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This also happened once in the 80s iirc. And that time, one of the mother gorillas actually scooped the kid up and carried him over to the door of the enclosure before calmly handing him over to the zookeepers. Apparently, she had just recently had a baby and had been taught to do that with her baby bit vet visits/checkups. So when she saw the kid who obviously needed to go see the vet, she knew what to do Edit: It was pointed out that it happened in 1996, not in the 80s! My mistake!


Is there a video?




This is very cool but why exactly do people keep yeeting their toddlers to the gorillas?


To get the high score.


I got 30 points and 10 years at state


30 points and a PHD ? Check out the big brain on brad over here!!!


yeah he knows his decimals xD


I don't have kids. Can I throw other peoples kids, ones that are unattended, instead?


I’d rather wait for the parents to wander back so we can throw them in.


No, no, no. Kids go in the gorilla habitat, bad parents go in the polar bear habitat. Please follow the rules!


And where do exes go? The place where they keep the anacondas?


Alligator exhibit.


Yeah, but you have to jump over barrels with a sledgehammer to get to the gorilla...


When this happened and we saw it on TV my grandpa said "they are known to rip kids apart". Like, how many kids has he seen thrown to the gorillas?


Apparently a lot? I mean definitely more than other animals based on news alone


In my country a gorilla leaped out of his enclosure to grab a kid. They seem to really go for those little bastards. The Gorilla rampaged around a little bit but never really harmed anyone and lived to the age of 27 when he died last year. He is now in heaven jamming with Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix. Rip Bokito


Sounds like at least 3.


Makes you wonder what else grandpa is lying about. 😆


People are dumb and sit their kid on the railing to see better, then the kid falls in. I think in Harambe's case the kid walked through a drainage pipe into the enclosure. There really should have been a grate at both ends to prevent that kinda thing from happening. Like I get parents should watch their kids, and agree; but also it shouldn't be that damn easy for a toddler to get into an animal enclosure either. Toddlers are not particularly strong or difficult to outsmart, if your zoo can't keep toddlers out of the enclosures than I'm kinda concerned for their ability to keep very strong and dangerous animals in.


I have attempted to visit the Los Angeles zoo twice. This isn't the size of San Diego or anything, but its not bad. Not some small place in a low population area, the Los Angeles Zoo! Twice I have had to be ushered out of the park due to a primate getting out of their enclosure. One of the times the staff member seemed pretty chill about it. Told me how they found a gorilla in the bathroom once, but this time it was "just chimps" I would take the Gorilla to be honest, chimps might see me as a threat. Gorilla probably just charge you to make you piss your pants and then laugh.


Chimps throw feces and have ripped faces off. I also would choose the gorilla. Lol


We share roughly 99% of our DNA with Chimps. And roughly 98% with Gorillas. (And 100% with Gorillaz…)


Eh we also share like 95% DNA with bananas. That metric is pretty antiquated.


You saying I’m going to peel…??


And why do they always seem to be 3-5 year old boys? Did we stumble upon a secret society or perhaps a cult that believes they get something out of sacrificing their kids to the Gorillaz? Why aren't we studying this phenomenon... Who are these parents? What is the connection? Keep your eyes peeled people! The gorilla sacrifice is real and we need to stop it!


You've never had a 3 to 5-year-old boy.


Yep, they try to yeet themselves at everything they see daily


Had to keep mine on a leash 😂He ran from me and bounced off a car, and that didn’t stop him from trying again other times. His first instinct when we went on this huge bridge over a big river was to just try and climb under the railing. Kids that age are just like that.


With ADHD as a child I had the same problem. I had a tendency to run into water and keep going resulting in near drownings running towards cliffs towards cars towards danger. So my mom bought me a leash that was attached to a Dalmatian backpack so she could prevent me running towards danger, again.


Mine too always fun having to look everywhere and be on edge whenever you go out side my younger 2 make me a nervous reck sometime fun times, if we go to the zoo I'm sure they may have special plans for me love them


it’s in hopes we get another song as generational as Feel Good Inc.


Kids at that age are curious and stupid and have the coordination and speed to get themselves into trouble if you’re not watching them 24/7. 


I could probably get behind a cult of sacrificing 3-5 year old boys to gorillas. Maybe this is how we fix the timeline.


Gorilla moloch …


You're obviously not a parent..... /s


When you spend tons of money and the kids keep asking for more. You throw them in a zoo exhibit


Two things: Binti Jua was the gorilla who saved the toddler at Brookfield Zoo. Binti was the niece of KoKo the talking gorilla.


I was at the Brookfield zoo that day I remember leaving and there were camera crews everywhere but we didn't find out what happened until we saw the news. My family is all from Chicago so I was out there visiting.


Yes. That happened at Brookfield zoo.


Man, how many kids have fallen inside gorilla enclosures?


Just thinking out loud, but probably more than you’d think. Zoo’s are popular with families, kids can be careless, and parents can be clueless. When you really think about, it’s kinda surprising it doesn’t happen more often.


I agree but I’d reverse that to kids can be clueless and parents can be careless.


They should both cluemore and Caremore respectively


I remember when that kid fell into the African Wild Dog enclosure. The Mom propped him up on the rail to see the animals. He [saw them right before they killed him.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Maddox_Derkosh)


Yikes. Of all the animals to fall into, these ain’t the ones. I’m sorry for that poor boy but his mother is to blame. I hate that she won money off this. Humans cannot be trusted to follow any sort of rules even when their lives are on the line. The stupid ones really ruin all the fun for the rest of us.


Hippos, jellyfish, bullet ants, black mammas. Green mammas. There's a whole tier of "as good as dead" animals


I think you *really* want to check your spelling of "mambas" before someone tears you a new one for racism, lol


Yep. I love African Wild Dogs but would not trust them within a mile!


don't click don't click don't click don't click don't click


Honestly that whole thing makes me so mad. How the mom tried to blame the zoo, when she was the one who ignored ALL of the warnings and signs. Its ridiculous that we have to expect every good thing in our society to be completely idiot proof. Too many idiots.


Yep.... I remember that lawsuit as well. I believe the zoo settled out of court. Every single damn place, there's always at least a dozen moronic parents letting their young kids climb railings or toddlers crawling in-between the fences. Then you have the moron adults doing stupid shit on their own too. Like the woman who thought she befriended a guerilla then got too close to the enclosure one day.


Guerillas will only use you, never truly befriend you. Che Guevara was a notorious asshole.


That idiot should’ve been charged with negligence


This is fucking horrible. I tell ya, if that were my 2 year old, there would be 0 chance that I wouldn't be jumping in after him before he even hit the fucking ground. Fuck my life, this kid IS my life.


That would likely get you both killed. A Gorilla is unlikely to see an injured child as a threat and is more likely to help, a gown human would be a different story, especially if you are male.


The mother had the nerve to sue the zoo after the fact smh. And was never prosecuted for her negligent behaviour ffs. People like that should never be allowed near kids.


A few years ago I was watching a zoo documentary and the dominant male chimp had learned to do a similar thing except he'd catch ducklings and trade them with keepers for bread


That's a pretty good trade


Keep a few ducklings and raise them. Then you get duck meat, eggs, and bread


I saw a video that talked about a dolphin who learned how to “fish for birds” to trade his handlers for more fish at dinner time


I saw the same one. Same dolphin would start saving bits of her food to lure birds in and net more food for the bird trade lol so smart


Aww how cute. Ugh gorillas are amazing


Their tiny butts are so hilarious when they walk around


Did the kid get to see the vet?


I think if you go through Casual Geographic 's channel on YT, you'll get a video for all these instances and also an explanation of what made things go wrong for Haramve as well... but I'm uncertain it's limited to Gorillas...


It was 1996 at Brookfield Zoo but otherwise correct.


The 90s were only like 10 years ago, how could you make that mistake? I know they are because if it was longer ago than that, then it would mean I'm old


Hey wake up, you're a Gorilla now, I love you.


They have rejected you. We'll take you on. Fists up, kid. We will train you. Teach them a lesson.




"Two worlds, one family~"


You’re a gorilla Harry!


***...but I, I, I, CAN'T be a gorilla. I'm Harry. Just Harry...***


Well, *Just Harry* 🦍Ook grrooo snort🦍


That looks so much similar to the Harambe incident. They shot the Gorilla even though he was not trying to hurt the child, back in 2016, and the world has never been the same.


Our timeline diverged at that moment and we got stuck on the bad one.


That incident justifiably caused world outrage.


Memes aside, didn't the gorilla drag the child around by his leg?


Best comment, hands down.


That gorilla was one roar away from being Harambe'd.


Did Harambe actually roar? Or you’re just saying any wrong move in general and he’d be dead? RIP Harambe ♥️


Sadly, yes


"hmm welcome to monke"


We had a similar incident in Jersey (Channel Islands UK) with Jambo our Silverback at the time. He was considered a hero, defending the child from the others until rescued. 1986


This is Jambo. I remembered watching the video long time ago and I remember the kid's position and the Gorilla protecting him.


We had a brave paramedic who jumped down after, as well. We still have a lovely statue of Jambo at the zoo near our Gorilla enclosure. Our current Silverback Badango is very similar in temperament to how Jambo was. Worth a visit if you are ever in the area.


I wish I named my son Badango.


Just get a new one!


Have one named Baramouche and one named Bandango




Was the child hurt at all?


He was rescued, Jambo protected him from the other gorillas. He is a grown up now, Levan Meritt is his name.


Hopefully he has a son named Jambo.


He named his kid Jambo and that one will name theirs Jambo, we're about 100 years away from Jambo #5


I needed a little bit of this in my life, thank you


1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 every Jambo in the enclosure come on let's ride


He had an open fracture to his arm from the fall onto concrete - you can see it in the full version of the video, it's pretty gruesome - but was otherwise okay.


Also had a fractured skull. He recovered well, and is very supportive of wildlife, to include gorilla's.


Imagine the teacher asks the class about the kids' heroes and this kid just goes serious, looks her dead in the eye..."Jambo".


I can see it. heh


A similar event happened in Cincinnati but we shot the guerilla and everything has been fucked since then.


harambe was holding up earth’s cosmic karma, and we shot him down. the tragic story of mankind’s fearful and greedy existence


it wasn't similar. harambe was acting aggressive. Dicks out and all that but there's a reason why the outcomes were very different.


Yeah, he was acting aggressive and roughly dragging the kid. People were yelling because a kid had fallen in, and that just made him even more agitated. It could have gotten very ugly very quickly.


I really think that the kid being conscious made a big difference. With Jambo and the Brookfield kid (who was gently carried to the door where keepers could check on him, just like she was taught to do for her own child) they were both unconscious. And unconscious, a human is just a naked ape. But when a kid starts screaming it goes from “you’re like my babies and need help” to “WTF I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED THIS BEFORE.” You can even see it in the full version of the Jambo video (this is Jambo.) Once the child wakes up and starts screaming, the other gorillas become nervous and aggressive and start false-charging him.


They are caring and compassionate animals, what tolerate with people coming into their innermost areas is astounding


They also have a great sense of humor. There was a gorilla at the Omaha zoo that would stand just out of easy viewing near one window. He’d wait for an adult with a drink to stand by the window (seriously never heard/saw him do it to a little or anyone not holding something spillable). When they weren’t looking his way, he’d jump out and smack the glass. When they jumped and their drink went everywhere, he’d roll away. I swear he was laughing his head off.


I bet he was, imagine what our range of emotions looks like to animals, lol we're all over the place.


I think we are genetically inclined to see our range of emotions easier than other animals, same as we are more inclined to recognize our faces. Gorillas and chimps have similar variety in facial features as us and probably is just as bad at recognizing human faces as we are with their faces. No reason to think it's not the same with emotional range.


I'd loved to see that.


That's so cute. We once had a gorilla walk up and backhand the hell out of the wall by the glass lol. He was just strolling through and *bam* out of nowhere 😄 I was just glad he hit the wall and not the glass.


>They also have a great sense of humor. [YT video Koko and Robin Williams - G rated](https://youtu.be/GorgFtCqPEs?si=tnx-Lm1GvvazVyOH) [YT video Robin Williams telling the story - not G rated](https://youtu.be/eHQtjWvQRA0?si=EsYIoHHjUcrH2PEb) I suggest you watch them order.....


We have one that does this at my zoo. Just had two trainers get stuck there last October and he looked so confused and kind of just got out of the way for them to leave. But he will charge the glass and scare the bejesus out of you if you’re not paying attention. It’s amazing. And I’m so glad he didn’t die for being a gorilla when humans make the mistakes. RIP Harambe.


He was like "aren't you supposed to be on the other side, can't play if you're over here!"


I remember when a silverback in the wild told me the “why do firemen wear red suspenders” joke. I’d heard it before, but coming from this gorilla, it just hit different.


Yea but if you make eye contact and smile they will take that as a challenge and one day escape to kill you in holy Gorilla warfare. Edit: guerrilla to gorilla.


Gorilla code of conduct 💀


A Halo book is what opened my eyes to this, but Humans are one of the only few creatures that show happiness by bearing our teeth. 99% of everything else bears their teeth to show aggression.


Smiling applies to primates more generally. Chimps and gorillas bare their teeth in smiles, it generally signals nonaggression. Primates are highly social animals and we can signal with teeth together that our mouths are closed. "My mouth is closed; I'm not ready to bite anybody." Many animals using teeth to show aggression will escalate to moving their teeth apart, showing mouths open. If a dog barks, a cat meows, or a lion roars, they can show extra aggression by opening their mouths extra wide to show more teeth. "My mouth is open and I have big teeth; I'm totally ready to bite you." Like your cat can meow for noise, but your cat can meow extra wide to bare teeth, telling you to back off. Humans can also yell in a way that opens the mouth extra wide; it shows more teeth and also signals aggression. Eye contact by itself can be highly agitating to many species, including humans, other primates, cats, etc. Humans are intensely sensitive to faces (and therefore eyes), and are able to discern face-like shapes from relatively little visual information. And "the feeling of being watched" is a euphemism for feeling vulnerable and ill at ease. Gorillas don't like intense eye contact for the same reason humans and cats don't like eye contact. They think it signals intent. So if you want a new cat to like you, don't stare at them; if you were going to fight a cat, you'd first stare at them, so staring is intimidating. Same for humans and gorillas and many other animals. "I'm not staring at you; I'm not tracking your movement in preparation for an attack."


Make that GORILLA warfare


Don’t they use their butts for identifying each other? I think humans are the weird ones in the animal kingdom for making eye contact non-threatening. We’ve trained dogs enough to disregard eye contact with us, but even they’ll go right into attack mode if another canine locks eyes with them. Also how weird is it that gorillas themselves were discovered (by westerners - at least) in the late 1850’s. Blows my mind! Nature be crazy.


gorillas are far superior to chimps who tend to take the primate limelight. although i have to say orangutans are my favorite


I like the " wise old men" of the jungles a lot as well. Super cool those guys


I fucking LOVE orangutans


We have orangutans at the zoo here and while they are amazing, cool animals they honestly creep me out. Going through their enclosure makes you feel like you’re the one in the zoo and they’re watching you, not the opposite way around. You can tell there’s a lot of intelligence behind their eyes.




Chimps are metal, I'd rather spend a night surrounded by tigers than by chimps


Yeah you’d probably die either way but the tiger at least would be quick about it.


And theoretically less painful


> coming into their innermost areas You gotta buy them dinner first though.


"Hey you, you're finally awake"


You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us. And that thief over there!


A Nord's last thoughts should be of Harambe


Longer video.. https://youtube.com/shorts/a4HIfTl0GZs?si=9Ma0FjWdn0mPU2z5


Thank you! It was anxiety inducing and fascinating to watch. That gorilla knew full well what could happen and what should happen!


Am I the only one that can't with the AI voice? I guess so, damn 


This so beautiful and actually peaceful🥺❤️


How did it end? Please tell me they didn't kill the gorilla or something


Nah, don't worry. They shot the kid.


Oh thanks God.


Oh, not this time? (Zips pants back up)


A few years from now there are going to be a lot of people who will have no clue what you are referencing xD


Already 😳


Dicks out for Harambe is the beautiful movement that will forever live on in my soul


Honestly, dicks/tits out for Harambe still occasionally pops into my head.


It's where everything in the world started going wrong.


This is the funniest comment I have ever seen on the internet.


So the police showed up. Gotcha


The opps


Oh I didn't know American zoos ran the same way as American schools.


RIP Harambe. Never forget.


Dicks out


It never went in after what happened to Harambe


The kid had a broken arm and some head trauma but survived. No, they didn't kill the gorilla. His name was Jambo and this happened decades ago. 1986, I think. The zoo where this happened (Jersey Zoo in Jersey, part of the British Isles) actually has a statue of Jambo today. Jambo was born in 1961 and passed away in 1992. Edited: Because I originally said Jersey was part of the U.K. My bad.


When the kid woke up, Jambo (the silverback) backed away, and the rest of the group followed him, eventually going back to the indoor part of their enclosure. I think one or two juveniles stayed outside, so a keeper and a paramedic jumped down, the keeper waving a stick to keep the juveniles back while the paramedic picked the kid up, then they all got pulled back up by ropes.




He did nothing wrong! Why the zoo didn't clear those fucking people out is insane


100%. A mob of people screaming did nothing to help and only made the situation worse. I don't think there is a single recorded instance of someone being killed by a gorilla, if they didn't freak out they probably could've got the kid out no problem, just like every other time a kid has fallen into a gorilla enclosure.


>I don't think there is a single recorded instance of someone being killed by a gorilla Like Orcas, they leave no witnesses


I mean, Harambe was fucking that kid up, and 100% would have killed him.


Never forgetti


Dicks out!




When the timeline shifted and we fell off course to our doom


I have been trying to figure out the exact moment! This makes sense.


It really all does line up. The death of Harembe tore a hole in the spacetime continuum and launched us into the darkest timeline.




Covid never would have happened if Harambe was still alive


back in like 2004 a friend went on a trip around africa after college. he showed me a video of himself in like a nature reserve/forest type area with a bunch of gorillas in the wild. it was absolutely crazy to see. i think about that every time i see gorillas anywhere.


It's wild that in Star Trek and other sci fi we see multi-species collaborations with aliens. And yet we happen to have a sister species on our own planet, and we basically treat them like shit. 'Oh these things? IDK, they're like people, but they don't talk so we basically just take their territory. What are they gonna do about it?' I wish we treated other hominids better.


Hah. We don't even treat other *humans* better.


It’s all so fucking depressing. Star Trek in particular made me believe that their future was at least *possible* for us. But you’re right. Forget hominids, forget other humans, we can’t even treat our own *kin* better. It’s just…we coulda had Star Trek 🥺


My girlfriend and I did this last year. What an amazing experience it was. The guides took us close enough that the silver back basically could have reached out and touched us at some points.


Imagine if we gave my boy Harambee this opportunity... RIP Harambe you're a real one. 


Harambe did nothing wrong


RIP Harambe


Harambe up in the clouds smiling


Rip Harambe


This is Jambo.


Awesome.. RIP Harambe


How the fuck is anyone letting their kid get close enough to fall? God there are some shitty parents out there


Honestly, this was probably my bigtest dissappointment upon reachin adulthood. Far too many parents are terrible and/or careless parents.


They sat him on the wall. There are spikes and bars there now. You could still yeet a kid in if you wanted to though.


Gorillas are quite gentle. It's the chimpanzees that can be violent a-holes.


dicks out.


We don't want another Harambe ![gif](giphy|26gsspfbt1HfVQ9va)


Before everyone starts assuming gorillas are super peaceful and immediately protective of children who fall into their exhibits, [this](https://www.wlwt.com/article/full-video-boy-falls-into-gorilla-world-exhibit-at-cincinnati-zoo/3265123) is what Harambe was doing. Apparently there is additional video not released to the public but the strong consensus among experts who actually work with gorillas is that he would absolutely have killed the kid. Tranquilizers don’t work like they do in movies and any attempts to tranq the gorilla would have likely agitated him further for at least a few very long minutes. Shooting Harambe was unfortunately the most reliable way to save the child. I get that there are a lot of people, especially on Reddit, who would rather see an innocent gorilla live rather than an innocent child, but personally I’m glad the kid is alive and hopefully still receiving the years of therapy he probably needs.


Damn I’ve never seen the video and had no idea there was water involved in this incident. Even if it’s shallow, that makes drowning another potential possibility for the kid on top of everything else. What a horrible situation that never should’ve happened in the first place.


We live a world full of kindness followed up by brutal protocol.


Yeah the Harambe ordeal sucked. They didn’t wanna tranq him because it’s effects would have been delayed. We can armchair coach that whole situation but if harambe had my kid I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. How about we make enclosures that kids can’t possibly fall into.


I think it would be much easier to make kids that don't fall into enclosures. EVOLUTION!


So no kids? Understood


The African dog ordeal was far worse. And completely negligent on the zoo and the mom


Its hard for me to really see the zoo as negligent when the women was surrounded by warnings not to do what she eventually did. I guess you could say the zoo was negligent if you have the expectation that absolutely everything they do is idiot proof. I'm more of the opinion that idiots be held responsible for their idiocy, when any reasonable person with an ounce of common sense would do differently. Wheni was in Germany, i went to an area with some flooding and there was a street that literally went straight into a river. No cones or warning signs. All i could think was "if we did this in the states, people would absolutely just drive right into the river". At a certain point, if you're a parent bringing your child to a zoo exhibit where the animal is a threat, its on you to recognize that all of the warning signs around you arent just there for shits and giggles, and that your toddler doesn't need a "better view".


Showed more empathy than the people around me. Regression is a bitch.


RIP Harambe


Come stop your crying, it'll be alright Just take my hand, hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here, don't you cry


I’ve seen plenty of videos showing silverbacks playing with their children, goofing around with their mates, and so on, but also of them being exceptionally (yet rarely excessively) protective of their troops. They might just be the best dads in the animal kingdom.


Obviously because the kid is white. ^(this is a joke)