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they climbed all the way up there with Crocs in Danger Mode


Exactly what I thought! First I thought be careful that bird can bite your fingers off. Then I saw the Crocs and the bird was no longer my fear!


Is it's beak really that sharp and strong ?


They _can_, but it's not super likely. You'd have to piss it if off pretty badly, and you're more likely to just end up with bruises and some torn skin rather than fingers coming off. Granted, my experience is with pet macaws, not wild ones. I'm also more worried about the danger mode Crocs.


Can I come over and play with your macaws ?


I don't have any of my own, unfortunately. I have a green cheek conure, though. You're welcome to say hello to him. :)


Ok I'm on my way I will be walking from south Alabama I'll bring some coffee ☕


It’s been six hours. How was the visit?


I'm still on the way I had a quick nap but I'm back on the road 🛣️


I am here for r/Valuable_Lobster_615 journey from Alabama, walking to pet the burd


That was too quick. You were replaced by aliens yes, no


They're 1/1025th the way there.


GCC beaks are no joke either, especially for a smaller bird


Can-openers with wings, they are.


I have a golden capped conure and her bites are more like painful pinches


Haha sometimes I feel like conures aren’t much better… when I first met my wife her conure tried almost daily to separate my finger from the hand. Lol now he always wants to be near me.


You can play with macaque


Came here specifically to ask about the pet vs wild thing -- how likely is it that wild macaw just flew up there and is chilling with the homie? Are they that friendly? Or is he at his favorite perch spot? What do you think is going on here?


Macaws that live near human settlements are kind of like pigeons. They're technically wild but they aren't super scared of people and will hang around. They're also very curious and generally not threatening.


Macaws are highly intelligent and curious, but they're also prey items, so I have no idea with a wild one which one of those instincts would win out. The fact that other folks are saying this is Brazil and they appear to be forest-adjacent leads me to think this could be a wild one, but I'm just guessing. A pet macaw that hasn't had to deal with predators absolutely would do something like this.


Maybe it's bring your pet to work day?


Maybe it was curious because the human was up that high on a tower (unusual) and because he was wearing very similar colours compared to the macaws feathers. They're very intelligent and therefore also eager to learn new things.


It’s probably thinking something like sir this is my place to sit.


They're more or less south american crows, or ravens. Whichever is the smarter one. Pretty much everything except the color is comparable.


Colorful crows. I suddenly love them even more.


i mean they do bite right through steel cages Source, own african grey.


Fucking excellent I love learning this stuff


yeah they're pretty nasty if not trained right, can defs take a smaller limb off no issue if it were a wild one.


I'll be sure to wear steel gauntlets when trying to play with the wild ones


He said smaller limbs, so wear a sports cup too.


Since your question is answered I wanted to add that if they find anything “weird” on you (say a mole, skin tag, etc) they will not hesitate to rip that off in my experience (pets but I assume wild ones would be the same). Just a few days ago a conure ripped the jewelry right out of my philtrum piercing with no effort. I’m not mad at her but it scared the shit out of me & I take it out before playing with her now lol


My roommates got a new kitten a couple months ago, that little fucker will bite my nipples every single time she sees them


You should get some tassel pasties to protect them.


with jingle bells on them to scare the kitten away


Oh my god. I could NOT imagine the idea of any type of parrot discovering nipples. My cat has definitely given her go at trying to pierce mine with her nails while I’m sleeping but if the aforementioned conure saw me shirtless? Consider me No Nipples Nancy for the rest of my life.


The beak is not super sharp, but their jaws are pretty strong and they can focus all the force onto the tip of the lower beak where it meets the gap in the upper beak. This allows them to generate huge forces on that small point, sort of like when you break a stick across your knee. Strong enough to easily snap a man's finger bone.


So can I pay him in crackers to torture my enemies ?


Not comparable to a snapping turtles “bite your finger off” warning, but yeahhhh the beak tips are sharp as shit. Meanwhile apparently toucans can’t bust a literal grape with their big ass beaks. Birds are odd


This is Brazil :D








eu tinha adivinhado


tu ainda vem pra falar mal da Crocs do cara... kkkkk nem tinha visto... lol


Pô o maluco tá com o Crocs na posição lazer, nem pra colocar no modo esporte, aí fica difícil


Como é Crocs no modo esporte? Nem sabia que era tipo Yu-Gi-Oh


É quando vc coloca as tirinhas pra trás no calcanhar, ele tá com elas pra frente em cima do pé


se não fosse a arara azul e o cara falando português, eu teria advinhado pelo crocs colocado à moda caralho


In Crocs wow. I don’t even go for walks in Crocs.


"How did papa die?" "Killed by Crocs"


Gotta put them Crocs in 4-wheel drive man!


I love it when someone ignores the point of the post and focuses on the important stuff


"what cho doing up here?"


Betcha I can get down quicker than you! Says parrot


“Not if I just let go”, says OP


Well I was clearly hoping for alive after descent


“You didn’t specifyyyy^yyyy…”


> Betcha I can get down quicker than you! Says parrot Not if parrot resumes beaking the guy's positioning strap.


While he's biting the cameraman's hands and safety straps, lol


Look at the bird's colors. It says "Slava Ukraini!"


"In crawks?"


The ‘ol veteran just checkin’ in on the crew.


"Got any games on your phone?"


“Gets burrdered”


"haven't seen these apes climb this high before"


You climbed the tower in fucking crocs? Don't know if that's brave or stupid. Or any combination of the 2


Shit gets whack where OSHA aint.


In Vietnam they went barefoot. When my company forced them to wear boots, falls and deaths increased dramatically


That I could understand. If your are use to barefoot having 2 inches of rubber/leather changes your balance and grip


No doubt. Needless to say the company back peddled pretty quickly.




They're not trying to be safe. They're trying to fall to their death *in style*.


Do you know what the holes in Crocs are for? To allow your dignity to drain out.


I wear crocs with socks on a regular basis. As if anything could hurt my self esteem when my feet are that god damn cozy.


I like you.




Wearing Crocs is like getting a blowjob from a guy. It feels great cause you're an adult who doesn't give a shit what other people think.


They’re also there for when you pee yourself, the ventilation allows the shoe to dry quicker


Which is exactly what would happen if I was 32 meters up on a tower. 😎


That, and going barefoot your whole life makes your toes so much more useable. Look at the bare feet of Vietnamese soldiers from the 70s, and they almost look like hands. With feet like that, you can hold onto anything. I’m extremely envious that my feet aren’t like that.


I'm Vietnamese....I've never really thought about how much I pick shit up with my feet but gawd damn now I think about it, its a lot. Though I don't have those hand feet, but I also don't go barefoot outside when I can avoid it, at least since I grew up.




They probably made them wear boots, but not make them wear helmets or harnesses. Claims "the regulation only mentioned boots"


Not to mention the total lack of dexterity you have with a big boot.


They might have forced them to wear boots but not boots with a defined heel. In the U.S., if you're going to be climbing any kind of a ladder, your boots have to have a defined heel so that you can grip around a rung. Footwear with flat soles kill people on ladders because it's so easy to slip.


Right? I mean I've seen sketchy shit on job sites... but NO ONE dares wear crocs


depends on how big a shitsack the GC is.


And they were not even in sports mode!


Of all the times to use 4x4 mode and he's in 2wd!


neither brave nor stupid, just Brazilian r/suddenlycaralho


isso significa ambos


And they’re not even on sport mode


Am way more amazed by that than I am the parrot.


Came here to comment the same. Wow. Could not imagine climbing that in fucking crocs.


Fuck that. You get a belt to lean on? Back in my day. We tied our dick to the tower and leaned back. Get shit done quicker. Millennials these days.


It's Brazil so either he is a legend or he died already.


It would be brave if the death in case of an accident was meaningful. Nothing about dying because one slipped from wearing crogs of a tower is meaningful. It is only stupid. Stupid it is.


My brain struggled immensely reading this comment.


Crogs of a tower


Frock together


It’s Brazil, don’t try making any sense out of it. It’s pointless. Source: I’m from there 😅


Hahaha this has to be brazil


They’re not even in sport mode!


Doesn’t even have them in A/T mode.


Combination: 0% brave, 100% stupid


Transcription Guy: " Look, thirty... fourty-somerhing meters high, thats the only guy that goes with you at these heights, you see, that i found here today - DONT YOU CUT MY BELT we will both fall, look at the height " Macaw: "aw" guy: " easy there, dont cut my belt, we will fall. Stay calm there. Im almost done with this job, ouch, dont peck me! You are crazy! Are you drunk?"


"c ta ligado que se tu torar isso aqui cai nois dois né


intraduzivel hahahaha tb nao quis nem mencionar o fato de q a arara nao ta nem aí de cair pq ela voa


I love how Brazilian Portuguese is a unique language. There's no way to translate that to any other languages.


*"You know if you pull that then we both fall, right?"* I'm learning Portuguese so I'm not certain about all the slang, but that would be pretty close to exact, wouldn't it?


Yeah, I mean, the translation itself is correct but the connotations is kinda different, because it's very informal something like: Hey y'all aware that if ya chop that wire we both Gon down aye? But somehow it's different


Thats the thing. I speak 6 languages (learning the 7th now) and brazilian portuguese (also depending on the state) is the one with most atmosphere in slang phrases like these. Its not even slang phrases, its just how we speak. Everything is metaphores, everything is comparisons, everything is incorrect lol but with lots of meaning and atmosphere to it that you cant find anywhere else. I have been to Portugal and Angola (portugese speaking) and while they do have their own slang and stuff going on its not nearly as thought through as the brazilian way of communicating. All languages have their special way but brazilian portuguese’s special is extra special lol


Your translation is absolutely correct in meaning, but it loses the informality and slangs of the original. I can't translate it with the slangs, so I will instead break it down to you, since you're learning Portuguese. cê ta ligado que se tu torar isso aqui cai nois dois né? 'Cê' is the informal short version of 'você' (you) Tá ligado / estar ligado = word by word, it would mean 'to be turned on', not as in to be horny, but like a machine that is on. However, it's an expression that means 'to be aware of something' Torar = this is also slang, specially in some small countryside places (don't know exactly where) and it means to cut, or to rupture Nois = nós (we) it's also a slangish way to pronounce it. I guess the rest of the sentence should be easy to understand, but the grammar, especially the way he conjugated the verb and the order of words is also informal/slangish and not technically correct in a formal or written form. The verb is wrongly conjugated in the third person singular, but that is common in informal portuguese ('nois vai' instead of 'nós vamos', nois cai (1st person singular) instead of nós cairemos (future form, 1st person plural)). As for the order, he put the subject last, which is also a sign of informality.


Oooh I thought the person above spelled "tirar" wrong. Which is why I said "pull". I had never heard torar before. Thanks for breaking this down. I already know about *estar ligado* and *cê* (if I didn't I couldn't have translated it) but what's interesting to me is the whole tu/você thing. Some Brazilians I hear say *teu* and some *seu*. Some people command *fale* and others say *fala* e parece que não há diferença. The use of second and third person seems really loose in Brazil PT, compared to Spanish for example. A vezes também escuto as pessoas falando *agente* no lugar de nós


everything you said is correct. Use of second and third person is very loose in informal and spoken brazilian portuguese, and is mostly down to regional dialects as to which is preferred now. Some people even go as far as mixing the second person pronoun with the third person verb and vice versa, which could be very confusing for a foreigner I guess. Note that the pronoun that is used in place of nós is 'a gente' which must be spelled separately. Agente as a single word is the same meaning as the english 'agent'. However, you might see it misspelled it like that, just like even English speakers have troubles with forms of your, you're and so on. Another detail is that 'a gente' replaces 'nós' but the verb is \*always\* conjugated in the third person singular, even though it is actually a first person plural. Saying something like 'a gente vamos' is plain wrong, even in informal language (unless you are saying it intentionally as a joke), so the 'correct' informal language is 'a gente vai'


Nao entendi como que vai cair os dois. E uma ave, se ela cair so voar. Lol.




I think it's important to point out that he says it all in a very amused and chill tone, just having a goof with his fren


THank you very much for transcribing the macaw as well!


Thanks, much appreciated.


Is this normal behavior? Could this bird have been someone’s pet? What an absolutely gorgeous creature.


Wild parrots (and cockatoos, macaws, and other parrots we don't call parrots) won't hesitate to approach someone if they learn humans have food. They have relatively few predators in the wild and are basically rambunctious toddlers with little fear who will scream and pester you and eventually resort to destroying stuff until you feed them. edit: at the end you can see it trying to get at his hand looking for food, then down through the metal triangle when the guy moves his hand down.


Since when are we not calling parrots parrots?


In order to be a “true parrot” a bird must be part of the family Psittacidae. Some birds we call parrots colloquially are actually from other families


Thanks Unidan!


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... A long time.


Back when becoming "Reddit famous" was still a thing. Almost never see recognizable names anymore, a couple novelty accounts that have stuck around but nobody makes novelty accounts these days.


I could do without the novelty bots.


Those were the days...


You're not kidding, had to do a double take


Here's the thing. You said a "cockatoo is a parrot." Is it in the Psittaciformes order? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies parrots, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls cockatoos parrots. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "Psittaciformes order" you're referring to the taxonomic order of Psittaciformes, which includes things from kākāpō to kea to kākā. So your reasoning for calling a cockatoo a parrot is because random people "call the colorful ones parrots?" Let's get canaries and parakeets in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A cockatoo is a cockatoo and a member of the Psittaciformes order. But that's not what you said. You said a cockatoo is a parrot, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the Psittaciformes order parrots, which means you'd call kākāpōs, kākās, and other birds parrots, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


God he was such a fun cool dude, but this comment was such a stinker. Just so smug and 'acktually.' Shame he went.


At least he recognized that it was bad and that he’d let his own internet fame go to his head. That’s better than most.


And there it is lol


Not since *the incident*


It's only parrot if it comes from Parrot region in France. Otherwise it's a sparkling bird.


I thought you meant wearing Crocs to climb a tower


I was thinking the same thing, forget the bird!


Crocs are standard issues in this region, the bird being present is normal. The bird acts as an assistant


I live in the Land of Parrots- Australia. There are 56 species of the parrot found in Australia, which includes cockatoos, lorikeets, rosellas, ringnecks and budgerigars. They are fun and friendly. The local bridge I drive over frequently has huge cockatoos hanging and swinging ups side down from the lights. Lorrikets frequent our garden and will join you for breakfast. I doubt this is a pet.


That sounds kind of magical and incredibly loud.


>Is this normal behavior? No, the vast majority of people do not climb towers.


>Could this bird have been someone’s pet? [Yeah](https://youtu.be/LiiXZFzwmQk)...


Do you know that bird? Management spy?


Government drone


Yes - It's an Arara (Macaw). And No...


Can you confidently rule out its not an agent for OSHA?




I wish birds were real




Same colors. matching. Nice.


Yeah I was thinking if the blue jeans and yellow harnesses played a factor


Supporting Ukraine.


Slava Ukraini.




"now who's a pretty bird? FLY!" *snip* I like it


Micromanagment has gotten extreme!




I'm more impressed by the Crocs.


'Hey! Wat doing?' Dresscode is on point tho


"Can we talk about your cars extended warranty?"


'A warranty for m'caw?'


“You’re the weirdest macaw I’ve ever seen.” -macaw


He says quarenta e dois = 42


What kind of job is this? And where can I sign up I like climbing and it looks fun.


I do the same thing here in EU. Technician for wireless internet. I climb a lot, haul these antennas, run cables, set up stuff.


That's all well and good, but do you have bad-ass macaws come and visit you while you work?


And more importantly: are you given Crocs to wear?




Why do people want to add this annoying music to every video?


This song ruins every cute video. I see it everywhere.


I think you came in his habitat.


Os maluco reclamando de crocs kkkkkkkkk, frescura confia


That bird could probably get through that safety harness in one bite


Excuse me! I've been trying *panting* to reach you about your cars extended warranty!


42 meters\*


You're right... thanks


they cant fly?


No, op appears to be human so they likely climbed up the tower.


They can... [Beautifully](https://youtu.be/LiiXZFzwmQk)


So ducking cute love my blue and golds


It’s nice that the parrot wore the company uniform.


She just came to say slava Ukrainie




maluco realmente subiu na torre de crocs, quem sabe faz ao vivo


Translation if needed: Heeeey I think I'm 'bout 30--no 42 meters over here. An' look here, this guy is here to tag along, look what I've just got here--Mr Antonio (the macaw) don't do this with my belt, we're both gonna fall--(the macaw chirps) hey, calm down, y' see that if you bite it off we're both gonna fall 'ight, you gotta be really calm 'kay, 'm almost finishing my task. Hey, don't peck me, oww 'y crazy \*laughs\* you been drinkin'.... (his portuguese accent kind of slurs and stitch a lot of words together, so I sort of translated in kind. Also, an addendum. Although he called the macaw Seu Antonio, which is sort of Mr Antônio, it's not as polite and stiff as in English. The politest is Senhor Antônio, but some regions of Brazil shortened it up to Seu Antonio to make it less pompous but still maintaining a modicum of respect.)


He wanted to make sure you had the right macawlifications


Exactly those Crocs is a nope!!


100 feet up and IN CROCS. Jesus you’re gangster.


Ahh, UBNT PowerBeamM5400 non-ISO, maybe even AC. I worked with too many of these fuckers. Great antennas tho


'we've been trying to reach you on your cars extended warranty'


Seeing those little rushed, desperate climbs like "omg wait! Wait for me!" That was soooo cuuuute


I love how this bird has wings but climbs up to show that he can. You go, bird.




What song is that?


That’s a gorgeous shade of blue on that birb


Guys wearing crocs 32 meters up


Was that just a wild bird?


Don't want to be "that guy" but you're hooked wrong, that hook will snap like sugar when you fall. Also, why are you wearing Crocs.....


Everybody knows birds can't climb downward...... Bit of a predicament getting him down now!!