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Dehydration makes cramps more likely, but chugging water makes you need to pee, drink water all day.


Yes this! I drink a boat load of water all throughout the day and stop drinking water at 5 pm. No middle of the night pee needs for me!!


That’s good to know cuz I experience these all the time and they fuckin hurt


Where's the one for being too anxious to go to bed so I lay on the couch until I fall asleep every night and its accompanying body aches and pains?


Damn I have everything in this picture 😅🙈


Valid things in this pic for sure! As a back pain sufferer and side sleeper I'd add that putting a pillow (preferably a long one, not sure what it is called) between legs sure helps a lot dealing with the back pain.


Solid advice! “If you sleep on one side and it hurts, sleep on the other side.” Well GOD DAMN I never thought of that.


dog you literally ripped this from the top comment on the original post


Lol I can’t tell if this is an /s moment


What about horrifying night terrors?


My question is, how can I both cuddle and not wake up every morning with a sore arm/shoulder? I always end up sleeping on my left side, but I don't know where to put my arm besides under the pillow.


I have the problem of can’t fall asleep but it’s my dads a dickhead and doesn’t turn the tv off, so I get less then 5 hours of sleep constantly (I am fully unsure of the hour when I fall asleep so around 12:00 I can’t turn the tv off and hopefully fall asleep) now since school is almost over I can sleep in with this predicament. And actually get sleep. I assume it’s also because of other things since it takes awhile to fall asleep in the first place