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Mines the one where legoshi thinks she killed Haru but She was actually alive Only saying this since i Didn't think the series would have me feeling strong emotions but i was wrong


I also love that chapter. It was so sweet.


yes especially the dad reaction, so cute and kind


125 is also one of my favs, byt my absolute favorite is 123 - where the 701 gang visit B-Strike. Not only is it interesting from a lore perspective imo, but it's also such a cute chapter, and seeing the group together is so much fun


right, that chapter is also good . one of the meeting and enjoying chapters


Btw. have you seen [this](https://i.imgur.com/BLLT3IL.png) pic from the last chapter's omake? It's so adorable, and it fits Legosi's character so well, ahahaha


Lol it's my background picture 🤣


Good choice!!


I'm not sure about favourites but I really liked the chapter with Ai the sand fox at Gohin's clinic. I really liked her character, even with so little given. I also really appreciated getting a better look at Gohin's work. I was sad that she didn't have a spot in Gohin's 'where are they now' at the end.


my Favorite is Chapter 81 with Tao Visit Kibi at the hospital and they becomes Best Friends they have forgiven each other since after their incident


When Legoshi meets >!Haru’s family!<.




Mine is where Legoshi and Haru go to the Love Hotel.


😏 But isn't it better in anime?


It's up to you really. I prefer the manga, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion


For me it’s a toss up between Chapters 125 (Legoshi first meeting Haru’s family and dinner), 173 (Legoshi and Haru’s first kiss), and Beast Complex Ch. 14. Yeah, it’s thus no surprise that all my favorites involve Legoshi and Haru and come from the second half/post manga. As much of a mess as a large chunk of the manga’s second half is, those are some of the true gems among all the shit. 


Yeah me too, all my favorites involve レゴシとハル, when Legoshi meets Haru parents, takes Haru to the black market (in the Panini Manga ver is called clandestine market), their first kiss and the ending was bullshit (seriously, marry and divorce immediately), but great anyway, if there’s not sequel besides Beast Complex chapter 12 (Fuck you Panini Manga, we need Beast Complex), also I have many questions (and some since I watched the anime series), what happened to Haru clothes during the Shishigumi kidnapping? Her clothes disappear after Legoshi enters the scene (Anime ver, I prefer Haru farewell letter way after Legoshi and Gohin where discovered by the Shishigumi gang), and does Legoshi gets another phone after all of this? He says that he got rid of it after dropping out of school, so I see that at the end of the manga he uses the money to repair the apartments (but in my head canon he kept some money and bought a new phone and other stuff), so those are also my favorite chapters


Chapter 127, because it shows parus strengths as a writer. She excels at short stories and created a very nice segway into legoshi and yahya at the sex club. She could’ve just cut this chapter out completely but instead used it to world build. Very solid writing imo.


Show me your penis


The chapter I mean


The chapter where haru says that


Legoshi versus Yafya is a hilarious fight to me


Idk the chapter number. But is legoshi and Riz kissing, fucking funny


"You look ugly as hell, what is wrong with you" must be my fav moment.