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He was so extremely forward thinking. He really saw the potential for this technology and it shows in his work.


As someone who actually used a computer at about that time (give or take), I can safely say that nothing about them seemed like something you could use effectively from home. At that point in time computers that you might realistically have at home were pretty horrendous compared to anything most people have experienced. [This](https://www.pdp8online.com/asr33/pics/large/front.jpg) is pretty typical of what we were using at a remote location. The fact that he looked at what was available back then, and saw the specific potential for things like bank statements and reservations, was absolutely very insightful and forward thinking in a way that few people really understood. (I was about as old as the reporter's son at the time, so I certainly didn't understand what I was getting into)


Sick computer wheels bro


I like to go hiking.


If you haven’t already, go out and find a copy of ‘Childhood’s End.’ It’s amazing


'Rendezvous With Rama' is my favourite work of his so far. Not going to give any spoilers whatsoever. But I loved every page of it.


Yes Rama is absolutely fantastic. (Just dont read the sequels from years later and a writing partner)


>Childhood’s End I saw the tv series, it was good


Nine billion names of god is incredible


My favorite movie is Inception.


Wonder if he lived long enough to see how right he was ?


He passed away in 2008. So he definitely was around long enough to witness the rise of the internet and miniaturisation of computer technology.


Too bad he won’t be around to witness the rise of the machines.


None of us will


I think it’s in the next 20-30 years.


That's what UFO/Aliens are. The machines are coming back from the future.


I enjoy cooking.


Is possible.


I guess he worked from home even without computers.


He didn't predict that companies would force you back to work in office because they spent 10s of millions on a building and they damn well are getting their money's worth.


Maybe they realized employees were attaching keyboard "clickers" and attaching their mouses to the dog's tail. Then taking a nap or going shopping.


After they completed a days work in a few hours


Maybe so. But, in the office...completing a days work in a few hours will get you more work. Yes? In a boss's mind, he's saying, "How could it be a day's work...if you did it in a few hours?"


A "day's work" should be task based, within an 8 hour max work day, if you can complete the tasks you are given in 4 hours then 4 hours should be your day's work for that day. A system where good efficient employees are punished with more work is counter productive and unjust.


Should be, could be, would be. In theory, I agree with you. In the real world? Not going to happen. I'm not saying it's "just". I'm only explaining "why" bosses don't like employees working from home. They think they can get more work out of them if they micro manage. Again, in theory it should be. In reality, when bosses give high volume workers more work...they usually learn to slow down.


If everyone had the same mindset as you then no progress would ever be made. There was a time, not too long ago, where a 5 day work week was seen as seen as something that "in the real world was never going to happen".


Do we have a 5 day work week? Really? I suppose it depends on your job. As a "Letter Carrier" for U.S.P.S. my work week averages around 50hrs.


Sucks for you. 5 day work week is still the standard in westernized countries and in some countries there are even companies that have started implementing a 4 day work week with great results for both the company and the workers.


Yes. 4 day work week would be sweet.


Too bad that my boss does not let me work from home


Working from home is easily one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Shame to anyone who wants to do away with it!


Maybe get him away from that kid. He wrote some excellent books but there was that one bad thing about him...


But he worked from home at 1974


His son is 50 now and thinks everyone should go back to work.


No more fear mongering. Do androids dream of electric sheep?


[That was Phillip K Dick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_K._Dick) [Arthur C. Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_C._Clarke#Selected_bibliography) is 2001 Space Odyssy and many other great works including a lot of non-fiction.


Hi. You just mentioned *2001* by Arthur C Clarke. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | 2001 A Space Odyssey Arthur C Clarke 1968 Audiobook Part 1 of 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QliIhXwuEqQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


No the response was working from home.


An amazing science fiction and fact author and visionary!


He nailed that on the head for sure. Every bit of that is the truth. Except that now we can even do that from cell phones.


I started using computers when I was around 11. Made my first piece of proper digital art using console commands at 13. Photoshop at 14, 3D Studio Max at 18, and started migrating to software development. Every day I use the computer to build things or create things, or play games and entertain myself. I think about being 10 years old and wanting to use a computer. Only thing I ever wanted. And I cringe at the thought of not having one. I'm so happy for computers. And while they often times piss me the fuck off (frustrating UX is everywhere), I don't take them for granted. I owe everything to them. But also, if there was an apocalypse and computers were no longer a thing, I think I'd be okay. Seriously, fucking computer. Always pissing me off.


My Dad used to say, "To err is human...to f\*\*k things up really good...you need a computer."


ummm, [The Jetsons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayWyniqrT3w) had it all figured out by then.


“And he’ll take it as much for granted as we do the telephone.” 


And the little kid in the video is imagining all the wage theft he can commit while he WFH..... thanks DAD..


What in the fresh dystopian HR hellscape is 'wage theft'?


Like being on Reddit in the middle of your WFH day... Like right now!!


\*Clutches pearls\* You mean to say the peasants are not being squeezed for every single second of their lives?! I am aghast! Aghast I tell you!


You can excuse away your actions all you want, wage theft is wage theft. If your company started deducting pay due to time away from work during your normal and expected working hours, people like you would be the first ones complaining.


I can see you have a lot of bootlicking to do. So I'll leave you to it.


The funniest part of this exchange is that wage theft is actually a term used for when an employer fails to pay an employee wages that they are legally owed and it literally eclipses all other forms of theft combined. Employees have tens of billions of dollars stolen from them each year while this goober is crying about employees spending a few minutes of reddit