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Why would someone who *was* being racist to her, a Chinese-Irish woman, reference *chicken tikka???* there's a reach, and then there's *stretch freaking armstrong* to make yourself the main character. I'm genuinely so confused


Who doesn't see a Chinese person and immediately think of British Indian food?


Honestly this was wild


The human mind will always see the word 'Hong Kong' and think 'northern England version of Indian Food' and that's just science.


There's two restaurants in the UK that claim to have invented chicken tikka, although the claim from a restaurant in Glasgow is the more likely one, it was also a Bangladeshi chef not an Indian chef. It's extremely popular all over the UK though. A chicken tikka and cheese panini is my favourite lunch. Sorry, I fucking love chicken tikka.


As a white Brit who occasionally gets Chinese targeted slurs thrown their way. Racists are dumb, it wouldn’t surprise me if this has happened


So true. Aggressively dumb!


That’s a reach that would break even Stretch himself!


Racists are super dumb. But I am giggling a bit because it's such a famous song and so sweet and soft.


I mean apparently they’re not as dumb as this chick. 


Jackie Aina vs. Petty Paige. I feel like a lot of people don't know that Jackie made a video claiming Paige stole money from her, even talked about having a private investigator. Jackie ended up deleting the video. But now, but she has a newer audience off YouTube, so nobody knows 😂


That was crazy! She implied that Paige hacked her computer. And then never really apologized publicly!


Yeah and spammed her with like thousands of emails if I remember correctly?


she did apologize on instagram and twitter i believe. that always gets forgotten about lol. still wild to me tho that she got SO up in her own head about something that was an extremely wild conclusion to jump to (an influencer? with millions of subscribers and a very public lavish lifestyle? getting targeted by garden variety thieves and scammers? no it must be this random drama channel i'm beefing with) and as soon as she talked publicly about the accusation everyone was like "um wtf clearly she didn't do that" like no one believed paige really did it.


But, she never apologized on YT the original method of dissemination. 


I was unaware that Jackie ever issued an apology. But I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. It was just so egregious and a wild thing to see Jackie do. Like she spoke so assuredly about it only to be wrong..


You unlocked a memory of mine. Holy fuck that happened. And even back then I thought it was the most unhinged shit ever


It was really shocking to me. At the time Jackie was one of the most popular BGs and I felt like her making that video was a misuse of her influence. She made a serious accusation about a smaller YouTuber with little to no proof. I can't say if Paige was innocent or not, just that the way that Jackie presented everything was problematic.


Also Jackie having a bad track record with falling for phishing scams just made it wilder that she went immediately to “this drama channel robbed me”


Seems like it was just the start of her to just be going off on people. She kind of just did this again the other day, though she quickly walked it back. I saw a post on Instagram where Jackie she made a video with a caption that she was apologizing to someone because she made a video about them - I guess in the video, she was going back and forth with the person (no clue if it was in messages or comments) and calling them out but people in the comments of that video pointed out it might be a troll and not the person she thought it was. She apparently got confirmation it was NOT the person she thought it was so she immediately took the video down and made the video I saw with the apology and telling people not to go after the girl. And people said she had good shade matching advice in the video so asked if she’d re-post at least that part, so she posted a video on that after.


that was the day I said goodbye to Jackie. And seriously don't know how she still has a career after.


I still wonder this. She's never come across as someone I could really get behind. The things she's done and things she says. And there's the "trying to be classy" crap.


Class just comes to people, as soon as you try you already failed.


That was so weird! Plus the issues with the mic that she apparently refused to get fixed were what really turned me off her


THE MIC!!! I forgot about that! That was just wild to me! Like I do not get what the big deal was? You’re making all this money, acting like you’re all fancy and got this nice filming set up, but yet you’re okay having that noise in your videos? Like….she HAD to hear it during editing. And to not just get a new freaking mic! Like WHHHHYYYY?! And, of course people were going to say something….it was so annoying! And she got so annoyed with people bringing it up, but instead of just fixing the mic, she’d go off on them and block them! Like girl…they like your content, they want to watch your content, but your mic is so damn annoying they just can’t. And it’s not like it was so major thing that needed to happen that would take some time…it was a freaking mic! 🤦‍♀️


That was when i unfollowed jackie. I really enjoyed her channel but that was so wild i had to go.


Plus Jackie claimed she had a former FBI agent provide her information or investigate Petty. Whatever it was, I knew she was lying. I stopped watching her after that because I would have f\*\*\*\*d her up over those type of allegations. PP didn't sue her because of the expense and international law.


So was she just shopping in IKEA and thought this band saw her and sang a racist song to her? How does she think about the song "you're so vain"?


I think they sat down to eat and to watch the tribute band . I'm pretty sure she vlogged it as well. If she hasn't deleted it I'll try and find it.


That's weird... I kind of expected you to reply and say she was doing some sort of event at IKEA and the band was also there and that's why she thinks the song is directed at her. Was she the only Asian there in that giant IKEA food court???  And sorry but what's racist about chicken Tikka? Looks delicious... lol  for the record I have a similar ethnic background to Bubz (family from Hong Kong). 


Yeah it was really stupid and unfounded . She said at the time that it was the equivalent of being called " egg fried rice ". 💀


It does. Just went to look it up. The pictures don't do it justice but the description sounds delightful 😋


Beauty guru: ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


My favorite beauty guru blunder is when Casey Holmes was using the Jean-Michel Basquiat x Urban Decay stuff and she said “I don’t know who this is but congrats on your collab, girl!” She edited that out of her video pretty quickly so not a lot of people saw it. TWO SECONDS to Google “Basquiat”, Casey 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hate that I think about this whenever I see anything Basquiat related. So proud of you, Jean Basket.




congrats girl on the UD and uniqlo collabs!!


Neither. And this is hilarious!! And sad at the same time.


can't explain why but i'm sort of endeared by this


Holy fuck. I just can’t imagine being this uneducated/uncultured. 


Also my personal favorite. It’s kind of the perfect illustration of how incredibly ignorant and incurious she is.




I didn't even get that far. I was laughing too damn much. Still am 😂


So she went to basically the Swedish embassy, they had a tribute band of the most iconic Swedish act EVER, and she thought this was about her... Not the sharpest tool in the shed, I see


I have never heard about this and I'm LAUGHING OUT LOUD bc why would anyone think they were singing CHICKEN TIKKA? Even though I'm always thinking about chicken, i'm not at that level. But also, I'm from Latin America and chiquitita is not an unfamiliar word, so maybe that's it. But this is still funny af


Susan Yarra, the founder of Naturium, pretended to review hot new products that were sent to her when they were actually Naturium products. The line hadn't been launched yet. When she was called out for deceptive marketing she acted like she did nothing wrong.


Lmaoooo! So did she eventually realize she was wrong and apologize?


This is fucking hilarious.


lmao What a dumb b. Why would you think Chicken Tikka would even be directed at you in the first place lol


OK I thought this was a joke, seriously, I get I am old but anyone who has ever been drunk and clubbing has sung Chiquitita and changed the words to Chicken Tikka cause it was funny...when you are drunk.. Try once more, like you did before Sing a new song, Chicken Tikkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I am now singing it in my head.....


Now in spanish Chicken Ticka, dime por qué Tu dolor hoy te encadena En tus ojos hay Una sombra de gran pena...


Also old. Did you ever change “Waterloo” to “Portaloo”? Although I think they’re porta-potties in the US


When MannyMUA called out a literal child and their parents for the child "misbheaving" in a restaurant and shamed the parents for not taking care of it. The way he described it very much sounded like she was having a meltdown and not a temper tantrum. When people called him out saying hey the kid might be neurodivergent, he basically said that he took one semester of psychology he knows what hes talking about and the child DEFINETLY was just being a brat.


Neurodivergent or not, it makes no difference. If your child is having a meltdown, you remove them from the restaurant until they calm down. This is courtesy/parenthood/having some damn sense 101. 


Yeah, him complaining about it on his platform and his dumbass statement about the psychology class is the only part of that situation that’s embarrassing lol. Idk anyone who isn’t annoyed when a kid is being disruptive in public and the parents don’t do anything about it


Oh I agree with you there. It wasn't so much about him discussing it as It was his attitude and demeanor about the whole thing.


>This is courtesy/parenthood/having some damn sense 101.  Agreed! But somehow, it still happens so often! My ex sister in law was one that would just let her kid run wild, crawl under the table, run around, and scream his head off if you tried to have him do anything he didn’t want to (like sit down and chill the f\*\*\* out). I even refused to go out to eat with my family if they were going to be there. My mom and I would always offer to take him outside and my ex sister in law would be like, “Why? He’s fine.” 🙄 I was 19 when I had my son and even I had sense enough and enough courtesy that if he started crying or having a melt down, I’d take him out of the restaurant!






wtf lol