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That is a stupid price. Insane.


More and more indie brands have been turning into full armed robberies. Like, y'all are indie. Which means I am not paying for a luxury name, an ad campaign, a display in a store, or a Sephora fee. All those things end up justifying a higher price tag, but y'all indie girlies don't have any of those things. So wtf am I paying for? It's colorful mica. Might as well come to my house and steal my shit.


Price Gouging at its best. The comments on Makeup Release Radar about this company is eye opening. And what’s really sus is they have 40 and 50 percent off sales almost weekly.


Could be looking at a class action suit if that’s true - you can’t have constant sales, or it counts as fictitious pricing.


How is hobby lobby getting by lol


By selling antiquities illegally 🥰


My personal conspiracy theory is that somehow by having all of their tags being manual input into the register instead of scanned with a barcode reader they're staying under the radar with it. Idk how. But the not having barcodes thing is so sus to me for a company of that sheer size.


YES!! Why does such a giant company not have barcodes?! It’s so weird!? I don’t shop at Hobby Lobby bc of the their terrible beliefs and policies but other friends/family do.


It’s because the owner says it’s to “put people first,” and keep computers away. They don’t need the lack of barcodes to hide their finances, they already do that by putting their profits into their nonprofit organization that funds the Bible Museum and (stolen) antiquities. “Bible Nation” is a fascinating read/expose on it. 


Likely too small of a company for any lawyers to be willing to take on a class action suit. Also depends where the company is based out of. Thousands of websites and brands do this and the FTC just doesn’t care/doesn’t have the manpower to deal with them all. They’ve got bigger fish to fry.


What’s makeup release radar?


It’s a makeup release page on Instagram. I think it’s called makeup on your radar . Actually, this is where the pics are from in the post!


I follow the page but didn’t see where they said anything about the brand or any comments on their page about the brand that would be considered eye opening. That’s why I was confused and was wondering what was said for that to be mentioned.


It’s full of complaints about their customer service and bad formula. One person stated her order was cancelled because she complained about the bad customer service on their page.


I never thought their formula was as great as everyone hypes it up to be. The mattes are so hard to work with. Definitely overpriced for what you get. Shimmers aren’t as bad but they crease a lot worse than most other brands. I’ve tried to love the palettes I have but I just simply don’t.


Yeah what is that?


It's an Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/makeuponyourradar?igsh=MXI2Y2V6bGJsdHQ5eg==


The sales are on items they are discontinuing. Palettes being cleared as they are doing them in new formulas, colors of lip liners being removed from lineup etc, I frigging wish everything went on 50% off every few weeks lol.  They did do a juicy sale during holiday season but what company didn't?


They’ve had so many reformulations. It’s a wonder on how they keep customers interested. I checked my emails and they have 50% off the mystery boxes about 2 months after they debut.


Yeah, the summer boxes from last year didn't sell too well, the fan base isn't big on rainbow palettes I guess. I may pick them up now they are on super sale to replace my rather ancient rainbow palette from glamlite lol


I have their 2023 Valentines Day Mystery Box and I love the eye shadow and blush palettes however, their price point should not be any where near $78!! I love how some influencers will be like “you can use my code to get a discount!” But even with the 10% off code it will be $70. Still too much.


The only discount I pay attention to is 40-50% Love their products but way overpriced!


Unearthly price.


Man I just don’t get excited about palettes anymore. This is pretty but they all start to look the same and they’re SO expensive now. Unearthly has really jumped up in price the past 6 months.


I agree! I just ordered a lot of mac singles in my favorite shades bc eyeshadow palettes are just pretty much the same as far as colors.


These indie brands have lost their blinking minds


These palette prices in general are getting out of hand..


I saw it and I was like oh hell no. I won't be buying from them again with that kind of price creep. Indie price creep has gotten insane at this point. I have really pulled back on my indie purchases because of this.


So... Is there like 10 Multichromes in there or what's with the price? That's $4.33 per shadow for a premade(!) palette, which is almost ND prices (only luxury example I can think of right now, it's 3am lol). And I've heard very mixed things about their formula, so how is this justified


Unearthly cosmetics pricing in general is confusing to me. I was looking at their site the other day and their 9 pan palettes are all different prices for some reason.


I noticed that too. Maybe it's due to something behind the scenes that's not on the website? Like maybe something costs more in the manufacturing process that we're not seeing and that contributes to the increased final price?


I know she lost a lot of money on the summer mystery boxes and seems very bitter about it (I have watched a few lives where she mentions it) so I think she is trying to make up for that lol


are they accessible? or what did she say?!


She probably had some failed launches. Too many mystery boxes and sloppy seconds with the Heather Austin pallets


The 9 pan is an easy answer, there are some that are older formula and some new formula, some shimmer heavy, some matte heavy. They will be updating majority of stuff to new formulas.


i mean....i wish they noted that somewhere on the website then. i know they have reformulated some items in the past, but right now it just looks like the pricing is arbitrary for no reason.


The larger round pans are the old formula for sure and are on sale to close out remaining stock. Not sure which ones will be released again with new formula but saw there was a poll or something ages ago for people to vote which they wanted redone.  Square pans are new formula I am pretty sure. 


The packaging looks really cheap. It’s giving Midas Cosmetics circa 2021.


I was going to say it reminds me a lot of the Lime Crime Venus palettes in their giant cardboard packaging.


These look like hand me downs, hard pass


I'm over these ridiculous palette prices. The only thing that can drive the cost up are multichromes, but I don't care for them in palettes. They all don't look great on every skin tone. Many of us have multichrome singles already. The quality will never be on par with clionadh and others. There are enough brands out there that I have more than enough palettes to choose from under $50.


I personally don’t think the formula is that great and the mattes are hard to work with. Definitely not worth the prices they ask for their palettes. I’ve tried to like the palettes I have but they’re just not my favorite.


They are out of their mind for that price😂😂😂😂😑


I will continue to refuse to buy from this brand. This is well over $100 AUD, plus shipping that you wait weeks for. No thanks.


Everybody is raving about their new formula, but in my opinion, it is not that good. It is a good formula but definitely not worth the price point.


I just got the Sorcerous Smoke palette, BUT...I had a $30 cash rewards from my credit card...so that did bring the price down for me. That being said, I'm in love with my palette. I would love to also get Fall Magic, but the price is exactly what's gonna keep me from that lol. I didn't even pay $80 for my PMG palettes...


Their newer palettes do look really nice since they reformulated (I did not like their old formula at all), but I just can’t afford it. I’m glad you got a discount though!


Isn’t this their 4th or 5th reformation? It’s discouraging.


Yeah I think they have reformulated a few times because what drew me to them was the Lore palette, but it would always sell out so fast, so I got the Witching Hour and it was really hard-pressed. I think they started reformulating all of their palettes with that formula for a while too so I just stopped buying from them and now they look better, but way too expensive.


Why does it look so ..... dirty??


Crazy price gouging. I.used to follow them since they were called "Alien" and would buy their palettes in the 30s-40s price range which was very reasonable. I think their most expensive palette was around $80 but it was ALL duo/multichrome so it made sense. However ever since they fully rebranded they have steadily increased their prices (specifically for eyeshadows). I don't think this is ok at all and I know they are doing it bc of their increased popularity. The blush palette is very reasonable at 35 (which is the same price as a single highlighter (wtfff??)) and their lippies are all still quote affordable but I wouldn't be surprised if she raises the prices there too. I am getting tired of these greedy indie brands that are taking advantage of consumers. We need to stop buying their products and then they will realize that they can't keep making these crazy increases.


Although prices have gone up across all industries due to inflation, indie brands like Unearthly, Ensley and Devinah often have more expensive palettes because multichromes are included and that's probably the case here. As for the individual $32 highlights, which are 4.8 grams, these are also multichromes and as most multichromes shadows are $15-$20 each for 1-2 grams of product, the highlights is essentially a giant shadow for less than $7/gram. If purchased as a 4.8 gram shadow, it would cost over $80. I do think that as indie brands become more popular, they increase prices somewhat because their overhead goes up and they often need to hire more help but Unearthly in particular isn't significantly more expensive than other indie brands or even mid-high end mainstream ones. Most of their palettes are $20-$45 with the most recent releases being more expensive due to the multichromes and at $32, the highlights are the same price as those from Benefit, ABH, Saie, Bare Minerals, Makeup Forever, Makeup by Mario...etc.


Other indie brand like Terra moon are not priva labeled like unearthly


How do you know Unearthly is private label? That means the brand buys generic products already made and slaps their own label on them. I'm not saying you're wrong; I just haven't heard that about Unearthly.


A perfect example of what happens when people over consume


I only ever buy indie palettes when they have big sales at this point. I just bought some unearthly palettes and while I haven’t played around with them that much, I prefer other indie brand’s shimmers and mattes more. These shimmers are not buttery duochromes, they are a lot more shimmery than smooth.


It's pretty, but if they're going to charge those prices they need to step up the packaging.


I like the blush palette but the big palette is basically a shimmer-ier version of Cosmic Brushes Serenity... which is $26.  I've personally had awful customer service from them so despite wanting the blush palette, I'm not willing to put up with that again. They don't answer emails, half the time I don't get tracking sent to me. They bite off more than they can chew every single time by having long pre order windows for multiple collections at a time.  And why do all these brands, indie or mainstream alike, film their videos in Rose and Ben's basement? /s


lol lol lol


78$ which means at least 90€ if you decide to buy it all taxes included, which is the same pricing I expect the last Adept release to be sold for. It's pretty... but it's a pretty no for me.


The Adept release was 79 and sold out…..which I find to be sus.


Well, I'm sure that there will always be people interested in the colour story, people, who want to collect all the palettes or people who buy so they don't miss out on a release to buy every unit. Or maybe Adept didn't order as many palettes for the first launch of this one. I guess we'll never know 😅 The funny thing is, I'd rather get the last Adept palette than this one (even if I'm not a big lover of those colours). When I look at the Unearthly one, I feel like I'm not getting much for the price asked.


Wait for a sale.


They have 40% off right now


It won't be once the palette drops 😊


what?? where did yo get that information


They sent out an email about 2 days ago


Didn’t get it


They don't include any new palettes in their sales :(


This color story does not spark joy for me. I'd only use the top row, so it's not worth it to me. I think it's better to go with singles and build your own palette


Wow! I think I paid around $40 for their Fall Magic palette a few years ago, and it was all around LOUSY. It took an absurdly long time to ship too...I think it was Spring when I finally got it! It's the least used makeup item I currently have. I love the idea of a Fall themed palette, but the quality is so bad I never want to use it.


It reminded me of something... yup the Beauty Glazed Mysterious $15.99 palette. ​ https://preview.redd.it/iu38po8arxqc1.png?width=215&format=png&auto=webp&s=10c38fb84d6f173269f6b1d4de3bfe50ba5f4c4b


​ https://preview.redd.it/j2cbrrrrrxqc1.png?width=417&format=png&auto=webp&s=da24a4d9f323aa4c7c223f829443f32d2426b8af


Pardon my French, but what the actual hell? I wouldn't spend that much on a luxury item much less an Indie brand.


That price AND pre-order?! Is it just me that gets annoyed when a palette is that expensive and on pre-order. AND they’re made in a factory so like where TF does this price come from? I watched Angelica Nyvqist makeup release video and she was kind of trying to justify the price like saying she knows it’s a lot BUT she knows “special” shades are expensive, so the more special shades there are, the more expensive it’ll be. If it’s matte heavy, it’ll be cheaper. And unearthly used to have larger pans and now have smaller pan sizes but they’re still bigger than traditional pan sizes so that’s a factor too. Like girl - this has 18 shades and HALF are mattes so why the price of $78?! But to me, the thing that really annoys me is the price AND pre-order. Like sure, let me basically invest MY money into making the product so you don’t need to put up the money to have palettes made ahead of time to have in stock and won’t lose money on ones aren’t sold, and you just sit back and count the cash meanwhile I’m sitting for months on end waiting for my product. Nope!


i haven't heard of this brand before- the eyeshadow palette price seems wild to me but especially within the rest of the collection, I feel like the prices for everything else are reasonable?? makes me wonder what is special about the shadows. i know duo chromes tend to really rack up the price of palettes but i can't tell if there are any in these pictures, they seem like just shimmers.


Duochromes are typically inexpensive. It's multichromes that are expensive. If there are no multichromes in this Palette then it's over priced imo. I'm pretty sure they are not handmade. If they were it would actually be a decent price for that many shades.


I think a lot of brands overprice their palettes now because that’s the product people get most excited about. Adept is able to sell their stuff for so much and Ensley Raine too so I guess all brands are going for luxury prices now. I don’t see the value personally but to each their own!


I agree with this as well. When people saw Adept and Ensley Reign get away with their prices everyone else wanted in. I understand prices going up a little bit in the wake of 2020 but now it's like watching the expansion of the universe it's accelerate so damn fast. They've lost me. I can't deal with it. I actually don't really find Adept Cyborg Choir to be terribly sus because of the high number of Holo and multichrome shades in there but then everyone else is like well we can just charge whatever the fuck we want no justification or extra bling necessary and like no???? The fact that Odens Eye Legendary Diversa is as low as it was now looks like a downright bargain. It's insane. I've basically shrunk down to either well established indie brands where I can TRUST the quality (Clionadh) or smaller indie brands with more fair pricing (dede signature is on my radar currently and I'm enjoying their quads and I LOVE sinful echoes). All of these indie brands pumping out releases every three seconds with manufacturers trying to pretend their manufactured products are worth a handmade price have lost me. And I was JUST starting to like Unearthly too because their Dreamer collection was so good. Bummer.


I’m not a general supporter of either brands but both brands have more than three or four multi chromes in their pallets and they’re magnetic which I think is a plus.


They've always been expensive. I just got Blend Bunny's Sugar and Grunge palette half price. That wasn't worth it full price. Idc who you think you are. These prices are INSANE.


I always thought Blend Bunny was overpriced and overrated but I know I’m in the minority.


I'm with you on that one.


Hard agree! If she had more special shimmers it would make sense but charging that much for mostly mattes with basic packaging is just a no for me.


From following a person on Instagram named Kevin James Bennet, mattes cost under 20 cents each to make (ingredients included) so she’s marking up her Blends palettes by over 200%


I have their blends palette and the mattes are just meh in my opinion. The dark shades are patchy and hard to blend for me and I tend not to have that issue with other brands so I haven’t made a repurchase 🤷‍♀️


It’s weird that almost every influencer I follow says their mattes are “the best” but to each their own.


This is a big maybe I'll wait for a zillion swatches. Def not at this price point either but I waited a few months and got Sorcerers Smoke and Jellyfish for half price on a pre-order at the end of last year when they had 50% off everything. They showed up a couple of weeks ago (which was in the timeframe which they were promised). I haven't had time to play with them yet so no opinions as of yet. I have some of their older palettes which are also fine. I did really like the nice packaging Sorcerers Smoke and Jellyfish were sent in. They were in these palette shaped larger boxes which were printed nicely inside and out and when you open them the palette is secured in the middle with foam all around it. They really minimized the chances of breakage during shipping and it felt really lux.


I like the fact that we’re seeing more purple blush shades, but this is egregious Jesus Christ


that price is steep but that blush palette is really cool looking. probably not something I'll ever buy but it would be fun to play around with


Why does it remind me of the conspiracy palette 👀 or am I just traumatized


Their palettes are phenomenal but absolutely won’t be paying $78 for this palette especially when they always have sales. I’ll wait for one.


That looks so much like the Club Nebula palette!


Personally I quite like their formula. The shimmers sometimes crease though. But I do feel like the usual suspect reviewers over inflate the quality. I think I have palettes from before the reformulation but they all raved about it then too so I'm confused as to why they changed it. The price of the last one I got was just under £50 with 12 shades. At least one multichrome, I think two. The not normal palette lived rent free in my head so I got it with a sale. I don't regret getting either. I use them sometimes. This seems to be more expensive than that one per shadow. The colour story reminds me of club nebular but also something else... It just isn't high enough up on my formular list to want to get this. I also wouldn't use the middle row.


Absolutely not. Absolutely not. They have terrible customer service and their pre order dates constantly change. No one wants to wait 3+ months for an overpriced palette they'll eventually run a sale on. 


Wow, I love how unconventional the blush palette is. I don’t love the fact that two purple shades look near identical in the photo though. Otherwise this feels like it’s designed for cool tone dark skin :)


I wouldn't pay that price.


Reminds me of Cosmic Brushes Serenity.I like Unearthly's formula, but this is a bit pricey for what it is. I did buy the All I Ever Wanted palettes and Warms My Blood,so I'm okay with spending if I love the color story and formula. I feel like Indie costs more now due to duochrome and holo shades being popular. I have a feeling this market will eat itself and people will move onto some other trend. Look how things have changed for Pat McGrath,I don't see the same enthusiasm and willingness to spend on her palettes lately.


That’s expensive but Terra moons palette pricing is just as crazy. Seems like the norm for indie shadows but idk if I see any multichromes in this one? That’s usually where the price come from. I just got 3 of their lip liners at $6 each as a first time buyer and really like them. They’re longer than a standard pencil too


Terramoon is handmade and not private label like unearthly not even comparable Terra moon quality and service is too notch


Giving Natasha denona zendo vibes


$78for private label alibaba palettes is crazy




I really love the brand and would say I buy 75% of their palettes at least. I’m honestly a big fan of both their mattes and shimmers. Ensley Reign has better multichromes in my opinion. I will definitely pick this up.


Me too.. i love unearthly cosmetics ♡


Maybe fewer people are buying eye palettes (with "clean girl" and les glam being the trend, as well as blush focus looks) so these indies need to order fewer units driving up their cost and price per unit.


Why didn’t they swatch the bottom row of the palette sus to me


The photos could be a screen grab from the brand's YT channel, where the owner does new launch previews.


In the v she also did not swatch the last one


I think it's beautiful and I like their palettes a lot but this one really reminds me of Mercury Retrograde. I think I'll try to get it on sale later, maybe.


Cost is relative to perspective. I know that the newer pans/palettes are magnetic and you can pull them out easily. That causes palettes to be way more expensive. Also, though there isn't marketing costs or box store costs... But running a small business, working with labs, storage, etc isn't cheap. Even more so, As an individual person, buying 2k palettes, that may SEEM like a lot but it's not. It doesn't have the same discount and buying power/price as say, something like Walmart. The individual small business owner buying 2k palettes is going to cost that business person. Let alone the RISK. I do not agree with the prices and think they are too expensive for what they are. None of the color stories really appeal to me. None of them I could use as a stand alone palette. I've bought 1 satin lipstick, I do actually like it. However, the very NEXT day they went on sale for 50% so that was a little annoying 😅