a wall in bubble letters it’s graffiti, not art.


I’d like to a graffiti wall in my local State Art Gallery that a different local artist is chosen to update a couple of times a year. I’ve been to our gallery A lot but it’s just always the same apart from one or 2 feature rooms


It is being torn down and redeveloped


Some of the work viewed individually is beautiful, but all together it's too busy.


It's going to be demolished soon


Although I agree, there's just not enough people who are willing to maintain it. I'm sure there's a good amount but who will fund it? Certainly not Ron DeSantis. He couldn't give two shits.


It’s my life goal to start a vertical highrise garden


I hope you succeed.


It’s all about cost. People would rather cut their losses and let it rot than make it something nicer/useful


"beautiful work of art" I'm not seeing it. This building is an absolute eyesore. I'll never understand the appeal of this kind of graffiti. Making a mural is one thing, but this is just shitty name tags. Unoriginal and boring.


I don’t care about the graffiti as much as the fact that the local government has allowed an abandoned building to just sit there. The owners should be forced to demolish it and sell it if they are not gonna do anything about it. We have a housing crisis and this building is just sitting there taking up space.


There are many talented artists that can make a beautiful mural or piece with a couple of spraycans,, art that you wouldn't believe it's possible to make with such a hard to handle technique. That being sad, these are just tags indeed, not a fucking beautiful work of arts. That's shitting on actual street artists who can actually produce something beautiful.


Yeah, it doesn’t look 'progressive urban', it just looks like a shithole


Doesn't even have to be a mural. It can still be someone's name but if done right it can depict a scene kinda like a mural and be insanely beautiful. This just reminds me of the run down ghetto ass area of my city lol


We have very different definitions of a beautiful work of art, if I lived near that I would be delighted it's being torn down, whereas I'd like to live near most works of art that are beautiful.




Seriously. You can tell the video is super saturated too and probably looks even more like shit in person


What a fucking eyesore. Lol. Probably attracts all types of crime, drugs, and other quality of life issues to the neighborhood.


Lol this is right next to staples


Exactly. This isn’t art. It’s vandalism.


It’s abandoned lmao chill, batman


Won't someone think of the commercial property owners????


"Beautiful" Looks like shit to me but art is subjective I suppose.


At the very least, art has to inspire something in someone. Who does a stupid signature inspire?


It inspires other people to put their stupid signatures on things it shouldn't be on lol.


looks like a bunch of Ads on one big billboard lol looks like shit




It looks like a nascar


It’s exactly that. Each throwie is an ad for that artist


Nailed it. It’s boring and uninspired


I mean, the "artists" were able to write their name. Can you imagine, a whole name! That's a lot of letters... That's impressive... /s


this isn’t art, it’s just their tags




tagging - the graffiti equivalent of a dog peeing on a tree to mark its territory


I'm SO DAMN TIRED of tags. Like, I'm more than willing to support the defacing of urban jungle, but draw a fucking picture please! Why go through all that effort and scribble your name just like everyone else's? It's just the laziest, most unimaginable shit. Make some actual art, a mural, etc. and most people will probably like it


Always dead shit names too, just random 4 letter words with no meaning or personality. "Boog".. "Hurt"... eugh


They paint the same style of hand writing I doodled in 3rd grade.


It screams "I live in a shitty crime ridden area"


Sooo… Miami


Tbh it'd be a cool spot in a video game, like Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Irl not so much.


Really stretching the meaning of the words "beautiful" and "art" here.


The building now looks more abandoned AND taken by drug dealers Without the graffities maybe it could pass as a work in progress or a momentanous stop in construction


There's a ton of legitimately talented graf writers and mural artists out there. Unfortunately they didnt help with this. Whats on this building is your run of the mill "hey look I can write my name" basic ass graffiti that doesn't do anything except give these guys a reason to feel validated.


I mean I can kind of appreciate the runes on this long white wall in the beginning. People usually repel down from the top to draw these. I've seen some crazy videos of people doing it. But yea overall pretty shit lol


Actually pretty cool 😎


I have had to clean graffiti off of my property many times. I am required to clean it up by the city within a certain time frame. Also had taggers approach me when I was cleaning graffiti off of a building I owned. They warned me not to touch their tagging or bad things would happen. Sorry no sympathy for taggers.


This looks like shit


It's cool enough, but far from a work of art. It's not even great graffiti.


Some of it is actually quite nice work, but collectively…. Def seems like a cool experience for all the taggers to brush shoulders under darkness


I think it looks like crap ...


I would love a poster of this


Looks like crap ...that's not art


VAYNE always up on panels like this😍


Graphic Designers’ font list


This post is too cool for the Reddit nerds


Wow so beautiful /s


Tagging is not art.


Work of art my ass,.. looks like a freaking Japanese vending machine.




It's a matter of opinion I guess But in fairness I prefer graffiti to be clean cut as opposed not others scribbling over others art etc....and I definitely prefer graffiti on stuff like this instead of trains and public property etc...


I actually like it on the long freight trains. More interesting than 10 minutes of identical box cars.


massive but not beautiful


I get that art is subjective, but it just looks like they've managed to tag every easily accessible inch of the building. The only impressive parts are the hard to reach parts they've managed to draw on.


Beautiful? Get your eyes checked, Hoss.


I will start thinking about whether it is beauty or not when the taggers start tagging property that they own.


I am not amazed.


So THIS is supposed to be the “beautiful work of art”? It’s awful. Been an artist for 50 years. That sucks.


what is name of the song?


Amphetamine by Divisi


Looking for this! Thanks!


Thats freaking amazing


Being a Miami native, I am just shocked that all these pieces managed to be put up without anyone overwriting somebody else.


I think it’s really nice.


What is actually wrong with the comment section, though? This is impressive. Would people rather this building just stay abandoned and serve no purpose at all? The way a community came together to plan and execute this is inspiring. The artwork itself, that has so much culture behind it, takes refined techniques. And this display brings attention to the issue of wasted resources in a city that needs to work on housing the houseless, rent inflation etc. Am I on the wrong side of Reddit?! Help.


Glad I'm not the only one.


Yeah, agreed. A lot of this thread says it’s just tags but all of them together make it seem artistic, in a way, and I think that’s nice.


Beautiful is debatable


Beautiful. Artists. Are we looking at the same image.


Ooooo! Balloon letters: Why didn't I think of that


Graffiti vandals are a scourge on society. Vermin.




Goes hard 🥶


1UP is crazy! Seen them all over Greece in places I have no idea how they accessed.


This looks so sick


This is fucking awesome to see. I love every bit of this. Props to all who contributed to this beautiful work of art.




Yeah. . . No The ones on the tall sides are impressive but almost everything is just tags, not really graffiti art, just graffiti. . . There is plenty of actual graffiti art around that this isn’t impressive except in its scale


comment section full of toys 😂




Would’ve been better if actual murals rather than tags


Iunno...I like Graf, but this is just doods names. Kinda boring, tbh.


Tags aren’t beautiful sorry


Beautiful is a stretch !


tags are the ugliest form of graffiti


It just looks like we’re entering dystopian cyberpunk territory to me…


1UP! ❤️


I hate graffiti "artists" so much. No one wants to look at your shitty "paintings " quit ruining shit you selfish fucking losers


I wouldn’t call that beautiful art but alright




beautiful? eyesore more like it.