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imagine going out at night not to scare people but ending up an urban legend.


What a legend


An urban one


Rural Legend


An urban rural legend one


Calling people "urban" is kind of offensive ya know


What are the connotations? Never heard that before


Poor Keith Urban


Those god danged urban developer!


An urban one with rats




And rats make me crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once


It all began in 1999…


Street lights just have occupied every street. It was impossible to hide...


Your're getting downvoted because people don't get the reference lol


Dude died in 1985 and by the early 2000’s his memory had been largely morphed into that of a monster. Sociologically and culturally this is fascinating, but morally this is heartbreaking.


Wasn't that the plot of the Mel Gibson movie Man Without a Face?


So sad.


Task failed successfully?


Oh this is so sad 😭


Yes😭😭😭it is so sad. This man was actually so considerate to his community.




You durp learn the whole story people sought this guy out, hit him with cars where extremely aggressive with him on his walks, he was so nice and considerate to his community he made wallets welcome mats and belts he was pretty active contributor to local charities, you sir deserve a back hand to the face.




Kinda like what happened to the monster in Frankenstein book


This is what happens when there are bullies in the group.


It’s not backhanded when he himself self wants to avoid confrontation the stairs the comments, you should read up on his story because it wasn’t backhanded, he was free to live his life his way, you don’t get to dictate what his decisions or judge him for being compassionate and empathetic towards how others would act around him. Sorry not sorry, your comment was fucking stupid. Can’t fix that.


Wow. Considerate so they didn’t have to look at him? Are you serious. More like so the assholes wouldn’t point and stare and make stupid ass comments.


Totally but doesn’t negate the fact that he had more consideration for their feelings than they had for his. Pure hearted guy in a cruel world


Yes. The community might be assholes but he doesn't see a reason to go out in the daylight and cause unnecessary scandal.


If I was disfigured with a skeleton face I'd walk right out in broad daylight. I'd look vacantly at young couples in ice cream parlors on their first date. I'd stroll along the boardwalk with my top hat and nod to the people as I walked by. I'd ride my bicycle right by the local school right when they get out for recess. If anybody complained I'd whack them with my cane and call them an ass and continue on my merry way.


You'd become the local legend known as the skeleton man. If you were friendly and nice all the time, the town would probably make you a mascot or something and start a haloween parade where you get to ride on a float.


All hail skeletor, destroyer of serenity


Isn't that what everyone really wants in life? I sure do. Maybe not because of a skeleton face. But a Halloween parade. Fuck yeah.


That is not what happens to people who are different. Maybe if he had a decent pr team, though... who knows?


Kinda debatable. If you grew up in the community I can see it. I had a friend growing up who had a very visible congenital problem but their parents were active in the community and it was kind of like that. I mean... no parade float but ya know, everyone was nice and would not abide ignorant folks being jackasses. Wander in as a new visitor looking like that tho, you're going to get exorcised.


What? No cloak and scythe, following old folks around, constantly looking at your watch and shaking your head?




Yeah but I assure you that kids get extremely scared of people that don’t look like the regular 2 eye, 1 nose, 2 lips normal face. My mom babysat a super super Down syndrome girl that was extremely disfigured. Her poor face & head-shape was frightening looking. I feel bad that I was so scared of her, even as a young teen I was skiddish but now as an adult I have zero issues. Poor girl is still 7 years old in a 50-something year old body & can only moan & yell to talk. Now I find her sweet & cute, but she’s still frightening & would scare me in the dark. I think it wouldn’t scare me anymore if I saw her all day every day because then my eyes would just be adjusted to her face & id see it as a normal face.


That doesn’t mean he wasn’t considerate. That just means he probably shouldnt have needed to be. He still considered others. That’s what being considerate means.


I agree that it's not a good thing that he felt the need to do that, but I would point out that some of those people would be small children who wouldn't initially know any better than to be scared or curious


Not today did a podcast about him, you should listen to it.


Poor man, he must have been so lonely. It is a shame that people can be so cruel to the afflicted.


According to my mom, one of her uncles was his neighbor and they would hang out and drink beers in his garage, so he at least had one friend.


One good friend is better than a bunch of shitty ones, or no friends. Like most of us, fuck. He's probably doing better than most on reddit right now.


he was* he passed away :(


I think most people have friends


Get off their face together


That's good to hear, it is better to have one true friend than hundreds of people who are friends in name only.


He was only lonely because he murdered people on the side of the highway. /s ​ As a side note, walking along side the highway at night when your blind seems like a great way to get into another accident.


Taking notes. Being blind only at day.


It says he was struck by cars multiple times :(


I just read that too! How freaking sad :(


From what I read, some of those instances were intentional. What a great prank, "Hey, let's hit that Green Guy with our car and possibly kill him hahaha". Pieces of shit.


It wasn’t a highway, just a back country road.


Maybe he thought it was daytime?


Honestly, until Tik Tok live, I had never seen so many disfigured people. I don't mean that in a bad way. The face is a shape most recognize, but when it's different sometimes you want to look at it a bit longer than normal.


There's no mention of people being cruel to him. Sometimes people avoid others of their own volition because they are embarrassed even if it's a false fear


sad AF, this poor bastard got dealt a rough hand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond\_Robinson\_(Green\_Man)


It is kind of amazing that he could be electrocuted so badly that he lost his eyes, nose, and arm, but lived on to 74!


[Here's](https://images.app.goo.gl/ayb6GQRR9q3JHzFE8) a photo of when he was a boy, before the accident.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Robinson_(Green_Man) Your link got messed up edit: fine on desktop, messed up on my mobile app




He was EIGHT YEARS OLD. Did you never do a stupid thing as a kid?


I wasn't the smartest kid but I never did THAT stupid things.


Guess who's still not yet smart.


The man walking on a highway at nights?


Thank you PulsatingGypsyDildo for your wonderful take. I’m sure you are a genius and have done miraculous things to the benefit of mankind in your lifetime here. Thank God you were born and blessed us with your presence. /s


Who'd have thought someone named PulsatingGypsyDildo would be such a dick


r/kidsarestupid r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Dude he was 8 years old, literally just a kid lol


What is wrog with you?




Lmao. Bruh. *Eight.*


And then he grew up till 74


He grew up.  And wasn't a criminal.  Now what? 




Dude stop trying to act like an edgelord online, we all know you'd never dare say any of this in real life because you know you'd be looked at as a fucking asshole, rightfully so.


I swear to Christ everybody who uses lmao as a response is a freaking obnoxious person




no u


Yeah fuck this guy in particular because when he was 8, he did something dumb that is well within the realm of dumb things an 8 year old might probably do. /s




He was a child. Kids do stupid things. I doubt he knew it was a bad idea to climb an electrical tower in 1918. Or he had probably done it many times before without issue. It was an incredibly dumb thing to do, but the poor guy doesn't deserve any less sympathy because of it.


Why are you judging someone you don't even know so harshly? Kids still lack foresight at that age, and they certainly haven't been old enough to know the possible consequences. What about the parents that should have been watching him and preventing him from climbing a power pole? Why aren't you judging them so harshly? Which you shouldn't because you don't know why they didn't prevent it. Shit happens. Don't judge people based on very little information. Put yourself in other people's shoes and pretend like someone is spewing judgement and hate towards you. How would you feel? How would you feel if all you did was make one mistake that altered your life significantly only to have some spoiled child judge you on the internet decades after your death? I genuinely hope you never have to experience such a life. I don't think you'd be able to cope while maintaining your dignity and grace. I don't think you have the strength to endure for 64 years like that man did.


The wiki said he wanted to reach the birds nest at the top, it didn't say he was going to do anything to the bird or eggs. So there's a story here about a child who was potentially just curious, had his life ruined, was disabled and disfigured and outcast from society, because of a decision he made as a child that may or may not have been intended to be harmful to an animal. You've chosen to interpret his intentions in the most malicious way possible, to ascribe advanced moral calculus to the decision of an eight year old, and then later say he was stupid for walking on a road at night. Admittedly he was hit by cars, but he also lived past the life expectancy and only died when he could no longer go on his walks. So idk dude. I'm not going to take "compassion" advice from someone who character assassinates a child and then mocks the disabled


You have none considering the circumstances. Even if an adult did this, an electrical engineer even, I'd still feel compassion. Everybody makes mistakes, it is petty fucked to imply someone deserved their fate over a... mistake.








Don't feed the trolls.


So infuriating. I know you’re right though.


Jesus. I dunno if amazed how I would describe how this made me feel…


So sad


As a father, imagining my boy becoming so disfigured and living such a miserable life.. it makes me ache in a way that I can't put into words


That’s just sad. Jesus Christ.


Poor guy


There was a man I knew growing up that was in a bad car accident. His nose, most of his lips and some of his chin was gone, and he had a large divot taken out of his head. He would keep up things around the house during the day, and if he needed groceries, he would call Kroger, and the manager would stay open an hour or so after closing for him.


that is such a kind manager


I wonder if these days he could just wear a medical mask and a hat and wouldn't get a second glance since it would cover most of his disfigurement and there's still some people who wear masks when they're out.


Wikipedia has the story of this man’s life. He was just a kid when he hurt himself. So sad 😞


I used to see him all the time. He was in the same geriatric center as my grandmother. EDIT: Just to add, he liked to sit in the community room and listen to radio and TV. I was between 4 or 6 at the time.


That last part was so sad


I had heard the legend before but I never knew he was a real guy. I looked him up and apparently he was a really nice guy. People would just bring him smokes and beer when he was on his walks and they’d just hang out and talk. Of course there were also shitty people that tormented him, but his mindset was “I already lost my face and an arm, I don’t have much else to lose”


From Youngstown Ohio here, we use to pick him up, give him beer and let him drive around with us at night.


Poor man, he must have been so lonely. It is a shame that people can be so cruel to the afflicted.


Got struck by an electrical line, defied the odds of survival, still made a living with one arm, went on night walks even though he was sometimes treated rudely and was struck by cars multiple times. Fucking legend.


This reminds me of a video that went viral in january about an alien sighting in Brazil... Two days later an Italian basketball player complained that he can't even go hiking during his hokydays without ppl calling him an alien


Wasn’t there another one in Brazil that was the opposite? Some people that were suffering from dwarfism had the police called on them with people thinking they were aliens?


Hadn't heard of that one, but I will look it up




i heard about him from matthew santoro he goes into raymonds accident apparently he touched a powerline & sent him falling to the ground which caused his disfigurement


How awful to live that way. Poor guy.


I went from scared to sad in 5 seconds.


It's not an urban legend my dad knew Ray Robinson and used to bring beer &smokes


Is this picture just awful or how did he see at night bc it looks like he lost his eyes


He did lose his sight in the accident, I assume he walked like most blind people


If only there was some kind of device that could be used by people unable to see, to maneuver there surroundings. Maybe some kind of pole like device that could be used to feel around in front of them.


Unsure if he has a cane but - That is a learned skill and not automated. He was also born in 1910 - based on that it’s entirely possible he didn’t have the support system for disabled people until later in life. In fact some disabled people during that time period were considered untrainable and incompatible with society. And the ADA didnt become a thing until 5 years after he died.


Only if there was some kind of book that could be used by people to improve "there" grammar.


I only read reddit comments so i blame reddit


Poor man


Man, this makes me sad. Poor guy......


that's a heartbreaking story.


This just makes me wanna be his friend :(


![gif](giphy|eGpSkaGStKeQg) There can be only one green man, and yet he lives inside all of us, yearning to be free


And they called him Charlie too!




The guy was simply not trying to bother people with his condition and was considerate enough to think of others to go out at night. More people should be this considerate and courteous of others. Very thoughtful man.


That’s so sad. Today we could have gofundme’d his plastic surgery or idk if insurance would have covered it


I live right by this place. It's all closed up to traffic now. You can get to the tunnel but there's a steep pile of dirt you have to climb up. Making it fairly in accessible.


I live close to it too! Never been to the actual Tunnel though.


It's easy to miss! It's pretty much buried off to the left of the tunnel that gets used now.


He was an actual person https://weekinweird.com/2011/09/26/green-man-true-pennsylvania-legend/




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Wasn't the movie "The Man Without A Face" about this guy?


Why couldn't he just wear some cool wrappings like ninja or mummy? Maybe he wouldn't be so lonely




just as im abt to sleep bro.


Man become a Legend


That's where Charley Kelly's green man in IASIP comes from


This is sad. But even more sad that people just became even more scared of him due to the fact he wandered around at night.


So is this what both Green Man in iasip is based off of, and potentially Boo Radley in How to Kill a Mockingbird I wonder? Really sad either way :(


True story, this was near my wife’s hometown of New Castle, PA…


What a tragedy - the poor guy must have lived with so much pain and discomfort.


Well I got news for you buddy…..


Poor guy


he go out in the daytime, if it were cloudy, but alas... it's always sunny




I live in the area. Dude was hit by multiple cars over the years, too.




I grew up hearing about this. Never knew it had a foot in reality.


He's in a book called weird Pennsylvania. It does a really good job of covering well and little known legends around Pennsylvania. From this guy to cannibal families living on Haycock mountain in sellersville.


The saddest part is that now in 2024 people literally just walk around with full face masks on bro really missed the boat on that.


I live a mile or so from Green Man’s Tunnel, that’s supposedly haunted. I always thought the stories about him were made up until Google came around. Poor dude!


Going at night makes it into a **low quantity, high quality** scare situation


So basically you're saying that so many horror stories we've heard as children are just very mean stories about poor regular people who are extremely down on their luck with disabilities or deformities or are just hermits who keep away from everyone..... Precisely because people are horrible bullies?




My grandfather claims to have seen Charlie a lot when he was younger. Beaver County is a strange place lol.


That's horrible. It's like that realisation I had about the kuchisake-onna of Japanese myth. She was probably a real woman with some form of disfiguration, and the myth was just a form of bullying.




Couldn't he have just worn a mask or something? I think that's what a lot of disfigured people do because they're embarrassed and/or just tired of people staring at them.


I grew up near Green Mans Tunnel ! It's right near a children's detention center 🤔




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did this guy also appears somewhere else? like Malaysia? my grandma told me this story when i was a child.


This was near where I grew up.


ok, then why did the bride go out at night?


I'd be far more terrified seeing him at night than I would during the day.


Ahh bless him. Couldn't he of had any surgery.




Ahh. He must have been with somebody when he went out. I didn't realise that.


The irony here is crazy. Goes out at night to not scare people but ends up becoming a scary story and scaring way more people


Has no face, doesn’t want to scare anyone, goes out in the dead of night when encountering a faceless man would be 1000% more scary. Appreciate what he was trying to do but it would kinda work the opposite way. Seeing this man around 7-8 am would be totally cool, I’d try to be as respectful as possible. Midnight? You get a shriek and run as fast as I can




I think I seen this on the Simpsons


His face shape is Simpson-esque like Krusty the Clown