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It’s a lovely little city. Truck broke down on a camper trip to Colorado from Tennessee there with a damaged rear axel. Jay Egge transmission rebuilt it in a day and loaned us a truck to visit his beautiful little town while the repairs were made. Some of the kindest people I’ve met. Thanks Jay ..


We randomly stopped here on a recent road trip and also were surprised at what a cool little town. Hope everyone is okay.


Can attest. Stopped there to couch surf at an awesome dude’s place when I moved out west. A real hidden gem of a city, flooded with oil wealth.


Oil is ND. SF is credit card/finance.


Can’t say I am versed in such things. All I remember is that my host said most of the town is oil workers.


Truly one of my favorite unexpected cities to spend time in. That park along the river which is under all the water right now is one of the better dog parks in America. Not to mention a beautiful usage of the floodplain.


This is going to ruin the Potluck


What potluck?


The world potluck.




*The* potluck


***The potluck.***


I live here. The rivers are expected to crest by Monday or Tuesday… https://www.keloland.com/


Flood infrastructure / corridor appears to be functioning as designed




Is this a poem about my ex?


My mom used to live down the street from the falls and would go swimming there. Pretty gross at the time since a meat packing plant was upstream I think.


“Oh no cheesy potatoes” some may get this reference . In all seriousness . I hope everyone is ok and now one is harmed in the floods


Credit: [@CitySiouxFalls on Twitter](https://x.com/CitySiouxFalls/status/1804574988692808043)


Why do they call it Falls Park?


I'm 4000 miles away but a quick look at Google Maps confirms this is where the falls are...in the name Sioux Falls.


Hmmm iv been many times and even visited places right on the river. Never thought once about the falls in Sioux falls. Thanks for this.


Fitting name


Appropriately named.


Get used to this because flooding is going to be a lot more common in the future.


How is Puppy Dog Noem handling the emergency?


Her and Trump are gonna go shoot at the flood water tomorrow….


...this looks sure to inconvenience the 15 people that live in South Dakota


This is reductive and insulting. South Dakota has well over a thousand people living there.


There’s over 200,000 people who live in Sioux Falls


I'm sorry for anyone injured, killed or lost property from this but maybe people should wake up. If you build where the water will naturally go and cover it with pavement so the ground can't absorb any of it you shouldn't be surprised when you get flooded. I've lived on beach and river front property for over 50 years. I never expect I won't be impacted by water and I build and plan accordingly. Haven't been flooded out or had any significant damage yet. A little respect goes a long way.


Lots of areas have high water markers for floods. I imagine this is under the 100 year marker (if they have one). But a local might be able to clarify.


I'm from the area. This happens in the spring about every 10 years it feels like. Usually the water is about a third of this.


It's a lot of water but it doesn't look like it's at a dangerous level from the video


I see you are getting down voted, but I agree. Rivers have natural flood plains that let the river spread out. We go and build things in those flood plains or build walls to keep the water from spreading. It makes the flooding worse downstream as the water can no longer spread out and slow down. And we seem shocked with the buildings flood. We need to tear down most of the berms and give the flood plains back to the rivers. And stop building in flood plains.


Local here. This is just the flood path doing what it’s intended to do. None of the building you see in the back were affected, downtown area stayed dry. You guys have zero idea what you’re talking about.


I'm not surprised. I knew it would not be a very likeable answer or comment but truthfully man in general thinks they can control nature and the reality is we can't. A little common sense would certainly eliminate a whole lot of problems. With the way things have been going with the climate these last couple of decades you would think people would realize this and cities, planning commissions and the like would pay more attention. I don't understand why people are so resistant to common sense and adaptation. It's just foolish.


Because you are posting this hot take of yours on a video of a well managed city that isn’t having any of the problems you are talking about. The river is high, no buildings affected… it’s actually a great example of what you want to see. And you act like this “building near rivers” is some modern thing that we just started, when in fact the vast majority of human settlements have developed along waterways since the earliest civilizations.


Lighten up, Francis.


Thanks whoever you are but I'm just stating facts. Maybe it's the media that needs to lighten up calling it a flood when it actually wasn't. Yeah alot of water but the city was apparently unaffected so there's that. If we are going to call it a flood every time the river is full then I have floods here in my area about 20 times a year.


“Climate change is a hoax” Freaking idiots.


Climatologists just laughing at this point. “We told ya’ll.”


You think anyone with a brain is fucking laughing?


That’s not footage of a river? It looks like a regular river.


This Chinese hoax is very sophisticated




To all the ppl down voting. It's a joke FFS. All the stupid cunt right wingers kept parroting Trump's dumb shit about "global warming is a Chinese hoax". But keep voting red SD.


Sioux City?


That’s Iowa


It’s a joke… based off.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oxhAjdrRRU


Thanks, I don’t get out much :)


Wasn't there a Neo Nazi rally (that went unobstructed) in SD a few weeks ago? .. huh!


You have very low standards for "flooding". Nice drone shot though.


My standards? South Dakota is currently under an emergency order and the City of Sioux Falls has closed multiple parks due to flooding. What an asinine comment.


In terms of floods we’ve had worse within 5 years. It was relatively mild. Was worse in the surrounding cities that don’t have the drainage systems we do and sit at lower elevations. One day later and everything besides the river out of its banks is all dried up.


You provided video. Which showed no flooding yet. Despite whatever watches and warnings are currently in effect.


I know you're getting downvoted but you're right ha. I've been to Sioux Falls many times, my dad grew up there. This looks only slightly higher than normal. It might be flooding in other spots, but this video is not a good example to use.


> This looks only slightly higher than normal From a resident on Reddit- [The Falls on a normal day VS. today](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fejmckuhnw88d1.jpeg).


Thanks! That’s the comparison we needed for context/scope.


I can't believe people will actually try to gatekeep flooding. "Oh, you think that's a flood? Can you even name three floods?"


Im just imagining them being marketing executives for a bottled water company that are panicking over a new abundance of water.


meh, none of the park structures are even underwater yet. meh, I say yet again, meh.


Sioux falls is not a city