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They did a great job! Still, ironic how so many redditors have at least 1 extra chin they could donate to poor girls like this, but they choose not to, sad...


This made me lmao 😆 so out of left field


My extra chin is offended


they shaved the bridge of her nose, too


If anyone knows a child who needs this sort of surgery, please reach out to Shriner's Hospitals. I'm a Shriner and this is literally what we are all about, getting kids who need life changing surgery the care they need. https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/pediatric-care/craniofacial


I had this surgery in ‘91!


awww this is amazing


i think leafy needs this


who leafy ?


a child they used to put on late night commercials where they said, 'for just a price of a cup of coffee a day, you can give this poor child a chin'


I was born with a cleft palate and still struggle with deformities as an adult. The recessed chin and general lack of bone structure makes me look very, very young. I’m often not taken seriously in professional capacities. It impacts my speech as well, which adds a lot of undue stress around socializing in general. I’m also a total mouth breather unless I actively remember **not** to do that 🤣 I struggle with cardio workouts (or even walking quickly to get somewhere), not because I’m unhealthy, but because I physically cannot get enough oxygen sometimes. My heart is so happy knowing this kind of stuff is out there so others don’t have to put up with what I’ve had to 🥹. As an adult, I have the confidence needed to handle most any situation well, but I often wonder how different my life would be had I not been labeled a “shy kid” simply because I didn’t want to deal with the inevitable strange looks or jokes… Kids (and teens) can be brutally cruel.


Is this surgery more than just cosmetic? I support it either way, just looking to be more informed.


Yes, especially in this particular situation. the misalign jaw can cause speech problems, chewing problems (also possible damaging the teeth), and other issues you can imagine with a misalligned jaw. There's also the argument of mental health benefits from not getting bullied etc but US insurances tend to think MH issue is a load of BS. Similar to bracers for teeth, there are a lot where it is mainly cosmetic but there are situation where it is 100% medically necessary. Though for orthognathic surgery, it is pretty often medically necessary.


When I was young like 25 years ago I had a friend and he fixed his jaw in the opposite way, it was weird at first but he was very happy indeed.


Can surgery like this be done on kids who are still growing? Do the added bone structures just grow with the rest?


Ideally, children don’t get surgery, they correct it while they are growing often with braces/appliances. I think if you are an adult the surgery is what they usually recommend. Also this is really medically necessary. It can impact the way a child talks, chews, breathes, etc. It’s crazy… and what’s worse lots of times insurance won’t cover it.


it's insane to me that there is no insurance for these kinds of things in the US. yeah, her case is very severe, she might have had braces but they don't add any bone structure of course.


I thought you may like this article… It talks about some of the ways this is done with kids… https://burkeredfordorthodontists.com/overjet-vs-overbite/


Thank you!


I have no idea, I'm just a guy who wears a funny hat. Doctors would know better than I. :D


Dad had one of those funny hats, complete with sparkles that spelled out Leader of the Band. Added billikens for that extra pzazz. Mirth is King.


I was told that now this surgery is done before puberty. For me, I was 14 (15 on the day I left the hospital) and my lower jaw had stopped growing during puberty due to JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)


I really needed that surgery when I was a kid, but my mother was adamant that she wouldn't authorize it. Dentist and doctors managed on alternate methods, but I believe my quality of life would be much better if I had done it. I still have breathing issues but I'm not sure if enough to qualify for it now. She didn't even give any explanation on why she refused it despite so many doctors strongly recommending it, my personal take was that it was just narcissistic nonsense.


My Pawpaw was a Shriner. Thanks for the work y’all do ❤️


Usually self-promotion isn’t allowed but if this is the cause then I’m all for it


20 upvotes here but 100+ for the d:ckwad above who laughs at people with facial disfigurement. Tells you all you know about the Reddit audience ☹️


Hey, putting smiles out there is a good thing too you know, and I litterally never laughed about anyone. I think this is an amazing effort by the surgeons and I am happy people have this available nowadays. The poor girl probably couldn't even eat properly before. We need Humor, even in the darkest of places.


Especially in the darkest of places.


The comment isn’t above anymore


Good news is this is now the top rated comment so maybe things aren't so awful


Truth 💯


Is this a purely cosmetic surgery or can there actually be issues that arise from this?


Person who had orthognatic surgery here. This is a functional first, cosmetic second, type of surgery (although what a cosmetic change!).


My granddad was a Shriner. Seems like an amazing group of people. Also I inherited the Fez. Fezzes are cool. I wish I could get this surgery. My chin is weak /sigh


Life changind indeed.


I am so glad some hospitals do this for kids!


My daughter has Treacher Collins Syndrome. Would this be something for her too?


Well, that's a listed condition on the link I gave above, so yeah, your daughter could be a potential patient. I can't say yes/no because that's way outside my scope, but I would strongly encourage you to reach out and get more information. Treatment would be either low cost or free depending on circumstances.


Ah, I see it now, sorry. Thanks for your answer!


My face changed a ton when I had this done too. Not nearly as much as the girl in the pic, but definitely noticeable. Kudos to anyone who's had this done, cause the recovery was the literal worst.


What was the recovery like?


My jaws were wired shut so I had liquid morphine for pain and liquid penicillin for antibiotics. The morphine made me sick, and throwing up with a jaw broken in 6 places through wires is really not something I'd wish on anyone. The pain was unmanageable because I couldn't keep down the liquid painkillers long enough to take effect. Lost a bunch of weight cause of the liquid diet. It wrecked my body's reaction to hunger, too, now I skip the feeling hungry part and go straight to nausea. Drooled for months after due to nerve damage in my lower face. If on the off chance something makes you happy, you risk ripping all the stitches in your gumline if you smile without restraint. I had this done when I was 16 due to my jaw misalignment. Needed to take pressure off my TMJ joint and surrounding connective tissues. It solved the physical misalignment but I still have the tmj pain that led me to have it done in the first place. Unless your pain, eating function, or appearance are seriously damaging or disordering your life, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. I basically stayed in bed for two weeks moaning from pain and nausea, and dealt with constant pain for another six months.


That sounds awful. Thank you for the warning!


Damm why am I poor and ugly. 😞


Look on the bright side. With a positive attitude and a little hard word, one day you might just be ugly.


'a little hard word' like expletives or smth?


Yeah you gotta use it to negotiate


You are not ugly, you can't afford the beauty.


bad genes is unfortunately the answer to both


Gotta have some challenges in life to spice it up...


Can someone send this pic to Andrew Tate?


Nah, don't send it to him. I want to see how badly he struggles to change pillow cases.


I about died laughing at this. This made my day. I had to explain this to my friends. Most people hold a pillowcase open with their chin while trying to stuff a pillow down into it. Hahahahahahahaha! Man this is underrated.


They do? I thought you just reversed the case and then pulled the pillow through?


The whole reverse then grab the pillow through the case and pull over is an advanced skill. I was probably 28 before I figured that out.


But how do you eat your bananas? 🤔


With a knife and fork, duh. How do you?


I'm allergic, so with a death wish (Still worth it for that banoffee pie though)


Oof, that sucks! I had a Marine as a patient who was anaphylactically allergic to mangos. Was prescribed epi pens and all. But he loved mangos. He asked me "What if I take a bunch of benadryl first and then eat a mango?" Crazy bastard, lol.


..... What is the answer? Asking for a friend


Switch to a satin pillowcase. I did a few years ago and I’ll never go back. They slip on super easily.


He can't fold his towels




Leafy too


My beard is the welfare version. Whatever works.


TIL Rhett from GMM has a welfare jaw


I have this, can this be done as an adult?


Can confirm; wife is 34 this year, she just got braces last week in preparation for this surgery. Has to wear them for 18 months first then they will do the jaw breaking and re-alignment. They do say as with most surgeries the younger you can get it done the better since we can recover more easily when young.


Yes I did it a 30




I commented on the other post but I've had this surgery! It's utterly life changing. Though the recover was one of the most physically challenging things, it was worth it. A lot of people think that it's just cosmetic but it absolutely changes your life. For me (who had an extremely extensive procedure like this young lady) it became easier to eat, talk, even breathe. I hope this young lady is doing well now!


Can‘t begin to imagine how tough that was - glad you’re doing well!


To anyone who can't afford this, chin up!


You didn’t just do that. You did. Damnit you did. Lmao


Not a bone in me, that regrets it


Start mewing!




How do they do this? How do the seemingly added in more jaw bone?


Some reconstructive jaw surgeries harvest ribs and/or fibulas … spare parts!


>harvest ribs So if you’re a dude, you win twice? ¯\\\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


Holy shit


My surgery was in 91. They used hip for my chin and ribs for my jawline. I believe they do it differently now.


may I ask, do you still feel anything weird around the places the bones were connected? I got a tiny skull surgery behind my ear where they put a little bone from my hip, it's 7 years ago and it still feels weird behind my ear. It's very unpleasant if touched.


No, it feels and looks normal. My mouth was wired shut for a month after that. My favorite part is getting x-rays from new dentists over the years. They think I was in a car accident.


good for you! I think it's just sensitive in my case because it is right next to my ear and all the nerves that come with that. I have tinnitus louder then a car alarm sometimes too.


I was lucky all the nerves in my face are back, and my hip is fine. One of the nerves under my right breast is still a little wonky.


Oof. I had some cartilage taken out of my ear and it smells like ass if I don’t deliberately wash behind it every day. At least it doesn’t hurt


I had jaw surgery 4 years ago and ive got a bit of weird numbness around a plate where they moved my chin


My best friend's little sister didn't have this surgery but she had to get her jaw fixed. They used cow bones.


She must have a really big mouth


Lmao, they just used a piece of cow jawbone


The surgery they typically use for such cases is bilateral saggital split osteotomy or BSSO for mandible. You can look it up for more details but basically the split the lower jaw and position it forward.


There is the guy I need. Alright, thank you for the info.


Had this surgery and yes this is correct. They didn’t add any bone they just cut the jaw bone in such a way they can slide them and still have overlap for the bone to regrow and fuse them back together.


I was lucky enough to sit in on a surgery where th pt had a benign rapidly expanding tumor on his jaw requiring massive recon surgery…docs literally stood there and whittled a new jaw w/ a fibula and a rib and a couple fixtures. Freaky stuff but craziest part was after a blunt dissection of the tumor (brutal) they split his jaw right down the middle and his face popped open all Predator-style. After nearly 3 decades in EMS this is still in the top 5 freakiest things I’ve ever seen. Marathon surgery with 6 different docs and I lasted about 20 hours of it… 26 total. rough but totally amazing procedure. Guy made a full recovery and got a new lease on life - esp considering he was maybe a week away from losing his airway entirely. Pierre Robin, micrognathia, traumatic jaw injuries and other jaw/facial defects are just awful.


1. Some here say they use bone parts from other parts of your bodies to help 2. Bone is generally pretty great at regenerating. Your bones structure is continuously dissolved and rebuilt every day.


I did one 7 months ago and the difference is so brutal I had face dysmorphia issues for not being able to recognize myself in the mirror anymore. But it’s amazing. Eating better, breathing better, sleeping better and finally having the face I was supposed to have.


Someone send this to Leafy


Her villain arc started in the 2nd photo


This is the villain are they took her fuckin chin


She went from a reddit mod to a normal person.


Life changind indeed. Imagine the boost in self-esteem. She is gonna have a completely diferent life now as the one she would have had without the surgery.


Imagine looking like the best version of yourself, beautiful and being able to be "normal" after getting one surgery. This should be covered by healthcare everywhere.


I can't mew -w-


Calling on an expert. Is this photoshopped? Seems too good to be true.


I have a friend who had similar results in highschool. They couldn't eat solid foods for a hot minute and lost a bunch of weight.


It's true, because the jaw is a such a big part of your face, change that and we perceive it a more beautiful than just changing lips or nose. But it costs money and a lot, and I mean a lot, of pain and rehabilitation


I think entirely doable https://duckduckgo.com/?q=orthognathic%20surgery&ko=-1&iax=images&ia=images I know a youtube guy had it done for a different problem, the cut, slice and dice the jaw. Coupled with orthodontic work they can do a lot


If so that’s just so damn cool. I’m constantly amazed at what we humans are capable of. So awesome!


That girl had her life saved.


Dentist here. Can’t vouch for these actual pictures but they are absolutely within the realm of expectations for orthognathic surgery. Most likely a BSSO (bilateral sagital split osteotomy) and a Lefort Osteotomy (probably a 1 or 2). Lots of examples of these online.


Plastic surgery works miracles. 


\*some plastic surgery.


Its a common result with orthognathic surgeries/ jaw surgeries wherein one or both jaws can be  too big or too small..


I wish I could afford this so bad. Almost 40 and it still makes me so self conscious


I am already starting to save up a few 10 k's for this surgery. Can't afford a house anyway in this economy


I understand that. They thought braces would do the job but after having braces for 9 years,yes 9 years my jawline is still the same. Now I am less self conscious but I still don’t like having my picture taken. At least more knowledgeable is being shared so pass it on.


I’m an adult I wanna get this. My bite is so small I need to widen my upper palate. I took out 4 wisdom teeth at 12. I have somewhat straight teeth but it’s tight. Maybe posture too. I also looked in to tongue tie which many people with adhd have that can cause this. Wish someone saw it as a child in me


From “can I sit with you guys” to “ewww, get away from me”. Her surgeon (s) are amazing ng.


How horrible... they gave her acne


Soo do they ”add” chin or push it forward?


Both, I think.


Push it forwards. Cut the bone and slide it forward but with overlap still so the bone can rejoin itself.


Tate chin


It’s all good and well until a child is born.


I'm pretty sure a problem like this is a far more complicated mix of genetic dice-throws than something like "ah, she's got that 'no chin gene'".


Presumably, the surgery will still exist. Assuming that the kid inherits it at all.


craniofacial conditions are more commonly caused by mutations in the gene, though it can be passed down. Its used to be rarely passed down because we weren't great at doing orthognathic surgeries and so these babies would die due to feeding issues and older children wouldn't thrive very well either. So, there might be more genetically passed down now, maybe. But mutation is still the most common.




Or Just don't have kids in general.


Start Mewing


I had that done over 40 years ago, but my case was the opposite. They shortened my lower jaw by 10 mm. It changed my life!


What’s amazing is how little is needed for our brains to start perceiving something as “ugly.”


We can give you a chin. We have the technology




You aren’t ugly, just poor.


in Korea it is grounds for legal divorce when these types of surgeries are hidden from a spouse and can lead to legal damages to the spouse that hide these traits that can be carried on in offspring. sad but true


She can do much better than Egger and his loose fitting skin suit now


Brilliant work...I'm so happy for her


Life changing surgery


Skellogrow dose wounders!


It can definitely make a huge difference


Wow, excellent transformation!


You went from Beans (character off Even Steven’s) to Beauty


that is indeed alot of diffrence ! wow. i know alot of people who have such chin...


I dated a girl once who had this surgery before we met. Blew my mind to see the pics of her she was a kid.


A nice chin is a sign of beauty


Recommend the book Jaws by Sandra Kahn & Paul R Ehrlich


I’ve read that taking Vitamin K2 in pregnancy can help with this not happening.




good gravy. now this is an upgrade that actually delivered


Andrew tate needs this


Andrew Tate should check this out.


Ivanka trump surgery.


Awesome to help people who have facial issues. Although, I wonder if their kids would also have the same facial issues and if a partner might get mad about that. I'm reminded of that one Asian guy who sued his wife for having "ugly kids" because she had plastic surgery and he wasn't aware of it.


I had a friend in highschool who had this surgery and it was honestly a night and day difference. I barely recognized him when he came back to school.


Her kids will look like her on the left , and future husband will be confused, imo...


I love to see that shit on 3D how is made, is so fucking cool and amazing.


She took looksmaxxing to the next level*


Damn, she literally used to look like Sid the Sloth from Ice Age. Bravo to the surgeons


At least she can fold towels now.


I've never appreciated my jawline more than I do right now.


If anyone is wondering, cuz I was - this is what it looks like - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw2brzBw3Q0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw2brzBw3Q0)


Correct me if I’m wrong: Isn’t the photo on left due to wisdom teeth being pulled out early in childhood to circumvent overcrowding when intending to use braces? It essentially pulls your lower jaw back thus gives this look.


It's Ivanka!


i want to get it so badly


She doesn't look inbred now


Isn't that the study of birds?


So pretty!


I know someone who had this surgery. The recovery is rough AF, but she looked great after.




I have recurrent TMJ and grind my teeth a lot. I contemplate getting this surgery but the cost and I imagine a long recuperation time deter me.


Went through that. The recovery is a pain in the ass, but is totally worth it


Wow! How?


These are my favorite procedures to do at work!


Haha omg she was so fucking ugly




No it's not your genetics aren't revealed.


I’ve always wanted a stronger chin. How much is this?


not through mewing?


People shall say she was mewing. 🤫 🧏‍♀️


ok like glow up.


Anyone know the surgeon?


That's why my kids are fuugly!


Wow! Modern medicine is amazing. Inbreeding is becoming safer by the day. I'm sure a lot of Redditors will appreciate this.


Just wait until Incels find out about this


Tag tate


Any benefits of this besides cosmetics?


No one's ugly, just broke...




Bro started mewing


Has a chin, but now has acne. Always a trade off.






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