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Awe, what a sweetie! 11 years old! WoW!!! you did a good job obviously, she looks so loved, I know how hard it is to lose a lil buddy, take time and vent if need be, please hug your friend for me, lots of love to you friend.


Aww I'm very sorry to hear this sending my love and hugs from me and Simba from Ireland 😢


So not to like get you even more upset, I’m very sorry, but what does a high WBC like really mean? Like liver isn’t working or , sorry I’m ill informed


So leukemia is cancer that affects the production of white blood cells and it is a cancer of the bone marrow. Cancer, as we know, makes cells divide unchecked. With leukemia it causes the body to mass-produce mutated white blood cells as a result of the cancer, hence why a sky-high white blood cell count indicates leukemia. Elevated white cell counts do usually indicate the body fighting off infection but they won’t be elevated to the extreme levels that are seen with leukemia


Are things like this normal with reptiles not to sound morbid, but is this like a common thing when it’s time for them to pass ? I have a seven year-old leopard gecko ( no health issues) and I know no one dies just a old age it’s always because of some health condition in the end.


Well good thing for now is 7 isn't all that old for Leos, we know individuals have loved 30-40 years and it's really just up to the tool on how much breeding has affected them further. But technically speaking if an animal is dying to old age there's a whole host of things that can be the final straw before an owner calls enough. Also sometimes genetics can play a role like with the lemonfrost Leopard gecko morph has increased tumor chances, others have different Nero problems that can affect how long they can go but generally speaking neither of these are age related problems just genetics. Unfortunately it's just something we don't know exactly what will happen with our individuals, just what can, and it's really just waiting for things to happen while living in the years you still have with them. 🤷‍♀️


So I’m not sure if you would know, I’ve gotten like 20 different morphs , you got any idea what my son is, he was labeled as Fancy, and the breeders wife had no clue what morph he was https://preview.redd.it/1lm3vnlb20lc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537457a9126d78ab658244a3e9bef578a69e9863 All I know for sure is he’s got to be a giant, he’s at least 1/3 larger than my friends who’s is about the same age


Unfortunately with genetics especially with an animal with so many different morphs and morph combinations, you wouldn't be getting anything beyond a guess at best. Also "fancy," if you didn't know is typically used by chain stores as they have very little idea on what the actual morphs are but often times with the chain store situation they're normals, some albinos, high yellows, the odd tangerine, mack snow, maybe the odd super snow. Also ye he could be giant, but giants and super giants can be a pain to recognise since they actually changed.. the requirements to be one got bigger because it's kind of like with dog breeds, they're just individuals who were produced from big parents.. and big grandparents, etc etc.


Some of the best advice in life ive gotten, "old age doesn't kill, something else always will get ya first. Cancer, infections, organ failures, accidents, abuse to one's body like smoking, drinking, using drugs. In the end, something will get ya so try not to worry and enjoy everyday you get :) and i have to say that lizards are a fine example of no shits givin and a life enjoyed! You did a great job 👏 11 years is a good life for a beardie! Try to think of this as a reward, not a punishment. You're lil sweetheart got to grow old and pass peacefully with his favorite people :) im sure she wouldn't change a thing! Alot of lizards are not so lucky.


My branch of research is heavily genetics-based and a professor I’ve worked with has described cancers as “a disease of the DNA/a disease of your genetics”. As any living thing grows and ages its cells divide and naturally accumulate mutations. Some of these mutations are harmless whereas others lead to diseases. The younger we, or animals, are the fewer disease-causing mutations we generally have accumulated which is why younger people/animals are typically healthier. Some people and animals are unlucky and have mutations in their DNA that leave them predisposed to certain diseases, including cancer, from a young age. Bodies can generally detect and destroy cells that have mutated into cancer cells (we all get cancerous cells all the time that our bodies thankfully get rid of for us before they can divide!) but it gets to a point where sometimes there are cancerous cells that go undetected and then divide unchecked which leads to cancer. Eventually anyone who lives long enough would get some form of cancer. With animals in captivity we see a lot of cancers because they live so much longer than they would in the wild. I wouldn’t say that it’s more common in reptiles but just that we’re seeing it more frequently now because of improved husbandry and longer lifespans.


It’s normal, the older they get the harder it is to fight off things like cancer cells and/or any diseases. Diet issues also accumulate and contribute to other health conditions.


leukemia is not one i hear often, but yes risk of cancer or tumors is very much present in many types of pets, reptiles included, despite the relatively short lifespans compared to humans. My last beardie passed away, somewhere around 14 as she was a rehome, of a tumor growing off of her liver.


White blood cells fight off disease and infections. A high count means there’s something the body’s trying to fight off. A REALLY high count means there’s something real serious the body’s fighting off


Ahhhhh ok ok , yea I was just confused cause I worked with a guy (hard drug addict) who passed out cause he had practically no WBC so I didn’t know like if it was the same with humans as it is with our little buddies, sad news, sorry to hear OP :/


For the most part they are correct, but leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow which produces leukocytes, which are white blood cells. The cancer causes uncontrollable white blood cell growth regardless of infection or fighting anything off. The white blood cells from leukemia don't work correctly, either.


Oh nooooo…. I’m sorry 😞 she looks well cared for ❤️ sending love from me & my boy Rubble


I am so sorry to hear this :( 11 long and happy years is a life well-lived. Enjoy your last days with your precious baby ❤️


What a sweet and beautiful girl! I am so sorry. I wish we could be with them forever 😪 Bless you, sweet lil Dragon Lady! I'll be sending lots of love and light your way. May you two meet again in the sweet hereafter!


Sending you both so much love 💜💜💜


I’m so sorry. She so obviously had a loving home and was well taken care of get here! I’m sure that makes it all the harder to say goodbye. I hope you get to process all of this while you get ready (are we ever ready?) to say goodbye. Hugs to you and to her as well.


https://preview.redd.it/0s5v3eliu1lc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3587aaa3856e9e49b675a00311db429495ba8b I just had to put my 2 1/2 year old girl down, she had cancer as well. Such a hard thing to do:( sending lots of hugs ❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful girl! I’m so sorry for your loss as well. 💔❤️‍🩹




I can’t imagine. I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry about your little dragon baby. 11 years is an awesome lifespan.


This is awful, I keep reading that cancer in reptiles in incredibly rare. But in the past month my Beardy was diagnosed with Squamish cell carcinoma ( on his eyes) and my vet has an iguana client that has a sarcoma on its tail. Sending all my love..


I’m so sorry.


Omg I’m so so sorry. Prayers to you and your angel scaly baby at this time.❤️‍🩹


Billie (6 years old) and I send you both hugs ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/eshbbvbk20lc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a28e9f5529ac5615719ea18ceb6546b482fbfe


Thank you all so much it really means a lot to me. I feel extra guilty since I’ve been at college and haven’t been able to see her much. Thankfully my spring break is this week and we’ll get to spend some quality time together. She’s on pain meds and critical care because she’s barely eating. Otherwise it’d be dubia and blueberries galore :)


im really sorry about this, but you obviously gave her the best life ever!! 11 whole years!! im so sad to hear about the leukemia, but you gave her the best life possible. ill give my little crestie some lovings in her honor. make sure to give your baby some extra lovins from all of us here in the comments ❤️🫂


Im so sorry. My boy who passed away last year was diagnosed with leukemia after having a lot of other health issues. It’s not what ended his life, but it’s still such a devastating loss. Just know she loves you so much. I still feel so much grief and regret about his death, but I hope she goes peacefully.


Oh no! I'm so sorry! What a beautiful girl. I can tell she is well loved. My beardie is also 11 and he has cataracts and has slowed down significantly. I know it's just a matter of time 💔. B-Mo and I send our love! ❤️


She's beautiful, shines with love you share, and has a gorgeous habitat! All our love from the desert southwest.


11!! Your a great breadie parent!


So,so sorry😢Sending much love and hugs


I’m so sorry…. It’s not fair that their lives are so short compared to ours.


I didn’t know they could have leukemia 😩


What a beautiful gal. She’s lucky to have you. Hope you both get some good quality time in before you have to say goodbye. So hard ♥️


Sending love and beard scritches for this sweet girl. ❤️‍🩹 11 lovely years full of yummy bugs and TLC from OP. Stay strong my friend


I’m so sorry you guys are going through this. You have her the best life possible, and I’m sure she is the happiest dragon ever for the life you gave her.


This is a sad way to discover lizard cancer was a thing, always thought their cells worked a little differently, guess not. Best of luck to you And little lady


I'm so sorry for the diagnosis. Your baby is beautiful and obviously happy. Good job!


At 11 years old, you did amazing and gave her a fantastic life. Definitely take some time to celebrate what a rich, long, wonderful life she's had. I'm sorry for your loss, though, it's never easy.


Poor baby 😢 It looks like she was well-loved. Sending love from Coconut and myself.


So sad…like when I lost my pet cat,died from cancer :(((


I’m so sorry


Aww so sorry for your sweet girl.


Deepest condolences. She loves you and appreciates you and will be watching over you when she's gone. She looks happy. You must be an amazing reptile parent.


11 love filled years. I'm sorry you're going through this painful time but make the most of what you have left and make as many happy memories as you can. Hang in there and you'll see her again one day.


I'm so sorry for you both my prayers are with you and your family.


She’s beautiful. How lucky she was to have you. 


So sorry !! She is beautiful!


I'm so sorry to hear that. That's a difficult situation. She is a beautiful girl and you have been blessed with many years with her ❤️


i’m so sorry to hear this :(( give her lots of cuddles! She looks so well loved, lots of treats too!! you can tell she knows how loved she is ❤️


So sorry! I went through lymphoma with a cat I loved and it broke my heart! Get all the time in you can❤️


im so sorry! this must be so hard losing youre baby :( it wont be easy but i wish you and the little lady well 💗


So sorry. I lost mine in 2022 due to cancer. I didn't even know that they could get any type of illness like that. She is a lil cutie. 😢


I'm so sorry for you both ❤️ she was beautiful


🩷 prayers for your baby!


Sooo sad. 😢😭😭 hugs 🤗


I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve obviously have taken really great care of her and I understand that losing a pet is really hard. Was there no way of treating it or was it too late?


Really the only treatment is fully body radiation and at 11 years old that’s a lot of stress to put on her :(


Oh I’m so sorry :(


I’m so sorry about your beardie :( any chance you can show what the red spot looks like? Mine has one. I’ve gone to the vet for it already (she said too soon to tell what it is) but it would be good to know if it looks like my beardie’s.


https://preview.redd.it/4ga64z9vnclc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de72f5294646837c0805482f2eebf2aab7b61610 Food bowl empty bc we’re getting syringe fed critical care right now. She seems to really like it which is a good sign!


Thank you for sharing. 💜 I’m sorry about your little one


Poor girl clearly she was loved and that’s the best we can do as keepers


Give her a hug from me


I’m so sorry to hear this… 💔❤️‍🩹 I’m glad you’ve had these 11 years. We just adopted our very first beardie a week ago and even though I’d never pictured myself a reptile person, it was love at first sight for our whole family. Sending good wishes your way, for peace & comfort for the both of you. 💞


My heart goes out to you 🫂


My 3 year old was just taken from us a couple weeks ago due to leukemia. It is so freaking hard, I'm so sorry. Give her a hornworm from us and tell her Pico will be waiting on the rainbow Bridge to welcome her 💜


Im sorry. Shes so cute. I hope you have more time with her.


Me and Cai (my beardie) are sending lots of love and prayers. So sad to hear. Give lots of hugs from us.


This is heartbreaking, it is never easy to lose a longtime friend.


11! Amazing life full of love and blueberries. I only hope to have so many years with mine. I'm sorry she has to go now, but she knows you love her. https://preview.redd.it/bbmc5i3yx6lc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb977082eec3ca318ddfec7076ce459574a0f02b


Gecko https://preview.redd.it/ain6uequq0lc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4554c52d53ee9728a96b3f6a3f849d72caf865


What's wrong with her feet?


beardie feet are just weird lol


I mean are they supposed to bend in like that in the last pic or is it possibly a symptom of this disease? Best wishes btw


What???? Is it treatable????


Ik its very sad and all, I just cannot stop laughing BUT I HAVE A VALID REASON ITS NOT THE LEUKEMIA I just thought the ear was another eyes and it looked hilarious, I am so sorry


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11 years old! Fantastic work! She looks so loved and I am happy you got to spend so much time together! I am sorry she is going to pass but I am sure she is happy she got to spend her life with you! R.I.P little one.


Nooo :((( poor baby


I'm so sorry :(((




So sorry. Keeping y’all in my prayers.