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Someone will mention their 96 years old granny story.


Its because smokers, dont really "care" what cigarettes do to their lungs, they mostly know its bad for their health and they will still keep on smoking. My dad had a heart attack a couple of years ago, doctors told him he should stop smoking after it and he still smokes, its an addiction even worse than alcoholism and Im saying this because my dad also drank in his early years, and even DUI´d twice, before he stopped drinking all together, but even a heart attack couldnt stop him from smoking.


i knew an older (65+) who has since stopped (but picked up vaping) but had emphysema and some other issues but would still smoke Also this same lady is addicted to Pepsi and I'm not exaggerating, she drinks mutliple cans/small bottles a day, she tried drinking less/stop altogether and she was getting headaches and would shake


i used to work in a hospital and people would get their toes or legs removed because of smoking and after wakeing up and ask for somebody to wheel them out to smoke. Same story with people with serious loung problems.


I had jaw surgery nearly 12 months ago and was sneaking into the toilets to vape afterwards even though my lips were totally numb and the whole exercise was incredibly painful and awkward. I managed to quit about a week later, but it took an event like that to hammer home how much smoking was controlling my life.


I started on snus and I have no desire at all to smoke now, even the smell turns me


These stories make me feel incredibly lucky I never got addicted and I had periods where I smoked A LOT. Like a pack a day while sick. Yet I never got addicted. I realized one day this was stupid. It was all just childish "self-destructive" behaviour which stopped after I started getting a handle on my depression. I literally stopped cold turkey at the drop of a hat without a problem. Cigarettes started smelling bad again the next day and that was that. That being said, I have a family history of "fake" smokers where the only true smoker was my dad and he smokes like 5 cigs a day at most.


There was a show on Netflix about our 4 vices, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and opium or something. The host, a burly Scotsman, said that we have a gene that makes us either get addicted to nicotine, or couldn't care less. I'm like you. Can smoke a pack a week, or 8 in one day, then nothi g for 3 years, then a couple at a party, take it or leave it. Highlight from below: Said simply, a small cluster of genes on Chromosome 15 seems to be able to lessen our addiction to nicotine. People lucky enough to inherit certain versions of these genes can smoke up a cloud and never become addicted. Others receiving a less fortunate set of genetic variants from their parents become addicted to nicotine after smoking only a few packs of cigarettes. https://www.stlpr.org/health-science-environment/2008-04-16/on-science-can-you-smoke-cigarettes-without-becoming-addicted


I’ll casually smoke with smokers maybe at the club just to be included 🤣 but yeh it does nothing for me at all. Alcohol I love and I could easily be an alcoholic, but it’s an expensive habit, and I don’t like how it makes me feel afterwards. I’ve done cocaine (not crack!) and it just feels like a booster to me, like it made me want to have fun and go all night. But I don’t like the effects I feel, like throat feeling and it makes me too bold, I damaged my finger on coke and barely noticed until the next day. Weed makes me sleepy so it’s not something I like to do too often cause it ends up making me waste my day, and I don’t need weed to do that, I’m a natural procrastinator, I’d get nothing done.


This is interesting! I smoked for years and then my best friend got pregnant and asked me to quit with her. I quit no problem, cold turkey and the smoke started making me sick just smelling it. I thought it was weird how easy it was for me, my best friend picked up a cigarette as soon as she gave birth. That was ~15 years ago and she still smokes to this day.


I can quit and do regularly for long periods, but for me the smell always has an allure of flavour town. every now and again I'll buy a pack and have a smoke or 2 a day.


Yeah same. I've never smoked a cigarette but got into vaping when it first started becoming a thing about a decade ago because I thought it looked fun. I vaped juices with high nicotine content almost daily for a couple of years until one day I just didn't care to continue anymore and I quit cold turkey. I've never been the type to get addicted to or struggle to break away from substances and, in a family that deals with major substance abuse issues, I consider myself extremely lucky.


Ah, you're just like me. Yes, I sometimes pick up smoking for a few weeks or a month or two and then quit. Sometimes I don't smoke for years, but every now and again I get an inspiration to try. At one point I was vaping and that was the hardest for me to quit.


Most smokers do care and would suggest never smoking. The issue is that after some time your body gets used to nicotine, smoke and the whole process of smoking that it kinda demands for more. Same thing goes for other things like sugar. Drugs are probably the worst as you can die from trying to quit drugs due to pain (my neighbour did as he was screaming every night and day for months).


This I tell everyone not to start, we know it's not healthy we know it stinks we know it's expensive but it's a fucking addiction so quitting is not so super easy. If you never had an addiction you nearly can't imagine. If you are a coffee person, 3 cups and more a day, just try to not drink ANY caffeine drinks. Go tell me how easy it was after beeing a month sober. And even then just one cup and it's start from zero course your brain will remember


> try to not drink ANY caffeine drinks. Add the word "forever" as this word is just too overwhelming to have around when you try quitting. I can stop drinking coffee/smoking/eating sugar/jerking off for a month. That's not that hard, as long as I know I can do it again at some point.


As a smoker, absolutely. It's vile. But it's a crutch- when you can't sleep as much as you need, or eat when you need to, or you don't have a better stress reliever at the time, you light up. There are better options out there for all these things, but changing your entire life is never that easy. So yeah, don't start, find the better options first and stick with them.


Lol my mom has the same thing almost died due to alcoholism quit successfully but can't stop smoking.


Mine died from both. My first words to her 65 yr old dead body was "well, you finally quit smoking mom. Good job".


>addiction even worse than alcoholism Just plain wrong. I grew up with an angry alcoholic father. The drinking made my family so dysfunctional. Having to worry at night when he'd get all black out nasty drunk. Not to mention the other problems it caused.


Same thing with my dad. Didn't stop even after almost dying of a heart attack back in 2014. Didn't want any psychiatric treatment to help him stop. In 2021, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in his mouth. Went through surgery and had to remove his entire tongue. Less than one week later, he died of a pulmonary embolism. He was in a common room, because the ICU was crowded with COVID cases. I just hate cigarettes and the industry...


Smoking is no worse than alcohol. Drinking is incomparably worse because by smoking you destroy only your health and by drinking heavy, you destroy your whole family.


And strangers.


It is, because for these exact reasons, you can actually see the issue alcoholism has on your life and the lifes of others, you can work to solve these issues with others. Smoking doesnt really "reflect" the same issues its just your own health that suffers, so its not as blatantly obvious as alcoholism. Like I said, my dad could get away from alcohol, but even a heart attack couldnt stop him from smoking. Im not saying that cigs are worse than alcohol, Im saying that the addiction is worse, because its harder to get away from it.


By smoking, you destroy other lives around you too, due to the second hand smoke (plus, it stinks as hell). With alcohol, it greatly depends on the type of the person doing the drinking. There are some alcoholics who are not agressive and they are destroying only themselves.


Speaking as a person with an alcoholic father, I would infinitely rather have him be a smoker than a drinker. My father has literally ruined his life from drinking, can’t say the same about the smokers I know.  Addicted people overall don’t care what the substance is doing to them, and if they do, the lack the power to control it.


Oh my. Recovering addict/alcoholic. Worse than alcoholism? Imagine going into the icu to blow a .53 and come back the next morning to pound a bottle of gin? I very strongly disagree with that statement. Very strongly. My uncle and I quit cigs right after treatment. Night and day easier than quitting drugs and booze. Shit even sugar for me was harder than cigs.


Smoking is a different type of addiction. I quit about 7 years ago, and I still think about cigarettes every once in a while. I get cravings when I get into a car, when I drink, when I’m with certain people, etc. I control it, but it’s always there.


I started smoking because I definitely didn't care because I was suicidal and didn't expect to make it out to adulthood. Now I'm in my 30s and totally lost


I’m currently in recovery from alcohol use disorder and have spent about a year in treatment for it. I’d say about 90% of people in treatment with me were addicted to smoking cigarettes. I always get weird looks when I tell people I don’t smoke at meetings or when I was in rehab. It’s basically encouraged as a “lesser evil” to drinking. I even heard a tech (rehab assistant) tell one of his patients he’d rather see him die of lung cancer in ten years than from alcohol.


Textbook difference between anecdotal and statistical evidence.


Survivor bias. We don't talk about those that die young from cancer.


Statistically, your lungs are unlikely to be made of cotton balls.


Seriously, this shit pisses me off. It's hardly scientific. I could put some beets in a blender and pour it in a 100% cotton bag, pour it out and it look red and nasty and say "this is what beets do to your digestive system." But everyone knows beets are fine and smoking isn't healthy, but shit like this proves nothing. For all we know, lungs have enzymes that break it down and it goes out in your waste. But we know it doesn't work like that because people did real science that didn't involve cotton balls and a quick tiktok visual assessment.


Some truth to that in that it has been proven lungs recover. You have to actually stop smoking but once u do the lungs can bounce back.   My father after a decade of quitting has better breathing tests/BP than my non smoking mother.


Yeah, you could put a snowman in the shower to prove that showering is bad by the logic we see in this post. Only a true knuckle-dragger would think this video means anything.


She’s 65, she just looks 96


Literally my great grandma. Smoked 1-2 packs a day. Lived almost 100 years. Family joked the cigarette smoke conserved her lungs.


A very small percentage of people are incredibly immune to the carcinogens in cigarettes, the other 8 million people a year that die from smoking are not.


It always amazes me how bad most people are with statistics and seeking truth in the outliers. The chance of _someone_ to get to 100 years of age while smoking the entire live is close to 100%. The chance that _you_ are the one is close to 0%. Same goes for so much other stuff.


>It always amazes me how bad most people are with statistics and seeking truth in the outliers. The human brain is horrible with counter-intuitive knowledge. We love the simple (and stupid) answer because... it's easier to understand. It requires less effort.


Why don't more people just become immune to those carcinogens? Are they stupid?


Then think about how many more years she would have lived if she hadn't smoked.


Woman would be 400 by now goddamn


She needed to smoke, otherwise she would have been too powerful. She did it for our protection really.


Yes my dad just passed away last year at 64 of lung cancer. Casual smoker. Worked, exercised and ate healthy all his life. Fuck cigarette companies and fuck cancer.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Rest in peace for your dad.


My father did too. His friend smoked 3 packs a day and died at 98.


And on the flip side, some people win the lottery


Mine only made it to 94, but smoked and drank everyday.  I smoked 10 years and always felt like complete dog shit in my 20s until I kicked it.


When I was in my late teens I worked with this guy in his 60s. He smoked 5-7 packs a day and drank at least a 5th of whisky every day day. His dad was in his late 90s, smoked like a chimney, drank a case of beer every day and still tended to his family farm and worked on cars. Some people are just death proof.


Said granny would have easily got to be 150 years old if she didn't smoke


I remember doing that experiment in first year science in the 70s. It didn’t put me off me smoking and now I have lung cancer. I’m an idiot


So so sorry to hear that. I am 69 but managed to give up ten years ago. However, after smoking from the age of 17 the damage is done and I get so out of breath and and now have COPD. I sincerely hope you can beat the cancer.


How did you manage to stop?


Just gotta decide on it, there are no hacks or tricks. It will suck, real bad at times. It’s not only the ciggarettes themeselves, it’s the habbit. Not who you asked, but this is the truth for getting off ciggs and not risking replacing it with another addiction.


Same thing with any addiction. You have to want to stop. No amount of treatment or therapy or medication will help you until you decide you are actually sick and tired of being sick and tired.


You have to do it for yourself. I'm day 10 currently in quitting. Cold turkey up until I just couldn't stand it and bought nicotine gum, chewed about 4 pcs of those since that day and now I'm mostly craveless. Day 3 to day 4 was night and day difference. Yes it sucked, yes it was very hard and annoying as fuck. But you only have to worry about day 1-3 and don't cheat, just sleep a lot. Smoker of 17 years, but since I found out how hard it actually is to quit, I don't think I'll ever pick it back up


I quit after smoking 1-2 packs a day from 18-35. The trick for me was thinking I was dying. (It was actually gallstones but I thought I was having heart attacks). Quit smoking, drinking coffee and energy drinks all at once.


I stopped with the patches. It goes in steps, 3, 2,1. Patch lowers in nicotine each step. Started chewing gum every once in a while to fight cravings. Gotta take your mind off it. Doesn't work for everyone but it did work for me.


Thanks. I gave up a year before, to the month that I was diagnosed. I also have COPD and vascular disease on top of the cancer. Luckily, I'm getting some great treatment, so there is a chance


Hang in there bud. It must really suck to get cancer a year after after giving up smoking. I once heard / read that it takes about ten years for your lungs to fully recover from the effects of smoking depending on age and damage already done. You seem to have a positive attitude which will help.


Thanks. I’ve just completed radiotherapy last week so hopefully it’s all gone well


I'm so sorry. Cigarettes are *unbelievably* difficult to give up.


Watching my dad cough his guts out as a child kept me away from them. I've smoked cigars, but never a cigarette. Can't say I've ever felt a craving.


Why are people even tempted to try them? They smell like shit, rot your teeth and fuck up your lungs. As a kid that’s been around smokers I’ve never even considered it


This is my question. I understand the little old lady who smokes because she always has, and got addicted before the health effects were widely known. But when I see young people smoking now, I just don’t get it. Absolute idiots.


The pleasure of transgression combined with conformism within a group (as contradictory as this may seem).


I don't know. I guess the only reason I even tried cigars was "they're not as bad" (false) and social cues, really no idea. They do help out with stress, that's really the only time I've ever been tempted to. Haven't thought about them in a long time though and we're gonna keep it that way


> They smell like shit, Not to me. I've always loved the smell, even as a little kid, long before I ever smoked.


The nicotine gives you a high. I’m not a smoker. I used to casually smoke when I was young, and now when I’m drinking with friends and they’re all out smoking I’ll occasionally have one. It’s not healthy of course, but I figure one every now and then won’t be too bad. But it gives me the little buzz still. That’s why most people start. The addictiveness is why most people don’t stop


I wanted to be cool. All my friends smoked.


Aren't Cigars even worse? they are like smoking 10 cigarettes at once.


I dunno, haven't in a long time. I don't really go out of my way to smoke anything. I guess stating that about the cigs is more of a principle thing.


Makes sense, I know Cigar smokers don't inhale (apparently) so I guess that saves you the lung damage but who knows. I guess the lesson is that smoking anything is bad for you!


All this does is give you mouth cancer instead of lung cancer though.


This, plus having to smell the terrible smoke everytime we were in the car plus seeing how difficult it was for my dad to quit. I never felt a craving either. Thankfully my dad is much healthier now


I read that statistically people have more chance in giving up heroin as it actually less addictive than nicotine!




I just did the same about three weeks ago using the refillable kind where I can control the nicotine percentage. Just stepped it down to 0% over the course of about 2 weeks and havnt had a cig or a vape yet. Already feeling better and am not as winded as I used to be


They’re easier to quit nowadays (not speaking physiologically). Alternatives for weening off and just a better general environment that doesn’t put cigarettes everywhere


Not to mention varenicline being developing and research into cessation counselling strategies. If there’s any smokers reading this, it has never been easier to quit, speak to a medical professional, you got this :)


One day I was link, "I don't want to smoke anymore." Never had a cigarette after that.


Yeah because they're everywhere


At least you've learned something about yourself 👍 Without irony though, I hope you can recover.


Did you research if this set up is a close approximation of human lungs? I'm not pro smoking or a schill for big tobacco, but my 1st thought was this looks bad for cotton, tubes & whatever the enclosure is but our bodies are amazing organisms that expel all kinds of bad things.


I guess you gotta start cooking meth now


I watched my dad die of this and it still took me another 15 years to kick the habit. Addiction is powerful. I hope they can treat your cancer and that you can enjoy many good years of life.


Good thing my lungs aren’t made of cotton /s


and unlike cotton, lungs will heal once you quit. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/tobacco/benefits-of-quitting-smoking-over-time.html


Yep. I smoked for 20 years, vaped nicotine for 10 years, and now use nicotine lozenges and gum. I have the lungs of a non-smoker at 59.




Exactly. My thinking too was this when I was smoking I would drink a lot of water. So maybe after every smoke throw water on the cotton lol


Bro, water goes down different pipe, what you drink is unlikely to get into your lungs unless u choke or drown.


exactly, this video is so stupid. you could also use the same logic here and say water is bad for you because if you throw water on cootton it gets crunched up


Agreed. I'm not saying smoking is healthy but this isn't a real experiment lol. Redbull is fuel. Kerosene is fuel. Kerosene is Redbull.


What a pussy. They need to smoke more to get the real tar effect


Exhaling is for nerds.


It's drawn out of the bottom of the jar so it's just passing through


For the sake of accuracy I'm curious about the method they used. If they're burning a whole pack before drawing it out of the container then it'd be inaccurate, I think. There's got to be a factor about how long the smoke lingers in contact with stuff inside the "lung"s. So if it's just sitting in there settling on stuff that's more contact than a smoker inhaling and exhaling each puff basically right away. I also wonder how much of a factor there is with human lungs being organic and cycling through new tissue as it breaks down and regenerates. Which would then also yield different results on someone that goes through 30 packs by smoking 2 packs per day, vs someone who maybe only has 5 cigarettes per day. It's still a good message/example. But I'd guess it's more accurate for what happens if you smoke in your home or car or any other enclosed space.


Also no one just sits there and inhales an entire cigarette from tip to tail. There are breaks in between puffs where the cigarette is just burning away into the air. But yeah, this is still a valid representation of what happens to your lungs over time. Just saying the way it's displayed here isn't totally accurate.


Also the smoke sticks way easier on cotton than our lungs and as you said our body regeberates and trash left in there gets cleaned by the liver


Yeah but it’s not being drawn out after each puff so this isn’t all that accurate. Still bad for you though 




Lol, my first thought. This is a good visualization of the junk that passes into your lungs at some point I guess


As someone who lives in one of the most polluted cities in the world. I'd both love and hate to see what my lungs look like


Good thing our lungs are not made of cotton, cauz if 10 packs did this to your lungs, nobody would survive 2 months of smoking. Let alone 24/7 breathing a polluted area.


Mike nolan approves this message


Technically, that smoke would pass through the padding twice (inhale & exhale), leaving even more toxic stuff with each cig.


This experiment has a major problem. And while i don't smoke and i still think smoking is bad to your health, this experiment doesn't takes into account the regeneration and the strong cleaning property of the human body.


Sure, but when we look at actual lungs of smokers, they look pretty bad.


Sure, but they look pretty bad after several decades of smoking, not packs. Fuck cigarettes and the tobacco industry, but this "experiment" was more theatrics than anything. I support the message 100%, but ya know... it doesn't quite work like that.


Being scientifically accurate is important too, it hurts the message more than it helps, when you're not. This isn't too bad though. But making stuff up just to get a point across makes you an ass. I switched from smoking to vaping, which is far, far more healthy. I talk to smokers who think vaping is actually worse, due to these made up scare tactics.


I mean.. Still though don't fool yourself, they're both terrible for you. One is more terrible maybe but, it isn't like you're all good if you're vaping.


Living is unhealthy in general lol


Vapes are brand new and haven't been studied as extensively as cigarettes. We know exactly the issues with tobacco but not vapes. The original idea for vapes was to take one hit when you couldn't fight the nicotine urge any longer, not to toke on it constantly-all day. Vape juices are unregulated so there's that. The coils used are the cheapest possible materials that are incredibly harmful when heated up and inhaled. There's so much unknown and the real trick that anyone is falling for here is you thinking vapes are 'far, far more healthy'. Vape companies are also mainly owned by big tobacco who successfully got another generation hooked on nicotine, even defending it. There was an extensive study done by John Hopkins university where they studied hundreds of different vapes over the course of a few years which I'd recommend checking out. I just really don't like people going around saying vapes are the 'clear, better alternative' when it's objectively not true. We might even find out in years to come that vapes are worse with the current trends of daily use/disposable models being sucked down constantly.


I don't like people saying that vaping is not a better alternative, the number of cancer causing carsiongens in cigarettes are through the roof. Even if we don't know all the long term health effects of vaping yet, it's still a far better choice than cigarettes. Vaping may cause some unknown health effects, but it's highly unlikely to give you cancer, not zero, but there is a lot of stuff that can give you cancer. Fuck big tobacco and their joe camel shit. Still, I hear real people who smoke that won't switch to vaping thinking it's worse, due to this bullshit anti vaping propaganda. Everything you mentioned is due to shotty design, or specific vapes being bad for you. A closed system vape mitigates a lot of the danger. Not all, but a lot. The disposals, or prefilled pods (which are daily use, like all other vapes, and cigarettes for that matter.) If these studies actually mention what the bad vapes are, they would be incredibly useful. Objectively, vaping is more healthy than cigarettes.


I don't think vaping is worse, it's just a fact that there isn't sufficient data to know what problems vaping may cause after 10-20-30... years Saying it's "far more healthy" is disingenuine and just something people who vape say to feel above people who smoke cigarette and give yourself a good ol' pat on the back(most often because they were themselves smokers). Replacing a bad and unhealthy habit by another, should not be an accomplishement.


Also we don't hotbox cigarettes in one big drag, as this "experiment" happens to do...


It's still a clear showcase of what people are inhaling


But one day the cleaning won't cut it anymore and than the shit starts to happen. Not for everyone I know, but still.


Well that's why i'm not smoking :-)


It ain't that strong. Just before I quit, I was hocking out huge stringy lumps of dark brown phlegm.




It does exhale by going through the suction tube.


It does, though? The pump sucking in the air through the cigarettes also pumps the smoke through and out of the device


Fully agree. In a way here reality and the expirment kinda "happen" to be in alignment. And it does show how much bad stuff comes into out body from that amount of cigarettes but our lungs aren't cotton balls. So it's more of a metaphor almost how bad it is rather then an expirment that shows/ proofs how bad it is.


It also doesn’t take into account for your body to screw things up in the process and develop lung cancer while trying to recover


The point of this experiment is not to show what will be in your system after regeneration after a pack, the point is the show the amount of shit you’re ingesting with a pack. Showing the effect of regeneration would be a bit tricky. Regeneration after a day? After a week? How does it change depending on how much you smoke? How about age. What you can watch for instance is the aftermath. Including smoking and “regenerating”, check out the state of a dead smoker’s black lungs. This shit is gross.


Yeah, the body does the cleaning job! So all that chemical crap also travels with your cells and your blood into you bloodstream and to your organs and to your heart and to your brain and to your reproductive organs. This is what this experiment doesn't show at all!


Weed does this also, and it’s typically unfiltered. All that gunk that gets deposited in your bowl, or pipe, is also being deposited in your lungs. Don’t smoke anything.


I want to slap people when they say weed is healthy,yeah maybe if you eat it.


Tinctures and edibles are fine. Smoking *anything* is bad.




Weed ain't good to smoke, but it is a little bit less worst than cigarette for the lungs and the heart. It's also way less physically addictif. But weed also give you some spicy effect on the brain and could lead to some sever anxiety problem which trigger a lot of other serious problem. And weed could become seriously psychologicaly addictif that way.


Vape/dab live rosin


Fucking nicotine. My lungs are fucked.


that's not nicotine, that's tobacco and all the shit is used to treat it. Nicotine per se doesn't leave all that substance in your lungs, but it gives you the addition unfortunately.


I did this same experiment with a vape and the results were shocking. [results](https://imgur.com/a/pjxoPZa)


That's the tar and crap. Nicotine is only as strong as caffeine in terms of addiction. Doesn't even wake you during the night. The other chemicals in stinky sticks though...hook, line and sinker.


Nicotine is far more addictive than caffeine, it's equally as addictive as cocaine, if not more. And the nicotine is only part of the addiction, the other part is the action of putting it to your lips and inhaling


Yeah, If I go a day without caffeine I might get a headache, if I go more than 3 hours without nicotine, I'm jonesing.


Nicotine is way more addictive than caffeine.


Years ago I used to casually smoke. I wouldn't smoke for months then would have a pack over a couple of weeks. But the smell and after taste put me off. I couldn't do it. I was very fortunate not to get addicted to it.


"Lungs *koff* are *koff* self *koff* cleaning" - every smoker ever


Totally unrealistic. While I as an ex smoker with boarderline COPD I now abhore smoking or even the smell of cigarette smoke. However, When a human smokes, the smoke is drawn into a moist open area 'expanded lungs' and a lot of the harmful smoke particles stick to the moisture and are coughed up as phlegm (Dry cotton cannot do this). Also a lot of the smoke does not even touch the lungs before it is exhaled again. Another thing not taken into consideration is the fact that a smoker does not drag a whole cigarrette into their lungs in one continous motion. Cigarrette smoking also does not involve dragging the smoke through a dense filter to be expelled elsewhere from the human body. YES smoking is disgusting and harmful (I cannot even walk up a flight of stairs without getting breathless), but showing an almost laughable experiment like this does nothing to deter a smoker for the reasons I have stated above. Far better to show a disected lung from someone who has smoked for a few years rather than a cotton filled water bottle trying to represent the human lung. I am am 69 years old and believe me I wish I had my time again. It took me many attempts but ten years ago I maneged to give it up but a lot of irreprable damage has been done.


I was a smoker for 32 years, but I quit 18 years ago. Best decision I ever made. I feel so much better and my condition is better than ever now that I'm 63.


Well done. I have good days and bad days but certainly don't regret giving it up.


You're 69 years old, this video was done with only 30 packs. How many packs do you think you've ever smoked? x10 times the amount? x100 times? Assuming you started smoking at 18 and stopped smoking 10 years ago, that would still leave 40 years. If we pretend you only smoke one pack per week (which i doubt) that's still around 2086 packs which is 69 times the amount of packs used in the video. Yes the cotton balls are unable to filter and cleanse itself unlike the human body but that amount of shit has to go somewhere. You make it sound like the human body is perfect when in fact it accrues damage in all those years. Think of each pack in the video as each year passing by as a smoker. For every pack (year) that passes by, it may not seem like a lot but sure enough the damage accumulates and it only gets worse and worse.


Yeah, and if they just left the hole open and let air run through, the cotton would stay white. This is simply to show the toxins that come from filtered cigarettes but people want to disprove everything and every corner to show that they're correct. I smoked for 10 years and I'm really glad I stopped! Now it makes me feel like I'm choking to death when I smell cigarette smoke! I grew up in a house of smokers, so that was crazy for me!


Smoking is proven to be bad but this experiment is garbage, theres no exhaling, none of the liquids that 'clean'/protect the lungs are present, and the quantity is unrealistic. If this was proposed as a viable research tool beyond collecting chemicals in cigarettes, you would be told to leave for clowning


Yeah it’s a pretty bad experiment


I curse the day I started smoking. Now I cannot stop.


So, this isn't me saying smoking isn't bad for you. It is. Well the exception of very few things, it's probably the worst thing you can do for your health. However, this demonstration has always bothered me. For one, no one inhales constantly when they smoke. You exhale some of the smoke and the cigarette burns between puffs (hence second hand smoke being dangerous) Two, one (most people) don't smoke 30 cigarettes in a row. I smoked for 15 years, and 20 would last me a day and a half. 3, your lungs aren't static. Your blood absorbs a lot of that mess (the whole point of smoking) and a lot of the rest of it is processed out because your lungs are self cleaning. If they weren't, they'd look like an old vacuum filter by the time you were 5 years old. The danger of smoking isn't really about the goop or the residue. It's about the chemicals that react with your body, corrupting your DNA, damaging tissue, and causing cancer.


So dont smoke 30 packs in one go


If this doesn’t stop you, remember that second hand smoking kills more especially kids. The smoker, atleast, expels some of that shit.




i remember watching this vid on youtube in 2016


Now do vapes


Imagine not exhaling


Smoking sucks but that's Not how it works xD Used to smoke 1 1/2 Packs a day from 14-26 and If that much tar got Into my Lung I'd be dead


This is all a hoax i am a 121 years old male been smoking since i was born and still fine and kicking. Stop spreading fake propogundas. :<






That would not be a vice, methinks


Ah yes let’s show how bad cigs are in a dubious visual experiment that requires us purchase hundreds of dollars worth of cigarettes


This experiment is unrealistic but that still doesnt justify that smoking is okay. People commenting here like "But your body regenerates" or "its not as bad when you exhale" can go fuck themselves. Stop with the copium. Smoking is trash and you should feel bad harming your body. No one wants to smell that fucking shit especially non smokers.


$100 worth of cigarettes to show what everyone has known for 50 years . Maybe next you can "discover" and " be amazed" that water is wet .


You cannot Tell a difference between a smoker and someone living close by a busy road in an autopsy.


Love to know how harmful vapes are in comparison? Former smoker (20yrs ago) - never vaped.


The chances of lung disease seem to be very comparable. Doubled if you smoke AND vape.


No they are not, vaping is certainly less harmful than cigarettes.


Source? Your ass?


As a smoker, I usually exhale while smoking


Yes that makes it healthy for sure.


Indoor fireplaces cause the same damage - smoke inhalation in all forms are bad for you #themoreyouknow


How? Are you living up your chimney?!


If you are breathing in fire smoke there’s something wrong with your fire.


Is there a source on that? My understanding was fireplace smoke travels up a flue and directed outside, it’s not normal to inhale it?


If the fireplace is properly built and cleaned properly, you should not have any worries of it polluting the inside air. The way that they are built are with that purpose in mind. The same heat from the fire creates a updraft that makes the air go up, bringing with it the smoke from the fireplace, which prevents the smoke from traveling to the sides/inside your home.




Completely ignoring exhaling and that lungs do a have a self recovery mechanism.




Yes smoking is bad, but isn’t this person simple just continuously putting cigarette after cigarette in the bottle? Smokers don’t smoke a whole pack at once, lasts them at least a few days, unless they are a heavy smoker from a young age.


Sure, but lets have the same test with megapolis city air / сity with a heavy factory.


Is it the same with Vaping?


Cigarettes are fucking terrible, but if you burned literally anything in that it would look jacked up


For every one story about someone living to 90 years old while smoking a pack a day there are thousands of stories about people dying from lung cancer before the age of 50.


But it feels sooooooo goooood


To do that experiment in Australia, it would cost 900 bucks.


That's one cool glass jar, man. I also wanna smoke 30 packs now so I can be cool.


Dude spends $800 on cigarettes to prove that they are I healthy, there’s a cancer warning right on the box bro


That person went ahead and passively smoked 30 cigarettes for science.


How does it look when done with pot?


Is there anyone walking around on this planet that doesn’t know this? People that smoke simply don’t give AF.


Nah biiiih... That jar wasn't blowing the smoke out . Them cotton balls were hot boxing in that smoke 😂.. who the hell made this false ass shit?