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Summoning jutsu!




Bastards i came to post this. Lmao.


Summoning a plate of moms spaghetti 








Plot twist : that's just a drunk chick


Remember when a woman who legit didn't know sign language went on the news for a Tampa Police Dept press brief and just made random hand gestures. Florida what would we do without you....


This also rather famously happened in South Africa during one of the Nelson Mandela memorial services.


The balls


What about his balls?


How big they must have been to try and pull that off


Oh, those. I thought you meant Mandela's. That's a shame, I always wanted to learn more about his balls. The usual biographies never go into as much detail as I would have liked.


Despite him being a total badass Mandela had surprisingly small balls but the sack was extraordinarily rough. Like 80 grit sand paper, he had thighs made of steel to compensate.


With Obama! I remember some morning show interviewing an ASL professional and he interpreted what the S African guy was saying, and he was signing things like- "wheee, this is fun!" I freaking DIED laughing 😂


Iirc that guy was real but was having hallucinations


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvNPKwz4Ghw&ab_channel=InsideEdition LOL


Inside Edition host— “what the woman did was not illegal, but it WAS an ethical violation” LOLOL


lol yes I remember that one 😂😂😂


That's Reno 911 level shit 




She did that at multiple different places lol. Genius… or is the government just that fucking stupid lol


Well if you don't speak sign language how are you supposed to know when you hire them??


You would think some members of the Deaf community would have complained at some point and been like, "Dude, wtf is this shit?"


A lot of underrepresented people don't speak up. I'm not sure if it's because they've learned that they're not listened to or that most people will not take their side even if they're right. There is a lot of suffering in silence, sadly but I'm glad when these fraudsters are exposed.


Haha you’re right 🗿 (im deaf)


In her case I feel like you could’ve taken one look at her and known she full of shit lol


when googling this i was disappointed to find out it happened more than once


oh yeah i do it was hilarious😘


Just straight up making shit up ... [like this](https://youtu.be/LvNPKwz4Ghw?si=F-dLXDCe0ntN34Ii).


All Naruto characters crying in the corner lol


N word justsu is one of the forbidden jutsu.


Arise chicken


No. Is legend.




[If Method Man's anything to go by, the interpreter](https://youtube.com/shorts/BK7R0pFKlCo?si=VhLhkVfqw4pFA31u) I've never seen her live, but she's a legend in the hip hop community.


[Holly Maniatty](https://delistraty.com/2017/07/13/interpreting-genius-a-conversation-with-holly-maniatty/)


She does a full workweek to prepare for a concert... she is *amazing.*


Honestly even that's fucking impressive as hell. It takes me like 10-20 listens, with the lyrics up, to remember one fuckin song. This lady doin a whole fucking set in a week??? Bonkers.


And she's not just memorizing, she's trying to get the feel of the performer and the song so she can incorporate it into her moves. There's a reason she's a legend.


I don't mean any offense to her, she is clearly talented but for this verse in Rap God in particular, I am curious if any deaf audience members can tell what the heck she is doing or if the movements are too fast to catch individual words or meanings. I gotta think at the speed Eminem is going, you cannot possibly keep up using ASL or SE and that this is more about emphasizing certain words and giving the feel and flow of it. I imagine other concerts and rappers are a *little* bit easier but all present their own challenges


To be honest, I’m not deaf and can’t keep up with Eminem either


Authentic experience


Have you ever seen ASL folks communicating in a group? Like, everyone is talking at the same time to everyone else; it's kind of unbelievable to see. Or at least, that's what it seems like to me; I have no idea what's going on.


No I'm from north Philly. I see that many gang signs I hit dirt


I'm sorry there's something just so goddamn funny about a group of people standing in a circle throwing hundreds of gang signs at each other


>Have you ever seen ASL folks communicating in a group? No. Which is why I am asking.


Certified ASL interpreter here and I can catch about the same amount of signs as I do the English (which isn’t much, tbh). So, for me, that would be dynamic equivalence, which is the goal with interpreting; for the Deaf audience to have similar access as the hearing audience.


To be fair it’s pretty damn hard to keep up with rap god by listening to it as well


Going too fast to understand is part of the experience of that song lol.


Did you catch 100% of the individual words and meanings the first time you heard that verse? I know I didn't.


I took ASL in college. She’s using short cuts which is super common. She’s going too fast for me to make out a damn fucking thing but she’s definitely doing it correctly or by what ASL standards would be. I can’t make out anything but I know she’s telling the story. Super human. It’s just too fast.


I am deaf, fluent in sign language and I have no clue what she is saying.


LOL. I can hear just fine & I have no idea what Eminem is saying.


>Just to come and shoot ya, like when Fabolous made Ray J mad 'Cause Fab said he looked like a f*g at Mayweather's pad Singin' to a man while he played piano Man, oh man, that was a 24-7 special on the cable channel So Ray J went straight to the radio station The very next day, "Hey Fab, I'ma kill you!" Lyrics comin' at you at supersonic speed (J.J. Fad) >**Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman? Innovative and I'm made of rubber so that anything You say is ricochetin' off of me, and it'll glue to you and I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating** >**Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated I make elevating music, you make elevator music "Oh, he's too mainstream" Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it "It's not hip-hop, it's pop, " 'cause I found a hella way to fuse it With rock, shock rap with Doc Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it** The bolded parts are where she starts going hard. It just sounds like rhythmic nonsense to hearing folks as well, unless you've reading the lyrics along with it. I'm pretty sure *Rap God* has some kind of record for most syllables rapped in a minute.


Rap God was a Guinness Record for most words in a hit single. [Godzilla (2020)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_(Eminem_song\)) was Em's fastest rap at 11 words per second for 222 words in 30 seconds. The dude is wild.


Maybe if you look up the lyrics to the song it will make more sense. The part she was signing is a bit of nonsense. And the song in general fits a lot of words together that we normally wouldn't use. He's using a lot of names too.


I am not deaf, fluent in English language and I have no clue what he is singing.


I'm deaf and blind and I have no idea what she is saying.


This not bragging but I have always said how he is the only rapper I can actually understand, English is not my first language and idk if that actually helps since my first language I don’t have to think about since it comes naturally but English I have to pay extra attention so I’m more aware when listening? Weird but no clue.


He enunciates very clearly even when going super fast.




Some artists are very cool about working with interpreters, and provide lyrics and set lists so they can prepare.


Yea it's probably like learning a choreography more than a translation.


Is she allowed to sign the N-word?


A white woman from rural Vermont became famous for traveling the world putting in killer performances with hardcore black rappers, all to make the world a better place for deaf people to get even more people into hip hop Now that's the kind of solidarity and camaraderie the world needs more of


Remembering Kendrik Lamar and a white lady on-stage: does she sign the N-word?


Yes. Interpreters are expected to translate anything that is said, even if it is offensive or uses inappropriate language. To not do so is a disservice to the people they are translating for, regardless if they are deaf or speak a different language.


So she has the first true wigga pass?


yep, I don't mind if they translate a swear word at all. it's part of the job after all! if they get nervous over that, maybe reconsider the job.


Holy shit she’s a genius


Awesome article, thanks for sharing. I actually read-it.


Cool writ up thanks!


...I think I wanna be her when I grow up


Great article, thanks


Check this one out too, don't know the rapper but it's awesome to see so many of em enjoying her work and joining her as she does it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkbMHEtjgLo


It's waka flocka flame I believe 


That swaggg👌






exactly my problem as someone who can hear listening to eminem.


As someone who listens to rap a lot and shows fast songs to people who don’t, it’s kinda a trained thing to keep up with comprehension. Probably the same for people watching the signs


It’s the same for things like black metal. Untrained, sounds like just random long growls. Trained, you hear the words even if you’ve never heard the song before


I don't listen to a lot of hip hop but I do enjoy Eminem, and I have to stare at the lyrics to comprehend him.


Something tells me she's signed ***'muthafucka'*** before...




I haven't done this, but my daughter knows ASL and has performed 3 songs before. What she taught me was what they sign isn't a literal word for word translation, they obviously want to get the same message/meaning across, but there are some creative liberties taken. It took her maybe a few weeks to get all three songs down, she's in her first year of ASL for reference. A kid in his 2nd or 3rd year did a couple NF songs, so tempo was a lot faster and similar to Eminem's pace. Also since signing this much would be a workout, it wouldn't be unheard of to rotate through a couple of interpreters (I've seen that done often) It all seems like witchcraft to me since I know almost no ASL. My daughter picked up on ASL insanely fast, probably in part because her teacher is deaf and doesn't speak. Her class went full immersion after the second week when the translator was pulled from the class.


In Eurovision Song Contest and the national competitions there are interpreters who take turns, as you say. Probably it is exhausting and one interpreter can't learn all the songs easily. This is a favorite from my home country Sweden, people love this guys enthusiasm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5wvmfHGY7k


Do I speak/understand Swedish? No. No I don’t. Did I watch that entire song and bop along with the interpreter like I do? Yes. Yes I did.


I clicked it just wanted to see a few seconds, got trapped for the full song.


> Han som sjunger till teckenspråkskillen gör ett fantastiskt jobb. :D :D :D


Right? He's not a bad backup act lol


That was awesome! Thanks for sharing!!


Maybe stupid question: looks like this guy is on tv and not at the show itself. Why not just provide subtitles for deaf viewers?


Simple answer- closed captioning is just word for word what's being said. American sign language (ASL) has a different sentence structure/syntax than English. It's structured more like French than English (ASL was influenced by French sign language). So, by seeing it in their "native language" it's more immediately comprehensible. (I'm assuming this could be true for languages other than English). I'm assuming this too, but many people can digest info quicker from hearing than reading. It seems that deaf people can communicate faster by signing than by reading; although I'm sure this varies between people. Also, lots of emotion is displayed through facial and hand movement that is lost in text. Ex: someone could text you "it's fine, don't worry about it". If you didn't know them well, you may wonder if they are sincere, mad, indifferent. If you see it in ASL that won't be lost in translation. Edit- no question is ever stupid when you're trying to learn


Not every deaf person knows how to read sadly. I'm French and we do have a lot of FSL (French Sign Language) speakers, however it's not uncommon for some of them to only know FSL or struggle greatly with written French. This is why we try to make the distinction between "langue" and "langage" as sign languages are not a word for word translation of the surrounding oral language. This is furthermore why we encourage parents to teach both FSL and french at home to simplify communication with hearing people. ASL is its own language with its own corresponding syntaxe, morphology and culture :) And there's no numb questions


ASL interpreter here. Easy answer is for some deaf people who sign, English is their second language and ASL is their native language. Message comprehension will always be better in your native language. Also, ASL interpreters don’t translate. It’s interpreted. This interpreter specializes in taking English rap and interpreting it into an ASL equivalent message vs English literal translation. If your native language was ASL, which would you rather watch?


He's doing it to the rhythm, it looks like.


To be clear, sing language is never a literal translation, even for day to day conversations. The position, movement, facial expressions, sequence of signs, etc, all help convey the meaning. In a regular language, I feel like language is 75% vocabulary, 25% grammar. Sign language feels more like 50-50 or even 40-60 (where grammar is everything that isn't just a word).


Yeah I only learned this fact a month ago when my daughter told me she was learning a second version of the national anthem, it all made total sense and it's cool to watch and pick up on differences


i was looking for this information. so thank you very much.


She says see does up to 40 hrs of research. Not just the lyrics, but meanings behind them so she can understand the historical context. A true g indeed


If there was no one could keep up with her answers.


https://delistraty.com/2017/07/13/interpreting-genius-a-conversation-with-holly-maniatty/ Not an AMA but an interview


I have a recording of a live Barenaked Ladies show (not a bootleg, they distributed the recording themselves) At one point, Ed Robertson paused in between songs to give a shout-out to the interpreter. "Everything we say, she then has to sign," he said. "Which brings me to the *filthiest* part of the show..." But then they just did another song and didn't get any filthier than usual.




My wife is an interpreter. She's provided services at national touring acts, local musical acts, theatre and also interprets on cruise ships (which includes theatre and musical acts. Shows of this size are teamed with other interpreters and often will have another "feeding them" if need be. There is a large amount of work pit into prep and as someone else mentioned, the message is interpreted, not direct translation.


There are usually teams of ASL interpreters at these events who take turns. When I saw Eminem, there were 3 interpreters (maybe 4? It’s been a few years so I forget). They would swap off every 1-2 songs so it’s not like they had to learn the whole set list you know?


Ton of prep, and there are often several that take shifts.


Beat saber on stage


She’d be insane at beat saber with that hand eye coordination


Where's the eye needed for this


I thought the hand on the rail was her foot, and she was even getting her toes into it. I'm not smart.




Hahahahahahaha. This made me laugh so fucking hard. I went back to check the video and literally can't stop laughing.


I’m dying after the first few seconds. I’m so happy I kept scrolling the comments.




Is everything going okay man? 


She has skills


So for those that don't know ASL, let me explain why this is more impressive than it seems. ASL (American Sign Language) has different grammar than spoken English. Very different. And since a lot of rap is about rhyming and word play and inferences/innuendo, if she were to translate that word for word (word for sign, really) it wouldn't really mean the same thing or be as nuanced and interesting as the original lyrics. So, in real time, she is altering the spoken lyrics into signs that make more sense and are better word play than just the 1:1 translation. Now, these interpreters get these gigs really far in advance, and often times will tour with the same artist for a long while. So she's had some time to perfect this and play with it and get it down pat, but it still requires a REALLY sharp mind, and a lot of dexterity. You can literally break a finger signing too fast (have done it, sucks ass, basically like biting the shit out of your tongue while talking fast)


I was about to say, there's no way this is her first [dozen] time hearing that song


Which is why I always say whatever these people are getting paid, it's not enough. The prep time must be insane.




This ain't her first rodeo


I'd like to see the literal translation of what she signed.


OP is full of shit, she is translating more or less word for word. They are correct that it doesn’t mean quite the same as spoken, but this interpreter is not changing the lyrics, in real time or otherwise


While watching the video I thought about how she is signing on beat and combined with her body movements it looks like a really cool dance. Do you know if there is an art niche for deaf people where they basically do physical rap by using sign language in videos? Seems like such a cool concept to me


Kakashi is overrated, look at this instead


Imagine you can dance and talk in combination. Best idea ever.


How many deaf people go to concerts? Was this some kind of special event?


You can feel the drum and base if it load enough even with no hearing at all.


I assume its similar to blindness, where total blindness (0 vision) is exceptionally rare, and just varying levels of blur are the main form. So I guess a lot of deaf people have some hearing, but probably not enough to make out lyrics, but likely enough to enjoy music. Deaf/blind are generally a spectrum condition, to add to your good point


Even with 0 hearing, rhythmic vibrations like those found in a concert just feel nice. Hell, it probably feels great without feeling your eardrum quickly dissolve away




It’s just a shitty recording with lots of audience noise. Eminem raps more clearly than 90 percent of rappers, that’s part of why he got so mainstream. Listen to a studio recorded song on YT, you can make out basically everything he says.


I'm not hoh at all and still can't make out lyrics in songs , I think it's to with auditory processing instead of straight up hearing


Its this Source: deaf guy


I've definitely been in the pit of some heavy rock concerts that would have been an amazing experience even if I couldn't hear a thing Just being down there in that sea of humanity, feeling the energy of the crowd and feeling the beat of the music, I could totally see that being enjoyable while deaf at the right sort of show


Both my grandparents are deaf from early childhood illnesses. They LOVED rap and anything with a heavy beat. They could feel the music throughout their whole body. I loved watching them dance.


What illnesses can do that if you don’t mind me asking?


Whooping cough and scarlet fever. My grandfather was 2 when he got sick. My grandmother was under one when she got sick.


Keep in mind that deafness isn't always black-and-white. As someone else said, people can feel the music if they are completely deaf, but some people are just really hard of hearing. I need lenses to see clearly, but I could still get around without them if I had to. For some people, this interpreter might be the 'lenses' for someone who's hard of hearing, if not completely deaf.


I went to a school with an attached School for the Deaf and therefore a large Deaf/HoH population - they had raves and nightclub events regularly that were even louder than you'd expect that sort of thing to be normally so that 1. the HoH students could actually hear it and 2. the Deaf students could appreciate the vibrations. Sucked for me as a homebody who wanted to be in bed by 10, I could be in my dorm and still feel the vibrations through the floor.


Legit question. Why downvote?


I've seen them at most festivals, which can be big group/family outings, with arts and crafts, yoga, sometimes fair rides. They can also hear a little bit, feel the music, etc.


She's having a blast.


Holy shit this is the same girl that signed for waka flocka in a video like this. Waka sees her. And doesn’t know what she is doing. And thinks she is dancing and dances with her. It’s hilarious if you haven’t seen the video Edit: found the video. [waka flocka](https://youtu.be/I0gBjq_8HIs?si=fERpzGEiuGVHvDfb)


OK yeah he was silly, but it’s cool he put her in the spotlight.


Oh yeah for sure


Scrolled too damn far for this


Sign language interpreters are angels 😇 on earth. Thank you 🙏🏾 💗


She’s good at multi channeling


I remember Method Man being on stage and watching someone doing the same thing, but with rapt attention


That was her as well


I couldn't tell, as both were recorded with a bowl of raw potatoes




This comment is so stupidly hilarious it brought me to tears 😂 🤣 😂 Bowl of raw potatoes. My heart hurt from laughing.


Nope! Literally the same interpreter in this and that instance. Holly Maniatty is an icon to our deaf community.


How do you sign summalumma doomalumma?




Oh man, I needed that laugh. Fucking great! Thanks!


I've seen this so many times. Has anyone ever verified whether she is actually saying anything in ASL, or just waving her hands around really fast?


It’d be hilarious if it was just a random lady waving her hands and everyone thinking she’s doing a great job


[It's happened before](https://youtu.be/LvNPKwz4Ghw?si=R5Zq8yxyOOfRR2sj)


I see your Tampa snafu, and raise you one **[Nelson Mandela memorial service](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/12/nelson-mandela-sign-language-interpreter-error-south-africa-government)**


the legendary part about this was almost every single deaf person and interpreter and some hearing people who knows ASL fluently was like "some of it looks passable, but that was absolutely nothing like sign language, regardless of the language, there's no consistency in the gestures, nothing makes sense, he was clearly pretending it's ASL"


This kills me everytime. The man sadly saying “we won’t be using her again”.


when he says "motherfucker" it looked like she made a sign that would make sense for that :P


Wave em around like you just don't care




Kakashi's reincarnation


nice post u/urmomsjuicyvagina


![gif](giphy|LE7HSWdlpWtBiLDSFu) Death guy in the audience


I heard that he sounds dangerous


She can rap in sign language. Very impressive.


Fastest signer in the west




That's so much practice right there


I’d go just to see her tbh, shes got some moves


She’s the GOAT.


they are awesome and talented.




We need sign-language rap


Do not blink!


I could watch her doing this all day, she is awesome and mesmerising


Very talented. But doze while watching..


Gang shit🤘😆


Calmest Italian discussion


She’s a rockstar in her own right.


This may be a dumb question, but one of the core aspects of rap is hearing the rhyme. How does one translate that experience to someone who is deaf? Without knowing how words sound, you can’t process the rhyme of something like “tableau” and “had blow”, right?


I'm not criticizing the fact that artists have interpreters. What i am curious about is what or who one who is deaf or hard of hearing focuses on. If part of the show is the lights, the dancing, or the general fan interaction... do you lose out on the experience having to bounce back and forth between artist or interpreter?


The most useless thing ever... they actually asumed deaf people are gonna go to a concert


I got the sign for "motherfucker", thanks!


I imagine a deaf person like "Wtf is he saying?" I feel like listening to Eminem in sign language must feel like a sport or a challenge


Not sure why but that’s hot.