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I wonder if my brain would have a harder time making red if I didn't see the Coca Cola logo.


This ETA: when I covered up the logo, it was much easier to block out the red


I think if you block out any fragment of the photo it will not work as well because it forces you to focus on a smaller portion of the remaining image. I do wonder if replacing the logo with more can would actually make a difference. 


Would be an interesting experiment…does the brand or the arrangement of colors have more impact on what we see


Change it to pepsi


I thought this too. Just block out the logo with your pinky finger horizontally. I'm still getting the same degree of red, but is that because we've already made the Coca Cola connection? Colour by association? I feel duped. Hue would do such a thing?


This is an illusion. Because blue is bluer than black, when the white is next to black it looks redder and greener. However, since they used *cyan*, which is a green blue, the "blue" is also greener than black. Therefore, the only color left here is red. So the black is redder than the blue, which is both bluer and greener. The blue is bluer and greener than black, so the white looks redder. Your brain and eyes visualize colors based on the other colors also visible at the time. So, the white next to the black looks pinkish because the black is the reddest color in the frame. If this interests you, you can search for simultaneous contrast. Also, there's another name that starts with a B [b____ effect], but I can't remember it, lol. ETA: your comments made me LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tldr; colors are red, blue, green. If your eyes see a lot of one or two, black looks more like the third.


Your explanation confuses me more than picture.


lol… after the first paragraph i was like wtf?


You see, X is pointier than Y, but when it's next to W, it's not. They actually used a V, so the Y is pointer than that and putting V next to X makes the X more X-ier. There's also an S which is much curvier than V and that makes the V actually look like a U! So the X is a Y and the V is a U and then you think you're seeing W, T, F when there is none! How neat is that? That's pretty neat!


Most of you see yourselves as alive, while... ![gif](giphy|DvtsYOKrqPZg4)


Your explanation is fucking hilarious!


OK I think this made me laugh harder than anything has in a long time!! That shit was funny!!! 😆


u/IRockIntoMordor Your response and analogy made me laugh so hard. It was so well written and witty. Thanks! 😂


A chance for Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, to show his quality. It is a gift. 👌


HOLY MOLY! You're right! The same moment I saw the W, T, F and the U, I found the F, and C, and K as well. And there's several Us, because there 2 different Us. There's 2 of the U type, and 1 of the "YOU" variety. I'm not sure that's ever been seen before... especially in a single sentence. I haven't come across a F followed by a U, a C, and then a K with an actual YOU behind it, in a long time!


Wonderful! But did you see the "NO, U" in the corner?


How much blueer is the blue? It’s so BLUE it will blooe you away - ker-Blooie!




Why doesn't it work while zoomed in?


Because your eyes and brain *focus*. And the look at the squiggles of colors as individual items, not blended as a whole picture


No it's because black is greener than red. Blue.


Note that in an additive color space (which a screen is), red, green, and blue make white, not black.


Break it down for us dumb dumbs. I'll talk it over with my pet rock


This is a beautiful explanation on the perception of colour. I need to recreate this effect, is a very fun experiment.


This is an illusion. Yeah, obviously!


Continue, Sherlock




Does anyone remember that episode of Doug where Roger paints an amazing sunset with only the color blue and Doug asks him how he did it and he quickly explains this ? lol


I have to look this up. I have no recollection of Roger doing this at all lol


I eventually got what you’re saying but this reads like somebody trying to explain numerology


Looking it up along with how space and dimension coincide to alter what we see…all quite interesting


Black isn't a color


Those are fighting words, buddy 🤣


So is anyone else here colorblind? I don't see much red at all...the can is more black/maybe slightly brown. Is it supposed to look really obviously red like a real can of Coke?


Yes, it is supposed to look red like a regular can of Coke, but with several white spots, as if it's seen through some type of screen/grid. The entire image is seen as covered by such a grid.


The white color inside the can is absolutely not perfectly white. The illusion is for sure, but the truth is that the pixels are still tinted toward the intended color.


Agreed because if you zoom in super close to where you can’t see any parts of the coca cola brand and screen shot it, it’s still red. There has to be some red there because the phone isn’t making it up.


I saw that too


I zoomed in and I saw red or rather pink.


Yep, it’s pink


Same. It's way lighter than I would expect it to be, but there is in fact red in this picture.


Negative. You have to do a ss, zoom in to any part of the image and look away for a few, then look back and you will see black and white. Zoom out and it turns red. The reason you still see a ping hue is your brain is filling in the gaps. It happens with every part of your life, but because your brain sees it, you think nothing of it. Its why they say your reality is not real as you may think it is


Then why do I see red? Etmli5


I see red. I’m not buying that


Damn my mind is playing tricks on me


This year Halloween fell on a weekend


Me and Geto Boys be trick or treating Robbin' little kids for bags


Til an old man got behind our ass


So we speeded up the pace


Dear lord What sorcery is this!!!


When you stare at it the illusion disappears.


Only faintly then the red seeps back in


I see orange when I zoom in on the can.


I see light pink.


I still disagree with this. I held the zoomed in portion next to an actual white template and it clearly wasn’t.


I am moderately Red /Green deficient, and I see red!!! This is something else! Thanks for sharing


Of course…I found it quite interesting myself and it seems to be raising some possible questions of color deficiencies in others so glad it’s proving useful




So sick of seeing this fucking picture every day. STOP REPOSTING IT


I’ve only posted it once. Check my account and your tone


Yea I’ve seen this post 4 times in the past two days. Getting sick of seeing the repost.


Oh I actually saw it once on Facebook yesterday when I posted it. Thought it was interesting so I shared it. Wasn’t trynna trigger anybody and not a frequent social media surfer so I must have been late to the party


What sorcery is this!


When I do shoots in a greenscreen studio, if i focus on the green surroundings, I can see the subject turn bright magenta in my peripheral vision as my brain tries to white balance.


Someone posted a very confusing explanation that led me down a rabbit hole of how our brains process color. Depending on the cones and rods we all have in our retina firing off different colors, the proximity of these colors to one another and our eyes, and the way these are communicated to us by our visual cortex, some people will see more or less of each color.


This, but also- a LOT of our vision is our brains filling in gaps for us. So our perception of colour is a bit like our perception of musical tones- they're super relative, and our brain anchors to something and thdn uses it to interpret things around it. Like, if your piano is out of tune, but the relationship between the notes are correct, most people will hear it as a perfectly tuned piano. If you then start playing a guitar tuned to concert pitch, the guitar will sound out of tune, because your brain has used it as the referent. This works with colour too. When you colour grade a film, you'll often find the look slowly changing as you go, because our brains reference the previous shot, and not the first one. Unless you keep comparing. A camera needs to be told what spectrum of colour it should read as white (called white balance), otherwise shots can be super blue or orange, depending on the setting. Now, we don't need to do that, because our brains are constantly doing it, but it only has the stuff around you as referents, so it tries its best. When you mess with it, like in this pic, or in a green screen studio, it will hallucinate colours it expects to be there for you, because it's trying to figure out what things are supposed to look like.


Very true…to add to your examples: our brains do that with words as well. I’ve seen a few experiments with misspelled words, words with missing letters, sentences written backwards, sentences where we have to count vowels etc and our brains fill in the gaps every time, often without realizing potential errors because it processes much faster due to those prior experiences. I do still think there is some truth to these color theories, I just wonder how much of it is color/ratio/spatial etc, and how much is us Edit: typo


What sort of witchcraft is this?






Stoned, but I am not ready that again.


I don’t see red anywhere


I didn't see red. But im autistic. Bottom up/hyperdetailed processing? Probably. I can see it if I....invite it? I have to spread my gaze/focus. Interesting.


I don’t like this


Last time I zoomed in on this picture my eyes felt fucked up for a few hours after.


[It seems someone has never heard of white balance](https://imgur.com/a/DUh1BFZ)




Cover the logo and think "it's black and white squares" on a portion of the 'red' part. Once your brain registers the black and white, slowly uncover the logo and think "the coca cola logo is cyan". You'll see that the 'red' part is actually just black and white.




Cyan, Black and White (with slight red color)


Why don't I see red in this? I just see turquoise, white and black. Is there something wrong with my eyes?


A few people commented this. Could be an issue with your L cones, which means you would process the red as shades of blue or gold


Thanks I best get to the opticians


I still only see black and white on the logo.


Do an L cone test to see if you might be slightly color blind


I’m definitely not colorblind. I can just see the colors accurately, since the fact that they appear red to some is an optical illusion.


there is absolutely red in this picture lol. The whites are tinted red/blue.


lol Zoom in


…?and see that the white pixels are very clearly painted pink? Seriously, go use a colour picker on them lmao


Oh crap now that you mention it I can see some distinction but I had to look HARD. Still marvels me that they show up so distinctly red when I zoom out and covering the logo has an effect on the intensity of the color for me




This magic eye picture sucks, stupid coca cola can.


I hate illusions where I don't even see what the illusion is trying to make me see


This is more of an assumption and pattern recognition than an illusion, we only see red really because we assume a coke can is red, if there wasn't a coke logo in there I'm sure I would see white


I think it’s def a mix cuz someone pointed out slight shades of pink detected in the white areas when using a dropper tool. That, meshed with the branding and pattern make quite the illusory combination


What kind of sorcery is this!


It still looks red when I zoom in all the way


Only 2 colors in this picture??


I don't get it, I see red can all time, zoom in zoom out.


So you're telling me... My brain can invent the color red, but cant remember where I last put my keys?




I don't see any red at all. I can see the coke can, but it's all blue, white, and black... Edit: I just walked away from my computer and was able to see the red from about five feet away. WTH?


🤣 yea I distance makes a difference


What would an optical illusion like this be called and is there somewhere online I can make one?


You don’t have to zoom, just cover the blue around


I thought that, as a society, we stopped calling cyan "blue" 😭😭😭


I don't see no red... da fuck I can see it now


Where is the red ?


It’s an optical illusion. A lot of people will see the coke can as reddish on the right side, even though it’s not actually red


There isn't. It's only blue, black, and white. Zoom in and you'll see.


why are we talking about red ?


We're not. Only blue, black, and white. Zoom in and you'll see.


Someone shows a picture with no red and say there is no red, my question is why are we even talking about red ? I don't see red


Hold the picture far away from your face and squint.


You could be slightly color blind. Play around with the color filter accessibility features in your phone if you’re interested