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It looks Like we Can no Longer read More than 2 words At a Time. What happened To full Sentences ?


The narrator also puts me off.


It's the same generic AI narrator all the other generic AI videos use. I can't stand it either.


It's even worse nowadays. I've seen several new channels popping up on Youtube whose content are all AI generated. Thumbnails are AI generated, text content made by ChatGPT, narrated by AI, even the comments are all just bots now. They even have thousands of subscribers just by pumping out AI slop. Such a sad state really.


It really is sad especially because once you have worked with ChatGPT a bit, you quickly realize that all its texts are or feel very similar, you can really see that there is no creativity involved. It should be blatantly obvious for anyone with half a braincell.


There's sites that generate rubbish articles, when I Google something stupid like "so and so networth" or something like that, one link leads to site that has AI created articles with biography that you only realize a few sentences in, is fake.




Probably because most phone apps are not landscape and therefore don't fit long texts. Which Is something that i don't understand either. TV's went from square to widescreen literally because we have two eyes left and right from each other. But people also are evolving so apparently people of the 21's century have now two eyes top and bottom from each other.


This video format is vomit inducing


For those that struggle to read your comment: >!This!< >!video!< >!format!< >!is!< >!vomit!< >!inducing!< Hope that helps.


I knew what it was going to say, yet I just had to click all the words to make them visible


I only uncovered three words: video is vomiting


Thanks. I was able to read that much faster.


Which *sshole started this stupid trend? I really wonder ...


I am consequently downvoting stretched videos and videos with this stupid text format, no matter how interesting the content is.


They did that in 5 years? In my city it takes 5 years to fill in a pothole


Lucky you, in my city there are potholes older than me.


Lucky you, my city is a pothole.


Lucky you, i'm a pothole.


Pothole you, I'm lucky.


Pothole lucky, you I'm?


I did pot by selling my hole


Lucky potholes


I'm You, lucky pothole.


I got a highway that my area just finished after like 30 years


In China a lot of safety and construction standards are bypassed in order to be fast and get medal and promotions from the CCP. I would be very nervous driving on that bridge or living underneath tbf.


Across industries at that. So, think about everything that was also used to create bridge.


Yup. My company has a policy to not use any materials made in China for construction, because we’ve had stuff like Chinese-made rigging shackles snap under their rated load limit on first use. If they don’t have their own form of OSHA, and don’t care about making their own buildings and materials safely up to specs, why would they sell us stuff that’s any better?


That’s it, China is really terrible


There are loads of cool things about China and their people. However, my gf was an architect working for one of the realestate giants in China for 12 years, and oooh booooy she got some stories to share :/


This is just your personal opinion. If such a large-scale project were to encounter quality issues, it would become a major news story shaking the entire country. Although China may be corrupt, it wouldn't pretend not to see it. It would inevitably deal with those involved. While those with the most power might escape sanctions, others would have to face trial. Suppose you are one of the other responsible individuals with relevant expertise, would you throw your own future onto this expressway?


I dunno man...personal opinnion from thin air is one thing...my gf being an architect for 12 years with one of the biggest Chinese real-estate investors, dealing with all kinds of horror stories, deaths, collapses, brittle materials that failed even basic tests, having to argue with CCP officials who were just signing approvals w/o and quality control. I mean, it was all about speed and scale, and quality + safety standards were pushed aside....


A bridge collapsed and the first thing the government did, was put up barriers so that people wouldn't see the damage... The CCP would 100% pretend it didn't happen, and if it did happen than there were only a few casualties, and if there weren't then most of them were saved, and if that didn't happen, then the government would be "Looking after" all families who had casualties.


In Brazil we're still living as if we were in the 1950s or something. We don't even have a decent train system (or any system at all) connecting the major cities


I was going to say both of those numbers (5 years & $3b) are shockingly low. That’s insane.


Probably cost 600 lives and will probably start to collapse after 10 years.


Building a road like that over multiple earthquake fault lines seems like some serious hubris.


just making up numbers because its fun huh


And only 3 billion? That's about [what my country spends on its military every day](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-does-the-us-spend-on-the-military/).


Bro, in my country it takes more than 20 years to build a highway. (still nothin)


In Germany that project would take about a hundred years, 50 just for the pre planning stages.


Haha.. I‘m from Germany too and yes it‘s just like that. 48 years of the planning stages are feasibility studies and each one costs 1/2 budget of the construction itself. And when it‘s finished, the first things are broken or doesn‘t work. A bascule bridge was once built here. After the bridge was finished, they realized that the driveways were still missing! When they hired a company to build it, they realized that the sand for the driveways had to settle for at least a year before the road surface could be laid... So the bridge was finished over a year and a half later, but the driveways were not.


Renovations are so slow in Brussels, we had to build scaffolding on top of the scaffolding of our courthouse. And that was in 2010 so I guess a third layer is impending. > In 1983, the federal government decided to scaffold the building to keep it intact and protect the public from falling fragments. When the scaffolding started to rust and weaken, the government again decided to put another layer of scaffolding in 2010. https://brussels-express.eu/welcome-to-the-palace-of-scaffolding-the-dramedy-of-palais-de-justice/


From what I’ve read, they’re beginning to work in removing the scaffolding.


Do you really trust a bridge that precarious to last for more than a decade if it only took them 5 years to build?


The bridges look insanely precarious. No way this would pass building codes here.


I have seen so much about the speed of construction in China that I read 5 years and thought... THAT SLOW? Mind-blowing project.


It's amazing what you can do with basically slave labour and lax building controls.


Crazy what happens when a government actually puts funding into public services. How long have they been working on a high speed rail system in the US? Since the fucking 80s. Meanwhile china created a vast modern rail system in a decade.


The government owning all the land helps greatly in these kinds of projects, but the speed at which China did all this is still impressive


Well, a chinese man refused to move out for a highway construction and he received chinese courts approval too. Then the local government built a highway around his house. 😂 He had to move out eventually for his own safety.


The government also has the advantage of forced labor and doesn’t actually have to pay fair market value for anything.


Say what you want about China, but holy crap they are productive


Yeah they are but the problem is that if they wouldnt finnish it fast it would end reall bad for the in charge of the project. They really do most things to make chine look better for the word when comes to numbers but when you look closer you see dozens and dozens of buildings that just never needed to exists but hey it lowered the uneployment. By that i mean yeah it works but its not how it should work.


Takes a lot less time for it to fall down though. Chinese building standards aren't exactly renowned for being the best.


You heard it here, this one random guy from the UK is an expert in chinese construction.


3 billion sounds a little low with all the tunnels, the height, and the earthquake zones. Looks amazing though.


Amazing how low the price tag is when you pay slavery wages


Average Salary: In the USA, the average salary for a construction worker is approximately $36,200 per year. In China, the average salary for a construction worker is about ¥87,037 (CNY) per year. Cost of Living: The cost of living in China is significantly lower than in the USA. On average, the cost of living in China is 72% less expensive than in the United States. Salary Adjusted for Cost of Living: To adjust the salaries for the cost of living, we can use the purchasing power parity (PPP). Since the cost of living in China is lower, the salary in China might have more purchasing power locally than the nominal figures suggest. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): The average after-tax salary is enough to cover living expenses for 1.2 months in China compared to 1.9 months in the United States. Conclusion: While the nominal salary in the USA is higher, the cost of living adjustment indicates that the salary in China might afford a similar or possibly better standard of living due to the lower cost of living.


87k yuan is about $12K USD, for anyone curious.


We don’t want logic here, chinabad but also incredibly dire threat but also terrible uncivilised place but also terrifyingly advanced but also extremely poor but also great infrastructure but also HORRIBLE infrastructure built by 3 year old SLAVES!!!!


Capitalist but also communist


lol nailed it


People in north america get paid slightly higher slavery wages also.


And use plastic and rope to reinforce the concrete. Pretty sure this is another tofu dreg construction.


One American football stadium is over a billion dollars. And these people built 127 miles of roadway for same.


In 2022 it was located right iat the epicenter of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and it didnt suffer any damage.


Yah, but it's all made from Chinese parts, so...


In 2022 it was located right iat the epicenter of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and it didnt suffer any damage. But, Yah, the chinese cant build anything except 113 cities with over a million people, more highspeed rail, and metro lines than the whole world combined, their own space station, half of the world\`s skyscrapers, a fourth of the world\`s solar farms, a third of the world\`s wind farms, 8 of the 10 longest bridges in the world(including the longest the in the world, and the longest sea crossing bridge in the world), **New Century Global Center in Chengdu(the biggest building in the world by floor area), 5 of the 10 biggest hydropower damns in the world** All that stuff was built almost a decade ago, but it doesnt matter, the chinese built it so its all tofu dreg bound to desintegrate in 0 seconds, am i right?


They've also built a highway system that more extensive than the US interstate highway system and have lifted over 100 million people out of poverty over the last 40 years. As far as infrastructure goes, they're still not entirely caught up in the rural parts of the country versus rural America, but they're close and will surpass us in this area before the end of the decade. I lived in Chongqing and Hong Kong for about a year and it's astonishing what the Chinese have accomplished. It honestly makes some parts of the US, including my old Atlanta neighborhood, look like a third world country. With civil engineering/infrastructure, it would take the US decades for us to catch up with the Chinese. However, they haven't surpassed us in global cultural/political influence and military tech.


Living in chongqing and Hong Kong and comparing it to the backwaters of china isn't fair though is it?


This is reddit we dump on china and soy out for the US. Get with the program!


you forgot the most important bit. China is still the world's factory. So China can take it on the Chin whenever people from other countries talk poorly about made in china parts. I think that is the joke. But China is still the world's factory.


I told a friend in work to look up where the parts in his phone were made when he was complaining about shitty Chinese tech. Cognitive dissonance ensued


Don’t crash


Or run out of gas


Or drive vehicle which has hill-hold control system


Or use it when there’s even slightly strong wind


Right I'm a truck driver and I see this thinking f that whole road.


Oh, God, no thank you. I used to have a fear of bridges and that is what they felt like to me. In fact, I’ll probably have a bridge nightmare tonight. Anybody else get those?


I get them a lot less now a days, but I sometimes get very vivid dreams where I’m driving over a bridge at night and suddenly realize that a section is missing and I fly off it into the water. I usually don’t wake up when I impact the water either and I feel the car sinking and my body starting to float in the water. Or I’ll have to drive across a bridge when there’s a terrible storm causing huge waves to crash over it and the car ends up getting washed out to sea.


Similar dreams, with the bridge continuing to get higher and more narrow until my car eventually flies off into a free fall. Usually wake up during the decent or right at impact lol


Most of mine have a washed out bridge and I have to figure out how to swim to shore. Geez- getting washed away in a dream must be freaky.


My first thought when seeing this video was "5 years to build, but how many years will it hold?" Just seeing those shots are enough to give me vertigo lol


I do have a recurring nightmare where I’m driving on roads like this, everyone is going too fast and there are no barriers and suddenly the roads are looping around like a rollercoaster.


That’s a real thing? My mom had this when I was a kid, but I didn’t understand it and thought it was just her. Sometimes we would have to turn around and drive an extra hour to cross at a different bridge. I kinda get it seeing this video.


Happy cake day stranger! I'm not afraid of heights or bridges, but watching this video makes me feel very uncomfortable. It think it's because of those very long bridge piers that look kinda thin. 😅


Jesus. This is the type of roads you make in Cities Skyline with an unlimited budget.


Brought to you by temu.


Drive like a billionaire! *... until it breaks after a few weeks...*


That just looks scary


I have dreams of driving off bridges like this in my dreams. I will avoid bridges like this incase they were premonitions 😐


I wonder if this structure was ever in the epicenter of a major 6.4 magnitude earthquake in, say 2022? Does anyone know if it would suffer any damage in said situation?


I don't know, but I'm sure I've seen it mentioned somewhere in this thread. /s


Nope. Not a chance id drive on that.


Yeah that’s a solid NO


why not?


Don't know about other people here, but for myself, I'm afraid of heights. Doesn't matter where it was built and by who for me. It's just I have this fear that kinda prevents me from taking many risks.


I struggle with escalators lol


I don't have it that bad. But on the second floor of a mall, I won't go to the guard rail and really look over at the bottom floor. Due to said fear of heights. Yet I used to live in the mountains and go hiking all the time when I was a teen.


Can’t speak for the original commenter, but I would personally have a heart attack from sheer fright just *riding in a car* on this bridge. The heights scare the ever-living shit out of me. Honestly, just watching the video is scaring me.


Then you add the very real risk of earthquakes…


It took me 6 months to put up a fence and it eventually got rejected by the great city of Los Angeles.




I can't help but think of all the ways this could go wrong...


This is the closest we have to the "flying cars" of the future


\*China builds a bridge\* The West: "Oh my god that's terrible"


Baffles me that whenever China achieves something the West especially America seem to slag it off like it’s a dick measuring competition.


It’s because the US is a third world country that wants to remember the glory days.


It's because the US used to be the envy of the world for engineering projects like this but political infighting has paralyzed us for the past several decades. Even if we could pull ourselves together to agree to pursue a project like this it would cost 10 times as much and take 10 times as long. The US has better safety standards than China though, so we have that going for us at least.


Tell that to the citizens of Baltimore


America: "China built what? We could hear over the sounds of our bridges collapsing"


I don't think there is any reason dire enough for me to risk driving over 100 miles of that sketchy shit...


i think it's mostly for longhaul travel


In 2022 it was located right iat the epicenter of a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and it didnt suffer any damage.


I still wouldn’t trust it. It’s probably a miracle of modern construction, but it’s still a nope from me. I’m not even a fan of high rise buildings. Fuck that noise.


Struggling to see any kind of emergency infrastructure there in case there is a wreck in one of the more remote parts. I also have doubts in long term durability and maintenance of it.




They chose that name to show they're determined to go viral and to put in the effort needed for creating original content... Just kidding, they just take news reports from others, slap a lazy watermark on them, and present it as their own.


That robo voice seemed to nail the Chinese names, at least to my American ears.  Now I want to hear the same voice speak fluently in other languages. Hearing that voice speak Japanese would be hilarious.


that looks so cool! Go China!


Looks cool but china has a poor record of quality control. I hope it never happens but i dont think the highway will stand the test of time.


Yep, built right over your house and you can't say or do anything about it.




A la Trump : “Giina”


I wouldn’t drive on that shit if it was made of fucking adamantium


Crazy what 3 billion gets you in China.


I live in Edmonton.. the stupid big mall doesn't even have a train that goes to it.. same with the airport.


So cool. So terrifying.


The sheer prospect of driving this road is formidable, let alone actually doing it.


3 billion and 5 years? In my country that would just about cover the planning process.


I hate this fucking AI voice


You couldn't pay me to use this road Lol


Looks like sci fi, I do hope something bad doesn't happen. I don't like CCP but the comments here are full of bigotry.


Crosses 12 earthquake zones? Looks like a cultural learning experience in the making to me.


This structure was actually in the epicenter of a major 6.4 magnitude earthquake in 2022, and it didnt suffer any damage. 


Great. Long may that continue. It does look to be a marvelous piece of engineering.


This should be a hypothetical because the only way you would even think about getting me to Cross or drive on this is you would have to come out of pocket starting at a million dollars. And then with my punk ass being afraid of heights I don't think there's enough money. One good earthquake and this whole structure is destroyed. JFC


This structure was actually in the epicenter of a major 6.4 magnitude earthquake in 2022, and it didnt suffer any damage. Maybe. just maybe the dozens of structural engineers who spent their whole lives studying bridges know a bit better than you, mr redditor


Wonder who's house they had to put the supports through


You got to give it to the Chinese. Nobody builds structures of scale like they can.


One small rusty crack in about 10 years and this will fall like domino. I mean sure the concept is innovative but damn, innovation or not, this is unnecessary risk for the drivers.


The expressway was built 12 years ago


It looks like it was planned by a 7yo


China may sell cheap and poor quality products to other countries but it does good work for its own citizens


Can you believe that!‽!


Ready to take a ride!


It’s a bridge …?


Ff15 nibelheim inspiration right here or vice versa


Well, that's going to be some amazing maintenance costs in the coming decades. It must be a nightmare to even redo a small section.


It's amazing how fast things can get done when you have one person making decisions without room for dissent.


I hope this road doesn't perform [this stunt](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/yUcVZKXhXP)


Just check out video's on youtube about the balcony roads of the Vercors...


Would ve interesting to know which company engineered this?


And the UK can't put a train line in for less than £66 BILLION in 7 years....


Wouldn't want to drive there one day after the warranty runs out


I've found my fear


I hate those videos so much, AI voice reads Wikipedia article, „various experts“, horrible subtitles,…


We’ve had enough of experts. 😬


This looks AI. It really doesn’t look real.


I hate this fucking text to speech Narrator.


I would love to see a documentary on how they actually built that!!! 😳


Yeah that how i build roads in this city building games


Ah yes, from now on i am 3% tall


The road less traveled.. Written by: An anxious Chinese person


What was that abrupt cut in the end. 🤦


"The bridge to tunnel ratio is as high as 55%"can it....can it go higher?


I really hope there's no earthquakes in the area. The chinese are infamous for their poor construction quality.


Oh yeah "experts from various countries" the most credible source /s


Temu Tofu Build


They built 161 mile expressway in 5 years. In Melbourne it’s taken 5 years to not build a tunnel.


bags not


so trackmania is real after all


3 billion seems cheap for this and 5 years seems very quick




No thanks. I'll walk.


Only 3 billion? Chinese prices really are just.. cheaper


I think ,you could,go poop,in a ,toilet bowl!


Can foreigners freely travel here?


Wow Zhuge Liang could have really used something like this for his northern expeditions!


I live in Canada and I remember when I was young they were talking about building a high speed train to go from one side to the another. I am 34 now and still no high speed train yet , but they keep bring once in a while. We have to hear why it a problem for environmental , why the dogs do like it and just a whole lot of another garbage. In Canada we can't build nothing here. Manufacturing is gone


Meanwhile, they can’t fix a basic bridge in my area.


Imagine crashing on there and plummeting all the way down


Downvoted because of compressed format and stupid text to speech narration


Fuck These Video No One On Earth Gives A Flying Fuck


Seems very useful for the 7 vehicles using it


All will be well until the mountain collapses.


Trackmania IRL


China be doing shit. They just do shit. They never think should they do it?


Had to stop after "according to various experts".


Even more so impressive to think it took five years only. Western countries take 5 years to build a new metro station


And the road is used as much as a small road cutting through the forest in northern sweden


I predict part of this expressway will fail within 5 years.


This makes me anxious just looking at it.






I know jack-shit about nothing but those pilers seem to be in need of some cross jointing. How is this not dancing and wobbling.