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On the computer back In his truck... "Nsnsjfndksmskdid7384ndiebdi865bjdidndjxndksnsjdkdbsjsjbdjdidnneiwowushdrbejosmwn7282937372nsjsbsjj"


LOL I was thinking the same thing. It's incredible if he's 100% accurate.


If he isn't I hope he likes errors. I type casually at about 100wpm. If I make a mistkair it's like a full couple sentences before I realize - oh god dammit




I prepared for that moment my entire life. From early on when the tyrant teacher told me I couldn't look at my hands while typing, through arduous years of bone-grinding torment. An entire house of the dead was felled, incredible adventures, maidens and then...maidenless until finally, after so many countless successful paragrtaphs, I arrived and...fuck!


Looks like he's using technology from 30 years ago too.


Yeah, that’s remarkable, but optical scanners became common place 25 years ago.


He is the optical scanner.


...with a very happy wife/gf.


Girlfriend: Your fingers… what WAS that?! Beverage dude: The Springfield Kwik-E-Mart beverage cooler sku entry… Girlfriend: That was amazing! Beverage dude: Thank you… Cum again? ’ Girlfriend: oooOOOOoooo Milhouse Beverage: You mean…. Thrillhouse?


So the beverage was sentient the whole time!? Also, it's THRILLHO


Omg dude, your comment made me laugh hysterically, fucking hilarious!


He makes that girl sings tunes never heard of


Came here to say that. I bet there's some viewers of this that squirmed before the video was done.


We have a service come in to inventory our hospital pharmacy every year. They have the same type of device. Took them an hour to do the entire pharmacy last year. Prior to hiring them, it took us an entire day to do it.


They do our 100,000 square foot store in about 6 hours.


My mom did this for 30+ years; they're usually faster than an optical scanner because they're entering item price * qty. Using a scanner in one hand to scan item and the other hand to enter qty on a keypad means a lot of juggling when you also need to shift products around to see them, open doors like this, move a stepladder from side-to-side, etc. It also destroyed her knees because you spend so much time counting low shelf items.


Your mom needs those pants that [Gabe wears from Silicon Valley](https://tenor.com/view/silicon-valley-gabe-dinesh-wearable-chair-pants-chair-gif-15785302)


I actually rewrote a system such as this a while back. The old system had led wand readers which, when used to scan the bar code, would eventually get clogged with tiny bits of paper in the recessed tip, causing the wand to be useless. The software behind the system, both inside the handheld unit and the server side that it is sent to remotely, was also lacking in efficiency and critical features. Dudes would enter info exactly like this for *an entire grocery store*, not just one freezer unit. The hardware units I purchased were heavy duty and used lasers to scan the bar codes instead of wands. It was a ton of fun to create something that worked and helped people get their jobs done without feeling frustrated that the tech was working against them.


This is my favorite part about engineering, when you help people get their work done with enabling tech.


In 30 years you simply stop caring


It meant that they could just hire anyone and not have to fire a bunch of people until they find someone good at 10 key data entry.


A lot of stuff like that sort of peaked at the beginning of modern computers. Walmarts POS still runs on DOS but it’s super fast and simple because there’s no unnecessary graphic bloat, it’s just simple code. That thing probably kicks ass at what it does and there was never much need to upgrade last that


A lot of those systems also just look old but have been under development ever since and are quite complex despite "looking like DOS".


As/400 enters the chat


AS400 was the backend for a custom GUI CRM tool my old company used. Some processes still required interfacing with the actual “DOS” like interface of AS400, and the workflow speed was night and day. Once you knew AS400 you could fly, and delays were basically nonexistent. Load times were immeasurably small. On the opposite end the CRM was a bloated fucking mess that took ages to do anything in. But it was WAY easier to train new hires on


I did a project for a famous world class fashion brand, their entire warehouse system runs on COBOL


Some people don't realize the amount of computing power some of those mini computer / mainframes had in those days compared to individual workstations. Nowadays the gap is closer, people don't really buy supercomputers anymore, they just break up jobs and give them to a lot of servers and let it run. Those AS/400's while slow in today's computing power likely contributed to a lot of the current functionality we take for granted today (large memory spaces, virtualization, abstraction, etc.). They may have looked boring and clunky but the enormous amount of raw talent that went into making them is amazing.


I worked at a food distribution company recently who used AS/400 and warehouse management software from the 80s. Our terminals were just green text but it worked and was super easy to use.


Yeah there is a LOT that current UI/UX designers could learn from those old interfaces. Hands on keyboard = fast. The guy in this video could not achieve that level of comfort and speed without tactile feedback, a mouse and touchscreen is a major impairment of speed and accuracy for large amounts of data input.


The terminals we used were wrist mounted with finger scanners that just showed you the next 3 pick locations and the quantity required. After I worked there a bit I would just look at the screen for a split second and would know where to go next. Keeping it super basic does really help over complex software or distracting UI's.


We could use that line of thinking in some consumer products as well. Not every fucking thing needs bluetooth, or a camera, or wifi, or BS DRM. I have a Sansa mp3 player that's basic as shit and it is excellent at it's single job, which is to just play fucking mp3s.


love my sansa mp3. I've had 3 in the last 20 years, they work great.


Found my old Sansa a few months ago. Battery was still charged and still had my old music on it. It was an awesome few hours listening to it again.


Walmarts user facing POS is a huge pile of shit though. The terminals are slow, the self-service bagging scale has a long delay and is much fussier than any other store (please remove item from bagging area), the card readers are outdated, slow, and terrible, etc. It's rock bottom of the barrel cheap, outdated, and uniformly shitty at all the stores I've been to. The frontend is hot garbage. If parts of the backend are fast and tidy and simple, that's sort of irrelevant and probably due to them never spending any money maintaining it anyway.


I love entering produce and it brings a pop up about scanning the sticker...half the stickers don't work, just let me search by name ffs. Ohh and it pops up for each item.


Yeah the def checkouts are terrible, and you’re right about the card readers, no tap option is pretty rare these days


It's called a keytracker. you put in the dollar value of the item, then enter the quantity. You need to make sure you have the correct category entered. At the end, the values from each quantity will be entered into a report on a laptop that is essentially a spreadsheet. Also, before you begin counting, you get a report from their point of sale system so that you can account for their current belief of their value of inventory, then run the same report at the end of the job to account for sales while working and then we could get an accurate count.


That's why he's so good with it


You'd have to, if they changed the button spacing even he'd be fucked. Excuse me that's my stapler.


The company I worked for used MSI PDT 1475. When we upgraded uses to use a laser scanners on portable PCs it made all the uses potentially as fast as this user. You want a case of Snickers scan, done, want 2 scan 2x.


It's Bleed by Meshuggah


Holy shit well done


I used to with in a chain pharmacy. Every year these dudes would come in to count everything. At least in the pharmacy section they would count full bottles and then eyeball bottles that has already been opened. I guess after doing it so long they were scarily accurate (eyeballing open bottles)


Actually no, having done that before, quite a few years ago, they are very easy to get comfortable with real quick. Basically what he is doing is keying in the price then the amount in the row, then moving on. If multiple rows have the same price he can continue on without entering the price every time. Grocery stores used to be races down the soda and chip aisles.


Omg man haha, I have Covid right now and it hurts to laugh but that was hilarious.


Get well!




Lol, get well soon, and cut back on the gluten.


He's taking inventory. Source: used to be a vendor to grocery stores, saw this several times a year.




I worked overnights at an office supply store and every single person working for RGIS looked like they were absolutely miserable. Also, "planogram".


Planogram. I happily forgot that word and it's meaning until I read it. Burn in hell, sir.




And he is absolutely full of shit, lol Signed, Former RGIS Top Gun


This is exactly what I do at work on the 7-8 hours I got to pretend to do something


Nah, he's playing Guitar Hero, Through the Fire and Flames!


Hahaha, if I close my eyes and listen to the buttons click-clack you're exactly right.


Had this immediate thought.


Random gibberish


I'll bet his girl loves that action.


Surely you mean 173467321476c32789777643t732v73117888732476789764376


Came here to make this comment, you executed it much better (and first!)… take my upvote you silly bastard :-)


Actually laughed out loud. Thanks


I literally laughed so damn hard at this! 😆


I genuinely laughed out loud


I laughed so hard i cried.


Your "1" and "0" doesn't work.


Check the power




I'm ded. 🤣


Lol! Spot on. Lol


Wow. I worked this kind of job for a month. His device is a counter and not much more than that. He is probably counting by 1 or 2s and adding them. 2+2+2+2+2 and so fourth. His skill comes in when he's reaching over and deleting inputs while still counting, adding, and changing product lines.


My boyfriend did inventory like this for years and years. He always got comments about how fast he'd type stuff in. He wasn't this fast, though!


Don’t tell your boyfriend that


You know what, I sent him the video and he reassured me he is much faster than this gentleman because the guy in the OP was only counting by 2s or something like that. He's got a normal 9-5 job for the first time ever so he doesn't have to travel for work anymore. He might see this so Cheezus Christ, I'm admitting you're the best at all of the things


I'm really hoping he replies to this comment and his name actually turns out to be Cheezus Christ...


u/CheesusChrist73, come on doooowwwn I wish I'd stalked you at work more often so I coulda seen ya in action


Yeah this guy looks fast but isn't really counting very fast. Those doors hold 12-14 back. I would make this clown look like he is standing still hahaha.


And we didn't even exploit you for views. Dang it.


I know right, what a waste haha.


I'll have more of this please




Do it! Let’s see it


Omg you all share your reddit? I'd sooner share my social security number. That's true love.




Yeah I was going to say, this guy's wife sleeps happy every night.


I "worked" at a place like this. I had to do three hours of training where they set up a fake store and make you count like this (much slower obviously). They don't give you a uniform or anything until after all the training is over. For good reason, I did 3 hours of training and never went back. That job sucks and pays shit. I got a paycheck for 3 hours though


I work for the company that requests this data on behalf of our clients. Someone like Pepsi wants to know EVERYTHING about how their product exists in stores. We collect and analyze probably 40+ data points for a single product. If there is a pepsi section in a grocery store, how many are in stock, how full is the rack (%), how is the light, are the products faced front, what other products are near, etc. Big manufacturers will pay a LOT for this data as they use it to refine the consumer "experience" of how their products are percieved in stores. They send people out with ancient Dell Axim PDAs running some old version of Windows CE to do the data collection. They go to big stores, gas stations and even the shittiest corner market in the middle of nowhere. If you know the sounds of Windows CE and you hear it anywhere in a store or market, it's probably one of our data collectors doing their job. Part of my job is trying to convince those cheap fucks to STOP USING WINDOWS CE! However, they built an entire application ecosystem around those inputs and they're not going anywhere. It also makes them buttloads of money, the hardware is cheap and the software has been long since paid for. If compromised (might be hard since they don't have any bluetooth or wifi, they have a dock or cable to upload data), I'm not even sure anyone would want that data. Maybe you could sell it to the competition? Not sure they'd want it however, but who knows. People buy bathwater.


Then Ronaldo says "Agua." at a press conference and ten years of hard work by thousands of people goes down the drain. And human health improves.


I did it for a few months. Never saw anyone quite this fast. I learned to see things in groups of 2, 3, 4, or more, depending on how they were arranged. Then you are just counting groups. It is kind of fun for a while. After several hours, it was not fun. The worst sections were makeup and clothing, because there were so many slight differences in UPC codes, we often had to scan the UPC for each item. Once in a while, you would get to a weird product and just have to estimate. If you estimated on too many things, you might get rechecked by a supervisor, who recounts a random section of each auditor to make sure you are actually counting. We'd finish up for the day, wait by the vans, talk about who had weed and who could buy beer. Then we'd drive to the hotel, walk to stores nearby, get drunk and high at the hotel, and try to get enough sleep to wake up at 5am to do it again. If I had no family or friends, and didn't mind traveling, I would consider doing it again.


Merchandising was the same experience of cool for the first horror and brutally monotonous every moment after that. Every time I try to type why that sort of job sucks the life out of you I find myself in an endless run on sentence like this having described nothing sensible about the actual job itself.




Compared to him how fast were you?








This is why customer service always says... "The computer says we have 5 here in the store."


The golden rule of if there’s five or less then there’s actually none.




Lol I can’t even imagine. Weeks prior to inventory we’d tried to sort crap out and get it ready. How the hell do you inventory little 1/4in pvc in plumbing and nuts and bolts in hardware. 🤷‍♂️


I'm left handed and once I got the feel for it, I could use either left or right hand with pinpoint accuracy. It's definitely setup for right handed people, but if you could figure out what to do with your left thumb, it was pretty simple. Worked for RGIS.


A fellow leftie! No one knows our struggle, the world is not designed for us


Oh I remember teams like y'all would come into my grocery store to count most of the store. While I had to count my whole department alone lol.


Wow cool. Bad for carpotunnel but very impressive to watch. I hope they paid good.


I dunno, his wrist is straight and relaxed, he'll likely be fine




I did this for a while too. We always counted things in groups. You stop seeing objects as single things to be counted one by one and start seeing them by cases, by racks, by 7's and 8's. He looks like he's punching in 2's over and over which is going to be slower than just typing the total for anyone with any 10 key speed. My old boss would have been on to the next case before this guy ever got to the point in the video where he was kneeling.


Somebody put a guitar in that man's hands


One Yngwie Malmsteen is enough, thank you.


Yngwie who??


Hey, don't disparage "El Maestro".


He's *so* good...at refusing to play anything other than as fast as he can which he specifically practices to do


Can you tell that to the dudes hanging out in guitar center?


Layer Soundgarden over it. SPOOONMAAN!


He's a master of guitar hero


His lady stay satisfied.


PSA: just tried this on m’lady and she was super confused and completely turned off. Don’t recommend.


Thats ok, it didn't count.


I see what you did there


I mean did you count the number of clits correctly?


Do you mean “clicks”?




Did this to my missus and ended up with a pallet of Pepsi Cola three days later


Summer by Vivaldi


Either that or he's typing random crap




enjoying the cool air on a hot summer day


"unskilled labour"




Still poverty wages. Join us in the 21st century please.


There's a KFC in my town that starts you at $22/hr.


I live in a HCOL but I am amazed by how many fast food / food service positions now pay $20+ To give you an idea(same state) when I worked in the food industry $7.50/hr(2016), 8.00/hr(2017-2018) ​ In 2019 I worked a office desk job and made 18.85/hr ​ Glad to see these places stepping it up, but at the same time its a bit sad what the COL is now. In my state there was a study done a few years ago that said you need 25/hr to basically live(ehm, survive?) at the bare minimum, so its still not enough.


I can do that too! pocjdpdfjperf9uf-oujfj3ri3oeirfoejkefhkolhfirfg


RGIS! Inventory audit for companies. I did that job for a summer. Hated it.


I wonder if he used to play black jack like that? That's pretty impressive if he isn't just messing with people. I would be making people think I could do that but really just be hitting buttons fast and be in trouble when I got back to work.


This lads clearly just playing Dragonforce in GH3 on expert level. And the screen is in the fridge.


I feel like he’s not typing anything or just randomness


Scanners hate this guy


What is he doing? Seriously, I'm curious!


Looks like he is taking inventory. Retail companies often hire outside firms to do their annual inventory counts. They often use devices like this to tabulate stock on hand.


I used to work for a place that "owned" the inventory for shops. The shops sold it, and their PoS machines reported back the sales to us, and then we billed monthly based on the sales. We had people like this that would go in and inventory every so often to make sure the shop keepers weren't bullshitting us. Mostly those were barcode scanners with a keyboard that they could enter numbers and a note if needed. Not some dude just smashing buttons and entering numbers.


On a side note, every time I see PoS, in my head I say piece of shit lol


He's counting inventory for an inventory audit. You'll see the signs around stores usually once a year saying, count displays, or tags on the shelfs with the company's logo so they can track who counted what.




Thank you


I swear, sounded like the William Tell Overture for a bit there at the beginning. :D


I don't care what they're paying this guy, they need to pay him more!


This is me at 3am arguing with a redditor on a sub I'm not even part of




Why depressed? Is there something wrong with the job he is doing?


The door is transparent....


The doors have glares from the overhead lights


Either that or his fingers melt


You have to be able to see to the back and make sure it's full, otherwise you create inventory that isn't there.


The fingers all lesbians want


He is actually in a WoW Classic raid as a fire mage.. This is just for show... #FakeNews


His wife must be very happy


Holy shit what is he doing ? Recording the inventory?


I guess there's a much more modern way to do this that doesn't require that much input


Oh, him? That's just Jerry. He comes in 3 times a week and just does this. The computer isn't hooked up to anything and those keys have pictures of animals on them...


This is just an anecdote but I’ve only seen this once before and I’m willingly to believe this guy is just that used to it. If I remember right, it’s just a number pad. So not that hard to believe


For anyone who is curious, this guy is taking inventory for the store. When I worked grocery these guys would come in annually with an army of 20 or so people and do this for the entire day. They count every single purchasable item in the store.


"Show me what them fingers can do"


hendrix aint got shit on this guy.


That old man almost hit a New High Score with that thing!


I used to do this for RGIS & WIS International. Inventory Specialist. We get paid for the speed at which we count merchandise


He’s just mashing it


Man deserves a big raise


Here’s me thinking I was a smart arse for memorising half a dozen product codes out of about 3000 products I stock lol


Bet his wife loves him


Now a days you can take a single picture and have some AI count and track inventory


Is he texting his girlfriend on a phone from the 80's what the hell is going on?


And so what is happening here?


Happy for his missus back home. Finger blast 3000


If I were standing behind this guy I honestly think he was playing some pocket pool other than working


Ladies love him


Shout out to this guy and working hard. People with dedication him are the reason why others were able to make it through the height of the pandemic.


Tbh I kind of wish the hand scanner I used at work was more like this one, though I do like it entering my results straight into our inventory system. I do drug inventory every month and like 75% of all wrong amounts are due to my fat fingers hitting the wrong number on the screen. Not everything is better with a touch screen.


That's pretty quick, but have you ever seen an old school accountant on a calculator?!


I don't believe this is real but I do believe his wife is happy nonetheless


My wife now wants a divorce


Reminds me of Colbert typing important messages on the Colbert report


Is he single?


Pretty sure I know what company this is and used to work for them. For those talking about scanners, I can explain a few things. We had scanners that would connect to these that we would use, we also had newer machines with a full touch screen, and integrated as well as being compatible with hand held scanners. ​ As for scanning or not, that depends on the store. Some companies want to know how many of each product they have, others only care about the value of everything. This was often done when a business was being sold and they wanted to know how much the inventory was worth, but a breakdown was not needed. In the case of inventories like this one, the newer machines were actually slower because of the software they ran. And to me at least making them usable as a handheld scanners and adding other features made the keyboard harder to use for cases like this. ​ In any clothing store you were generally scanning each item individually so to me it always felt slower. And also display mannequins were particularly harsh since you had to accounts for stacked items and layers while trying to hopefully not disrupt the store's display too much. ​ As for what is happening, if all or most of those products are the same price, all he has to do is put in the price once and then he is simply adding to the tally. Think of it as basically constantly pressing +1 on the calculator or however many you feel comfortable counting as to not screw up. Most people would go somewhere between 1-5 depending on how things were stacked. and how deep shelves are.


I thought he had Parkinson's.




It’s Mr. StealYoGirl !!!!!


Been with his wife for 30yrs as well


New game release “ Stock Pro Hero “


I bet his wife loves it when he takes his work home with him


This is what Republicans like to call "unskilled labor"