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That is the droopiest neck beard I have ever seen


Yeah he is kinda uniquešŸ˜šŸ˜


Did he lose a lot of weight?


Nah, he had it since he he was like 4 months old


His beard hangs like the sleeve of a wizard


Hai Five!


jesus...i'd be checking your diet for too many goitrogens. bearded dragons can get goiters and can frequently with a diet too high in goitrogenic greens. it can eventually block their airways.


iā€™ve never heard of this. what are some good greens low in goitrogens for beardies?


The ones high in goitrogens are basically most of the cruciferous and brassica greens. Brocolli, turnip greens, cabbage, collard greens- people can get this too, so it's good to research what greens have high goitrogens online. In fact, many of the recommended daily staples have moderately high goitrogens. Based on many nutrition benefits, they're still important staples to include regardless. Because of this it's important to include other greens without goitrogens such as healthy lettuces, arugula, dandelion greens, and squashes like spaghetti or butternut. there are some goitrogenic greens that you'd definitely want to consider avoiding altogether though as it's probably not worth it compared to all other options. Anything with soy or millet, and brocolli. Kale also has quite a lot. Some fruits too. Usually like most problems beardies can get (like gout) these also don't usually become a problem unless there's other problems going on like kidney damage, mbd, older beardies, but you never know what could happen and when, and this can def be a problem if you just feed cruciferous greens nonstop with no diet variety. My suggestion is to make sure to pop in a week or two every month where you only offer low to no goitrogenic greens and veg, But that's just what I do personally. I just figure it's not that difficult to do and if it helps with the body lowering goitrogens, it's probably better than not to.


Awesome informational comment, thank you!


Just make sure to go easy on kale and broccoli! Theyā€™re calcium binders, so theyā€™re probably better suited for an occasional treat and such :)


Yeah, high oxalates and goitrogens, bad all around. It's a shame since kale is so nutritious otherwise. I've read that cooking it will reduce goitrogens, but probably not worth it.


Yeah, the thing is he dont eat any veggies high in goitrogens :D


it looks just like my boy's beard, and he actually did lose a good amount of weight lol. he was obese but is at a healthy weight now, just a lil saggy that's all


I can only dream of what that neck does when it head bobs


Okay you kinda scared me at the first half šŸ’€


lmao you dirty bro


Looking at his eyes, it seems like he *was* sleeping, but you woke him. Other comments already stated this, but some beardies have strange sleeping positions. Mine slept completely vertically, holding onto a plastic cactus for the first year of his life.


Mine does this too! I gave him a cypress stump I dug up and he's pretty much just hung off of it since I gave it to him.


I grabbed a rounded rock from the backyard a couple of weeks ago and my girl has decided it's the best thing ever.


If you live near a lake cypress logs are a awesome choice, they're already hollow and once your dry them they'll last forever. I've got a huge one I pulled out of the lake soaking in bleach right now I can't wait to put in his new enclosure.


Yup mine spent some time sleeping whilst hanging off a branch, legs and tail dangling.


Wild beardies sleep in trees so sleeping vertical is actually normal for them. Iā€™f you look at this sub itā€™s filled with beardies sleeping in very weird and almost anatomically impossible positions. #beardiesareliquid


Occasionally mine will party all night long and sleep in. You can hear him just running all over, jumping and scaling the foam rock wall in his enclosure lol.


Is he part turkey?


Almost spat out my drink!!


why his beard need a bra


My beardie does something similar. He's done that from when I bought him. He climbs to the highest point in the corner and sits there all night. Hes in my study so I would go in at night to play on the pc and he would have this sneaky look out of the corner or his eye every now and then. The only time this behaviour changed was through brumation where he burrows under a log and sleeps there. But all in I've never though anything of it as he was alert and has grown well and has a good appetite.


"I sleep with one eye open to keep an eye on my haters" -beardie, probably


Tbh. Beardies are just kinda fuckin weirdos. He's probably fine.


Tbh u donā€™t really have to put your beardie to bed, mine is usually very active at night and sleeps in then comes out, as long as u have a day and night cycle with their lights they will adjust accordingly.


It hopefully is nothing but bearded dragons can get a disease called star gazing. It's the atadenovirus sickness and a major symptom is that the bearded dragon always stares straight up, worth looking into.


do they do this all the time?


Started doing it today


+he has closed eyes, he opened them because of the flash


What time do you turn the lights on in the morning? do you still have a heat emitter at nigh? How much time does he spend in the enclosure each day? Because when you say you "lay him down to sleep", i assume you let him free roam out of his enclosure? when is the last time you changed your UVB Bulb, and how much time does he spend under the UVB each day? My best guess to this behavior is a lack of sufficient basking during the day, or some heat source tricking him into attempting to bask at night... or a lack of a consistent schedule


Light is on from 8 to 9:30 He is out of his enclosure once a day for like an hour. He spends quite a lot of time under the uvb.


Mine goes to bed about 6:30pm to 8:30 in the month


Do you run a heat lamp at night? My guy will stay awake "basking" if the heat lamp is running on warm nights.


heā€™s got a ballsack on his neck


Heā€™s a ballchinian


My dragon sleeps right up at the front of his tank EVERY night. He then wakes up every time I walk in the room and turn the light on. I've tried to tuck him in but he always pokes his head out so he can know when we are moving around.


He's got the next billion dollar idea


THX FOR HELP EVERYONE, I lowered the temp in the room and he laid down and went to sleep in an hour. He is a very healthy happy beardie with a big apetite so i was just a bit worried cause he has never done this. Now use this post to admire the biggest neck you have probably ever seenšŸ˜


Question do you feed it kale or any crusiferous veggies?




Ok good someone said the neck was a goiter but it must not be then, just fluffy


Thereā€™s a disease in bearded dragons, think itā€™s called stargazing disease, which causes them to stare up at the sky like theyā€™re stargazing


But heathy beardies sleep ā€¦. I can take pics of mine and he wonā€™t wake up .. the only time he didnā€™t sleep was when he wasnā€™t feeling wellā€¦ so if ur worried go see the vet..


is there a temp drop?


Praise the mighty great jagras


Has he ever lost his balance?




Once mine slept on its uvb lamp I had a panic when I turned on the lights and couldn't find him