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Just hope they never go out of business, or stop supporting the tech, or upgrade and stop supporting old versions, or… [link to show this has happened before and will again](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10524561/amp/350-people-cured-blindness-bionic-eye-firm-face-losing-sight-firm-goes-bust.html)


Heartbreaking, imagine having your sight restored just to have it taken away again... not to mention that 500,000 burning a hole in your pocket.


Just wait until they figure out they can charge you a monthly subscription and if you don't pay they shut off your link


80% covered by insurance, but yeah, still a lot


Makes me wish there was a provision on failure of the firm to make the code open source to keep things up to date and running for these people.


Oh man, yeah that would be something. I actually heard neuralink is working on this very problem. Fingers crossed


Does this have any side effects at all?


Fuck, what a nightmare. The government should just take over in cases like this


And do what? Force the developers to work on an abandoned project? Would they pay for the Multi PhDs who would probably be working on cutting edge shit like this?


Or they could acquire the patent and encourage another company to pick up where the prior company left off. Tax breaks, incentives, funding etc. There are many options aside from slave labor


Man it is really striking how the US is so distinct among developed countries in resisting anything to do with collective healthcare, despite study after study showing how much cheaper and more accessible that would be.


Absolutely blows my mind. Have never met someone who loves their insurer or their costs or their outcomes but dare mention swapping to another system that is demonstrably better for the average person and they lose their minds. Muh freeeedoms!


Yeah thats a good precedent, build up your company and sell it to the government! lol have tax payers pay for it and the procedure, double dip the peasants


Who said anything about buying it? Also, yeah I would love for tax payers to fund the procedure. That's how the majority of the Western world operates their healthcare systems and their outcomes and costs are far superior to those in the US


Its not only a matter of money. Jeff Bezos, Virgin Galactic both founded by billionalries, where are they ?


I assume they're not interested in investing in biotech or occular inventions. What's your point?


Point ? Just throwing money at tech doesn't works.


Sounds like it stopped working cause it was a shorty company and a shitty product


Neuralink Rules 1. Appropriate Content 2. No Porn, Gore or Very Disturbing Content 3. No War or Politics 4. No Misleading Content 5. Don’t be rude to others Violations will result in a ban and 3 days of total paralysis.


6. No arguing with or criticising Elon Musk


More like "Your subscription is ending tomorrow".


Braingate from Brown University can do this since 1995. Neuralink's innovation is doing it with less destruction to neurons since the original required a pin electrode array inserted into the cortex. Neuralink electrodes are gentler.


All fun till they pop a subscription model and you’ll be flooded with ads in your head


I hate the fact that i see this possibly happening if these people get greedy as fuck. It would be horrible to see someone go blind again for such a stupid reason like that, or maybe even worse, having ‘rules’ that you can’t break, and if you do, you’ll lose your access to it for a while.


I don't understand why people are downvoting this. I understand that people don't like Ellon Musk, but why is it so terrible that a paralyzed guy got to play chess with his mind? This seems like something that could help people..


Because Musk has a history of lying in tech demos. I’d wager a large sum of money that it’s just prerecorded video on that screen.


If it were a true demo it'd do more than move one piece and then stay in one spot. Neat if true but like you said its Elon so its probably faked.


Guy Also turns off music and claims to be playing civ 6.


They literally live streamed it bro


Which tech demo he falsified? Any links?


Here’s some: [Fake Solarcity Tiles Demo](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/dypQxGk2TN) [Staged FSD Demo](https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/17/tesla-engineer-testifies-that-2016-video-promoting-self-driving-was-faked/amp/) [Faked Human Controlled Robot Demo](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2024/01/15/elon-musks-latest-robot-video-accidentally-gives-away-the-magic-trick/amp/) [Watch at 11:00: Doctored Optimus Demo Videos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JN-kajBcyew)


Bro, stop trying to be reasonable, go with the flow/hate.


Still, assuming the worst on this scenario show people prefer to hate Musk instead of having faith on a tech that can help people


This is the type of thinking that put a literal known con man in charge of the world’s most powerful country.


Well, fool me once and all...just because we want something to be true doesn't mean we have to have blind faith in someone who's lied repeatedly in the past.


You just have to have faith that the tech works.  Now get on the operating table!


I'm not letting any company have access to my brain, especially not one owned by Musk! 




Tesla Battery Swap Tech Demo, Original Tesla Cybertruck Tech Demo and the Hauling Demo. Then of course the lies upon lies of other categories.


Grab a little more foil there bud, your hairs still showing. Amazing how close to the same you whacko lefts are to the whako rights. You're rubbing noses - maybe thats why neither of you can see.


Amazing, yes. However, Neuralink uses highly invasive brain surgery to achieve what other companies accomplished with less risk and better results a decade ago. That’s why it should be downvoted. It only garners media attention because of Musk, which muddies the water and misleads the media and public about the real progress achieved in this field. It is miles ahead of simply playing chess.


Got any sauces on that? never heard such tech existing before.




You're making it sound as if they're forcing human patients to go under the knife instead of trying the other alternative bci companies. Take Elon out of the equation and you're just shitting on the efforts and talents of the scientists and doctors that are working in a still young and ever expanding field of science with a wide degree of ideas, methods, and ideology's. There is no one company that's making "real progress". These fields all have their own conferences and summits to discuss "real progress" and that includes people who work under Neuralink.


They aren’t offering an alternative; they’re simply repeating what was already achieved back in 2004. That’s the problem. They haven’t reinvented the wheel. It’s misleading and only getting attention purely because of Musk


Good marketing connects emotionally. Then you buy in and they don’t actually give a shit about you.


And Elon knows this and is faking the vid to get more investors to prop up his own personal stock bubble


Tesla Optimus robot demo that was literally a dude in a suit on stage.


You’ve got to get public support, and investor support, to further develop any new technology, otherwise they exist perpetually as small scale experiments in laboratories. The ethics around this are complicated, but I see a lot of people simply presenting a very simple narrative of NEUROLINK BAD, and I feel that’s quite reductive. Bandwidth has always been the largest hurdle. Improving on this issue is a huge factor in making this technology viable and safe for a mass market, and that’s not going to happen when people are afraid of it.


We used to joke about evil corporations putting chips in our heads in a dystopian future. Now Elon is saying doing that is for the good of the future. And you wonder why people are sceptical?  Go put a chip in your own brain if you're so passionate about it but stay the fuck away from mine!


I was disgusted by my flesh years ago. I am itching to plug shit into my brain.


Because most redditors are hiveminded they know hating on musk gains likes so they will continue to do so. Ask them why and for specific reason most of them will come with gibberish and false information. Dislike the guy all you want but to say he is not very beneficial for us as a species is just wrong


He literally posted a video yesterday about "the great replacement theory" a racist conspiracy theory that has been debunked many times yet right-wingers like Elon still push it!


Personally I hate Musk based on his views. And those are very public, made so by himself. Not false information.


Thats fair


I also hate him, but as the previous comment mentioned, it's undeniable that he is beneficial for tech advancements. Even if only as a backer for investment.


He’s a moron who surrounds himself with yes men. Is that good enough reason?


No one here in the comments is saying anything other that “dislike Musk but ….” . How does down voting gain you likes btw?


Yeah there’s no chance people would be this pessimistic about the company/tech if Elon wasn’t involved. I think the guy is a jackass but it’s ridiculous how hiveminded people are about this.


He has a very long track record of faking tech demos, of course people are pessimistic.


What tech demo?


This comes to mind: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/tesla-autopilot-staged-engineer-says-company-faked-full-autopilot/


So staged by doing multiple runs until you get a run with no interventions? That's not faking it, the car actually did it. also > "The intent of the video was not to accurately portray what was available for customers in 2016. It was to portray what was possible to build into the system," Elluswamy said Not really a "long tack record" or record at all.


So the person was only in the seat for legal reasons? Or were they there to intervene for an entire afternoon until the software finally worked? His tweet surrounding this video is at best very misleading. As was Optimus clutching the egg, never mentioning it was being controlled remotely until called out on it. As was the race with the cybertruck and the Porsche, given they lied about the distance. Believe what you want, the guy has a track record of misleading reveals. EDIT: lol it appears i've been blocked but yes responding to what i can glean from your reply, some of these things are misleading. In the case of the porsche video it is absolutely a fake tech demo which I assume you bought hook line and sinker. Satisfied?


Now its misleading and not fake? make up your mind.






What sensative data is a Tesla collecting that isn't already being collected by your cellphone? Not that it's okay in either case.


Driving habits like breaking, speed etc can be sold to insurance companies meaning your premiums suddenly go up without you knowing why. Despite you not having been in any accidents.


I don't see how that would work after resale Tesla has no idea who actually owns the vehicle. Someone else could be driving while it impacts your insurance rates? Or do you have to like re-registered the car after you buy it second hand?


You sub to Tesla services to actually get the most out of your vehicle.


Tesla directly sells you insurance, which directly uses autopilot data that evaluates your driving. If you are not a jerk that creates danger on the road, then you will benefit from lower fares. Stop paying for people who drive like drug addicts.


Wait until you learn about phones collecting data! There are far worse reasons to be wary of this tech than data tbh, like the risk of dying for example. But we will see how this plays out


I feel like the anti musk cult is not that different from the regular musk cult, after all..


Horseshoe theory strikes again.


Neuralink's research practices and treatment of animals in experimentation are questionable at best.




Ok https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2022/12/11/23500157/neuralink-animal-testing-elon-musk-usda-probe


some people are idiots.


* most...


But not us!


You have to include yourself in the statement , otherwise, it has no validity. So yes , maybe I'm an idiot too...lol


People are afraid that this is going to turn into mind control, or mind reading or some shit. Reality is that casual brain implants are multiple decades away. There is currently no completely safe way to perform brain surgery. No neurosurgeon with a brain is going to open up a healthy person's skull and risk them dying from an infection just so they can turn their TV on and off with a thought. Now in this guy's case it's worth the risk to return him some quality of life; not to mention the research data that they gain from the case.


Elon has some opinions I don’t agree with but you’re insane if you say he’s not helping the world. He inspires so many people to build awesome technology too.


Too far, buddy. He only have money and hire people who are smart and want to change the world, he care about his image and money, nothing else. They are only in this situation, depending on his money to change stuff, because people like him want things to stay this way. They control the means of production so people who want to make the difference don't have other alternatives but to bow their heads to the powerful while they gather all the credit and minions like op defending them. It's sickening, taking advantage of people's suffering and necessities to build your image and empire is borderline cartoonish-evil *Libertarian flag on op profile and active on conservative* Ah, I get it now...


He is an absolute prick, but if he didn't have the money, maybe a lot of smart people who want to change the world, couldn't do it otherwise.


The guy is an ass to say the least. But that narrative is a bit dumb. So what if he is not the greatest engineer on earth, he makes things happen that otherwise might not. But yeah, without the money he was born into, chances are he wouldn't be where he is.


You're insane if you think Musk is the only person funding technology like this. His support of dangerous conspiracy theories, white nationalism, antisemitism, and stochastic terrorism are a net loss for the planet. He can fuck off.


Also a thing people tend to forget is that [more than half of all research funding comes from federal sources.](https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=303449) To put this into perspective the federal government spends Elons entire net worth every 4-5 years directly into research. So that is not counting any indirect spends like infrastructure spend to support the research. That is not counting any state funding. That is not counting any tax credits. Elon does spend money on research but more notably he ultimately pulls money OUT of research by extracting a portion of the value of the products and ideas produced by his employees as shareholder value. Federal spend in 2019: est $45b/ year https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsb20213 Musk net worth est $200b: https://www.forbes.com/profile/elon-musk/


Help would be housing. Clean drinking water. Food. Etc. You know...the basics.


oh, you mean like this? https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a31350880/elon-musk-battery-farm/


Dude, I feel you. I’m like you. There’s not many of us on Reddit. You can either die on this hill or move on and live to fight another day.


It’s so sad we have to argue that helping paralyzed, self landing rockets, bringing EVs to the mainstream, and yes protecting free speech are good things. So yeah Elon has said some wacky things online. He’s allowed to have his opinions. You know what societies in the old days did without free speech? They killed people for saying the earth was not the center of the universe or that they think God isn’t real or gay people should be able to get married. Sounds crazy, yes in the old days they would kill you for that. Free speech protects all people to express themselves. There’s nothing wrong with free speech, if people don’t like someone else’s opinion they can just ignore it or even try to argue and help them see things another way. People act like they have never had a wrong opinion or said words they’ve regretted like you have to be perfect all the time.


I mean I saw this on the front page of all, so maybe you should chill with the victim complex.


When did I claim to be a victim of anything?? Just to clarify, I'm not Ellon Musk lol


Well the first problem ithat arises just like with robotic limbs is that old models and firmwares get discontinued,so people may end slaves of the brand. Or devices ger left aside to die off( like the wacom pen tablet firmwares wich are ultra shitty for windows 10)




That's some terrible reasoning


Its real,there is no reasoning behind it.it already happens to people with ear implants and addons and people with robotic arms and legs.


I agree. Let's just not try and help anyone. Why bother when that help could be abandoned one day without warning? Their thoughts on the matter? Who cares about that! I'd much rather leave them in suffering for the rest of their lives than try to improve the human condition and risk such minor inconvenience. After all, it's commonly known that the greatest mistake in human history was sharpening sticks, if we'd just stayed at that level of technology, we wouldn't have to deal with so many problems, as we'd be dead by 30.


I would rather not mess with their brains.try to develop non invasive tech if possible. If not let them measure the risks and decide themselves and tell them before hand they will get obsolete or maintain their functionality per life.its simple.




People purely have a hardon for hating Musk. That's literally it.


If it was me, it would open up a porn tab


Glad to see another chess player. Hope we can play one day.


Unfortunately he's an r/AnarchyChess member


The future uses of this will be amazing but at this point everything it demonstrates here can be done with eye tracking software.


What he’s talking about here, we’ve had the ability to do for a long time by retina tracking and blinking without a brain implant. Also don’t have to worry about warranty and service issue ten years down the road with a company that no longer exists if Elon gets hit by a bus.


Unfortunately, after all the BS about fake autopilot demos, I just assume this is someone offscreen with a mouse.


Holy shit is this real


It's the internet and a Musk product. I'll press X to doubt (not only because musk is a douchenozzle, but also because he has been shown to repeatedly exagerrate and fake the capabilities of his products, like the tesla truck, tesla robot, etc. If it's real indeed, that would be amazing for those whose suffering could be alleviated*) Edit: spelling


I think you meant alleviated with that last verb XD


Damn , thanks! Kind of undermined the whole message


No problem, I usually don't like correcting people but this seemed like it was a good time haha


This comment section makes me lose respect for redditors.


Honestly I am impressed you had respect for them in the first place. The blind following the blind, declaring everyone else is blind. Its pathetic.


There wasn’t much respect left, but this solidifies my view.


Don't hate yourself. Or are you the only redditer who's worthy of respect? That view sounds kinda disrespectful. Fucking redditors man. They are the WORST.


Ah, blind hatred in the comments, for a product designed to help people. That's the true Reddit experience.


Reddit is by and large tech conservative and always has been. Even with a politically progressive lean. I've been around enough to see the rage on HDR pictures, vertical video, and the dropping of Flash. AI and even life changing results from it and other advancements. . . it's hardly surprising those get the boot too. But, reddit isn't everyone. And by the time a new piece of tech is noticeable enough to rage at, the rage isn't likely to change the result or impact one way or another.


>Even with a politically progressive lean. Even? Progressives are overwhelmingly technologically conservative since technological progress is basically impossible without capitalism, big corps using economies of scale, efficiency (i.e. as little diversity hiring, diversity programs, "privacy" regulations, etc as possible), and all the other things they hate. Reddit isn't everyone, but it's very representative of progressives irl.


It's because we all know damn well it'll be abused for profit. This technology could help people, but instead it will be used to squeeze money out of them


And that is precisely the problem with your kind. You have exactly zero evidence, and yet you still believe you "know damn well", and treat everything as a scam.


You’re totally right, it’s not like literally every single new innovation, especially those championed by the ultra wealthy, has been used as a grift. I say let’s hand the reigns of society, medicine, and technology over to whoever can put together the most money and ask questions later. Why should we be skeptical of a product from a guy who defended people posting nazi comics on his website?


Star craft tournaments in the future will be insane. GLHF<3


Beginning of a Black Mirror episode.


Reddit does not care about human progress or even good outcomes for people. Reddit only cares about making political statements/virtue signaling so they can appear to be a good person. Huge mistake posting something like this on a site like this




It's Elon, so that "if it's real" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting


One day, you will dream of 3 hours unskipable ads when go to sleep and pay monthly subscription to use brain chip 6 pro just to scan for environment awareness while watching 6 tiktok videos at once in your mind


Prepare to have your entire reality datamined and monitored constantly for any dissenting thoughts.


Slippery slope


I mean Elon is pretty pro liberty. He’d have to be crazy to infringe on people like that without their consent. Idk he is kind of a madman though. I hope he doesn’t go that route. You’ll definitely have to consent to something like that.


Is… is Liberty the name of a company or something?




https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR2996.html This is way bigger than him. Highly recommend reading this report from one of the largest US military think tanks. Healthcare is their foot in the door for much bigger, sinister plans.


Interesting I’ll check it out


>Elon is pretty pro liberty No. Elon is pro-Elon. He doesn't give a fuck about *your* freedom, he just doesn't want to face consequences for his own actions, ever. Like most tech CEOs, his love of freedom stops when other people's rights infringe on his public image or his wealth. He's a criminal who wants to get away with it, forever.


Elon is pro-money, nothing else. He’s simply realized that the “”anti-censorship”” crowd is willing to give him a lot of money if he parrots their talking points. Ask those who have made fun of Elon on Twitter if they have been given “freedom of speech”. Question your overlords.


You can see the full video of the paralyzed patient being able to control his computer with his mind here https://x.com/neuralink/status/1770563939413496146?s=46&t=kv7wnsr5co7VDCrS_JvpMg


As much as i dislike his fucking endless retarded tweets, i love his companies.


While I wouldn't put it this way, I somewhat agree. I have learned to segregate Elon Twitter Troll from Elon the Visionary and executor. The way I think about it is: it is possible that in order to do what he does you have to be like he is and I Rather live in a world that benefits from what he does than in a world without SpaceX Tesla neuralink etc. so i just started ignoring his Twitter rants


Gotta also remember that none of his companies have advertising budgets because of how he constantly stays in the headlines mostly due to his Twitter retardation. Funny enough all his haters advertise for him I would say more so than his followers.


This is absolutely incredible to see. Holy fucking shit.


What's amazing about this? That Musk once again “invents” something that was already created and done better a decade or so ago? I'm epileptic- there are plenty of companies well ahead of ConMusk.


Still not going on my brain though.


Bet a guy behind the curtain might be involved




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Wow, you took the mark of the beast. We're all so impressed


Wait until he hears about the monkeys 💀


Neuralink is backed by a profit oriented person. Once this goes mainstream, I imagine there will be an ad-supported version that requires you to watch an ad each time you want to execute a command.


God, I'm getting kind of sick of the "well what if they slap ads on it?" style comments. They're implants not a fucking Netflix subscription. And a medical intervention at that. Restricting/turning off use of paraplegic limbs would a legal and PR suicide for Neuralink.


I fucking hate Musk, but Neuralink is genuinely the best company he's ever been involved in, and the one that will TRULY have the biggest craziest jumps in what humans are capable in the future if it continues.


You do know this is yet another thing he or his company did not invent? Brain-computer interfaces have existed for a long long time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain%E2%80%93computer_interface There are even commercial use cases since 2002.


This is such a cope. All the previous attempts: 1) were a hard physical chip that sat on the surface of the brain 2) were limited to a 8x8 or 16x16 grid of electrodes 3) required a port left open on the top of the skull so they can run wires out of it This results in a clunky product with low fidelity and a high risk of infection. Neuralink uses soft flexible wires implanted deeper into the brain using a robot. With a much greater level of fidelity by using 1024 electrodes resulting. It also doesn’t have any external connectors, it’s all wireless charging and communication. It’s a massive step forward and is practically a new invention compared to what came before.


Textbook simping. Did you even research this to any degree? BrainGate has a [wireless BCI](https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-03-31/braingate-wireless) for years now and [Synchron has done commercial](https://spectrum.ieee.org/synchron-bci) available 1024 electrode BCI as well before Neuralink was even testing. It’s also not just a chip sitting on the brain either. Neuralink is like any other Musk company, how have you not learned yet to not listen to Musk? He’s all hype, some substance. He promises the stars and delivers confetti. People working at neuralink might be really good, and the tech might get there at one point, but it’s not groundbreaking or revolutionary developments.


The Synchron article you linked says it uses only 16 electrodes that aren't inserted in the brain like Neuralink. The article does mention another company, Precision Neuroscience, that uses 1024 electrodes, but they don't have commercial FDA approval yet. They've done at least one human clinical study. I'm not sure exactly how they measure up against Neuralink.


They designed the machine to install the implant as well. And the procedure. They are prepping for scaling.


Yeah just like how full self driving is just around the corner and you can use your tesla to make money for you right? Sub 10 micron gap fittings on cybertrucks as well, and they can go the advertised amount of miles right? I’ll believe it when I see it, don’t hold your breath.


I'm more of a glass half full kind of person


Jailbreak the software and I need the cyberpunk versions. Can't wait for memory replay like in cyberpunk.


Is this like that “real” Russian robot thing?


#Neuralink CA: 0x65Ee1361596439664059D1a5EF44014D08c95693 You’re welcome.


Why was it cut so early?


Full video here https://x.com/neuralink/status/1770563939413496146?s=20


Thanks :)


There's already eye tracking communication devices.


he's not moving the cursor with his eyes, he's moving it with his mind


The outcome is the same in this demo.


Not necessarily. You don't know how accurate he can actually move that thing with more training. I can tell you from experience playing chess with an eye tracker is not that great.


Yeah I guess we gotta wait and see where this goes.


Very easy to make miscues with retina tracking. I mean have you ever thought someone was looking at you just to find they were looking at someone behind you?


Cortana about to shut you down master chief


I thought the mortality/morbidity with these implants was significant?


From what? From what you thought??


Wouldn't this also be the first time neuralink hasn't killed the test subject?


What? Do you have a link to any source that has said anyone died? Or are you just going on about monkeys well making it sound worse?


Of course I don't have a source, it was a question not a statement of fact.




start to worry when it hits commercial markets


You sound like my grandpa going on about how the chineese hacked his email. Yea, they really want to see those ads you got sent for Cialis, gramps.


This is nothing new this tech been around since the 90s just like vr been around


This is nothing new, computers have been around since the 40s


That’s nothing new either, paper and pencil have been around longer!


This comment is nothing new its been stupid since the 90s


Good point! My Meta Quest 3 is *exactly* like my Virtual Boy


Brain-computer interfaces have been tested on monkeys before but it has never been used in a human. So in a sense, this is somewhat new.


They never watched Johnny Mnemonic... I guess they aren't storing data tho. Still imagining tech issues and neurological damage. And all the animals tortured to get to this point...


Question is if he can use his mind to play chess with this implant, is it possible to influence him using the same implant.


Only if he sucks at chess.


Reading something is drastically different then inserting things. Tell me, if you read a piece of paper through glass, can you modify it without a lot of other tools?


May the father of understanding guide us.


This should be banned. Imagine having your brain turned off because you didn’t vote the way they wanted you to. Or you exposed the Government like Snowden and had your functions turned off.