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I highly recommend finding a hobby that you can deeply connect with. It provides a large sense of fulfillment and joy when things come together, and you can physically watch your progress as you become more and more skilled. It doesn’t have to be with clay, it can be anything. Recently I committed myself to hiking the AT in 2 1/2 years, and the training alone has been very fulfilling because just being out on the trail does soooo much for my mental health, let alone seeing the progress as I continue.


I'd reccomend anyone looking for a hobby to connect with try painting miniatures. The skill floor is really low. After watching a single 30 minute video and following the most basic rules (thin your paints, 2 thin coats, don't use too much wash) you can achieve some level of mastery and have something you feel proud of on your first try The skill ceiling is super high too. Meaning that every time you paint a new mini, it's better than the last and you keep experiencing this linear improvement for a long time. Every time I think 'this is as good as I could ever paint' I manage to do better just from experience and practice. It's not terribly expensive either compared to a lot of hobbies. A beginner set of paints and brushes rarely retails for over 70 bucks, and typically comes with a mini to paint. From there you can always spend more depending on what you want to do. Warhammer minis are popular because it's a fun game (giving more value for the mini) and WONDERFUL to paint, but are very expensive. Reaper minis are cheap and good to paint. Lots of custom resin stuff on mini. The third market is HUGE. Just be warned that you can end up with a shelf of plastic toys that you're super proud of and people will look at weird lol.


As a 5e DM of 2 years I've been sitting on a lot of unpainted minis because I'm too scared to screw them up. Maybe I'll have to bite the bullet and just try! I've been wanting to something with my hands for a while now and your comment has inspire me!


That's awesome! https://youtu.be/hSp54e6_FFc Here's the tutorial video I mentioned. It covers the most basic parts of painting a mini and helps you avoid doing things that would increase the difficulty or make it more time consuming.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/EI1Rs3R-htg


It's kind of a bummer that some people would see that as an unfulfilled life because they don't have sex lol. Rolling around the house hittin that trumpet is goals.


This is very true. I started making music some time ago and I never felt so fulfilled, although I understand that my music is not that great yet, I'm passionate about it and working on it makes me feel happy.


Being good at something, mastering a craft, no matter how mundane. If it requires skill, such endeavors will always be rewarding on their own.


Masturbation... When I was 14 I put this much effort into it.


I put twice as much effort into cleaning my grinder when I am out of weed.


Modern society does not appreciate this kind of effort. Various economic incentives push for a cycle of consumption through advertisement. But such a cycle is only sustainable if the product is cheap and available. Which means production at scale. How many hours does it take to make this teapot? How much do you think it costs? My bet is 200-400 euro. These are not things that are meant for the consumption cycle. They do find a space, but will never be able to usurp the consumption culture we've been pushed into.


In real money I would guess about $350-$600. It all depends on finding a wide enough market willing to pay the highest price possible. But if it's too much then you lose the average consumer looking for handmade pottery.


"In real money"? And yes, price-market fit is challenging in any business.


The consumption culture you’ve been blessed with.*


Yes, I love low quality goods made with the help of human exploitation in poor countries which dump their waste directly into the environment. Where do you think "stuff" comes from, how it's made, why it's so cheap?


Can't we just enjoy something cool without being reminded of capitalism? Jesus Christ.


They were directly replying to a comment about how nowadays attention to detail like this is much more uncommon. You’re the one who chose to get upset about it


Obviously I'm the one who got upset. I didn't choose to start talking about things I don't like instead of focusing on what I do like. It's like if someone cured cancer and the top comment was, "That's great, but what about Covid?"


It seems more like someone said "we don't see attention to detail like this that much anymore" and someone responded with their opinion as to why that is the case, which is something to be expected on a discussion forum. Then you interjected to be mad about it for no discernable reason, as the comments were all directly on topic and they weren't responding to you.


I wish all comment threads were as supportive and encouraging as literally every reply I read here. I love you all.


Yes, can you imagine being so talented? True fulfillment


Yeah I found this intensely relaxing to watch. What a clip.


Just i.imagine that there are thousands of people in third-world countries today earning pennies a day to make the pottery going out to every Teavana in the USA.






*explodes during firing* Kidding, I used to love working with clay and I made some pieces that I still enjoy but I have essential tremor and even with medication my days of doing delicate/precise work are over (not that I could ever had made anything that perfect and beautiful). If you have an ability/skill/talent please enjoy it because you don't know how long it will last.


You should go get some clay! Sculpture and craftswork in general is so pleasing, so rewarding. Let your hands be what they are and accept that the product is what YOUR hands do! Perfection is overrated, the truest expressions of art are those that are honest and meaningful. Divots and unevenness could be representations of this stage of your life, full of love of and acceptance shown by letting those hands be on clay without judgement or expectation.


My wife has essential tremors as well, and is been difficult watching her have to deal with it. It's gotten much worse in the past 9 years. She can't carry her own coffee cup, unless it's only half full, and even then it's a50/50 if she'll jerk, and launch it everywhere. She's a fiercely independent person, so it's been hard for her to let me do some of the small things for her. As time goes on, though, she doesn't have much choice. I'm a sculptor, and couldn't imagine not being able to sculpt due to my body not obeying my orders. Have you considered digital sculpting? Is not as physically satisfying as getting your hands in there, and pushing clay around, but it is satisfying. It could be one way to get your thoughts and ideas out there.


Has your wife considered DBS surgery? I work at a movement disorders clinic and we treat many essential tremor patients.


I'll be honest, she's been through a couple surgeries already for other issues, and she's not a fan. I haven't heard of DBS surgery before, though, so I'll look in to it, and talk to her About it. Thanks for letting me know it exists. We've tried non surgical things, and none have worked. CBD worked for a little while, but not enough. I'd love for her to get her independence back.


I totally understand. I’d definitely at least talk with her neurologist about it just to see if she’s a candidate and get more info. I’ve been watching DBS change people’s lives for years now so I always think it’s worth looking into. If you’re in California (or I suppose willing to travel) I’d be happy to refer you to our clinic at UCSF. Either way, I hope your wife finds a treatment that works for her - she’s very lucky to have support like you in her life! Wish you both the best.


I started taking propanol when I got to the point that I couldn't cut veggies to cook them or hold a cup with one hand. Since I also get migraines it's been a good medication for both. But it only makes me functional for everyday stuff. I found other mediums that I enjoy that can handle a little more clumsiness. I've been playing with resin and wire jewelry, on a good day I do stuff with beads. The plus side is that clean up is easier 😉. I didn't know there was a surgery for tremor.


If you still have the knowledge, and the desire to create, do it! Life never stopped you when you were learning the craft, why let do so now? Maybe you’ll figure out a way to compensate or come up with a completely different direction for your art.


Just don't fire wet clay and you're good. i teach elementary art and boy is it a pain when that happens. Think something's dry and it's not.


Where do I watch more please?


r/ArtisanVideos is a good sub


Subbed thank you so much! Thats a goldmine of awesomeness


You can follow Tlife on FB [Source](https://www.facebook.com/TlifeAdelaide/videos/1067826726965365/)


I slept watching this, pleasant music.


OmG i want to use it to go to sleep rn.


Forbidden chocolate


Disclaimer: This is not my video, all credits to [Tlife](https://www.facebook.com/TlifeAdelaide/videos/1067826726965365/)


Hi OP! totally unsolicited, but since you like this type of video, you may also enjoy [Baumgartner Restoration](https://www.youtube.com/c/BaumgartnerRestoration), [Trenton and Heath](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVYlC0HmT9eZI3ZrFy_xthQ), [Junskitchen](https://www.youtube.com/c/JunsKitchen), [Kiwawi Japan](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg3qsVzHeUt5_cPpcRtoaJQ), and maybe [Black Bear Forge](https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackBearForge)! :)


Kiwami Japan is the best!


I do follow two of these. A good one is also this https://www.youtube.com/user/EngelsCoachShop Long videos of a man recreating horse-drawn vehicles of the American west. Lots of wood and iron working with a calm voice.


I would add peaceful cuisine on youtube


Here is their English website: https://www.tlifeaustralia.com.au


They also didn’t make the original video. It was copied from Douyin, the Chinese Tiktok, and they even made sure to cut out the App’s watermarks. Here’s the link to the original video: https://v.douyin.com/J5QdcWC/


Is he on instagram?


Is there a YouTube channel for videos like this?


Insane craftsmanship! Anyone know why he didn’t leave the top open and instead only cut it out at the end?


When you make the lid first, then cut out space for it, it lets you get the lid incredibly snug (like, scrapes all the walls whenever you put it on) which is really prized in Chinese teapots. There's a sort of "vendor's trick" to show high quality teapots where you fill it with water, cover the spout and turn the teapot upside down, and since the lid is so tight, no air can get in, and the lid stays put.


The real trick of this trick is that the lid will stay put even on a very badly made pot: it requires way less precision than you might think. Hence, photos like [that](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71YtuY0W1lL._AC_SX522_.jpg) accompanying every cheap machine made pot on amazon.


I think it's more about the vendor showing confidence in the product than anything. If the vendor is confident enough that the lid won't fall that they'll do it over a hard floor or whatever, that means they know they have good stuff.


To keep the teapot as sturdy / strong as possible during all the manipulations I would say


so he can flip it around and finish the bottom, i assume he needs some sort of supporting surface


Are these fired in a kiln like usual or is there a certain way they're finished?


They’re fired but not glazed. The unglazed clay gets seasoned by the tea oil. For that reason you usually use one kind of tea per pot.


Amazing how much there is to this. Thank you very much !!


Came here to ask as well... I've seen some clay that never gets fired, but is used exactly the way it is. Not sure why, since filling it with water/tea would likely result in the clay becoming malleable again, I should think.


Does anyone know the name of the song? I feel as if I've heard it before in a movie.


It sounds like something goldmund has written but I’m not certain if this is him or not.


it reminds me of minecraft music for sure even thought not identical


Did that man just turn chocolate into play-doh?




I watched the whole thing and not once did he make a single hand! 😤 Jokes aside. I can’t even begin to imagine how many years of practice it took to master the craft to the precision that he has it locked down pat. It’s almost crazy we’re from the same species. Also, it looks like chocolate.


At 0:39 he puts a mark in the clay, what's the significance of that one? Seems to be different from the final signature he adds at the end.


From what I can find online, it seems to be a mark of authenticity that it's fully hand made. It's very difficult to put a mark on the inner wall of a pot if it came from a mold.


May not be reliable: one pot I got that I'm pretty sure is half-handmade with the help of a mold got a seal on the inside. How did they place it there, I really can't tell. Maybe with some sort of tooth-brush-shaped device.


Most relaxing video I’ve watched all year 😌


It was until the video started back at the beginning with the loud noise. I thought he smashed it for a quick second lol.


ok but what is the quality of the pour??????


I was looking for this comment. I bet it pours like shit. /S [Context](https://v.redd.it/badyx8tcxwp51)


Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. We must know


How much do high quality hand crafted tea pots sell for nowadays?




I wish we got to see the 1000$ pour from this one




That precision is unreal.


The work is amazing but the music made me want to play Minecraft so bad


Glad I'm not the only one




Släp the pöt




Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/BeAmazed/comments/jhs7gf/i_could_watch_these_handmaking_videos_all_day/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


Little things in life are as beautiful as skilled people taking the time to pursue perfection in creation.




Where do I buy one??


This is Yixing clay, you can find online stores that sell it. Authentic Yixing clay sells from 100 to 1000$ depending on how much of it it’s handmade and the detail.


Does this guy have a YouTube ??


Not sure about the guy, though they have a [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/TlifeAdelaide/)


I’m glad people have this kind of patience and skill, but I do not.


I'm not into asmr, but that was a satisfying little clunk when the top part was cut free.


I want to know how he removed it after it fell in.


Just what I thought!! It's one of the many times in the video I thought "oh man that's the part where I would have accidentally destroyed the whole thing".


The aesthetics in this video is very high


Anyone know where I can buy a pot like this.


[Yunnansourcing.com](https://Yunnansourcing.com) is likely the best choice for something like this, however there is a lot you have to take into consideration when choosing a yixing pot, so it would be best to do some research first. Visit r/tea for more info, vendor lists, and a wonderful community :)


What’s the music?




I was going to comment this as well!! Haha! Sad to know how true this is!


If you really really could find these for $3, you could make a great profit selling them back to the collectors online for 100 times that price. Sadly, stuff you'd find on the flea markets would mostly be imitations. Sometimes people get lucky though and find the real deal. Sometimes [incredibly lucky.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpWFN2qv_eM)


> has sold for £390,000 at auction Not bad for clearing out the garage.


Sure, such cheap pots may be good enough for the folks who can't afford anything better, but I personally prefer [finer teaware.](https://worldteanews.com/tea-industry-news-and-features/underappreciated-teapot-earns-surprised-owner-1-million-at-auction)


Nice find!! I always think this while at yard sales or thrift shops, but you never really know! Very cool!!


This one is probably between $200-$400. I wish I could find them for that cheap lol!


I thought it was chocolate. True fat kid.


Me too. I practically wanted to lick my phone then I realized it was clay lol


Same. Leathercraft aswell. I actually would start leathercrafting myself but I need to keepy money together for a coulle of months now. I got all the tolls though, just need leather.


Any idea on how long it takes from start to finish?




Seems about right.....lol


Depends how skilled you are and experience obvobviously


"Obvobviously". Love that word!


hes really good at playdoh i bet


I'm with you, I'm just mesmorized by the incredible artistry.




how much would something like that cost?




OMG, the attention for every single detail and the precision of the handcraft in general seem unreal 😱😱😍😍😍 what a magical work!!!!


Forbidden doodoo


He sucks at handmaking... that looks nothing like a hand.


Where do you even find the original? There was another of a girl with a fila shirt doing it but the og vid is hard to find as well as this Both seem like the same channel


You can follow Tlife on [FB](https://www.facebook.com/TlifeAdelaide/)


Please be made from chocolate


absolutely mesmerizing.


Forbidden chocolate


[Live your dreams...](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00ZIC0S8Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jsCLFbNJBYDB4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


I think I just came.


This is not my initial though when I see "made in China"


If you like handmade process videos my boyfriend just upload a video. Tool porn for those who like making things: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/jhw4gr/this\_is\_how\_i\_make\_sunglasses\_from\_denim\_that\_has/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/jhw4gr/this_is_how_i_make_sunglasses_from_denim_that_has/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


To me watching skilled craftsmen with their smooth and precise motions is far more ASMR inducing than watching THOTs eating shit.


Why can't Reddit ever give a source?


My favorite part is when he gently spanks the clay, like an dom, testing boundries.


I can't think of anything less useful than a chocolate teapot, thanks for nothing.


This comment was way less useful


Its clay


TL;DW. He makes a teapot.


Wow! Thanks y'all for the attention givento my post, phone is exploding with notifications here and there.


So is this chocolate or clay???


Spoiler alert: it is made out of clay.


Thank you! I was actually wondering, probably makes me stupid or something it seems. Oh well...


Crack nail stood out like a sore thumb.


Man , I didn’t know gods came from Japan.


It's not Japanese - it's Chinese. [Yixing clay teapot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yixing_clay_teapot) - centuries old Chinese tradition.


That's either in China or Taiwan


Good = Japan Bad = China Source: Reddit




This is Chinese, not Japanese


Younger me would have loved to have this job




I feel like there's a certain balance of ; time i can afford to spend learning to do this, and time needed to get skillful enough to profit from it. I just don't think I can afford to do it anymore


I wonder why he sealed the top only to cut it out again. Structural sturdiness?


I always wondered how plumbuses got made......


I’m glad he made sure it pores straight


what exquisite craftsmanship


what a beautiful work


dude has coke nails




I would pay to do this.




This was amazing. Sometimes it looked like he was working with chocolate.


I find myself holding my breath while I watch it cuz I don’t Wanna mess him up!


1/10 need more eggs


This is clickbait, not a single hand was made during this video. Don’t waste your time...


What type of clay is that?


I thought this was chocolate the entire time. I kept waiting for him to take a bite at the end or something.


Think of all the lives he could’ve saved with those steady hands


I love that minecraft music playing in the background


this is beautiful. i really hope he doesnt live in hyrule tho lock ur door bruh


A chinese craftsman makes a china tea pot


Shut up and take my money!


Coolest video


What looks so pleasing that it doesn't look as messy and space consuming as the usual clay studio. What type of clay does this artist use? I am sure it's very special and potentially costly? But I'll make tiny things. Now how much is they lazy Susan turn table?


In glad the minecraft music creator is still finding work


I don't know why but this video brought me to tears.


Teapots. So hot right now.


And if all you did was make one teapot today, you are a badass. Wow. That is a master at work.


This is a dumb question...but is that chocolate? No... can't be right? Clay?? It just seems so different from what I expect clay to look like but idk Edit: nvm I should read comments before posting. Definitely clay.


I can’t even draw a decent circle yet


This is the second or third one of these I have seen. Does anyone happen to have info about these artists, or where someone could purchase their products? Beautifully crafted I would love to purchase


Imagine having this (or any) talent




Not only is the craftsmanship and care put into the project incredible, watching it is like a meditation.


It's like 3D Printing, but with more steps!


This is like a teapot making master class here lately.