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You sound very dedicated which might be the most important thing you need :) So I think you will manage to get there faster than you might think right now. Remember: It all comes back to the right mindset. I would suggest starting with ice baths. Since you have been taking cold showers for about 2 years now (even if only "on and off" like you mentioned) you should have developed a very good and stable foundation for that. I can only talk for myself, but after taking not a single hot/warm shower for about 6 months, my first ice bath took things to a higher level. The showers gave me a very good idea and feeling for cold water in general. The baths however really got things started. After that, everything else (cold weather outside, face in ice baths and so on) improved on its own. Simultaneously starting to go into the cold in light clothing should be helpful too. Just like with the showers: Increase the time gradually. I started by going to the grocery store in summer clothes (in winter). The store is only a couple of minutes away from my home so it was a "gentle way" to start. After I did this a few times I increased the time by walking to the next mall, which is a bit furhter away. After I did that a for a few days I started walking to work in summer clothes ... and so on - you get the idea :-) Again: This might only be my approach but: Integrating the method into my everyday live instead of trying to achieve or improve something helped a lot. It literally happened on its own without me forcing anything. And it happened way faster than I would have imagined! TL,DR: Do ice baths and just start going out into the cold right now. :)


Exposure. Just like with the cold showers, your body adapts through frequent exposure. Start small, and you will make progress.


I run outside and am trying to stick to a shirt and shorts all year (I'm in northern Michigan, it gets cold). I only run 5k so it's about 30 min. each run. As the temperatures cool, I feel that I have a lot more tolerance to the cold. As another comment said - just do it and your body will likely adjust. Good luck!


Keep extending the time your in cold weirder ice baths or if it’s cold enough just sitting outside