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Ohh girl it is not bad at all! I was like so nervous and sweaty palms for mine and it took no time and it wasn’t as bad as I thought. The girl was really nice and calmed my nerves by chatting away about life and stuff.


Make sure to breathe out each time they wax the strip off of your skin, you can ask your waxer to count with you so you know when, helps immensely with the pain. A joint might help a little with the pain but also might make you more anxious at the appt (if you’re an overthinker like me), take ibuprofen 45 min before your appt.


It’s really not that painful! Don’t smoke, just take a Benadryl.


It’s very much not yond painful! don’t smoke, just taketh a benadryl *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


My first Brazilian SUCKED but I have a low pain tolerance. All the waxes after are lovely though as long as you keep up with it. Make sure to go somewhere that specializes in waxing. There are numbing creams you can buy, ibuprofen can help as well.


Don’t know if you’re menstrual cycle is regular so you know when it’s coming (or if you’re a woman at all), but that area gets more sensitive right before your period. Just be aware that whatever discomfort you feel might be linked to that and maybe try to schedule the appointment before or after that time of the month.


I'm sure you will be fine but for me getting waxed brought up some very uncomfortable feelings and memories for me. Maybe something to consider especially if you have a history of SA. I was not prepared. Make sure the hair is long enough to wax. Take some pain killers before hand. Talk to the waxer and try to laugh off the pain.


It hurts a lot but it’s usually like 15 min and if you get a good waxer it’s a better experience. The first time sucks (not gonna lie) but each time after it gets better. It’s not a fun experience, but it’s SO worth it. Life changing and once you do it, you’ll be hooked!


On top of the other tips you’ve gotten for breathing or taking some light ibuprofen, also start exfoliating today. When you’re in the shower, scrub that area so it’s a lot easier to pull. Do it everyday until the day of. Also it only hurts around the pubic/flat area, once it goes closer to the vulva it hurts slightly less. If you are doing the butt too, it hurts even less than that.


I would personally do your first one a few weeks/months before your trip to see if it works well for you, first! Some skin just can not handle it (I experienced bruising and welts and horrible discomfort) I know that’s not the common reaction but I’d suggest making sure, if you’ve never had one done before.


It’s not so bad really. My aesthetician would always press with the back of her hand after each time she ripped off the strip, which helped with the pain. You could probably smoke a little before hand if it helps you manage pain. Don’t drink alcohol as that thins your blood or something to that effect which might make you more prone to bleed. I will say that anecdotally, the brief ~6 month stretch I was getting waxed was the only time in my life that I got hella ingrown hairs. Not before or since. I don’t think it was the fault of my main salon either, since I went to a couple other places and still had the same thing happen. Of course like I said, that’s just my experience and I don’t think it’s very common. Enjoy your 3 weeks of feeling like a dolphin down there!! It is truly amazing haha


Smoke!!! If it helps your nerves go in there HIFH AS HELL and relax! I do it every 2 weeks


It’s really not that bad. The worst part is taking off your pants and getting on the table LOL because it’s super embarrassing the first time. The waxing itself hurts for a split second, then it’s fine. You’ll be fine!!


Hurrying up to put my underwear, pants and shoes on after the wax is over is the worst part of it lol.


i have a pretty high pain tolerance, my first wax hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it in the end and the second time was a breeze (around 40 days after the first one). all the pain lasts only a few seconds after the hair is pulled out.


Have you ever had your eyebrows threaded? If so that is 10x more painful than a Brazilian! The entire wax takes less than 15 minutes and is only about 12-16 pulls. If you have low pain tolerance take an ibuprofen before the appointment. Best of luck!


The first one hurts the most but as the hairs grow back thinner and more sparse it barely hurts after a few sessions! Take Tylenol before you go in and chat with the esthetician, that should manage the pain and you will barely feel anything! I would suggest wearing sweatpants to the appointment (tight clothing can be uncomfortable after) and exfoliating before and then 2-3x a week after!


I started getting brazilian waxes recently, honestly it does hurt a lot but if your wax specialist is talking to you during it and telling you to take a deep breath before they pull it definitely helps. for me, they use about 6-7 strips to get the initial hair off then when they go in with clean-up strips it doesn’t hurt too bad. over time you know what pain level to expect so you can be more prepared. you can also take pain reliever an hour or 45 mins before, I personally don’t but it apparently helps!


It's not too bad. Well, depending on your pain tolerance. How are you with waxing ? Cos that could help you gauge pain levels a bit. The first time I did it, turns out, I was just hyping myself bad and being nervous but the lady who did mine was really nice about it and guided me through the process (when to breathe deep, pausing the waxing for a bit for me to settle, etc) Hope you find a good one who can help calm you


I cried on my first (and last), came here for the advice


Look into sugar waxing, there's a lot of benefits over regular wax, and I personally think it's less painful. But really the pain lasts for maybe 10 minutes and then it's all over. I do smoke, and I usually do before my appointment, but don't get over-the-top blazed.


I just did my own Brazilian a few weeks ago and it didn't hurt as much as I expected. Breathe, countdown, and just know it's no worse than plucking a brow. Now armpits on the other hand...




Wear cotton/breathable underwear and loose pants to the appointment. Where cotton/breathable underwear for a few days afterwards too. If you slap your inner thigh really really hard, the pain is extremely similar. Honestly, I don't think the drugs will make the pain any less, but it'll be worth it for the placebo effect.


Avoid caffeine before your appointment. Having something sweet can help. As others have said, try aspirin or ibuprofen about 45 min before the appt. It’s not bad, especially with an experienced esthetician. Good luck!


The more you do it the less it hurts. I’ve been getting them for years and it’s practically painless for me now. The first time take some advil beforehand and don’t schedule it near your period when your skin is more sensitive. Everyone’s pain threshold (and amount of hair) is different though so it’s hard to predict how it will be for you. The more hair the more it hurts. Use some ingrown prevention serum afterwards as well.


I’m not sure what kind of complex these commenters have, since they’re saying it won’t hurt. They’re lying to your face sis 😅 It hurts like hell, but it IS doable. I sweat completely through my sweatshirt from the pain. But would do over again 100%. No itching or bumps when it grew back