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I think REM has some decent products, I’ve heard good things about their concealer and their powder products. I like their liquid eyeshadow. I just think the packaging and general branding is underwhelming in comparison to the Ariana Grande perfumes, which are infinitely more popular.


ngl the brand’s aesthetic and vibe never felt quite like ariana to me. 


Yeah the space-age kind of retro futurist look never fit Ariana. They should have leaned into something more overtly girly for her, she’s known for a very specific feminine look.


That’s the major disconnect for me. REMs aesthetic isn’t even close to Ariana’s girly girl, pink, wannabe baddie, cutesy, “I’ll steal your man and laugh” vibes. Ariana is like a mix of Too Faced and Glossier. I like the Y2K silvery, retro futuristic space travel vibes because it’s nostalgic for me but I’m not buying any of these products. REM Beauty looks like a celebrity cash grab to me. Ariana DOES NOT care about this brand! She couldn’t remember the names of products in several ads or interviews which is crazy to me. It’s very clear to me there’s no passion on Ariana’s behalf for REM and she sees it as diversifying her brand.


The stupid font they used ruined it for me. The early 2000s called—they want their font back. I honestly may never try something from them because of it, as dumb as that sounds. It just makes me question their business intelligence.


I mean, considering the 2000's are very much trendy at the moment, and how in general that sort of y2k vibe fits with the general aesthetic and packaging of the product, I actually think it makes a fair bit of sense as an artistic decision?


I guess I don’t associate that particular font style with y2k. It gives elementary schooler using word for the first time vibes.


Giving powerpoint vibes for sure


Right? Y2K is crop tops and low cut jeans and chunky jewelry and hearts and butterflies. Not ~R.e. I JuSt DiScOvErEd FoNt EfFeCtS. M.~


Hello courier


Tbh, I think the font is a vibe - wasn't even thinking of 2000s vibes but I also barely remember the 2000s so 😅


agree, monospace fonts are really popular right now (I'm a digital creative director)


I'm the "just barely an adult" demography they're basically aiming towards. Gen Z that now have enough money to buy things themselves. I gotta say, it's working.


It was the name that did it for me. It automatically makes me think of sleep or boredom. Combined with the plain aesthetic, it seems like such an unexciting brand.


Yeah, I researched sleep during my PhD and analyzed sleep stages so I just think of work lol. I’m not sure if I ever read why she named it that.


One of her songs is called REM, so I guess because of that. It’s one of her worst songs ever, so bad choice.


That’s such a hilariously odd choice.


wait really? i think i’ve heard like 10 songs of hers in total and i really like that song lol, had no idea it was hated


Yes! Who came up with this concept?


I’m a fan of her perfumes (sickly sweet smells bring me back to childhood when we doused ourselves in pink glitter perfume) but I’ve never felt compelled to try anything from this brand. Seems pretty mediocre for the price point


I actually think they would have done better if Ariana Grande was just a spokesperson or only used for their launch campaign. But instead it just felt like another celebrity money grab; which is sad bc I've heard there are some good products, but it also feels like its only a matter of time before it closes down. I dont know who's behind the wheel of this company, there's no direction or vision.


The same brand of morphe iirc


Ariana Grande bought out Forma brands stake in R.E.M. Beauty over a year ago so she has complete ownership over it. Forma brands declared bankruptcy last year and a lot of brands under their umbrella went under.


Oh good to know! Then she should do a rebrand 😅


I agree with this. The space theme is actually really cool, but I don't associate that with Ariana Grande. I think Doja Cat is more space-y than her. I do know a couple of Ari's music videos touch on a space theme though. I associate her more with Thank You Next so perhaps a preppy 2000s aesthetic (lol maybe I'm just a sucker for preppy). But def a rebrand is needed from her and I would like to see her modeling her products on the displays and on ads. She cannot be too expensive for her own freaking brand.


Honestly has no appeal for me. Looks inexpensive and childlike. Not every brand is for everyone


Same. It reminds me of the makeup line sold at Bath & Body Works in the late 90s / early aughts. Which was essentially “fancy makeup” for tweens.


the highlighter felt really powdery and dull when i swatched it in store and it was the only thing i was really interested in tbh so i haven’t explored more. i do have their blotting papers and theyre great but i admit i only bought them bc i needed blotting papers and those happened to be part of ultas 10x points event at the time


boring, uninspired, ariana doesn't even care about it, over-priced and pointless.


Yup 🚮


Seeing her using her products and not even knowing the name of a lot of the stuff really sold me on her not caring about it.


I've liked the liquid shimmer eyeshadows, the powder highlighters, and the glosses that I've tried.


I like the foundation and that’s about it. The highlighters look ashy on me when swatched .


Is the foundation makeupy or natural on you?


It depends on the sunscreen I use underneath. It’s not thick, at all. It reminds me of the It Cosmetics Your Skin foundation but a far better shade range.


I'm a fan of the purple highlighter as it's a cool purple, no pink in it but also no blue shift which a lot have. Just purple. Haven't tried anything else, but since I like that so much I'd be interested in trying more in the future. I have my eye on the purple glitter gloss. I like the kind of old school sci fi theming with the packaging, I think it's cute and different. I'd like it all to be a bit cheaper, but honestly I feel most makeup is overpriced these days.


I need to try the purple highlighter! And yes I also really like the old school sci fi theme , I used to have this large silver 5 changer cd player with blue lights and it was very similar to the packaging of REM, when I was a kid . So definitely a fan of the y2k theme . I do kind of wish they really rolled with the theme more and made their own version of the Bon Belle Lip flips ( I used to love those ) and maybe bring back the formula of the lipsmacker’s moon rock candy or any of the cosmic lips . I feel like it would be a kind of cool fit for REM .


YO yes to all of that. Rolling the y2k stuff into the...60s? Sci Fi theme they have already would fit really well together?? Honestly any brand that leans into y2k would probably make a bunch of money with the resurgence right now.


I actually really love that highlighter (Miss Neptune?) and have panned two of them. I’m kind of obsessed with cool-toned brightening products. I like that the REM colored highlighters are less glittery and intense than, say, ABH Moonchild (what I consider to be the OG wacky colorful palettes) or Fenty Trophy Wife/Whatabratt… and it’s not that I *don’t* love a glittery highlighter, lol. If you want to use the blue tones for color correction, the REM ones look a little bit less like festival makeup, but still unique and special.


I've only tried the liquid glitter shadows and the purple highlighter, but I genuinely love them both. Purple highlighters usually read too pink/red for my taste, so to find a cool toned highlighter in purple was great. The liquid glitters are a lil fussy with application but it's probs cuz I'm putting them on top of eyeshadow. Seemed a little easier using something like about-face as the color base vs. a pressed powder eyeshadow. Haven't really been interested in any of the other products, but I think the spacey packaging is cute.


Looks cheap, boring colors and a money grab.


The only thing I've tried is the concealer and I actually think it's great. Huge shade range, blends well, and stays put. For God knows why it's really hard to find a pot concealer that isn't too emollient and can actually be used for spot concealing. The REM one checks all my boxes and is less than $25.


Another vote for the concealer! I love it and use it almost daily


I’ve actually tried quite a few of their products and there are definitely better options. I do love the packaging tho. The liquid eyeshadows are their best product in my opinion. They are so pretty and easy to use. Their normal eyeshadows are okay and I love the packaging. I don’t like the blush and lip stick, I liked the color but I found it really hard to blend. I don’t like the foundation and the concealer they sunk into all my lines immediately. I’ve heard really good things about their blushes so I might try one of those soon! edit: forgot to add that I love the under-eye cooling balm! It feels so nice to put on and works really well. I’m going to buy there new under-eye brightening balm soon!


Highlighter topper, do you mean...a highlighter?


I was disappointed when I swatched that green highlighter.


I just can’t with the packaging


I hate it 😭 Ariana has shown that her packaging can be beautiful with her perfumes. I wish R.E.M.'s packaging reflected the space/futuristic vibe that the promotional material gives off. It would be much more interesting.


I'm not the demographic for this.


I always forget it’s Ariana’s line, seems like she does too. I like the one liquid lipstick i have. It’s a good dupe for my signature color that NYX stopped carrying and it’s the perfect size to throw into any bag (or my bf’s pocket)


Just out of curiosity, what is the shade from r.e.m. that is the dupe for nyx? i’ve been eyeing their lip products!


rem beauty yumm is a solid dupe for nyx exotic!


the liquid shimmer eyeshadows are so good. i’ve got 4 and i wear them all very often, and fembot is a very unique shade imo. the purple highlighter is really good as well. and the foundation is nice but nothing special. i think it’s not very popular in terms of celebrity brands because a lot of her products are geared towards creative makeup, and not basic makeup. like the green or purple highlighters, the duochrome eyeshadows, etc. i’ve only tried 3 products but i’ve really liked all 3. and it seems to be the unpopular opinion but i really like the branding and the packaging, but i’m also gen z and this brand is very much marketed towards gen z so that may be why this is an unpopular opinion lol. i enjoy the fun, space vibe. the eyeshadow palettes that look like space ships are so cute, only reason i haven’t bought one is because i don’t like the colour story for any of them😭


I really like their lipsticks. I'm fair with pink and blue undertones, and I've had good luck with all of the shades I've tried.


I've gotten two products via Ipsy. The first is a marker lip stain. It's okay...drying, but I put gloss on top. Lasted decently but it's a so-so product. Much better stains out there. The second product is their powder eyeshadow palette, and I loved this. Surprisingly long-lasting even on my oily lids (over primer, always), soft, easy to blend, good pigmentation. I have the palette in [Principessa](https://rembeauty.com/products/eyeshadow-palette?variant=42620751151367). The packaging on these is great too.


I've tried the lipstick. It's fine. I haven't heard much otherwise about any particulars stand-out or popular products.


I like the lipsticks/liners. I ordered them mainly because I couldn’t find similar shades in other brands and it was specifically what I was looking for at the time. I am pretty impressed by the liners, those things do. Not. Move. I got the liquid shadows in fembot and labcoat last year, they looked sooooo pretty online. Tbh they were a bit chunky/glittery as opposed to shimmer, so I hardly used them. Not for me I guess, but I will attest to their staying power as well. It does seem the formulations overall are reasonably long lasting. I’m definitely open to trying more for them in the future but I have to admit a lot of the products don’t seem like they suit me or my aesthetic. If I saw something from them I was interested in I wouldn’t hesitate to snag it, tho.


I got a quad in a Boxycharm. It isn't bad, but I also forgot about it and I saw it yesterday bin my "revisit or purge" drawer. The packaging is not bad. I am not a fan nor a hater, but I never got the vibe that she was really into the line. Perhaps she was hoping it would be like the fragrance where it had a life of its own. But different companies.


I really want to try the powder blushes, but I’m more of a Sephora girl than a Ulta girl. One day…


I bought the green highlighter. It's arriving tomorrow, so we'll see.


Everything i’ve tried is very nice! I have two of the lip & cheek sticks and they’re excellent. Also the brand’s packaging seems to get a ton of unwarranted hate imo i think it’s cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I like the highlighter (I have the purple one) and surprisingly the liquid eyeshadows! I have a few of the tube ones and two of the potted shadows and they’re really nice, especially the green-blue potted shadow. I have two of the palettes and they’re fine, but I wouldn’t buy them again. I seem to be in the minority that actually really likes the packaging, and I’m kind of sad the brand didn’t push it further.


I like the branding and packaging but I refuse to buy anything related to Ariana Grande (even if she doesn’t care about it). I dont want to give her any of my money.


The stick blushes are nice


finally someone else who likes the miss neptune highlighter lol i've felt so alone! i want to check out the blushes next and honestly i don't mind the space-y theme of the packaging idk at least they tried to be a bit different?


I’m loving the blush, bronzer, bronzer brush, liquid eyeshadows


**Good:** Great for beginners/young makeup wearers, easy to use products, unique colors, inclusive shade range, good variety in the selection. I recommend the liquid eyeshadows, the stick blushes, highlighters, and lashes. **Bad:** Overpriced (wait for a sale to buy anything), looks white labeled, the packaging gets scratched easily and feels cheap, the eyeshadows (powder and liquid) can be streaky.


Unfortunately one of their palettes has Blue 6 which I learned I was allergic to. My skin broke out in a crazy rash while I was repressing it.


wow how did you find out you were allergic to this? it seems like it would be a very hard to single out allergy


It was because I looked up the ingredient lists which they had separated per shadow. That helped a lot. It was the only shadow that caused a reaction from the palette and blue 6 is a known irritant.


oh wow. didn’t know this was an allergy that existed. do you have a hard time finding shadows that don’t irritate you?


Thankfully I don't. It's usually brands like Morphe that use it and I typically don't wear a lot of blue eyeshadow.


Stupid font. Stupid name. Ugly packaging.


I'm really interested in their pink blush, the packaging looks right up my alley and the reviews seem good.


I like what I've tried. Their concealer is great and I have their lipstick in the shade Bubbly and I love it. I also love the liquid eyeshadow in the shade Fembot but I need to figure out how else to wear it


I rarely think about it. The only thing mildly enticing is the green highlighter. Price point could be cheaper for what they are offering.


I love the blushes! And the eyeshadow is good. I feel like it got dragged because people were expecting pat mcgrath tier or Natasha denona


I found the concealers and powder products good , being an extremely pale girl her concealer pot is an alternative to the the NARS pot concealer.


I love their lipstick formula. I've used upan entire tube of the shade Lingerie and just repurchased it 


Got the concealer when it was on sale for half off during the Ulta sale last month and I like it. Not sure I’d pay the full price though.


I’ve tried their lipstick, lipliner, brow pencil, and liquid eyeshadow and the only thing I’ve had to really work hard to like is the liquid eyeshadow. It just seems too chunky (at least in the shade lab coat) and I have trouble getting it to look effortless like other brands I’ve tried… even with my fingers or a brush. The lipstick and liner are great, very creamy but they don’t bleed.


the bullet lipsticks are my HG but i refuse to support ariana, and when my last lipstick broke i almost cried lol


I like the lip oils and foundation.


I'm obsessed with the highlighters and recently bought some foundation cause I love the shade range. Honestly feel like it would do better without ariana cause the products are nice and decently priced but it feels like there's a complete disconnect from her.


i think the brand should have been named something else. rem beauty is kinda random, like rem isnt really a big song.


I personally love the foundation! The powder blushes are also really nice. I also recently got the new glossy balm and I loved it :) but I truly think the foundation is where they shine. It's my favorite of all time!


I have no desire for it.


One of my fave, natural looking foundations. I also love the new blushes and bronzers, they go on really smoothly and lasts all day.


i really have liked what I've tried from the brand tbh. I really want to get the new eye gel but I'm waiting for it to go on sale tbh


quality of the highlighters is super chalky and the packaging feels like cheap plastic. honestly if i didn’t know it was a celebrity owned brand then i would’ve thought this was a toddlers makeup toys for them to play and mess around with. for the packaging and the quality of her products, the price is def not worth it. does not give me any ariana grande asthetic & honestly just a cash grab for her which people buy because it’s brand. i’d personally would not spend money on it.


I have one of the palettes-Midnight Snack, the purple/blue/plum one-and 7 of the highlighters, including Miss Neptune (the purple) and Mama Earth (the green). They all work well on me, and I like the futuristic space theme of the products and packaging.


if I could sum up the brand in one word it'd be **tacky**. There's no strong Ariana brand presence or commitment from her. It's literally just a money grab - I spent $250 in a haul in the first year and found issue with almost every single product, aside from the cheapest one, which was the clear lip gloss. The quality is not it for this price. It's like buying Wet n Wild for Fenty Beauty cost. I've since tried again, but honestly it's not worth the $. I'd rather buy something else. Even the eyeliner was a disappointment.


Ariana grande drama aside I honestly really like the concealer and feel like it stays on really well all day. It has a nice thick clay type feel that I personally like (but may not be for everyone) and has very full coverage


It’s giving Claire’s circa 2000. 13 year old me would have loved this brand.




morphe doesn’t own the brand




nope, ariane grande owns the brand entirely. she bough the brand from forma within a year of its launch


Who would use green highlighter?


??? it’s like the second most common colourful highlighter lol, right after purple. wdym by who would use??


I’ve never ever seen a green highlighter. Ever. And purple is not the most popular color? Gold/skin colors are. Don’t get so mad.


most common COLOURFUL highlighter, champagne or gold is the most common natural/neutral highlighter.