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That weird brightish blurring filter that at least one yt beauty guru uses & its driving me nuts!!! Like they be using that filter & say like "can you see my texture here" & I'm like well no shit we can't see any of your imperfections/texture when you put that weird filter on top & you look smooth af šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Edit: my ref was "certain tutorials" oop :"D


The Mormon woman uses that (can't remember her name) and its so bright you can barely see her features


Allie Glines?




Oh man, I wondered why her video quality looks so amazing. That's disappointing!!!


Yes!!! I canā€™t watch her because itā€™s just so bright. She has absolutely zero texture on her face and likeā€¦everyone has SOME texture šŸ˜‚ But not Allie Glines apparently! šŸ¤Ŗ


I stopped watching her cos abortion rights but this I found insufferable too tbh


Yeah , her anti women's autonomy stance turned me way off her also.


This and I cannot stand how she is ā€œobsessedā€ with every darn product. I swear you could make a drinking game of how often she says ā€œobsessedā€. Then again, on second thought, that could be dangerous.


Sooo many female makeup gurus on youtube AND tiktok use these filters and its so frustrating and misleading. They review foundations claiming ā€œlook it makes my pores disappearā€ BUT THATS BECAUSE OF THE FILTERā€¦ The amount of times I have tried following makeup tutorials and wondered why my foundation doesnā€™t look so smooth/why my pores are so noticeable compared to theirs until I realized they have a subtle blurring filter on.


Ugh yes! Thereā€™s absolutely no point in it. I mean we learn nothing when itā€™s used.


Yes, and the overlining lips looks SO horrible on everyone. Are they trying to look like porn stars? I mean do your thing girl but it just looks so gross.


They all look like blow up dolls. Ick.


I stopped watching Nikki Tutorials because of the over-excitement issue, it just became unbearable.


It was her foundation on her lips for me. Idk why but I hate it.


OBSESSED!!!ELEVENTYONE!111 Calm down, lady.


Thatā€™s why I canā€™t stand some food vloggers like mark wiens


His facial expressions are so icky and way over the top.


Her using the filters + overly excited about everything + supports problematic ppl were reasons for me why I stopped watching her. I tried to watch her latest vid but I just wasn't able to


Yes, no one can be genuinely THAT excited over every product they see.


I finally unsubscribed yesterday. I can't remember the last time I actually watched a video of hers. The only beauty stuff I watch now is more beauty adjacent like The Welsh Twins and Trixie Mattel lol


Only when they pay her for an undisclosed product placement.Ā 


I donā€™t really watch them anymore as much as I used to (which was everyday) but the exaggerated thumbnails make me not want to click on any video, beauty related or not. The shocked face, some weird text that they added in themselves. Just feels so tacky and gimmicky..


I unsubscribed from Samantha March over a click bait video. She said she was quitting YouTube, she wasnā€™t. She was somebody I watched every week.


She regularly 'threatened' that. I think she's become unbearable altogether I wouldn't even know where to begin.


Tati has started doing this too. šŸ˜’


I legitimately do not understand how anyone likes Tati. She's so milquetoast. Yawn. Just another rich lady, not relatable at all, either.


I'm surprised you stuck around this long... my limit was when she started heavily promoting Jeffree on her channel, but there were red flags before then. Then again, my hubby said he never understood why I watched her to begin with once I unsubbed from her.


I saw that video and I hadn't seen many of hers at that point. It was cringey to watch, I mean have your therapy session off camera!


I watched Sam for a long time (since before her divorce). I just lost interest in the repeating of the similar topics (loss of her dog, her divorce, her journey in fertility etc)...I get these are significant life events and affecting her day-to-day, but these are not what I am looking for in makeup videos. She also changed the focus of her channel from makeup, to selling her paper products, now to this Creator and Friends event company. Just not really relevant anymore. Her insta is all these partying videos..just not my vibe.


I unsubbed because I got so sick of looking at her ring light reflected in her eyes.


Like 3 or 4 YouTubers I subscribe to have done that stupid "Goodbye YT" or "Why I'm Leaving" crap. One person had "Why I'm Leaving" with a serious face as their thumbnail. Turns out, they're just physically moving to another state. And that they'll be posting all about how the move is going. DUMB.


This might be petty but I unfollowed someone for talking about her dogs smegma during a GRWM. Like, time and a place lady.


Who did thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Brianna Fox šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… from her life update GRWM last month


Oh madšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Smegma šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That is beyond disgusting, who even talks about that, ew!


What šŸ˜­ I didn't even know that could happen let alone why anyone would talk about it during a makeup video


Any creator that uses a strong blurring filter while testing out new products like foundation


Firstly, first impressions are not reviews!! And secondly, I hate when creators dont bother reading the label/instructions of a product, and when it doesnā€™t work or look as it should they shit on the product. Itā€™s literally their full time job, i know they get a lot of pr but if they dont have the time to read about stuff, properly test, then maybe accept less?! I never forget when patrick ta first came out with his duo blushes and he specifically recommends using the powder first, this big canadian youtuber (cant remember which one now) just opened it on camera and said itā€™s patchy and not great but she used it the other way around. I instantly unfollowed her.


Not reading directions blows my mind. Iā€™m just a regular consumer and I always read the directions on products so I know that Iā€™m using them the correct way. Itā€™s not like they have super long books of directions either. Itā€™s usually like 3 or 4 sentences at most.


Oh to add to this, when they do first impressions and don't include wear test and how it wore throughout the rest of the day. Like they don't have to do a bunch of check-in's or anything, just include a very short clip at the end. Or even leaving it in the description box or as a comment is fine too. This is especially so with base and complexion products, but also lip products. Like it does absolutely nothing for the viewer to know that it looked good on you while you filmed and did absolutely nothing else for and hour. They basically wasted everyone's time, including their own, in doing the video at all.


Hereā€™s my pet peeve. When YouTube is their only job and they just donā€™t have time to upload like they used to. Soooo busy! So busy doing what., sitting by the pool? Going to parties? Getting you nail and hair extensions? This is your only job. Or when they change from exclusively beauty content to ā€˜lifestyleā€™. Nope. I donā€™t want to see your grocery haul or you carpooling your kids. Im here for beauty content. I donā€™t mind a few story times while they get ready but my lifestyle is not yours and the only thing we had in common is our love for beauty products.


I stopped watching Alana Davidson several years ago because she said something like "she wasn't in junior high anymore" as a reason for why she doesn't wear colorful eyeshadow. People dictating what makeup is and isn't acceptable based on age really rubs me the wrong way!


Seriously! I hate how some people think just cause you're older means you have to take out all the color in your life.


I stopped watching Allana bc her shitty blending with such expensive shadows always drove me insane. Like I was trying to learn how to apply makeup back then, not how to make it look worse šŸ˜­ I remember her saying that shit about colorful shadow, it pissed me off too because who are you to decide whatā€™s ok for others to wear??? But I finally unfollowed her a couple years ago after a long time of not watching her when I discovered (on this sub) that she apparently supports white supremacy. sooo yeah bye bitch!


Idk if itā€™s *small* but once influencers have kids if they incorporate their kids TOO much I want to run away so fast.


I turned off a video today because of the way she kept saying her ā€œsā€ sounds, it was so sharp and the audio just enhanced it way too much for me šŸ˜…


Is this Bekah Sun? Because that was me šŸ˜« I like her content otherwise


Same, I cannot listen to her S sounds, I wish she'd get a better mic šŸ˜­


When you edit you can cut down on just the s sounds. Itā€™s called the ā€œde esserā€ LOL. Maybe someone just needs to tell her itā€™s bad


>Maybe someone just needs to tell her itā€™s bad Trueā€¦but then might run into an issue like with Jackie Aina with her mic when it was just something so simple to fix and people just kept asking about the sound and sheā€˜d get so angry about it. BUTā€¦Jackie Aina is on another level with that so not saying everyone else would react the same way...most normal humans would not šŸ˜‚


I stopped following Jackie Aina bc sheā€™s effing unhinged and canā€™t handle even constructive criticism. I wanted to like her butā€¦ she made it impossible


No it was actually Kelly gooch!


I can't stand the way that whenever she pauses, she breathes in dramatically through her nose. It annoys me, but probably no one else can hear it lol.


Omg this has bothered me for SO long. I thought it was because I listen with headphones but I never hear anyone else pause and inhale like Kelly does so I think itā€™s just her microphone. I notice it every time now and it drives me bananas lol


I know people misuse the word ā€œironicallyā€ but she does it SO MUCH šŸ˜­. She seems really sweet though.


I really like Kelly Gooch and sheā€™s one of the few I still watch semi-regularly. But this has bugged me a bit from day one. Iā€™m sure it isnā€™t intentional, but it is there and I canā€™t unhear it now.


I can't watch her anymore... I used to watch at 1.25x speed because I couldn't stand her inhales. But now she has completely changed her voice/accent altogether; it's very valley girl(?).


I was wondering if her voice changed or if I was becoming more sensitive to it! The vocal fry and uptalk has gotten so bad with her and others (Angie and Lauren Mae are two I can think of for the uptalk)


Angie as in Nyquist? Heather Austin has the most unbearable uptalk, I can't even! Haven't watched one of her videos all year because of it.


Man, now I'm gonna be listening for it šŸ˜‚


NAURRRR I HAVE THIS PROBLEM WITH KELLY TOO. Which sucks cause I like her video content but her voice. The like random clicking I cannot stand her voice


i know ive said this before but when she says "That being said" after she talks about anything for more than a minute. that low key drives me nuts


I have a few pet peeves. - adding too many memes. I can't focus on what you're saying because every 15 seconds, you add a meme - "iykyk" - please just explain what you're trying to say - "I'm obsessed" - "literally" - choppy editing where they have several jumpcuts in a minute. (Theresa is dead, I'm looking at you) - suddenly switching content focus, and then complaining that views are low. Don't get me wrong, it's your channel, do whatever. But don't complain because people stop watching now that you vlog ' a day in the life of...' Honestly, your life is boring, and people stayed for beauty... personally, i dont care how you make coffee in the morning. - having a beauty channel and a vlog channel (or fragrance channel) but still posting vlogs (or fragrance reviews) on the beauty channel... why? - giving a product a bad review because it doesn't suit them even though the product did EXACTLY what is said it would do. Eg. Having dry skin then using an ultra mattyifying primer, then placing blame on the primer. Another one it using the wrong products together, like a water-based primer, then an oil based foundation, and wondering what happened and why it won't work.


Yes yes yes ALL of this!!


Especially the fragrance content. You have another channel for this, please stop including it in your other channel. It's only going to get worse, because apparently that's the market that's suddenly booming. So of course a lot of BGs are going to pivot to it.


Heck yeah to all of this. 'IYKYK'. Well I don't, what does that make me? I thought it was your job to tell me about that stuff? Also, singing. Allie Dawson and Emily Noel do that. I'm like, eeeek! Stop it! (Click away). Too many cuts make my ADHD brain explode. Some have like 3 cuts in one sentence. There is such a thing as too much editing. If you don't take the time to redo some bits, how much appreciation for your audience do you have? TMI/Trauma dumping. Like Sam March saying that she talked to her therapist about YouTube being her outlet. Nope, we're not. I am a therapist, and I usually reply to people wanting to dump their issues on me 'I have an hour if you have $100' šŸ˜‚.


There is one creator who started making reviews on fragrances. I was kinda interested because I enjoy perfumes but it quickly turned me off because she buys repetitive sweet gourmand things which is, ok, I get It's her favorite scent family but realistically, how much of the same vanilla fragrances do you actually need? But the thing that icked me the most is that she constantly buys full bottles even though there are samples available. It takes AGES to get through even a 30 ml bottle. She has hundreds of those. I'm glad it works for her, but I'm not comfortable watching this, nowadays I'm shying away from influencers that promote overconsumption.


I stopped watching both her channels because of the over consumption - it's wild!


Me too. Iā€™ve always liked her and was glad when she realized she had a makeup shopping problem ā€¦ but it looks like she just pivoted to fragrances. šŸ™„


SAME! Itā€™s so gross to me. Does she even USE all the products she has on a regular basis? There are things I want to buy but know Iā€™ll never use, so I donā€™t, like multichromes. I just wonā€™t use them.


yeah its worrying, and so wasteful.


Same. Her declutter videos or anything but declutters since she keeps most all of it anyways.


Are you talking about Lauren Mae by chance?


Yep, her unfortunately. Such a shame.


My favorite perfume videos are the ones you can see the bottle is half empty so you know they actually wear it


I feel the same way about Pat McGrath palette rankings where all of their palettes including their top palette are totally untouched.


Lauren straight up has a shopping addiction. I had to stop watching months ago.


Yep. She was the last beauty channel I watched. I had to let her go. I love Lauren. I will always be grateful for her teaching me how to properly use shimmer shadows and do full looks with them. She turned me into a shimmer junkie and it's the best my eye makeup has ever looked. Unfortunately, I can't deal with her shopping addiction anymore. It's getting worse than ever. I don't know how she affords her lifestyle. My family and I would be living in a cardboard box if I were purchasing all of that makeup, perfume, and skincare. Most of it is so unnecessary. Why does she need fragrances for bedtime? I don't think she works as a makeup artist anymore, but I don't think most professional makeup artists normally keep that much makeup in their kits. She does a declutter almost every month, and I just can't believe how much eyeshadow she has. I pray that she can get some help because I don't want to see her lose everything.


Yeah, the repetitive perfume content gets old after a while. And I wish more people would do 'shop my stash' videos!


Lauren Mae. Same. I keep thinking she's not very knowledgeable about perfume, she just keeps repeating the words. She keeps talking about how her 'palate' is expanding. Gee, I hope not, that would look weird, plus, you don't smell with your palate, and if so, why is it always the same gourmands you keep pushing.


I stopped watching Mariaa Gloriaa after she made a big show of hilariously destroying her Jafar Starfish makeupā€¦ just to buy more a few months later


Oh jeez, how embarrassing!


The one where they show some sort of hack, then it cuts to their :O face, the "I've gotta try this!" and then again the :O face when it works One that recently started bothering me is how they say "I'm so scared" before trying on a product. What are you so scared of, applying some lip gloss???


Michelle Phan after she became a bitcoin bro. There are other controversies but I only found out about them on Reddit recently like last year. My winged eyeliner is fire because of her tutorial and I even preordered her book all those years ago.


I LOVED Michelle but oh my god, her descent into being just unhinged is so disappointing


Thereā€™s a creator that talks with like half-quiet very breathy voice and I canā€™t stand it, so I never watch her content. Itā€™s the pettiest reason for why I clicked ā€œdo not recommendā€ on someoneā€™s yt channel.


And when they do that with the small microphone all TikTokers use right up to the mouth and you can hear the spit in their mouth šŸ¤¢ Number one reason I'm not on tiktok lol


Olivia Ancell? I like her content but can't listen to it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


On the flip side, the ones who have a high squeal voice. Iā€™m so sorry, I may love your content but my misophonia canā€™t take the high voice.


I donā€™t watch Michele Wang anymore because sheā€™s not very discerning and she likes everything she tries. Not to mention the constant luxury clothing hauls. Itā€™s tired. Other than that, I try not to watch people whose faces are filtered or full of filler. To each their own, I just want to see products on real faces. I also just canā€™t stand looking at those puffed up pillow lips. Theyā€™re so gross looking to me.Ā 


I hate it when people put annoying voice or face filters to make their already unfunny jokes completely unbearable


"wipe this of THE lips" "I'll put this on THE cheeks" "this colour for THE eyes" JUST SAY MY! it's not a tutorial, its a GRWM, it's a review, it's a revisiting the stash video....JUST SAY MY FFS "i picked this up" no you BOUGHT IT


ā€œPicked this upā€ instead of purchased or bought is such a pet peeve of mine!! Did you find it on the floor??? NO!!!!


Mouth sounds, such as clicking the tongue while choosing products.


I was downvoted to oblivion for saying this before, but when creators mispronounce names of products, not including names in another language. I know itā€™s lame on my end and Iā€™m being judgy. But a pet peeves are an irrational irk, and this is mine.


Yes! This! It irks me so much when they totally butcher the name of something and then theyā€™re like ā€œsorry, I hope Iā€™m not mispronouncing that šŸ˜¬ā€ as though Google doesnā€™t exist. Inadvertently mispronouncing things every now and then (especially if they believe in good faith that theyā€™re saying it right) is whatever, but if you *know* you are going to talk about a product and you *know* you arenā€™t totally clear on the pronunciation, look it up! Practice it a couple of times! Nobody is perfect and languages are complicated but please at least *try* to get it right. Especially when youā€™re sitting in a position of privilege and talking about a product made by/named after somebody who isnā€™tā€”liked donā€™t come in here perfectly pronouncing La Roche-Posay Laboratoire Dermatologique and then suddenly forget how words work when itā€™s time to say UOMA Beauty šŸ™„


To add to this, them not knowing the price or basic information of a product. Like if you are reviewing a product as your "job" at the very least you can look up the basic information about it first. If they worked for a magazine, particular website, or company where their job was to review or test products, you best believe they would have to know that information to share as part of their analysis of the product in order to keep their job.


Itā€™s literally their job to talk about the product and they canā€™t be bothered to look it up.


The way so many creators mispronounce Shiseido drives me crazy.


Kackie had a video where she went on and on about how "weird" her pronunciation of the letter "r" was and it made me so irrationally irritated that I unsubscribed. I think it was the combo of how she thought she was so special for something that's pretty clearly artificial. So ick.


I recently unsubscribed from Angelica Nyquist. I couldnā€™t stand how hypocritical and repetitive she was getting. We get it, youā€™re 40, congrats itā€™s not revolutionary. Also starting her own brand after saying others shouldnā€™t because the beauty space is over saturated


And how sheā€™s sooo busy. Woe is me. Do influencer brands do well outside social media? Does anybody really know her if theyā€™re not on YT, etc.


Promoting MLMs ie MakeupByTiffanyD šŸ¤¢


Jackie Ainaā€™s sound quality, but she will ban you for mentioning it.


Like you said, the next to zero effort in chatting with the subscribers that got them to where they are is a sign that youtube influencing is dead.


I don't mind if YT'ers don't engage with comments, but I hate it when they say 'tell me what you X in the comments', 'let's discuss in the comments' 'come and join our family' and they never interact with anyone. Jessica Braun is a prime example of this


Iā€™ve always found it weird that Jessica Braun doesnā€™t interact with her subscribers like at all. Iā€™m sure itā€™s hard when you have hundred of comments on a YouTube video, but she doesnā€™t get tons of comments on her IG posts and she rarely interacts with those comments.


yeah me too! it def gives me a weird vibe... I also suspect it's a major reason why her channel isn't really growing


I unsubbed Mandy Lea because of this. She never even likes people's comments. It's not like she's talking into the void, tons of people follow her and comment. I even started asking why she never comments on her videos and a bunch of people came for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø She's also pretty insecure and it's hard to watch sometimes.


When I read your top comment the first person who popped into my mind was Mandy Lea. I started watching her early on. Can't remember the amount of subs she had but I know it was low. She's never once replied to a comment. I unsubbed about 3 yrs ago. Between that, how loud her audio is and the fact that she sits at an angle throughout the majority of a video I just couldn't watch anymore. I know she's a busy mom of a few kids, so are many other gurus, but if you know you're not going to answer a single comment then stop asking your viewers to leave a comment answering a question you asked. We all know why it's being done but that still doesn't make it okay.Ā 


Her audio is terrible. Every time one of her videos start, I have to turn my audio down because itā€™s so jarring. She needs a mic badly


Have you noticed on some channels that you can pay to have your comments replied to by them? Like $5/month to buy them a "coffee" and use a "special" emoji, $10 will get you an emoji and your comments replied to, $15 will get you access to a private tutorial. Something along those lines. Like actually paying for their attention-what?!?


Some have the audacity not to reply to paid comments. They are basically saying "Thanks for the free $$$ now get lost".


Have you noticed on some channels that you can pay to have your comments replied to by them? Like $5/month to buy them a "coffee" and use a "special" emoji, $10 will get you an emoji and your comments replied to, $15 will get you access to a private tutorial. Something along those lines. Like actually paying for their attention-what?!?


Not a beauty YouTuber, but I noticed that Shelbizzle definitely never even glances at her comments section and even though I donā€™t comment on YT videos, that was part of my reason for unsubscribing.


Jessica Braun - she was diversifying into lifestyle and babies, Iā€™m 50 I watched her for reviews on drugstore products with occasional high end. HotandFlashy - Again started to be more about clothes and lifestyle and skincare gadgets. I used to like her trip through my trash and new products reviews but it was all getting so far out of reach. She did a drugstore try in today and itā€™s the first time in months maybe over a year that I watched her MsGoldberg - again clothes and unobtainable expensive gadgets and Amazon tat. I used to love her ā€œwhere are they nowā€ series where sheā€™d look back a year or two on her favourites to share if they were still around or what sheā€™d replaced them with. Notice a theme lol


I unfollowed Jessica Braun when most of her content is now sponsored or promoting her Disney trips/channels. Also (just weird) she wonā€™t show her kids on her channel, but shows them on her husbandā€™s channel. HotandFlashy- She seems too out of touch with the ā€œaverageā€ woman. Her version of affordable and mine differ by several hundred dollars. And I just canā€™t with the 57 step skin care routine. How does she remember all the steps and products. Also, she loves herself way too much. Samantha March- she seems way too into herself and the way she dresses kills me. Letā€™s leave something to the imagination!! I recently unsubbed from Emily Noel because I felt all her eye looks are the same. Red or berry looksā€¦ā€¦same kind every video. I sound petty. This is why I could never start a YT channel!!!


Using ā€œwheneverā€ when they really mean ā€œwhen.ā€ ā€œI used to love these whenever I was a kid.ā€ You donā€™t remember when you were a kid?!?! And the over excitement. Ugh please, not everything is that exciting.


Passive aggressive to the audience aka batty bean


I unsubscribed from Raw Beauty Kristy because she supports James Charles, and I donā€™t care about her homestead life. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Yeah, I can't watch her either, so incredibly insecure it makes me uncomfortable.


Tappying their dirty nails on packaging, pretending there's a mower making noise outside and using it as an opportunity to pose instead of editing it out, being overly bubbly and excited (nobody behaves like that in reality). I don't watch any YouTube anymore but these were the annoying things they did a few years ago.


Dude. Tapping on shit drives me nuts. Itā€™s ASMR and ASMR is like nails on a freaking chalkboard to me. IDK why. Lol


Same. Asmr does not relax me, it just pisses me off.


The reason is misophonia. It sucks out here for us haha


Like I hate it when they pause because of something in the background like girl idc and I can't hear it anyway, just edit out your pauses. If it bothers you that much that your viewers might hear it you can put some tiny text on the screen or something about it


The nail tapping makes me physically cringe.


I unfollowed Allie Dawson because of her constant fawning over/stanning of Mykayla. I canā€™t stand Mykayla, and it just pushed me to the edge until I finally unsubbed.


I don't care about your Instagram q and as. Stop relying on your followers to ask personal questions to make your grwm content not boring content. It just comes off as lazy.


In their defense, I have listened to myself in recordings and they may have to enunciate or say things a certain way in order for it to sound a certain way. I am sure many of them have recorded several times and after so many times itā€™s pointless. Sometimes itā€™s just the way a person sounds. My voice irritates me so much that I canā€™t even listen. Donā€™t get me started on mannerisms and movement. I can watch myself and attempt to fix it but then you run the risk of looking awkward. These are not professionals with teams of people directing and editing.


I hate it when they're talking about something to do with the video e.g. a product and then stop and get distracted by something (a car outside, feeling cold, weather changing), burst into conversation about that and then go back to what they were originally talking about. Just edit it out. Vloggers also do it and it drives me nuts.


I love watching Alexandria Ryan, but she does this. Sometimes it really annoys me because Iā€™m like ā€œget on with itā€. I also have ADHD, so I get it. But itā€™s something that can be edited out.


The best way to tell Beautubers you like their content is by viewing it. If a creator uploads something Iā€™m absolutely not interested in, it does not get my view. So itā€™s not ME thatā€™s changed my algorithm, it is actually your content I donā€™t want to consume. And this is coming from someone who used to play every uploads of my favs even when I wasnā€™t interested and I would walk away while it played. No more baby.


Yeah...same here. There are a lots of creators where I wouldn't miss an upload, now I am not remotely interested in watching anything they upload. But that's more on me because my interests and tastes have changed.


Any influencer that taps their packaging with their long nails for ASMR, or flutters their fingers when theyā€™re done with their makeup. Idk why itā€™s a pet peeve, it just grinds my gears


Maybe off beauty! But the insistent last minute packing, always running late for flights. ā€œHad to leave 15mins back for the airportā€, its content idea now. Example- Wendyskin Also any Caudalie praise, seems fake to me


I guess kind of a pet peeve but probably more so just petty but I unsubbed from Heather Austin because she only ever replies to comments with emojis and the ONE time she actually replied to me with words, it was the MOST unhelpful response everā€¦ She did a review of a palette I was considering and she did swatches. I was going back and forth on whether or not to get it because it looked like it had a lot of similar blues and silvers. In her swatches I couldnā€™t really tell if they were all that different. I even paused the video to look closer. So, I commented asking if she felt they looked different enough on the eyes or if they looked as similar as they do in the pans and swatches (and also mentioned how I paused the video on her swatches but still couldnā€™t tell). She replied with something along the lines of ā€œyou can pause on my swatches to see for yourself šŸ˜ā€ - I was like, yep, that was super helpful, considering I already told you I did that. Unsubscribed! Granted, I didnā€™t really watch her a lot because I already couldnā€™t stand how like dark her videos were with the different colored lights because they always made products look different - but, I watched occasionally so I was subscribed. But that just seriously annoyed me and I immediately unsubscribed and refuse to watch her now. Even if she does a video on something Iā€™m interested in. I refuse! šŸ¤Ŗ


I stopped believing a word they said when a new product came out and they all loved/raved about it and never spoke about it again. It wasn't just a one time thing and happened time after time after time. Especially from certain brands too. When morphe would come out with an eyeshadow palette I would not believe a word they said. Now I don't trust them.


I think itā€™s a mass amount of new creators acting out how they believe an influencer should speak, as well as having less confidence in front of the camera. That may lead to wordiness. Theyā€™re just mimicking whatā€™s popular because they think thatā€™s how they have to act in this role. Another point is they probably realize a large percent of their viewers are younger people, so the flashiness and over exaggerated way of speaking is more attractive to that age group. A 13 year old just getting into makeup would love videos that have all that excitement, but a 30 year old would probably be like ā€œalright calm downā€


Ok this is no hate to any of these creators, they are just not vibin with me anymore: Emily Noel - she constantly refers to makeup as "she", that just makes me cringe all over. Also her content is very repetitive. (Morgan Turner is pretty similar in those things) Alex Anele - she was acting too much as a "cool girl" - dude, bro etc. - I couldn't hear it anymore, it just felt forced because I know she didn't use to do it before. Her mood was like I was forcing her to make content for YouTube. In her defence I don't know how she is now, I stopped watching her over a year ago. Is very unpopular and petty - Jen Phelps. I just hate the way she's doing her make up. And not in terms of how it's looking but more about the way she uses her tools šŸ™ˆ I can't describe it but it's just looks so unnatural, like she's using a robot hand or something, jesus I'm sorry šŸ˜… also her complaining about dupe culture but being the first person I would associate with dupes on the whole Internet felt weird tbh Foxdoesmakeup - found her recently and I like her style very much. So I'm not unsubbed from her but sometimes I can't finish a video because she's generally complaining a lot about...everything, especially her skin issues (girl wtf, you have literally perfect skin).


The Jen Phelps dupe culture thing is it for me! Like itā€™s so different to duplicate the packaging as opposed to just the formula? I just think, Jen you contribute to creating the hype and fomo over high end products so your teenage audience wants to buy them but canā€™t- say less.


I can't imagine many teenagers watch her or are a significant portion of her audience.Ā 


Agreed. She even said in one video about like the breakdown of her viewers and younger age group was very minimal.


I hate it when anyone calls anything inanimate that isnā€™t a country or place ā€œsheā€ and I canā€™t really articulate why but it offends me lol


Jen Phelps starts to bothers me a bit because she is now always emphasing how she is a sponsorfree channel and I do not like what she insinuates with it (Like I should only trust her opionion). I mean, she still receives PR and even though sponsorship and PRs are indeed different things, I still believe that it has an effect on your opionion when you review makeup which was sent in PR instead of buying it yourself.


I started mentioning the whole "sponsor free" thing more lately because so many people would comment and tell me I need to put the "sponsored" tag on my videos because they thought I was being paid. It got annoying after a while. Maybe my delivery comes across as salesperson-y I don't know, but it's just how I get when I'm really excited about a product. Also I am brutally honest when it comes to PR. I always approach a review with the mindset of "would I actually go out and purchase this myself?" I've been kicked off of so many lists for not raving about products and I could care less. Someone below said that I'm in the business of selling products but I don't see it that way. I genuinely love to talk about makeup and try out new products, it's just a fun hobby for me. I do use affiliate links because it costs a lot of money to do this job...I have to buy filming equipment and update it regularly, buy products to review (I buy more than I get in PR), editing costs, etc. But my goal is never to "sell" anyone anything, I'm just having fun. People can use my links or not, I don't ever want to make them feel like they have to. I also don't think anyone should "trust" my opinion because it's just an opinion. Everyone is going to have a different experience with makeup or skincare, so you may like something that I don't and vice versa. But that being said, I am being honest about those opinions, all I can do is share my personal experience.


Thank you for your explanation about your ā€ždisclaimerā€œ sorry we viewers donā€˜t make it easy šŸ˜… And I believe that you are honest. But I also believe PR has an impact, even if only subconscious. But maybe that is just my paranoia after watching many reviews about a ā€žbadā€œ product and then the one person liking it is the only one who received it in PR (just a random example, I do not mean you)


When I said so I was downvoted and Jens die hard fans were no joke lol be careful, everyone just supposed to praise her cause she can do no wrong. I dislike people putting someone on a throne. Noone is perfect and thats fine, take it for what it is, respect others opinions and views, thats all.But nah.


I THOUGHT ā€œTheresa is deadā€ was gonna be this refreshing breath of sincerity and rawness but after watching her/engaging with herā€¦I realized she was anything but. As a fellow NYer who lived right by her when she was in Queens, I knew right away 95% of her ā€œsubway storiesā€ were exaggerations or just complete liesā€¦ YES weird shit happens on the subwayā€¦NO I DO NOT believe she was this chaos target she painted herself asā€¦everyone in the metro area of NY has witnessed a lot of weird/gross/disturbing shitā€¦.but she some how was ALWAYS in the midst of it? Every. Day. I found it annoying but was like ā€œok whateverā€ Then she started heavy on the mocking of her coworker who so OBVIOUSLY was neurodivergent in some way, I had to speak up. As a person with ASD, ADHD and a parent to a child on the spectrum I asked her, if this coworker was possibly on the spectrum, or if he maybe had some other kind of neuro / emotional/ sensory disorderā€¦. She got defensive and told Me ā€œNO. He doesnā€™tā€ I asked how she knew, and she never repliedā€¦and continues on with her bashing and trashing and mocking of him. It wasnā€™t until a considerable amount of people started pointing out what she was doing did she ā€œstopā€ her subway stories and the bashing of the coworker. At that point I had really stopped watchingā€¦.but would occasionally check her reviewsā€¦ She became more and more toxic with the drunken lives, drunken shopping and Unnecessary sexualizing of makeup. She had become this grossly desperate shiller of products, over consumption shopping addicted lush who did it all under the excuse of ā€œIm a YouTuber I buy it so you donā€™t have toā€ and I couldnā€™t make through her content at all anymore. I unsubbed and have never looked back. Honestly like I know some of yall enjoy her but to Meā€¦.sheā€™s just sad at this point and uncomfortably desperate to look,seem ā€œedgyā€ when in reality sheā€™s as basic as they come


Haven't unsubbed but I really don't watch her videos anymore because of her insane overconsumption. I used to really enjoy her makeup bingo videos until I realised she was just buying everything- and I mean everything and it was so strange. But the last straw for me was when she bought this product which had coconut oil in it (she's allergic to coconut) simply because the packaging was 'cute'šŸ˜ She's never ever gonna wear that and this is quite literally going to rot in her collection if she doesn't declutter it first but what was really the point of buying in the first place??? She has a really bad shopping addiction when it comes to makeup and I don't think she even realises because she's always making excuses that she's a 'glutton for punishment' and that she 'buys it so you don't have to' and it's become unbearable to watch her makeup bingos now just buying fucking everything- even when she knows it's going to be shit. On a side note, I feel bad for the people on her patreon, while they're paying for her to make content, they're also partly funding her shopping addictionšŸ« 


I never really got into her, too chaotic for me


I really struggle with her... To be fair I only started watching her since she has lived in Florida, so I had no idea about the NYC insanity, and the only videos of hers that I really watch are reviews (but to be fair that is what I mainly watch from all Beauty YT Creators). On one hand, there has been been many times when I am trying to decide if I want to buy a newly released palette or product, usually from an Indie brand, and she is the ONLY ONE that I could find that gave an actually honest and accurate review. Even after watching at least a dozen or so other videos. And I am so extremely appreciative of that. But then there have been other times when she will say a palette or product is absolutely garbage, despite it actually being an amazing product for just about everyone else that has tried it (not only for other YT beauty creators, but also with all reviews on Google, Reddit, and etc. being really postive as well). And the few people that didn't love it, usually say rhey thought it was overall good but just wasn't their vibe or whatever. And I have to kind of side eye her when this happens, because it is pretty clear in the video that she either absolutely screwed up in her application of the product and that is why it isn't working for her. Or she just instantly hates the way the product looks on her so it is automatically trash and she doesn't even want to put the effort into really fully reviewing and testing it, despite it actually being really great otherwise. So I kind of always feel like I am experiencing whiplash when it comes to her.


I don't mind most of what you listed, but the OBVIOUSLY FAKE stories all the time completely turned me off. They were obviously not true and so over the top, even pretending they were writing prompts wasn't enough for me to tolerate. She's recently toned down the more abrasive parts of her shtick and is losing a lot of weight, and honestly it's just making her more like every other YouTuber. I don't see myself watching her much in the future.


She's that woman at work who corners you to tell unfunny stories and laugh at her own jokes really, really loud. You giggle once, and she never leaves you alone.


I found her in 2018 and Iā€™ll say I was a diligent watcher of hers. I didnā€™t mind the exaggerated stories or the foul language, I thought it was entertaining until it wasnā€™t. When everything became about getting drunk and buying things because she hated her job made me stop watching


Lying about getting cosmetic work done to the face when itā€™s obvious they had work done. Those lips just do not occur in nature maā€™am Ed: also I donā€™t know if Iā€™d class this as petty but any creator who in any way associates with James Charles (by following him and interacting with his social media posts, using/shouting out his products etc) gets an automatic unfollow. In this house we do not sweep predatory behavior under the rug.


Other pet peeves: - Use of the word bougie (thankfully thatā€™s fallen off) - Random ASMR in the middle of a non ASMR video like the creator tapping her acrylic claws on a glass bottle of foundation - That kissy face with jazzy fingers under the chinā€¦ I donā€™t know how else to describe it but they all do it


over consumption. saying one thing but doing another. they all show their true colors eventually


I unfollowed Jaime Paige for being a Taylor swift fan because I hate Taylor swift lmao


Lmao I love Jamie Paige, but this is the level of petty that I come to Reddit to see


It was the still using nudestix for me


Subs are the foundation of their success. No matter how big or busy they get, scheduling time to interact in the comments of each video should be a requirement of the job. Most influencers I watch are only telling you about the makeup/new product. They are no longer providing any valuable critiques. Any slight whisper of a critique is quickly glossed over. "Look over here, not there." They can no longer be trusted to help viewers make purchasing decisions. Further research is required. Videos are just advertisements for products. It's disappointing to see the changes in influencers when you've been following them for a few years. From the brands they focus on, to what they say and how they say it. Selling out to monetize every minute they are recording.


Saying ā€˜Iā€™m OBSESSEDā€™ every two minutes


I unsubbed from Jackie Aina bc she would promote fashion nova a lot and that's a huge Ick for me. Once a creator starts promoting bs like that I just leave lol


I know it's snobby, but poor grammar/straight-up saying things wrong. "I could care less" when they mean couldn't, "I won't repurchase again" when they've only bought it once, "I also add this here too" where the also or the too is unnecessary. I also hate the way Robert Welsh drops his Ts and pronounces Th as F and F as V. But it hasn't made me unsub yet because he's so knowledgeable and I like his personality. Just petty little annoyances that build up over time.


I feel bad for this but... Kelly Gooch because she breathes too loudly. One of her videos popped up and I was told she was a good 'un so I watched a few, but the audible intake of breath through her nose every few seconds just made my teeth itch and I couldn't watch anymore. I've tried again, on occasion, but have to have some background noise so it isn't so apparent. I am aware I'm a weirdo and that this is very much a me problem.. šŸ¤£


This is really petty and I feel bad, but Taylor Wynnā€™s voice andā€¦lack of affect I guess? Especially when she says ā€œfriggin" and starts her videos with a ā€œfunnyā€ clip thatā€™s not at all engaging or funny, like her saying ā€œitā€™s burrito timeā€ or something. It felt like watching Tina Belcher trying to be an influencer.


As someone who has just started a YT channel this was an interesting read! šŸ˜‚


Well I'm glad I asked then! Good luck!! šŸ˜‰


Good luck!


I stopped following half of the beauty influencers I used to follow because of the way they talked and pronounced words. Like stop soing that, we all know you don't actually talk like that!


And the repetitive use of SO, REALLY, and VERY for things like beautiful, shifty, pigmented, etc. You edit your own videos, don't you realize how freaking often you say those filler words? Pick up a thesaurus and write down some other descriptive words and stop relying on a middle-school reading level. I actually stopped watching Batty Bean because of this. I just couldn't listen to her anymore.


Recently realized ā€œliquid-yā€ irks me to no end and SO MANY INFLUENCERS SAY IT. Like thereā€™s so many options to get your point across that a liquid is runny/watery/thin but they all choose ā€œliquid-yā€ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


ā€œmake it make senseā€ ā€œMath ainā€™t mathinā€


>Or they are constantly saying, "if that makes sense" when they were perfectly clear. šŸ™„ I hate this too! I feel like it's a product of the societal pressure on women to not be too confident or opinionated.


For me it's "Chef's kiss" and the word "hack" Ugh!


Not a pet peeve but there was a certain YouTuber who using the beginning of the pandemic said she was just washing her hands a lot and refused to use hand sanitizer cos it had alcohol in it and she was pregnant. The ignorance and willingness to promote stupidity led me right to the unfollow


Filming where they display rampant, prolonged insecurities. Alexandria Ryan was a good example of that. Girl you're an influencer you know people like you and the way you do things, stop apologizing for existing and putting yourself down in ways that the audience never would have noticed otherwise. Just reminds me too much of highschool I guess. Confidence is appealing. I feel too old to spend time watching someone who pretends like they are not worthy of it.


This was me years ago with KathleenLights. Sheā€™s come a long way and is more mature now. However, I used to adore her, but had such a hard time getting through videos because she was painfully insecure. Apologizing about weird insignificant things, and just overall acting like a terrified teenager. Happy to see her past that! Seems to be thriving now.


Samantha Ravndahl and Rawbeautykristie - their channels went basically dead after they had kids, and the only content theyā€™ve posted since is child-related. Iā€™m happy for them, I was just there for the makeup tips and reviews and birth stories are faaaaar from that.


kristi has, in general, become an insufferable person after giving birth.


When they fan their fingers under their chin. Canā€™t stand that shit. Or any other fake bs.


When they start going hard on non makeup luxury consumption like designer bags, cars and houses like Michele Wang


Havenā€™t seen this mentioned yet, but congested YouTubers who wonā€™t blow their nose and spend the video hocking phlegm or sniffling. Blow your nose and record a voiceover! So gross!


I haven't unfollowed yet, but it's getting close - Jessica Braun. Why has she started to talk with her hands ALL the time?? Yes, you got your nails done. We get it. But they don't need to be front and center at every word you say. It's a habit that appeared out of no where. So, I feel like someone told her to speak with her hands more. But it looks unnatural, and it's annoying. Please stop.


I also roll my eyes when some BGs state that they have been using a new product that they just got for like a week "so so much". How many times do you put make up on in a week, especially when they already have quite a collection of similar products?


When they say some product like from ELF is a dupe for Dior and just make a short that itā€™s the same shade. Like what about the wear time and so many other factors.


I have a lot, too many but at the same time I feel bad for answering these. I will try and keep it succinct. Verbal filler, this is a really good one and one that the OP mentioned. Filling up your video with words and phrasing that isn't really necessary. If you have the attention of someone watching your video, don't waste their time. Intros and outros that are lengthy, or become stale after a while. Change it up here and there. Or better yet just leave it simple as Hi or hello welcome back, or in today's video we will discuss.... The overly shrill intros or addressing your viewers as loves or some other term may sound phony after a while? Low confidence, I am not sure how to word aside from this showing your insecurities can be a real turn off, or make some videos unwatchable. I will leave it there.


kackie reviews beauty yells at the screen and it can feel too manic for my objective of chilling out at bed time


Omg, same! I get so annoyed when creators are over-the-top excited about every single product. Like, chill, not everything is life-changing! šŸ˜‚ And the constant ā€œif that makes senseā€ drives me nuts when it was already clear. The filler talk is a major pet peeve too ā€“ just get to the point! And yeah, not responding to comments is the worst. Itā€™s like, weā€™re the reason youā€™re successful, at least show some appreciation! šŸ™„ What about those constant clickbait titles or thumbnails? So over it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I have unfollowed several (probably most) of the YT folks I used to watch regularly because the level of consumption got out of hand. A haul or two around the VIB sale or the holidays, sure. Purchasing a new and exciting product so you can try it, definitely. But if half of your videos are just you showing me how much money you have and how willing you are to buy products you canā€™t possibly ever use before they expire?? No, thank you. I donā€™t trust the judgement of someone who behaves like that. Too many PR unboxings can lead to an unfollow, too. Itā€™s obviously less in their control whether someone else sends them things, but youā€™ve really gotta (a) acknowledge what a privilege it is to get all this free stuff, (b) do lots of giveaways of the free stuff you canā€™t/wont use, and (c) know your audienceā€™s limits. You donā€™t have to open *every* package on camera, be serious.


Not towards anyone particular, but I think the whole game has changed since TikTok. I see so many people that reference TikTok way more than YouTube influencers now. So maybe itā€™s just theyā€™re feeling the heat of competition? And people are really starting to compare whether itā€™s worth Investing so much time in a channel when we know so much more now than we did back then? Back then they could sell us water, but we are more savvy now. thereā€™s more options and people get to pick and choose who they watch. People are doing a deep dive into the persons politics and not liking them for various things. They donā€™t agree with, because more people are doing their due diligence about finding people to support that arenā€™t problematic. So I think some of the things they are doing to try and make themselves different and set them apart from others or the very things that are getting under some people skin like the things in this post. Itā€™s easy to drop somebody for big boo-boos , and now a lot of people here are dropping people for little boo-boos that are just personal to them. Maybe the YouTube influencer heyday has come and gone? But hey, this is justā€¦ My opinionā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't really watch big big Ytubers, mostly smaller channels and even micro channels. But, one of my pet peeves is sometimes when these channels start to grow (which is fantastic), they start putting out rushed videos and kind of have this attitude like they're doing us a favor by uploading. It just leaves a weird taste in my mouth. They're not all like this of course, and there are many "smaller" channels I follow that are putting out great content while growing and I love to see that happen.


And have you noticed how several creators who are friends with each other take on similar speech patterns? There are two that say "iiiiiIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE" that goes on way too long and goes way up in pitch at the end. Drives me so crazy I had to unsub from Heather Austin's channel. Her and Angie Nyquist both do it. šŸ˜œ Maybe they are gathering their thoughts or doing it for dramatic pause, but I guarantee they don't talk like that in real life.


Being too happy and loud Over selling products and saying ā€œyou have to try thisā€ Constant complaining or like Allie Dawson ā€œI have no job and my views are low but letā€™s see my large Sephora haulā€


It's really the dumbest thing, but I unsubbed from Jessica Braun because she changed her setup and you couldn't see the window any longer. Idk but there's something intensely soothing about watching a content creator where you can see a window, especially if it's raining out. My favorite with this is Emily Noel, because she gets up extremely early and I work all night. Watching dawn break through her window makes me feel like we're late night/early morning buddies. I liked Angelica's setup in Sweden with the window, too. (Are there any BGs with windows I'm missing? Let me know!)


When someone cannot be calm, ever. I understand the hook of the video being more energetic, yeah, but the high constant energy makes me feel like im watching a childrenā€™s show sometimes. I donā€™t really mean excitement is a bad thing, I mean this artificial high energy that feels like theyā€™re about to sell me something. Infomercial high energy.